The concept of sports management as a factor of effective sports activities

Analysis of functions, values, components of sports management. Elucidation of sport as an educational phenomenon and conditions for the formation of a healthy and active personality. An overview of sports management as a type of sports education.

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The concept of sports management as a factor of effective sports activities

Vlada Bilohur, Iryna Skrypchenko, Olexandr Nepsha


The article considers sports management as a new sport scientific direction, which is in demand in the sports world today. Sports management in its essence is the sports management, the formation of a coordinated sports team; this is the management of sport organizations at the micro- and macro-level, aimed at promoting the sport development. The purpose of the research is the conceptualization of sports management as an effective factor, which is based on the activity of sports organizations. Research tasks: 1) to analyze the main functions, values, components and sports management characteristics; 2) find out sport as an educational phenomenon and a condition for the formation of a healthy and active personality; 3) identify the educational sports management goals and directions as a sport education type. Research methodology. The article uses phenomenological, axiological, systemic, structural-functional, institutional methods to reveal the essence, characteristics, functions, and role of sports management aimed at the formation of a healthy and active personality. In the sports management analysis, general philosophical methods were used - analysis, synthesis, generalization, logical and historical, cross-cultural analysis. Research result. Sport as an educational phenomenon and a condition for the formation of a healthy and active personality, which is based on coaching, which contains the sports management essence, is clarified. Sports management has become a popular choice for students who love sports and want to be involved in sports business, which includes sports marketing, communication, finance, economics, history, development or law, which are responsible for sports development. All this creates an infrastructure for the sports industry that must be managed efficiently and effectively to survive and promote the sports development at various levels. As an academic discipline, sports management continues to be an important part of sports and the sport industry as it grows in prominence and complexity. Achieving success requires professional and ethical sports management skills. They can be divided into groups of skills: conceptually related; technically related; and human-related In order for a sports atmosphere to flourish, it needs the support of the government, which provides the basic sports structure and is one of the main actors in the sports governance.

Key words: sports management, sports organizations, sports, sports management, international experience


sports management education

БІЛОГУР В.Є. - доктор філософських наук, професор кафедри теорії і методики фізичного виховання і спортивних дисциплін, Мелітопольський державний педагогічний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького

СКРИПЧЕНКО І. Т. - кандидат наук з фізичного виховання, доцент, завідувач кафедри фізичного виховання та тактико-спеціальної підготовки, Дніпропетровський державний університет внутрішніх справ (Дніпро, Україна)

НЕПША О. В. - старший викладач кафедри теорії та методики фізичного виховання і спортивних дисциплін, Мелітопольський державний педагогічний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького (Запоріжжя, Україна)


В статті розглядається спортивний менеджмент як новий напрямок спортивної науки, який сьогодні є витребуваним у світі спорту. Спортивний менеджмент по своїй суті це управління спортом, формування злагодженої спортивної команди; це управління спортивними організаціями на мікро-, і макрорівні, націлених на сприяння розвитку спорту. Метою дослідження є концептуалізація спортивного менеджменту як чинник ефективного управління спортом, в основі якого діяльність спортивних організацій. Завдання дослідження:

1) проаналізувати основні функції, цінності, складові компоненти та характеристики спортивного менеджменту;

2) з'ясувати спорт як освітній феномен і умову формування здорової і активної особистості; 3) виявити освітні цілі та напрямки спортивного менеджменту як різновиду спортивної освіти. Методологія дослідження. У статті використано методи - феноменологічний, аксіологічний, системний, структурно-функціональний, інституціональний, що забезпечити розкритися сутності, характеристик, функцій, ролі спортивного менеджменту націленого на формування здорової і активної особистості. При аналізу спортивного менеджменту використано загальнофілософські методи - аналізу, синтезу, узагальнення, логічного та історичного, кроскультурного аналізу. Результат дослідження. З'ясовано спорт як освітній феномен і умова формування здорової і активної особистості, в основі якої коучинг, що містить суть спортивного менеджменту. Спортивний менеджмент став популярним вибором для студентів, які люблять спорт і хочуть бути пов'язаними зі спортивним бізнесом, що включає спортивний маркетинг, комунікацію, фінанси, економіку, історію, розвиток або право, що несуть відповідальність за розвиток спорту. Все це створює інфраструктуру для спортивної галузі, яка повинна управлятися ефективно та результативно, щоб вижити та сприяти розвитку спорту на різних рівнях. Спортивний менеджмент, як навчальна дисципліна, продовжує залишатися важливою частиною спорту та спортивної індустрії, оскільки її помітність і складність зростають. Для досягнення успіху необхідні професійні та етичні навички управління спортом. Їх можна розділити на групи навичок: концептуально пов'язані; технічно-пов'язані; пов'язані з людиною Для того, щоб процвітала спортивна атмосфера, потрібна підтримка уряду, який забезпечує базову спортивну структуру і є одним із основних учасників управління спортом.

