Time management as a component of successful communication of future managers of socio-cultural activities
Characteristics of conditions for optimal construction of communicative competence, analysis of the most important components. Consideration of current trends in the formation of communicative competencies of future managers of socio-cultural activities.
Рубрика | Менеджмент и трудовые отношения |
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 03.01.2021 |
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Time management as a component of successful communication of future managers of socio-cultural activities
Danylyuk S.
Modern tendencies of forming communicative competence of future managers of socio-cultural activities are covered in the article. The basic components of communicative competence that are important for the successful communication interaction of future managers of socio-cultural activities are distinguished. The own interpretation of temporal competence as an integral quality of future managers of socio-cultural activities is proposed, which creates conditions for optimal design of communicative competence. The three most important components of temporal competence are also distinguished, in particular: awareness of time, emotional experience of time and organization of time of professional activities, which in the complex provides emotional stability, stress resistance and self-realization of future managers of sociocultural activities. In addition, a number of structural elements of time management have been identified: time inventory over several working days to analyze one's own working style and identify causes of time deficiency; constant analysis of the use of time, identification of the unproductive nature of its costs; systematic scheduling of working hours, work on daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and other types of plans; constant differentiation and coordination of production and personal plans; developing respect for time.
At the same time, the following basic principles of time management are distinguished and characterized: consistency (unity between vision and mission, roles and goals, priorities and plans, desires and discipline), balance (harmonious distribution of time between personal and professional life), focus (concentration on solving important matters), humanity in relationships, flexibility to become comfortable for performing professional activities), a compactness that, overall, will help one not lose any important ideas in the process of communicative interaction The stages of time management are also distinguished and characterized, among them there are: goal setting, time planning, self-awareness, decision making, implementation of plans and organization of personal professional process, control over execution Attention is drawn to the basic planning requirements that will ensure the high productivity of future managers of socio-cultural activities. A number of time management systems and techniques are also highlighted that will be useful in communicating in the socio-cultural management industry.
Keywords: time management; time resource; goal setting; planning; self-organization; successful communication interaction; effective use of time; temporal competence; socio-cultural activity; a manager of socio-cultural activity.
Тайм-менеджмент як складник успішної комунікації майбутніх менеджерів соціокультурної діяльності
Данилюк С.С.
У статті висвітлено сучасні тенденції формування комунікативних компетентностей майбутніх менеджерів соціокультурної діяльності. Виокремлено базові складові компетентностей, важливих для успішної комунікативної взаємодії майбутніх менеджерів соціокультурної діяльності. Запропоновано власне потрактування часової компетентності як інтегральної якості майбутніх менеджерів соціокультурної діяльності, що створює умови для оптимального конструювання комунікативної компетентності. Також виокремлено три найважливіші складові часової компетентності, зокрема: усвідомлення часу, емоційне переживання часу і організація часу професійної діяльності, що в комплексі забезпечує емоційну стабільність, стресостійкість та самореалізацію майбутніх менеджерів соціокультурної діяльності.
Крім того, визначено низку структурних елементів управління часом: інвентаризація часу за кілька робочих днів задля аналізу власного робочого стилю і виявлення причин появи дефіциту часу; постійний аналіз використання часу, виявлення непродуктивності його витрат; систематичне планування робочого часу, робота над щоденними, щотижне-вими, місячними, квартальними й іншими видами планів; постійне розмежування та узгодження виробничих та особистісних планів; вироблення поважного ставлення до часу. Водночас виокремлено та схарактеризовано такі основні принципи тайм-менеджменту, як: узгодженість (єдність між бачен-ням і місією, ролями і цілями, пріоритетами і планами, бажаннями і дисципліною), збалансованість (гармонійний розподіл часу між особистим і професійним життям), зосередженість (сконцентрованість на вирішенні важливих справ), людяність у відносинах, гнучкість (плани мають стати зручними для вико-нання професійної діяльності), компактність, що в цілому допоможе не втратити жодної важливої ідеї в процесі комунікативної взаємодії. Також виокремлено та схарактеризовано етапи тайм-менеджменту, серед яких: постановка цілей, планування часу, само-свідомість, прийняття рішень, реалізація планів і організація особистісного професійного процесу, конт-роль за виконанням. Увагу звернуто на основні вимоги до планування, що забезпечать високу продуктив-ність праці майбутніх менеджерів соціокультурної діяльності. Також виокремлено низку систем і мето-дик управління часом, які будуть корисними під час здійснення комунікативної взаємодії в індустрії менеджменту соціокультурної діяльності.
