Human centrism in public management: toward a theory

Research of the principle of human-centrism in the administrative and legal support of public administration, characteristics of the general principles of the theory. Changes in public authority, strengthening and development of civil society.

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Дата добавления 03.12.2020
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Human centrism in public management: toward a theory

Людиноцентризм в публічному управлінні: до питання теорії

Человекоцентризм в публичном управлении: к вопросу теории

Bunak Yaroslav, Candidate of Law Sciences,

Assistant of the Department of Civil Law and Process Institute of Law,

Psychology and Innovative Education National University “Lviv Polytechnic


The article explores the principle of human-centrism in administrative and legal support of public administration, describes the general principles formed by scientists, emphasizes that the ideology of human-centrism or "human-oriented'' ideology, provides that the state should "serve" the interests of citizens, individuals by comprehensively prioritizing their rights, freedoms and interests in the public sphere.

The Declaration on State Sovereignty of Ukraine, adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of the Ukrainian SSR on July 16,1990, No. 55-XII stated Part 1 that the Ukrainian SSR exercises the protection and protection of the national statehood of the Ukrainian people. The act of proclaiming Ukraine's independence, based on the right to self-determination, proclaimed Ukraine's independence and provided for the holding of a national referendum on December 1, 1991 to confirm the act of proclaiming independence.

The referendum was supposed to show that the source of Ukrainian independent statehood was not the behind-the-scenes arrangements of the representatives of individual political forces, but the will of the Ukrainian people and, thus, to become the highest form of legitimization of the Declaration of Independence of Ukraine.

The all-Ukrainian referendum was held in a timely manner - December 1,1991, in a democratic way, without significant violations of the law, and with the general national uplift and consolidation of citizens of all nationalities around the idea of building the Ukrainian state. It is symbolic that it was on this day, December 1, 1991 that the first nationwide election of the President of Ukraine took place as Head of State.

The transformation of public relations in Ukraine in recent years, accompanied by changes at the level of public authority, strengthening of civil society and its involvement in state-making and law-making processes, have led to the objective need to rethink a number of fundamental provisions in the doctrine of modern constitutional and administrative law.

Key words: Human-centrism, principles, legal ideas, ideology of Human-centrism, public administration, value system, principles of management.


У статті досліджується принцип Людиноцентризму в адміністративно-правовому забезпеченні публічного управління, охарактеризовують загальні принципи сформовані вченими, наголошується на тому, що ідеологія людиноцентризму або «людиноорієнтованої» ідеології, передбачає що держава має «служити» інтересам громадян, тобто діяти заради і в ім'я приватних осіб шляхом всебічного забезпечення пріоритету їх прав, свобод та інтересів у публічній сфері.

Декларацією про державний суверенітет України прийнятою Верховною Радою Української РСР 16.07.1990 р. № 55- XII зазначалось ч. 1, що Українська РСР здійснює захист і охорону національної державності українського народу. Актом проголошення незалежності України виходячи з права на самовизначення було проголошено незалежність України та передбачено проведення 1 грудня 1991 року республіканського референдуму на підтвердження акта проголошення незалежності.

Референдум мав показати, що джерелом української незалежної державності є не кулуарні домовленості представників окремих політичних сил, а воля українського народу і, тим самим, стати вищою формою легітимізації Акту проголошення незалежності України.

Всеукраїнський референдум відбувся в визначені строки - 1 грудня 1991 р., у демократичний спосіб, без суттєвих порушень законодавства та при загальному національному піднесенні й консолідації громадян усіх національностей довкола ідеї розбудови Української держави. Символічно, що саме у цей день, 1 грудня 1991 р. відбулися перші загальнонаціональні вибори Президента України як глави держави.

Трансформація суспільних відносин в Україні останніх років, що супроводжувалася змінами на рівні публічної влади, зміцненням громадянського суспільства та його долученням до державотворчих і правотворчих процесів, зумовили об'єктивну потребу переосмислення ряду фундаментальних положень у доктрині сучасного конституційного та адміністративного права

Ключові слова: Людиноцентризм, принципи, юридичні ідеї, ідеологія Людиноцетризму, публічне управління, система цінностей, принципи управління.