Ключові слова: спортивний менеджмент, спортивні організації, спорт, управління спортом, міжнародний досвід

Statement of the problem in a general form and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks

The relevance of the sports management research as a complex and social phenomenon is a difficult task due to constant changes in the nature of its development. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, sport means a competition or game in which people perform certain physical activities according to a certain set of rules and compete against each other (Andryukaitene, et al., 2017). Sports management is defined as the act or controlling skill, making decisions about a business, department, sports commands, etc. (Akranglyte, et al., 2019a). In connection with the fact that the definitions outline the scope of sports management, its absolute essence, its concept, components, components, functions, place and role in society and in education should be formed. Therefore, the definition of sports management in the modern context has caused many different interpretations. Sports management at both the micro and macro levels can be called sports management. Before attempting to understand sports management, it is important to know how sports have evolved over the centuries.

The sport has grown and flourished over the years fundamentally and commercially. Gone are the days of unregulated recreational sports. This is the era of sports holidays that give fans useful experiences. Comparing the 1896 edition of the modern Olympic Games with the 2016 edition will give us a general idea of how competitive sports have evolved. Different disciplines gave rise to their own leagues, and the club system developed. These clubs and leagues were privatized. Huge sports organizations took over the world and a sports business culture emerged. To understand sports management in the modern context, it is necessary to get acquainted with sports enterprises and organizations. A job in sports management might include balancing a team's finances, managing the logistics of a sporting event, or working as a liaison between coaches, players and the media.

Analysis of the latest research and publications, from which the solution of this problem was initiated and on which the author relies

Highlighting previously unsolved parts of the general problem, to which the specified article is devoted

Modern sports organizations are institutions created to achieve dual goals: 1) promotion and sports development. 2) generating income and making a profit. 3) sports club. A sports club is a perfect example of a sports organization that has a special way of functioning that is different from any other form of organization. Having a good structure is one of the main means of achieving the goal and explaining the functioning of the club. Setting up and functioning of the structure of the sports club requires the functioning of a target group of working personnel. All the staff working together to make the teams achieve their goal contributes to the promotion and development of the sport. Another goal that a sports organization strives to achieve is commercial success, which from the club's point of view can be related to various factors. Some of the factors that can be linked are team performance, club negotiation strategy, attendance, ticket revenue, sponsorship revenue, match day concession, media rights, events, etc. Each of these categories can be further broken down into additional subgroups, but the categories that contribute to commercial success play a major role. The example of Manchester United, a club based in England, could better explain the commercial success. Sports clubs today operate as sports businesses, and all of the above factors contribute to brand growth and commercial success. New York Yankees is such a brand that has a global presence. The Yankees cap is one of the most famous pieces of sportswear around the world. So much so that the cap has become synonymous with the city of New York. The logo and apparel connected the world to the city through sport in a commercial sense. Managing the various aspects of revenue is a complex task and each club deploys dedicated teams to monitor and execute this. Different departments are responsible for their own work and report to the board of directors. The business aspect of the club is managed by a huge multinational corporation. Sports clubs have become brands and their global reach has eclipsed many other mainstream companies. Fan sentiment also plays an important role in determining club policy. The age of social media has made fans more connected to sports organizations than ever before, making it easier to gauge data such as fan demographics and sentiment. Clubs use this data to invest in digital marketing and expand their reach, which subsequently leads to increased revenue. All of the above factors contribute to the economic growth/ decline of a club. An effective management team must manage corporate affairs to ensure quality «port governance». Therefore, it would be fair to say that coordination is the key sports management essence in the modern context (Akranglyte, et al., 2019b).

The purpose and formation of the goals of the article (task statement)

The purpose of the research is the sports management conceptualization as an effective sports management factor, which is based on the activity of sports organizations. Research tasks: 1) to analyze the main functions, values, components and characteristics of sports management; 2) find out sport as an educational phenomenon and a condition for the formation of a healthy and active personality;

3) identify the educational goals and sports management directions as a type of sports education. Research methodology. The article uses methods - phenomenological, axiological, systemic, structural-functional, institutional, which ensure disclosure of the essence, characteristics, functions, and role of sports management aimed at the formation of a healthy and active personality. In the sports management analysis, general philosophical methods were used - analysis, synthesis, generalization, logical and historical, cross-cultural analysis. In today's context, sports management can be taken to a higher level if all stakeholders work in concert with each other (Bilohur, et al., 2021a).