Ключові слова: тайм-менеджмент, ресурс часу, цілепокладання, планування, самоорганізація, успішна комунікативна взаємодія, ефективне використання часу, часова компетентність, соціокультурна діяльність, менеджер соціокультурної діяльності.
Formulation of the problem. Current trends of the formation of communication skills of managers of socio-cultural activities require mobility and the use of innovative tools in modeling professional activities. The specificity of the socio-cultural activities environment is directly linked to the constant changes that require professional activities in well-defined time parameters and rapid adaptation to market conditions.
Managers of the socio-cultural activities industry are in constant communication interaction with consumers of socio-cultural activities services, business partners and competitors in business, public authorities and local self-government bodies, the public, etc. Therefore, when fulfilling their functional responsibilities, socio-cultural activities specialists (graduates) must adapt quickly to changes, reformat their activities in line with current trends, prudently prioritize, allocate time and human resources, seek time reserves for projects, study and implement personnel management technologies for enterprise development. The lack of such competencies and, in particular, the inability to manage one's own time without taking into account priorities and well-defined goals, can become a stumbling block to the formation and development of the socio-cultural communicative personality of a manager of sociocultural activities. That is why the problems of rational organization of activity of managers of sociocultural activities nowadays require the active study and application through mastering the methods, principles and rules of effective use of time management technologies.
Analysis of recent research and publications. In the context of the problem under study, it is necessary to highlight the achievements of such scientists as: N. Alyushyna, G. Arkhangelsky, L. Balabanov, P. Berd, E. Golovakha, L. Dub, V. Zinchenko, D. Kennedy, S. Covey, V. Kolpakova, T. Kotova, V. Kulykova, A. Leiken, S. Maksymenko, J. Morgenstern, I. Prymak, N. Sydorov, B. Tracy, and others.
Unsolved parts of the overall problem are to find out the content and specific features of using time management technology as a component of successful communication interaction in the socio-cultural activities industry of Ukraine.
The purpose of the proposed study is to clarify the essence of time management and adaptation of its technologies to modeling successful communication by a manager of socio-cultural activities.
The scientific novelty of the article is to improve the theoretical-and-practical studies of the professional activities of managers of socio-cultural activities and to substantiate practical tips for using time management technologies in the process of successful communication.
Presenting main material. Socio-cultural practice shows that the success of a manager of socio-cultural activities depends, above all, on his/her professionalism, where 15 per cent of success is a set of professional qualities, and 80 per cent is the ability to communicate effectively. That is why the communication process in the socio-cultural activities business should be considered not only as the exchange of information for the purpose of awareness, but directly as an important component of the competence and professionalism of a manager of sociocultural activities.
The basic components of the competences that are important for the successful communication interaction of managers of sociocultural activities are: empathy, flexibility, the ability to listen, the ability to make un-categorical judgments, tolerance, cultural polycentrism, etc. Therefore, we consider it necessary to point out that punctuality is the basis for the effective temporal organization of the activities of a manager of socio-cultural activities in the process of communicative interaction. It is this trait that plays an important role in the construction of the success of the communication process, it is an indicator of the integrity of the personality of a manager of socio-cultural activities.
Leading coach Dan Kennedy emphasizes in his book “No B. S. Time Management” that people who cannot be punctual cannot be trusted because one who cannot appreciate the time of another cannot appreciate their own time as well [1, p. 24-26]. In general, the success of communicative interaction involves the development in a manager of socio-cultural activities skills of rational organization of professional activities with minimal time, ability to prioritize, the ability to target, measured by the effective allocation of time. Particular attention is paid to the ability to subtly, adequately and in a timely manner "here and now” empathize with the feelings and moods of the other throughout the communication process.
Without exaggeration, time is the most precious treasure in a person's life, about which B. Franklin noted that "time is money!" That is why we consider it necessary to distinguish the concept of "temporary competence of a manager of socio-cultural activities" as having the skills and abilities of effective planning and use of working time, adequate estimation of expenses in carrying out functional duties, designing programs of achievement of the purpose, goals and tasks according to the resource of time, continuous improvement of professional competence, optimal balance of work and rest, development of communicative competence, selfmotivation, self-organization, self-control, and as a consequence, self-development.