В статье исследуется принцип человекоцентризма в административно-правовом обеспечении публичного управления, характеризирующих общие принципы сформированы учеными, подчеркивается, что идеология человекоцентризма или «человекоориентированного» идеологии, предусматривает, что государство должно «служить» интересам граждан, то есть действовать ради и во имя частных лиц путем всестороннего обеспечения приоритета их прав, свобод и интересов в публичной сфере.

Декларацией о государственном суверенитете Украины принятой Верховной Радой Украинской ССР 16.07.1990 г. № 55-XII отмечалось ч. 1, что Украинская ССР осуществляет защиту и охрану национальной государственности украинского народа. Актом провозглашения независимости Украины исходя из права на самоопределение была провозглашена независимость Украины и предусмотрено проведение 1 декабря 1991 республиканского референдума в подтверждение акта провозглашения независимости.

Референдум должен был показать, что источником украинской независимой государственности является не кулуарные договоренности представителей отдельных политических сил, а воля украинского народа и, тем самым, стать высшей формой легитимизации Акта провозглашения независимости Украины.

Всеукраинский референдум состоялся в определенные сроки - 1 декабря 1991, демократическим способом, без существенных нарушений законодательства и при общем национальном подъеме и консолидации граждан всех национальностей вокруг идеи развития Украинского государства. Символично, что именно в этот день, 1 декабря 1991 состоялись первые общенациональные выборы Президента Украины как главы государства.

Трансформация общественных отношений в Украине последних лет, сопровождалась изменениями на уровне публичной власти, укреплением гражданского общества и его приобщением к государственно и правотворческих процессов, обусловили объективную необходимость переосмысления ряда фундаментальных положений в доктрине современного конституционного и административного права.

human centrism public management

Problem statement

The end of the 70's -- the first half of the 80's of the XX century. was marked by the study of problems of implementation of the Constitution, democratization and functioning of the Soviet political system, activities of state authorities, protection of rights and freedoms of citizens.

In fact, the end of the 80 years envisaged democratization and protection of human and citizen's rights and freedoms, which in turn resulted from the process of establishing an independent Ukraine. In these circumstances, there is a need for ideas of state formation and the ideas of human-centrism in the legal system laid.

Analysis of the latest researches and publications

Investigation of the issue of Human-centrism as a humanistic-oriented approach to the formation of a new person, ways, the principle of human-centrism in social work, certain motivational factors of professional activity of social workers, prerequisites for the implementation of administrative-legal doctrine of human-centrism, some issues of the implementation of the basic principles of human-centricity private law regulation and its very nature have been investigated by domestic scientists [1-6], but the question of Humanocentrism in public administration almost not studied.

Formulation of the objectives of the article. the article is a study of the principle of Human-centrism in public administration of Ukraine, and its administrative and legal support.

General review representation

The word “principle” (from Latin. Principium) means the basis, root cause, guiding idea, the starting position of a certain phenomenon (doctrine, organization of activity). Even ancient scholars have observed that principle is an important part of everything [7, p. 222].

In science, the law is first and foremost the principles formed by legal scholars who act in the form of fundamental ideas and ideals, reflecting the achievements of legal thought, practical experience, objective laws of society. These principles form an important part of scientific and professional legal and legal consciousness and are not binding on the subjects of rights. The principles of law are embodied in the form of relatively independent elements, under which should be understood the initial normative and guiding principles (imperative requirements), which determine the general orientation of the legal regulation of social relations.

At their core, the principles of law also represent certain fundamental ideas and ideals that are formulated on the basis of scientific and practical experience. In this respect, they, together with the principles of justice, are important components of one's own legal ideology. However, various legal ideas and ideals are only then established as principles of law when they are directly (legally) expressed in legal or other forms of law.

At the level of national legal systems, the principles of law are increasingly being enshrined in the constitution, constitutional or other laws. “All levels are before the law”, proclaims Art. 13, 36 of the Constitution of Ukraine [8]. This interpretation is found in Art. 14 of the Constitution of Spain and Art. 22 of the Constitution of Belarus.