1. Presentation of the main material of the study with justification of the obtained scientific results

Main functions, values, components and characteristics of sports management

The scientific discourse on sports management

shows that it is necessary to establish the mechanisms of sports management and to form a team of like-minded people. The staff working in a sports organization is very diverse as there are a variety of tasks that require maintenance. If we divide the different branches that need specialized work groups, we will notice that the club will need: 1) medical staff; 2) public relations team: 3) stadium administrator team; 4) field (game area) administrator team; 5) financial department; 6) ticket sales department; 7) legal department; 8) operational team; 9) Trainers (Bilohur, et al., 2020b). These various departments form the core of modern sports management. The analysis of these departments and the subsequent implementation of ideas that improve the work of the departments, which are the core values of sports management. Coaching is what contains the sports management essence. Coaches have the entire burden of training the team and leading it to success on the field. This success on the field leads to success off the field as well. In the era before commercialization, coaches were the ones who played the role of manager, important decisions were left to them. Commercial sports have two stakeholders - producers and consumers. Producers can be teams, players, sports companies, and all those people involved in providing sports experiences. Fans are the only consumers of sports. Fan engagement is a huge driving force in sports management. The human tendency is to adapt to a team or player, this leads to fans. There are two types of fans - casual and hardcore. Casual fans are those who watch sports for entertainment. They do not add value to viewers because their audience is undefined. They can even change allegiances according to teams/players results. Die-hard fans are those who fill stadiums and regularly watch games on TV or online. Sports fan organizations should focus on them in the first place. Today, official fan groups have become commonplace, with clubs officially joining fan groups and giving them discounts and opportunities to join the club. This, in turn, leads to increased fan affinity. Fans want spectators to be happy and more and more clubs are taking spectator services seriously. Commercialization is the best example of how highly valued the fan experience is. The happier the fans, the better the connection with the club, the higher the income. Sports management has become focused on the fans, because they are the ones who generate the numbers needed to make a profit (Bilohur, et al., 2020c).

One of the important factors in improving the effectiveness of sports management is the government. In order for a sports atmosphere to flourish, government support is needed. Governments are the ones who provide the basic structure of sport and are one of the main players in the governance of sport. Private companies can enter sports only with the consent of the government. Examples of supportive governments include the US and UK governments, which invest heavily in sports and pass regulations that allow private companies to promote sports. Despite a different state system, China has managed to create a huge sports culture. Their success at the Olympic Games is proof of that. They also invested heavily in football. Creating a sporting atmosphere is an important component of sports governance and it is the prerogative of governments to do the same. The Indian government is a prime example of the government not creating an environment conducive to sports. Problems can range from too much focus on one sport to poor infrastructure. An effective government providing a good sports policy would help wake up the 'sleeping giant' that is India. Once good policies are adopted, sports governance in such countries will become more effective (Bilohur, et al., 2018d)

Sports management has become a popular choice for students who love sports and want to be involved in sports business. More and more universities are developing curricula aimed at attracting students to the sports industry. Such courses are an example of the growth of the sport and the needs of the people who manage the sport. Employers want talented staff to work in their ranks, and such courses provide them with a skilled workforce well versed in sports management.

Sports management is developing at a faster pace than ever, which is facilitated by its commercialization. In order to match or outpace these growth rates, it is necessary to ensure effective sports governance. In today's context, sports management can be taken to a higher level if all stakeholders work in concert with each other. The growth of sports organizations around the world reflects the importance of sports business in today's world. Some sports companies are even traded on stock exchanges. Different groups of people have different roles when managing a team.

Coordination of these people taking into account new technologies and achievements is the way that sports management will move forward. The field of sports management covers a wide range of business careers related to sports and recreation.

A job in sports management might include balancing a team's finances, managing the logistics of a sporting event, or working as a liaison between coaches, players and the media (Lekavicius, et al., 2020).

The sports industry often uses sports management and sports administration interchangeably. However, sports management focuses more on the management and development of athletes, while sports management focuses on the entire sport and team from a business perspective. The study programs and careers available in the field of sports management should be discussed in detail here.

There is a wide selection of sports management jobs to suit the interests and needs of students. However, students should consider what level of education they may need for certain positions. For example, there are more advanced careers with a master's degree in sports management, such as director positions, compared to entry-level positions available to those with only an associate's or bachelor's degree in the field, such as marketing assistants or event managers.

Objects Sports management as a new academic discipline with a professional orientation began to be realized when universities in the United States of America created curricula and degree programs to meet the growing need for professional sports management at many levels.

The organization of sport itself has evolved significantly over the past 160 years or so, but its structures and functions continue to evolve.

These developments have usually been and continue to be necessary either in response to broad social, political and/or economic changes, or to discuss specific issues within the sector (eg sports marketing, communication, finance, economics, history, development or law). topic (ie sport and women, ability, ethnicity, international comparison or religion) or level (ie professional, club, intercollegiate, high school or youth) of sport (Bilohur, et al., 2020e).