Understanding and using in the professional activities the basics of temporal competence means the adequacy of temporal perception (sense of time) and time planning skills, the ability to rationally redistribute temporal priorities and boundaries of interpersonal communication, not neglecting time of others in interpersonal relationships, adhere to the principles and rules of time management, including the ability to delegate authority in social communications [2, p. 170-173].
The analysis of scientific literature gives the opportunity to distinguish three major components of temporal competence, in particular: awareness of time, emotional experience of time and organization of time of professional activity, which in the complex provides emotional stability, stress resistance and self-realization of managers of sociocultural activities. In general, temporal competence will be understood as the integral quality of a manager of socio-cultural activities, which creates the conditions for optimal design of communicative competence.
Therefore, we are convinced that in the process of communicative interaction between success and failure lies an abyss whose name "I have no time" can be overcome through the use of time management technology. Since time management is a rational use of time resources during the working day, we pay attention to the ability of a manager of socio-cultural activities to successfully manage the time provided, if any: the desire to do it, the possession of planning tools, the responsibility for the use of their own working time.
Against this background, it should be noted that time management technology does not guarantee 100 per cent success, but without it communication success is impossible. To a large extent, being able to manage your time does not mean living with a stopwatch in your hand. First of all, it is necessary to master the ability to set goals; to plan one's own activities (formulation of tasks, choice of optimal solutions, most effective ways of achieving the set goals); develop selfcontrol skills, the ability to independently evaluate the success (or failure) of one's own actions; to keep track of time spent, to make efficient use of all available reserves [3, p. 8-10].
In the scientific literature, such structural elements of time management are identified as: time inventory over several working days to analyze one's own working style and identify causes of time deficiency; constant analysis of the use of time, identification of the unproductive nature of its costs; systematic scheduling of working hours, work on daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and other types of plans; constant differentiation and coordination of production and personal plans; developing respect for time [4, p. 280-281]. All the above mentioned can be defined as steps towards organized, rich, productive and successful communication interaction in the socio-cultural activities industry, which will serve as the basis of communication competence of managers of socio-cultural activities, where we successfully understand the process of development, implementation and decision-making on the basis of self- centeredness, motivation and self-realization, systems of professional knowledge, skills that ensure professional development, achievement of goals and satisfaction with professional activities.
The analysis of scientific literature makes it possible to distinguish the following basic principles of time management: consistency (unity between vision and mission, roles and goals, priorities and plans, desires and discipline), balance (harmonious distribution of time between personal and professional life), focus (focus on solving important matters), humanism in relationships, flexibility (plans should become convenient for performing professional activities), compactness, which as a whole will help not lose any important idea in the process of communicative interaction.
It should be noted that during communicative interaction it is important to take into account the stages of time management, including: goal setting, time planning, selfawareness, decision-making, implementation of plans and organization of personal professional process, control over execution [5, p. 9-13]. Let's consider them.
The disclosure of the communicative potential of managers of socio-cultural activities depends on their activity, the complex of acquired and formed personal qualities, which are considered by scientists as an integral characteristic of the resultant block of development in the process of self-development, which is accompanied by the realization of the structure of their self-consciousness. It should be noted that the professional selfawareness of managers of socio-cultural activities carries out a regulating function of understanding their own capabilities and limitations. At the same time, self-knowledge will allow to correlate the potential to achieve the goal through self-observation and selfesteem. Therefore, the greater the confidence of managers of socio-cultural activities in their capabilities, the higher their interest, status, level of communicative competence.
The next stage is goal setting that influences successful communication interaction and, accordingly, becomes a strategic goal in achieving goals through initiative, innovation and professional communication competence. Since the goal is a thinking model of the expected result, it is advisable to set goals in accordance with the needs, interests, tasks, opportunities for their realization. It is fundamental to adhere to such principles as: accuracy of goal definition, its dimension, reach, realism, time-certainty.
The process of creating a system of goals, their correlation with each other and the choice of optimal ones becomes prior in modern conditions of goal setting. The goal is to provide feedback between all its major components - purpose, means and result. With this in mind, we propose to determine the strategy of a manager of socio-cultural activities to use the following algorithm: “defining goal^achievement of the goal^implementation of the planned strategy^evaluation of results of activities^success of communication interaction”, which emphasizes the practical direction of the use of time management technologies in the process of successful communication interaction.