The principles of activity of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine (the rule of law, independence, col- legiality, transparency, openness, full and comprehensive consideration of cases, validity and bindingness of the decisions and conclusions made by them) were reflected in Art. 2 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Constitutional Court of Ukraine” [9]. Principles of respect for human dignity, protection of the right to protection provided for in Art. 7 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of Ukraine [10].

Unlike legal ideas (ideals) that make up parts of scientific and professional justice, the principles of law always act in the form of generally accepted requirements and constitute important elements of the system of law. Each of the principles of law has a rather complex construction. It consists of a variety of legal imperatives that are closely interlinked and interact. Thus, for example, the principle of legality (clear and steady implementation of laws) in our legal system forms the following imperatives, which are specified in Art. 8 of the Basic Law “The Constitution of Ukraine has the highest legal force. Laws and other legal acts are adopted on the basis of the Constitution of Ukraine and must comply with it. “

Along with the rules of law, the basic fundamental provisions form an important element of the content of law. Therefore, there are many features of law that are characteristic of law as a whole.

From the norms of law, they differ in that they do not contain sanctions, but often other elements of the structure of the rule (hypothesis, disposition, sanction). They have a fairly high level of generalization and abstraction of regulations and, as a rule, need to be specified and detailed in the process of influencing people's behavior. It should be noted that some norms of law, because of their socio-legal importance and fundamentality, can act simultaneously as principles of law. In this case it is necessary to talk about norms -- principles. Thus formulated, for example, the principle of independence of judges. In Part 1 of Art. 6 of the Law of Ukraine “On Judiciary and Status of Judges” states that “in the administration of justice, courts are independent of any unlawful influence”. However, by their nature, logical, grammatical and legal means and means of expression, they are more often a relatively independent element of the content of law [12].

Unlike the rules, the principles of law are endowed with considerable stability and stability and are fundamental. They find their expression as a rule, in the most general and universal regulations. On the basis of them are formulated certain systems, branches, institutions of law. Yes, the presumption of innocence, the principles of the administration of justice exclusively by the court, the equality of citizens before the law and the court, a comprehensive, complete and objective examination of the circumstances of the case (objective truth), transparency and others are the starting point for criminal procedural law. Together with the subject matter and method of legal regulation, they thus play an important systemic role in the system of law and the legal system of society.

Initial regulatory principles provide significant stability, the necessary link between various norms of law and other regulations, act as important guidelines in lawmaking and systematization, interpretation and implementation of law. Thus, when issuing, amending or repealing regulations, the legislator is obliged to take into account the current principles of national and international law. In the case of discovery of inconsistency of certain norms with the principles of law, it must abolish these norms or change their content, bring them into compliance with the current regulatory and regulatory provisions.

Principles as a whole are endowed with objective and subjective qualities. They are objective because of the conditionality of their real economic and social, national and other social relations. But since the principles of law and their formal legal sources are the result of deliberate willful activity, law-making, in this respect they are subjective. In order to be really valid regulations and not just wishes or specific slogans, the principles of law must sufficiently, correctly and comprehensively reflect the existing reality and basic laws of society.

Together with legal rules, the principles of law have a significant information, orientation and regulatory impact on people's consciousness and behavior. Thus, the principle of criminal law guards the authorities of inquiry, investigation, prosecutor's office and court that a person is criminally responsible only for such socially dangerous actions (inaction) and which have occurred socially dangerous consequences, for which it is established in the form of direct or indirect intent, criminal levity or negligence.

The quality and effectiveness of law-making and law-enforcement, judicial and other forms of legal practice depend to a large extent on the competent use of the principles of law. In this case, they serve not only as a benchmark for legislators and other entities, but also as a criterion for evaluating their performance.

Often, principles are an important means of identifying gaps, contradictions, and other flaws in law. Principles play a significant role in filling the gaps in law. The need to use them when applying the analogy of law is enshrined in the procedural branches of law.