Sport as an educational phenomenon and a condition for the formation of a healthy and active personality

Sport is still primarily a great educational phenomenon and a central element of the evolution of society. The European School of Sports has a dream - to inspire young people and prepare them for responsible positions, to help turn every sport into a planetary School of Truth, Sincerity and Beauty. The main task is to make sport a universal tool for moral upliftment, a carrier of great values of devotion, honesty and justice, which is one of the most interesting and complex phenomena of our time. Sports events serve a number of purposes in society: establishing loyalty, uniting individuals, communities and nations. In a world where the importance of health and leisure is ever increasing, the Bachelor (Hons) Business Administration with Specialization in Sports Management program aims to create responsible visionary leaders in the sports industry who will ultimately lead and guide both individuals and teams to the greatest success. For this, sports business know-how should be developed to create, manage and sustain them and spread this important energy in a positive way at many levels. Sport as an overarching term encompassing all human-centered, objective, competitive, and structured physical activity is an entity that continues to grow in complexity. Several scholars have suggested that modern sports concepts originated with the English, although the sport was recorded as far back as ancient Greece, highlighted by the ancient Olympic Games. The games were only parts of larger religious festivals that had been held for over a thousand years (Voronkova, et al., 2019). However, sports historians debate whether the sport began in China before the 15th century. The history of most Western sports can be traced back to England (ie, athletics, baseball, field hockey, cricket and rugby). This was a result of the huge influence of the British Empire and its colonization in the 18th and 19th centuries. The huge influence of the British Empire was felt by subsequent generations of the world sports community. Politically and economically, the English upper class developed the concept of sports clubs in the 18th century. Membership was exclusive to those men who had financial wealth and power. Initially, individual events were held annually and appeared as all-day festivals, rather than separate sports events. Eventually, by the 19th century, leaders formulated rules that all clubs followed, settled differences between clubs, defined the structure of club governance, and created seasonal competitions for clubs to participate in. One of the earliest sports to be influenced by the club's leadership was thoroughbred horse racing in England (Voronkova, et al., 2021). The wealthy strata of English society consisted of horse owners who organized events, including cash prizes, and provided prestigious opportunities for talented (both riders and horses) to participate in them. Despite the fact that the owners provided the organization both at the volunteer and local levels, the events were attended by a wide range of society. In keeping with the altruistic British tradition of social responsibility, club management also provided recreation for the masses in the form of entertainment. Unfortunately, once horse racing became national, the pursuit of perfection in horses and riders and gambling on the outcome of the race led the sport to disaster. As owners sought the right combination of breeding and training, betting on spectators, horse racing required a more organized management system. In an attempt to tighten control over the sport to prevent illegal race-fixing, British horse racing managers introduced a variety of sophisticated betting procedures: handicaps, totes, horse weighing and time trials. (Voronkova V., et al., 2017). Due to unverified procedures, horse racing can be at risk of corruption, so the sport needs additional management. The leaders of cricket, boxing, hockey, rugby and other English-established sports built their organizations around the management of the Jockey Club. The Jockey Club was founded in the mid-1700s to try to organize sporting events. The club became a connecting link for everything that was equestrian in England. As horseracing's national governing body (NGB), the organization governed the sport, including sponsorship, promotion, regulation, dispute resolution and other financial matters. In essence, the club served as a viable model of sports management in England. As a consequence of the British club model, the emergence of fair play, leadership integrity, club loyalty, volunteerism and the promotion of sport created the foundations that supported the club approach to sport management. The club model remained the basis of the modern Olympic Games (Voronkova, et al., 2020). The logical continuation of the club model was the creation of leagues. Leagues or conferences have been developed around the world to better organize a hierarchical approach to excellence in sports. American baseball was the first sport to successfully use the league structure. This marked the beginning of the sports development management as part of the business environment. William Hulbert, the league's manager, believed that teams were businesses that competed with each other in healthy competition. He also believed that ethical decision-making in the form of fair policies, rules and procedures to ensure fair competition should be at the league level, not at the club level. He also believed that marketing the game was paramount to sustainability and continued growth. Thus began the inception of concepts that continue to be the foundation of many professional teams around the world today: a fairly even distribution of talent between teams in the league; relatively small leagues (ie 8 teams); respecting the duration of player contracts and limiting the transfer of players from one team to another; and the importance of attending regular season games. Basketball, American football, and hockey have progressed in the professionalization and governance of sports, promoting newspaper circulation, revenue sharing, revenue sharing, and redistribution of wealth within the leagues. As professional team sports continued to develop in the United States, professional men's individual sports (i.e., golf and tennis), beginning with club structures, began to flourish in England and Western Europe (Tovarnichenko, V. 2020). Tournaments were initially sponsored by local clubs, with profits going to the members. In the first half of the 20th century, golf clubs and organizations that wanted to professionalize golf tournaments with prizes turned to community and corporate sponsorships. The concept of tournament-type competition was a clear response to the viability and financial sustainability of many individual sports (eg boxing, tennis, golf, fencing, track and field, gymnastics and swimming) as well as team sports (eg football, volleyball, basketball, hockey, baseball, cricket). In modern sports, tournaments have started to create marketing groups or broadcast networks, as well as player associations. For example, the X-Games are owned by the ESPN/Disney media group. IMG (International Marketing Group) presents numerous international golf, beach volleyball and polo tournaments (Jaruseviciene, 2019). The policy and legal dimensions typically apply to sport in countries where national, regional and local policies and national legislation provide the legislative framework for the focus, process and legislative control of sport. Most countries have some type of national, regional and/or local policies and laws that provide for measurements. Role players at national, regional and local levels are responsible for the development of sport. These players are creating the infrastructure for the industry. The industry must also be managed efficiently and effectively to survive and promote the sport at various levels (Lieberman, 2021).