Taking into account these positions, we consider it appropriate to use targeting techniques such as: “SMART” and “tree of goals”. In particular, the “SMART” technique involves the formulation of a goal / goals based on the answer to a clarifying question to the constituent methods, namely: concreteness, measurability, reach, result, time orientation. The effectiveness of this method is verified by achieving the expected result.
Particularly noteworthy is the “tree of goals” technique, which is characterized by links between the goals of the system and the means of achieving them, by which the levels of goals are understood.
Taking into account the international experience in the conditions of Ukrainian reality, let us allow ourselves to somewhat delineate the concepts “mission-purpose-goal-task, which, in fact, come down to one thing which is the realization of the intended, where the mission is a strategy; purpose is a purposeful desire to achieve results; goal is a clear focus on the object of achieving the purpose; task is a predetermined amount of work, affairs through the means of achieving the mission-purposegoals.
First, they identify the strategic mission of the enterprise / institution / person, and then formulate^the general goal (the first level), and then lower, ^the main goal (the second level)^sub-goals (the third level)^tasks (the fourth level) that are directly interconnected.
When designing a "tree of goals”, the choice of strategic mission and general purpose is important. The second and the third levels are implemented using the “goal-resources” algorithm. Problem solving is a set of resources and actions that help achieve the general goal [6]. It should be noted that the “tree of goals” methodology is unique for each manager of socio-cultural activities, but the matrix of the implementation of the goal setting process remains unchanged.
As practice shows, the most common reasons that prevent goals are: goals that are not spelled out; there are too many goals; goals are not clearly stated; the timing of the goals is not set correctly; perfectionism (perfection in everything); lack of plans for implementation, etc.
Time does not like when it is used incorrectly. It is our deep conviction that planning is the basis for successful communication in time management. Since the specificity of the temporary organization of managers of sociocultural activities is its intermittent nature, the varying number of assignments, which necessitates the constant adjustment of plans to solve temporary problems in their activities, so it is extremely important to regularly plan your working day, set clear priorities and overcome obstacles for effective communication in the process of professional activities.
Relevant in this context are the advices of Stephen R. Covey, who states: “Success is not about hard work, but the ability to set priorities ... This requires a goal, a mission, a clear sense of guidance” [7, p. 162].
Let's pay attention to the basic planning requirements implemented with the help of seven "R", which will provide high productivity. These include ways of organizing right thinking. In particular: resistance, which should be understood as a reaction. If, in the exercise of one's functional responsibilities, the employee is faced with failure, then it is necessary to think back and analyze the reasons; reevaluation, i.e. reconsideration of the situation; reorganization that provides high efficiency of professional activities; restructuring that takes 20 per cent of work to accomplish the most important tasks that are of the highest value and with as little time as possible for everyone else; reengineering, i.e. continuous search for ways to make the communication process easier and faster; reinventing, i.e. rethinking; regain control, i.e. control over the implementation of communicative interaction [7, p. 64-70].
Thus, effective planning in the process of communicative interaction involves preparation for the implementation of the tasks and organization of time; avoid unnecessary / extra plans; creation of conditions for rest between tasks; flexibility; creativity; distribution of large tasks into subtasks; getting the maximum result in a minimum of time; ability to focus on priorities and distinguish oneself from the unimportant, etc.
The analysis of scientific and periodical literature makes it possible to distinguish a number of systems and techniques of time management that will be useful in the course of communicative interaction in the sociocultural activities industry. Namely: the Eisenhower principle (importance and urgency of cases), provides for the division of cases into four stages of importance: urgently important, urgently unimportant, urgently important, non-urgent unimportant); the Parkinson's principle (states that the work takes up all the time allotted to it); the principle of the "saw blade” (reveals a decrease in productivity due to constant obstacles, which requires the development of the perfect balance between work and rest and all the same things to be combined into common blocks of activities); ABCDE Analysis (shows that you always have to reserve a small part of the day for important tasks. All tasks are divided into categories: A, B, C, D, E. Task “A” is a must-do (most important things ), “B”, i.e. it should be done (important cases), “C”, i.e. it would be good to do (not important cases), “D”, i.e. delegation of cases, “E”, i.e. unnecessary tasks [4; 8-11].