The proper use, observance and application of the principles of law in their practical activity testifies to the high level of justice and legal culture of citizens and officials. Therefore, not only the rules, but also the principles of law must be clearly and clearly stated in the legislation.

As prof. Averianov, in accordance with the ideology of human-centrism or “human-centered” ideology, aver sun must “serve” the interests of citizens, that is, act for the sake of and on behalf of individuals by fully securing the priority of their rights, freedoms and interests in the public sphere [13, p. 12].

Human centrism is designed not only to serve the interests of the public, since such service may not satisfy individuals. That is, Human Centrism is not only a certain requirement of service to a person who is addressed to the state, but also the duty of that state to realize this basic task solely in the manner stipulated by the Basic Law of Ukraine [14]. The basis for the concept of human-centrism is the rights and freedoms of man and citizen. Without their fixation on the normative and study at the doctrinal level, Human-centrism will remain only a convenient slogan.

It should be noted that value as an element of public governance is becoming a particular trend that determines public policy in most developed countries. The very question of defining a value or value system as a key element in the public administration of any research is a difficult task. Because, it is constantly in the field of view of scientists and requires adaptation of scientific knowledge to the object and object of study, taking into account the needs of today [15, p. 15].

In today's conditions of civil society development, which are characterized by the direct transformation of democratic principles, the problem of defining values themselves as an element of government is urgent. Unfortunately, public administration experts do not sufficiently study this topic.

Directly, democracy can only achieve success where each individual citizen and society as a whole is committed to values and understands the requirements. Emphasizing the democratic process, it is necessary to highlight in it the specifics of the procedures for making and decision-making.

It should be noted that the pragmatism of democratic forms allows one to make decisions through selection and reflection, discussing various possible options. That is, rational decisions express a common will, and this gives them greater importance.

From the practice of democratic countries in the whole multifaceted aspect comes the democratic idea. Democracy is of particular value, and so there is a conviction that a democratic way of solving social problems is not only possible but necessary. People in society understand that in all its manifestations, democracy contributes exclusively to social creativity, to the search for more adequate and acceptable conditions for existence in civil society.

Democracy is a social experiment, a way of introducing social innovation. With this property of democracy, it is sometimes said that it stimulates the development of society. In a post-communist environment, democratization contributes to the complete renewal of all spheres of social life, so it can be said that this is an important force in the way of transformation of society.

Directly, democratic institutions and processes are a condition for prosperity and well-being of society, and economic freedom logically contributes to economic growth and economic efficiency and development. This also applies to political democracy and the extent to which citizens are involved in public affairs. All this gives us reason to speak of democracy as a common good, or at least as a condition of such good [16, p. 101]. Democracy is also the embodiment of universal will and reason and social morality, and a democratic order is a necessary prerequisite for the prevention of tyranny and a guarantee of protection of citizens' rights and freedoms, free self-expression, self-development, development of legal equality among citizens, moral autonomy of people, peaceful resolution of social problems. on the basis of general public consent and restraint of coercion, all of which are collectively referred to as the values sought in a society based on human potential [17, p. 125].

The reform of public governance models in many European countries was driven by the basic values that were needed for social development and public needs and were of increasing importance [18, p. 26].

However, despite this fact, it is worth noting that all, without exception, the model of public governance in EU countries was based on the principles of public administration in civil society, namely, such as fairness in the relations between the state and the public; transparency of activity of public authorities; the growth of democratic levers and citizen participation in decision-making [19, p. 102].

The value system itself did not arise by chance, but is the result of the spiritual work of society; it is an effective side of social consciousness, taken in the unity of all its forms. It permeates all forms of social consciousness in a certain way, unites certain interests by different ideological, moral and aesthetic means, and becomes a particular source of direct motives for behavior or stimuli of human activity [20, p. 24].

Value orientations are the social, economic, political, moral, religious, aesthetic, epistemological, ontological and ideological bases of the subject's judgments of environmental reality, those or other parties, spheres, objects that form the substantive side of orientation. the personality itself. This phenomenon is dynamic, as each new generation of citizens learns the values of the previous generation through the prism of their own perception and experience, adding to it their own values. Of course, the process of changing the values themselves is directly related to changes in the economic, cultural, political and other spheres of life of a country's society.