As an academic discipline, sports management continues to be an important part of sports and the sports industry as it grows in prominence and complexity. The innovative sport managers seemed to have little experience in sport and management. Some had athletic careers but lacked business skills and/or experience. Others had business acumen but lacked athleticism. It is becoming increasingly important for a successful sports manager to have both. Modern sports managers are increasingly obtaining scientific degrees in sports (business) management.As the sports industry continues to become more complex, sports management faculty at higher education institutions began to critically analyze the needs of the market and created an organization called the Society for the Arts and Science of Sports Management (SMARTS), which was started by faculty at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst (Nikitenko, et al., 2019d). The current scientific organization that evolved from SMARTS is the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM). Sport management involves any combination of skills related to planning, organizing, directing, controlling, budgeting, leading and evaluating in the context of an organization or department whose primary product or service is related to sport or physical activity. Sport managers use these skills in various organizational settings, for example: student sports; professional sports; amateur sports, including the Olympic Games, sports marketing and management firms; sports communications and mass media companies; corporate sponsorship and advertising firms; sporting goods companies; arenas, stadiums and community centers; among many others. According to Parkhouse (2005), recent studies of the economic impact of sport identify it as a $213 billion annual industry, making it the sixth largest industry in the United States. The wide range of organizational settings where sport is practiced means that people can choose and pursue a career in the work environment they choose and are best suited for. In addition to traditional sports, the sports industry now includes new alternative, combat and extreme sports (skateboarding, boogie boarding, ice climbing, snow kayaking, etc.) as well as new professional sports, especially for women. The increase in the number and variety of sports publications, sports-related websites, as well as improved media coverage and coverage of sports events and activities is leading to an increased need for individuals with special qualifications in the field of sports communications/media. Similarly, the increase in the number and variety of specialized sports facilities, the increase in sports tourism and adventure travel, the rapid development of the globalization of sports, and the provision of sports-related goods and services to various market segments are contributing to the further development of the growth of the sports industry. These developments ensure that the sports industry continues to be one of the largest and most diverse industries in the country, thus maintaining career opportunities for the future (Melnik, 2019).

Educational goals and sports management directions as a type of sports education

Individuals wishing to pursue a career in sports management should pursue a program with an academic degree that provides them with an in-depth understanding of sports, business/management, and significant and meaningful practical work experience related to the management of sports organizations/events. A sports management major is preferred where the degree is actually earned by completing academic requirements in a related academic discipline, for example: physical education, human movement, business administration; communications management. Because the sports industry is large and diverse, it is possible to study specialized programs for specific segments of the sports industry, such as: golf management; sports communications/ media; sports tourism/travel/hospitality business (Nesterenko, et al., 2020). High school courses in Business, (Sports) Marketing, Economics, (Sports) Sociology, (Sports) Psychology, (Sports) History, Mathematics, and (Business) Statistics are useful in preparing to study Sports Management in college. Playing varsity sports, participating in school sports organizations/clubs, and helping with school athletic events or clinics are also highly valued because they give individuals strong athletic and leadership experience. Sports Management focuses on basic management principles and their application in a sports context, emphasizing the unique challenges faced in a career in sports management (Nikitenko, 2019a). Sport management specialty covers the main functional management area, including: strategic planning; organizational culture; organizational structures; human resources management; leadership; management; financial management; marketing; performance management (Nikitenko, et al., 2019c). Sports Management includes coverage of sports media, change management, and other contemporary management issues, providing a comprehensive introduction to the practical management principles application in sports organizations. It is ideal for first- and second-year students on sports management-related courses, as well as those studying business- or human movement-oriented courses who are looking for an overview of the applied principles of sport management (Ryzhova, 2010). More recently, sport management has focused on the impact of commercial and global sport politics, the ways in which internal cultures shape organizational behaviour, the role of social forces in managing change and the management of social policy change. Students should be provided with an in-depth knowledge and understanding of fundamental subjects that underlie biomedical science, including: human physiology and anatomy, biochemistry, cell biology, molecular genetics, immunology, microbiology, and disease biology. Intellectual skills should also be developed regarding knowledge and understanding of modern methods available for laboratory research, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases. In addition to the role of specialized disciplines, the following should be included: medical microbiology, clinical biochemistry, cellular pathology, hematology and transfusion medicine, and clinical immunology. Develop practical skills in the laboratory in addition to wider professional skills. To prepare students for employment or future study by developing transferable skills including: self-management and reflective practice, communication, information technology, accountancy, data analysis and interpersonal and teamwork skills. Develop an assessment of the scientific researching role in the development of biomedical science (Skirmantas, et al., 2020).