When drawing up a list of plans for the communication process, practices recommend using the Alps method. This is one of the most effective methods of prioritization. Note that the Alps method is relatively simple, consisting of five processes and includes: drawing up a plan of tasks; determining the real time to perform scheduled tasks; reserve time for the stock (when planning the working hours, a manager of socio-cultural activities should provide 60 per cent of time to do the tasks from the plan for the day, and about 40 per cent of time should be attributed to the reserve time); decision making and delegation of cases; control and analysis of completed cases and implementation of the plan for the day [5; 9]. The advantages of using the Alps method are planning the communication process; clear understanding of tasks; streamlining the case plan; focus on priorities.
Conceptually important in the process of communicative engagement is the use of B. Franklin's Method, which is to identify priorities and to clearly divide the main goal into sub-goals and sub-objectives. Visually, this system can be represented as a step pyramid, where each level (floor) is characterized by functional specificity. The first level (floor) is compiling a list of vital values; the second one is the identification of the global mission / goal; the third one is to form a master plan for achieving the goal; the fourth one is a longterm plan (for the next 4-5 years); the fifth one is a short-term plan (from 2-3 weeks up to 2-3 months); the sixth level (floor) is a plan for the day [2; 9; 12]. The importance of prioritizing cases in the process of communicative interaction will enable the manager of socio-cultural activities to work solely on important and necessary cases, focus on the isolation of only one task, avoid conflicts and stressful overload, purposefully pursue communicative interaction and achieve the set goals, enjoy professional activities and their results.
The study should also pay attention to the external factors, the so-called "time thefts", which create obstacles in the communication of managers of socio-cultural activities, to which we include: a vague formulated goal / purpose; lack of priorities; poor planning; crisis situations; ineffective delegation of cases; inability to say no; inability to share hobbies and responsibilities; trying to accomplish many tasks in a very short period of time; personal disorganization; excessive communication skills; desire to know everything; lack of motivation; delay; low level of self-awareness and self-control; procrastination (delaying the start of the case and its termination), etc.
In our deep conviction, the manager of socio-cultural activities needs to follow a few simple rules in order to use his or her time in a communicative way. In particular, to set goals (real, with clearly defined time limits), to set priorities, not to postpone tasks to "later", to persistently go to the achievement of goals, to control the communication process, to rest. After all, rest is not a departure from planned work, it is a renewal of strength and change of activities, which ensures the efficiency of performing professional duties. It is important to rest before the onset of fatigue, because rest must comply with the following principles: 5 minutes rhythm for 1 hour; maximum switching; maximum context change.
The Pareto principle is well suited for use in the socio-cultural activities industry, the essence of which is to use 20 percent of your working time to get 80 percent of the result. At the same time, it is important to single out the “key tasks”.
Let's not forget another method of time management - Pomodoro. Its essence is to systematically change 25 minutes of tasks to 5 minutes of rest. After four such cycles, rest should last at least 30 minutes. The analysis of the working time of students-trainees at sociocultural enterprises gives grounds to point out the efficiency and effectiveness of the method, which allows us to focus on the fulfillment of priority tasks and a clear division of affairs during the communication process.
A convenient and effective method of task control is the Getting Thing Done technique, which provides the recording of all current affairs, projects and ideas of the communication process with clear timing. Noteworthy is Lothar Zawert's ALPEN method, which consists of notifying tasks and planned actions of the communication process, estimating the duration of each action, including buffer time, making decisions, monitoring the implementation of actions in the communication process. Computer programs such as Act, Microsoft Outlook, Day-Runner, Leader Task, Day-Timer, Lotus Organizer, etc., electronic organizers and pocket phones have also become widely used.
Finally, let us turn to the advice of an American practitioner, expert in the field of leadership training, Stephen R. Covey, who sees modern time management as the fourth- generation time management, which is a consequence of:
1) "focus on the principles of "important - effective”; orientation to conscience, which allows to organize personal and professional life in harmony with one's intrinsic values and to have freedom and
1) time schedule for their realization;
2) defining a personal unique mission, including values and long-term goals that make it possible to spend one's day meaningfully;
3) the vital balance achieved by defining roles, setting goals and scheduling lessons in each key role for each week;
4) weekly organization of time management (if necessary daily correction). This allows oneself to rise above the limited prospect of one day and never forget one's greatest values when looking at one's keys.