Even in the Soviet Union, a number of studies have been carried out by state institutions on the processes of changing the orientation of young people of different age groups. During these years, particular attention was paid to the study of the very system of value orientations of young people who had just started work, to work, education and their interrelation; At that time, the value of work was considered a means of realizing life plans and satisfying the interests of the individual, and was directly proportional to the growth of spiritual and material needs of man and inversely proportional to the possibility of using other means to meet them.

In the modern scientific sense of value, these are certain ideas or norms or processes, relations of material and spiritual order, which have objective positive significance and are able to satisfy the specific needs of citizens.

Values act as the motivational nucleus and driving force of the personality structure, determine its orientation, or a higher level of self-regulation and self-organization of behavior of both the individual and the social system. A key function of values and values is the regulatory function, that is, the regulation of social relations and the behavior of an individual in a particular social environment. While performing a regulatory function in society, values serve as socially significant benchmarks for the life of all citizens and individually, and this is an important factor in strengthening the entire nation.

At the present stage in Ukraine, the system of public administration is undergoing a change in the value orientations associated with the approval of the Human-centrist ideology to change the state-centrist one, with the strengthening of the social orientation of the government itself.

The value system of our society is a set of national and universal values. The historical struggle against violence and the pursuit of equality with other nations have given rise to an individualistic system of values that stimulates achievement motivation, personal independence, confidence, the need to rely solely on their own strength. The people have an individual responsibility for the consequences of their own goals.

At the turn of the XX and XXI centuries. the issue of the value orientations of humanity is being raised again and sharply, and then those values that have brought up our society in the public over the decades are beginning to change again. Under the influence of many factors, there is a reorientation of the value system: from the collective to the individual, the influence of Soviet ideology changes to the ideology of the Western or the market.

There is a sharpening of contradictions in the social development of society, society is sharply polarized, which is manifested in the alienation of the individual from society.

The absence of a state ideology aimed at the development of the society itself, the state, and not the protection of one's own interests contributes to the decline of the socio-cultural development of the individual, leads to the destruction of the individual, the suppression of public and national consciousness of people. The state has an important role to play in this process, namely the observance and protection of human rights, democracy and peace need proper action, above all by the state. Adequate socio-economic and cultural policies are vital to the development of these values. This is especially important when enacting laws and regulations and developing political mechanisms, as well as when it comes to assisting non-governmental organizations and various civil society actors in their efforts for the benefit of a culture of democratic governance, understanding and development.

Today, focusing on the search for new principles in the management of models and forms, continuous development and globalization, there are new requirements for these principles -- the need for these principles of governance to be characterized by the introduction of new values and values, based on national interests such as justice, will, freedom, individual freedom and others, as well as the elements of individual freedom and new forms of collective and personal responsibility. In this regard, it is extremely important to consider the basic management approaches that should ensure that the principles of public administration in practice of the authorities of all levels are put into practice.

In the modern context of public administration, there are values, or a system of values, that underpin democratic and personal development principles. The very managerial activity of the authorities and the social solidarity of the society are most necessary for the implementation of these principles, which are the basis of public administration, in the future it can become a constructive and effective tool of social development in the conditions of democratic transformations.

The core of human-centrism is the self-realization of personality. It is the promotion of the self-realization of each person within the framework of universal human morality (that is, on the basis of respect for other people and the natural environment) and national consciousness, which should become the key activity of all government structures.

Conclusions from this study and prospects for further exploration in this area

Thus, as noted, the absence of a state ideology aimed at the development of society itself, the state, and not to protect one's own interests contributes to the decline of the socio-cultural development of the individual, leads to the destruction of the individual, the suppression of public and national consciousness of people. Adequate socio-economic and cultural policies are vital to the development of these values. This is especially important when enacting laws and regulations and developing policy mechanisms.

It is necessary to focus on the search for new principles of Human Centrism in the public management of models and forms, the constant development and globalization, putting forward new requirements for these principles.


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