We will give an example of the sports development management at Northumbria University. It is a research-rich, business-focused, professional university with a global reputation for academic excellence. By placing students at the heart of an outstanding experience, and with world-leading research and award-winning partnerships, Northumbria is a new kind of university. Northumbria works with major global employers including Nike, IBM, Nissan, Procter & Gamble, the BBC and the NHS, and over 560 employers and 60 professional bodies sponsor or accredit the University's programmes. Northumbria University partners with prestigious higher education institutions around the world, including MDIS. Together offers an exciting program portfolio that will develop international citizens ready to work in the global marketplace. Northumbria University and MDIS have had a successful working relationship for a number of years, starting initially with one BA (Hons) Biotechnology programme, now offering a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in a range of subject areas (Svagzdiene, et al., 2020).

Sports management is a specialty that few would have few years' ago thought. However, today it has become a popular choice for students who love sports and want to be involved in sports business. More and more universities are developing curricula aimed at attracting students to the sports industry. Such courses are an example of the sport growth and the needs sportsmen. Employers want talented staff to work in their ranks, and such courses provide them with a skilled workforce well versed in sports management (Sarunas, et al., 2019).


Thus, sports management is the research and practice related to all people, activities, organizations and businesses involved in the production, promotion, promotion or organization of any product related to sport, fitness and recreation; sport products, which can be goods, services, people, places or ideas. Professional and amateur sport teams, sporting goods manufacturers, sports tourism businesses, sports service organizations, and scientific sport corporations continue to evolve into more complex professionally managed businesses seeking to increase accessibility. Competition within and between each of these groups became nomenclature part for the future. It also includes a more international and global outlook. As this more complex development takes place, sport management becomes increasingly complex. There are three main sub-processes of the sport management process:

1) strategic management;

2) resource management;

3) performance management (Cherep, A. et al., 2019).

Strategic management covers the determination of the main long-term goals and objectives at organization, as well as the adoption of actions and the allocation of resources necessary to achieve the goals. This sub-process is vital to the actual implementation of the plans. Shortly, the three sub-processes work in tandem and become cyclical to achieve the benchmarks set the management of specific sport organizations. In addition, professional and ethical sports management skills are necessary to achieve success. They can be divided into groups of skills: conceptually related; technically related; and related to a person. These include: strategic management and diversity management, ethical decision-making, marketing, economics, business and finance, facilities and events management, corporate social responsibility and sport development, sports law and sports management. Sports are growing faster than ever, and so is their commercialization. In order to match or outpace these growth rates, it is necessary to ensure effective sport governance. In today's context, sports management can be taken to a higher level if all stakeholders work in concert with each other. The sport growth in organizations around the world reflects sport business importance in today's world. Some sport companies are even traded on stock exchanges. As mentioned above, different groups of people have different roles when managing a team. Coordination of these people taking into account new technologies and achievements is the way that sports management will move forward (Cherep, A. et al., 2020).

Список використаних джерел

Андрюкайтене Регіна, Воронкова Валентина, Кивлюк Ольга, Романенко Тетяна, & Рижова Ірина. Концептуализация smart-общества и smart-технологий в контексте развития современной цивилизации// Mokslasirpraktika: aktualijosirperspektyvos. 2017. P. 11-12.

Akranglyte, G., Andryukaitene, R., & Bilohur V. Character and image formation of sportsmen as a competitive advantage in mass media (continuation of the article № 2, 2019). Humanities studies. Zaporozhye: Zaporozhye National University. 2019. Вип.3(80). Р. 92-111.

Akranglyte, G., Andriukaitiene Regina, & Bilohur, V. Formation of character and image of sportsman as a competitive advantage in mass media (continuation of the article № 2, 2019). Humanities studies. Запоріжжя : ЗНУ

2019. Вип. 3(80). С. 92-111.

Akranglyte, G. Andriukaitiene Regina, & Bilohur V Formation of character and image of sportsman as a competitive advantage in mass media. (Формування образу та іміджу спортсмена як конкурентної переваги у засобах масової інформації). Humanities studies. Запоріжжя : ЗНУ, 2019. Вип. 2 (79). С. 115-136.

Bilohur, V, Andriukaitiene, Regina &Makieshyna Y. Educational policy in the field of sport. during the COVID- 19 pandemic: challenges, threats, development trends. Humanities studies. Запоріжжя : ЗНУ, 2021. Вип. 7(84). С. 65-74.