The practical trait that combines all these achievements is the focus on relationships and outcomes and the secondary attention to time” [7, p. 185].
Summarizing the foregoing, it should be noted that managers of socio-cultural activities have the opportunity to apply a variety of time management techniques, technologies and practices to the interactive organization of the time, which will contribute to the efficient organization of time according to personal and professional needs. In general, the temporal effectiveness of the communication process and the organization of work in socio-cultural enterprises will influence the determination of basic prerequisites for the formation and achievement of successful professional activities and successful functioning of the organization. In doing so, it is important to remember Stephen R. Covey's advice: "Learn to organize not time but yourself". But whatever the means of achieving the goal in the process of business, professional, interpersonal communications are, the most important should be the values: respect, tolerance, honesty, responsibility, responsiveness, self-belief and belief in others, optimism.
Conclusions. The study and application of time management technologies in the socio-cultural activities industry will allow the staff of socio-cultural activities business enterprises to respond professionally to changes in Ukrainian society and to adapt to market conditions. Mastering a practical component of temporal competence by a manager of socio-cultural activities will greatly enhance opportunities such as the ability: to manage oneself; to identify clear personal goals; to plan successful communication interaction; to increase professional, personal, creative potential; to develop problem solving skills; to avoid stress; to deepen ingenuity and innovation of activity; to show a high level of emotional competence; to influence the interlocutor; to create prerequisites for delegation of authority; the necessary situational choice of priorities between personal and professional environment; performing work at lower costs and efficient work results; rational organization of professional activity, etc.
Further directions of research. These results can form the basis for the development of a model of successful communicative interaction in the socio-cultural activities industry, taking into account time management technologies that are well understood and characterized in the article.
Список бібліографічних посилань
communicative competence manager
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15.Сидорова Н.А., Анисинкова Е.Б. Тайм- менеджмент, 24 часа - это не предел. М.: Дашков и К, 2008. 220 с.
communicative competence manager
1.Kennedy, D.S. Hard Time Management. Take Your Life under Control. Moscow: Alpina Publisher, 2015.
200 p.
2.Bolotova, A.K. Psychology of Time
Organization. Moscow: Aspect Press, 2006. 254 p.
3.Obraztsova, L. Time is Money. How to Manage Your Time. Moscow: AST, Saint Petersburg: Owl, 2007.
126 p.
4.Alyushina, N.O. Time Management: Temporal Organization of Civil Servant Activity. Kyiv: NADU, 2012. 191 p.
5.Kulikova, V.N. Make Time to Work for You. Moscow: ZAO Center-polygraph, 2008. 192 p.
6.Tracy Brian. Eat That Frog. 2 1 Great Ways to Stop
Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time (A Book Summary). Retrieved fromhttp://xuworldwide.com
7.Covey, S.R. 7 Habits of Extremely Effective People. Kharkiv: Book Club “Family Leisure Club”, 2014. 384 p.
8.Berd, P. Time Management: Planning and Time Management. Moscow: FAIR-PRESS, 2004.288 s.
9.Dodd, P., Sandheim, D. The 25 Best Ways and Techniques of Time Management. How to Do More without Losing Your Head. Saint Petersburg: Dilya, 2008. 128 p.
10.Cook, M. Effective Time Management: How to Rationally Plan Your Working and Leisure Time. Moscow: “GRAND” Publishing and Trading House; Moscow: Fire Press, 2003. 331 p.
11.Morgenstern, J. Time Management. The Art of Planning and Managing Your Time and Your Life. Moscow: Good Book, 2012. 253 p.
12.Morgenstern, J. Effective Technology. Moscow: Good Book, 2006. 336 p.
13.Badrak, V. Strategies of Outstanding Personalities. Kharkov: Folio, 2011. 510 s.
14.Knoblauch, J., Weltier, H. Time Management. Moscow: Omega-L, 2006. 144 p.
15.Sidorova, N.A., Anisinkova, Ye.B. Time Management, 24 Hours is not the Limit. Moscow: Dashkov & K Publishing and Trading Corporation, 2008. 220 p.
16.Tkachenko, I.V. Time Management. The Art of Managing Your Time. Kharkov: Argument Print: Vivat, 2014. 218 p.
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