Bilohur, V. &Andriukaitiene, Regina. Sports culture as a means of improving the integrity of sports personality: philosophicalcultural and anthropological analysis. Humanities studies. Запоріжжя : ЗНУ, 2020. Вип.6 (83). С. 136-152.

Bilohur, V &Andriukaitiene, Regina. Theoretical methodological sports reflection as a human dimension area of sports activity and possibilities of its humanization in the society. Humanities studies. Запоріжжя : ЗНУ,

2020. Вип. 5(82). С. 132-146.

Bilohur, V Formation of the concept of innovative sports management in Ukraine. Humanities studies. Запоріжжя : ЗНУ, 2018. Вип. 1(78). С. 27-38.

Lekavicius, Tomas. Management of human resources in a sports organisation from the point of view of employees. Humanities studies. Запоріжжя : ЗНУ, 2020. Вип. 5(82). С. 147-159.

Bilohur, V., &Andriukaitiene, Regina. Philosophy of sports as a substance basis for the development of personality and expression of the general essence of competition. Humanities studies. Запоріжжя : ЗНУ 2020. Вип. 4(81). С. 145-164.

Voronkova, V., Cherep Alla, Nikitenko Vitalina, & Andriukaitiene, Regina. Conceptualization of digital reality expertise in conditions of stochaic insurance: nonlinear methodology. Humanities Studies.2019. Вип. 2(79). С. 182-195.

Voronkova, V., Olexenko Roman, & Fursin Olexandr. Formation of the concept of the socially responsible state as a factor of increasing the public governance and administration efficiency. Humanities Studies.2021. Вип. 7(84). С. 113-122.

Voronkova, V. The Formation of the Concept of Noosphere Development of Modern Society in the Conditions of Information Society. «Philosophy and Cosmology», Vol. 16. Kyiv: ISPC, 2016. P. 179-191.

Voronkova, V. & Kyvliuk, Olga. Individual at the educational space of smart-society, Interdisciplinary Studies of Complex Systems, 2017. Вип. 10-11, P. 88-95

Voronkova, Valentyna, Punchenko, Oleg, & Azhazha, Marina. Globalization and global governance in the fourth industrial revolution (industry 4.0). Humanities Studies. 2020. Вип. 4(81). С. 182-200.

Tovarnichenko, Vladimir. Pseudoscience and information security in smart - society. Humanities Studies. 2020. Випуск 1(78). С. 15-26

Jam^i^ere, Lina. Development of cultural and sporting activities in villages of Lithuania (Розвиток культурних і спортивних дій у селах Литви). Humanitiesstudies. Запоріжжя : ЗНУ, 2019. Вип. 1(78). С. 39-49.

Ліберман, Деніел Фізична (не) активність: що нас правді робить нас здоровими?. Київ: Лабораторія, 2021.432 с.

Melnik, Victoria. Agile-management 3.0 concept as a factor of technological progress development in the digital society. Humanities studies. Запоріжжя : ЗНУ, 2019. Вип. 1(78). С. 130-139.

Nesterenko, Olena, Oleksenko, Roman. Social philosophical reflection of the individual legal education philosophy as the basis for the democratic society functioning. Humanities studies. Запоріжжя : ЗНУ, 2020. Вип. 4(81). С. 165-181.

Nikitenko, V. The impact of digitalization on value orientations changes in the modern digital society (Впливциф- ровізції назміни ціннісних орієнтацій у сучасному цифровому суспільстві). Humanities studies. Запоріжжя : ЗНУ, 2019. Вип. 2(79). С. 80-94.

Nikitenko, Vitalina. Evolution and further development of the real world in the conditions of technological changes in the context of socio-philosophical discourse. Humanities studies. Запоріжжя : ЗНУ, 2020. Вип 4(81). С. 60-73.

Nikitenko, Vitalina, Andriukaitiene, Regina, Punchenko, Oleg. Formation of sustainable digital economical concept: challenges, threats, priorities. Запоріжжя: ЗНУ 2019. Вип. 1(78). С. 140-153.

Nikitenko, Vitalina, Andriukaitiene, Regina, Punchenko, Oleg. Formation ofsustainable digital economical concept: challenges, threats, priorities. Humanities Studies. 2019. Вип. 1(78). С. 140-153.

Рижова, І.С. Формування потреб та інтересів в дизайнерській діяльності. Гуманітарний вісник Запорізької державної інженерної академії. Запоріжжя, 2010. Вип. 42. С. 247-258.

Skirmantas, Sinkevicius, Svagzdiene, Biruta. Sustainability evaluation of sports events organized in lithuania. Humanities studies. Запоріжжя : ЗНУ, 2020. Вип. 5(82). С. 160-171.

Svagzdiene, Biruta, Pupkis, Algirdas. Problems of organizing physical activity events in the work of leisure time organisers: why and how?. Humanities studies. Запоріжжя : ЗНУ Вип. 3(80). С. 112-121.

Samnas, Biciusas. Factors for the preparation of high master athletes in the context of sports organization staff/ competences. Humanities studies. Запоріжжя : ЗНУ, 2019. Вип. 2(79). С. 137-152.

Cherep, Alla, Voronkova, Valentyna, Muts, Luai Faisal, Fursin, Alexander. Information and innovation technologies as a factor of improving the efficiency of digital economy and business in the Globalization 4.0. Humanities studies. Запоріжжя : ЗНУ, 2019. Вип. 1(78). С. 170-181.

Cherep, A., Voronkova, V., Andriukaitiene, R., Nikitenko, V. The concept of creative digital technologies in the tourism business in the conditions of digitalization. Humanities Studies.2020. Випуск 5(82). С. 196-209.


Andryukaitene, R., Voronkova V., Kivlyuk O., Romanenko, T., Rizhova I. (2017). Conceptualization of smart society and smart technologies in the development context of modern civilization. Mokslas ir praktika: aktualijos ir perspektyvos. 11-12.

Akranglyte, G., Andryukaitene, R., Bilohur V. (2019a). Character and image formation of sportsmen as a competitive advantage in mass media (continuation of the article № 2, 2019). Humanities studies. Zaporozhye: Zaporozhye National University. 3(80). 92-111.

Akranglyte, G., Andryukaitene, R. Bilohur V (2019b). Formation of character and image of sportsman as a competitive advantage in mass media. Humanities studies. Zaporozhzhia: Zaporozhye National University. 2 (79). 115-136.

Bilohur, V, Andryukaitene, R., & Makieshyna Y. (2021a). Educational policy in the field of sport. during the COVID- 19 pandemic: challenges, threats, development trends. Humanities studies. Zaporozhxhia: Zaporozhzhia National University. 7(84).65-74.

Bilohur, V., Andryukaitene, R. (2020b). Sports culture as a means of improving the integrity of sports personality: philosophicalcultural and anthropological analysis. Humanities studies. Zaporozhzhia: Zaporozhzhia National University. 6 (83). 136-152.

Bilohur, V., Andryukaitene, R. (2020c). Theoretical methodological sports reflection as a human dimension area of sports activity and possibilities of its humanization in the society. Humanities studies. Zaporozhzhia: Zaporozhzhia National University. 5 (82). 132-146.

Bilohur, V (2018d). Formation of the concept of innovative sports management in Ukraine. Humanities studies. Zaporozhye: Zaporozhye National University. 1 (78). 27-38.

Lekavicius, T. (2020). Management of human resources in a sports organisation from the int of view of employees. Humanities studies. Zaporozhzhia: Zaporozhzhia National University. 5 (82). 147-159.

Bilohur, V., Andryukaitene, R. (2020e). Philosophy of sports as a substance basis for the development of personality and expression of the general competition essence. Humanities studies. Zaporozhzhia: Zaporozhzhia National University. 4 (81). 145-164.

Voronkova, V, Cherep A., Nikitenko, V., Andryukaitene, R. (2019).Conceptualization of digital reality expertise in conditions of stochaic insurance: nonlinear methodology. Humanities Studies. Zaporozhzhia: Zaporozhzhia National University. 2 (79). 182-195.

Voronkova, V., Olexenko, R., Fursin. O. (2021). Formation of the socially responsible state concept as increasing public governant factor and administration efficiency. Humanities Studies. Zaporozhzhia: Zaporozhzhia National University. 7 (84). 113-122.

Voronkova. V (2016). The Formation of the Noosphere Development Concept in Modern Society in Conditions of Information Society. «Philosophy and Cosmology». Kyiv: ISPC. 179-191.

Voronkova V. and Kyvliuk O. (2017). Individual at the educational space of smart-society, Interdisciplinary Studies of Complex Systems. 10-11. 88-95.

Voronkova, V., Punchenko, O., Agazha, M. (2020). Globalization and global governance in the fourth industrial revolution (industry 4.0). Humanities Studies. Zaporozhzhia: Zaporozhzhia National University. 4 (81). 182-200.

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Nesterenko, O., Oleksenko R. (2020). Social philosophical reflection of the individual legal education philosophy as the basis for the democratic society functioning. Humanities studies. Zaporozhzhia: Zaporozhzhia National University. 4 (81). 165-181.

Nikitenko V. (2019a). Digitalization impact on value orientation changes in the modern digital society. Humanities studies. Zaporozhzhia: Zaporozhzhia National University. 2 (79). 80-94.

Nikitenko, V (2020b). Evolution and further development of the real world in the conditions of technological changes in the context of socio-philosophical discourse. Humanities studies. Zaporozhzhia: Zaporozhzhia National University. 4 (81). 60-73.

Nikitenko, V., Andryukaitene R., Punchenko O. (2019c). Sustainable digital economic concept formation: challenges, threats, priorities. Zaporozhzhia: Zaporozhzhia National University. 1 (78). 140-153.

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