Mechanisms of personnel management in labor market conditions
Drawbacks in processes of national economy, its industries and individual enterprises provision by competitive personnel. It is shown lack of scientifically grounded approaches to prospects of formation and use of personnel. The concept of "manager".
Рубрика | Менеджмент и трудовые отношения |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 02.12.2020 |
Размер файла | 540,8 K |
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Размещено на
Kovach Valeriia
PhD in Technical Sciences, Deputy Director of the Educational and Research Institute of Continuing Educatio National Aviation University
Hurkovskyi Volodymyr
PhD in State Management, Senior Researcher, First Deputy Director of the Center for Public Administration Studies
Deineha Iryna
PhD in Historical Sciences, Associated Professor, Director of the Educational and Research Institute of Continuing Education National Aviation University
economy competitive personnel manager
Drawbacks in processes of national economy, its industries and individual enterprises provision by competitive personnel are analysed in the article. Lack or imperfection of developed national, sectoral and regional strategic programs of competitive human resources formation is shown. State mechanisms used during formation and use of human resources are analyzed. It is shown lack of scientifically grounded approaches to prospects of formation and use of personnel which caused situation when significant number of highly skilled specialists and workers of many enterprises are out of influence of factors aimed at their involvement in active production. Necessity of methodological bases development for strategy formation of competitive personnel potential is argued. It will allow to provide accelerated development of innovative based Ukraine's economy. It is shown necessity formation of predetermined personnel policy which aimed to ovecome discrepancies between real processes occurring in social labor relations and practice of their regulation. It is argued that transition to efficient management technologies requires new theoretical knowledge and practical skills of managers of different levels and layers; ability to collaborate in flexible “teams”, integrate financial and statistical information, and take into account public response. The concept of “manager" in modern conditions of te labor market development is characterized. It is shown that efficient management is possible today due to highly developed information technologies and their constant introduction at all economy levels. It is concluded that development of national strategy for personnel resources formation in the country is an important organizational factor in problem's solution of personnel resource potential. It will be able to ensure efficient functioning of the national economy, its industries and individual enterprises and organizations in dynamic conditions of market transformations and global competition.
Key words: labor market, кадровий потенціал, механізми кадрового управління, державна стратегія, транформація ринку.
У статті проаналізовані недоліки в процесах забезпечення національного господарства та його галузей і окремих підприємств конкурентоспроможними кадрами, здатними забезпечувати їх інноваційний розвиток. Показано відсутність або недосконалість розроблених національних, галузевих та регіональних стратегічних програм формування конкурентоспроможного кадрового потенціалу. Праналізовано державні механізми механізмів, що застосовуються під час формування та використання кадрового потенціалу. Показано вдсутність науково обґрунтованих підходів щодо перспектив формування та використання кадрового потенціалу, які стали причиною того, що значна кількість висококваліфікованих спеціалістів і робітників багатьох підприємств опинились поза впливом факторів, спрямованих на їх залучення до активної виробничої діяльності. Аргументовано необхідність розроблення методологічних і методичних засад формування стратегії конкурентоспроможного кадрового потенціалу, використання якого дасть змогу забезпечувати прискорений розвиток економіки України, що базуватиметься на інноваційному підґрунті. Показано необхідність формування заздалегідь передбачуваної кадрової політики, яка була б спрямована на подолання невідповідності між реальними процесами, що відбуваються в соціальнотрудових відносинах і практикою їх регулювання. Аргументовано, що перехід на результативні управлінські технології потребує від менеджерів різних рівнів і пластів нових теоретичних знань і практичних навичок, уміння співпрацювати в гнучких “командах", інтегрувати фінансово-статистичну інформацію, враховувати реакцію громадськості. Охарактеризовано поняття “менеджера” в сучасних умовах розвитку ринку праці та показано, що ефективне управління сьогодні можливо завдяки передусім високорозвиненим інформаційним технологіям та постійному їх впровадженню на всіх рівнях господарювання. Зроблено висновок про те, що Важливим організаційним фактором у вирішенні проблеми кадрового потенціалу необхідно вважати розробку державної стратегії формування кадрового потенціалу в країні, що буде здатен забезпечити ефективне функціонування національного господарства, його галузей та окремих підприємств і організацій у динамічних умовах ринкових трансформацій і глобальної конкуренції.
Ключові слова: ринок праці, кадровий потенціал, механізми кадрового управління, державна стратегія, транформація ринку.
Statement of the problem. There is a disproportion in the course of market transformations between needs of enterprises in competitive personnel and labor market possibilities to provide business entities with necessary amount of personnel of appropriate level of professional training, able to master and adapt to the modern high technologies of manufacturing products and services.
Analysis of recent researches and publications. Problem of national enterprises competitiveness is considered by such Ukrainian scientists as: I. V. Bahrova, A. E. Voronkova, O. O. Hetman, O. Yu. Hryhorieva, V. V. Dorofiienko, Yu. V. Makohon, M. H. Nykytyna, L. A. Pankova and others. Problem of labor force competitiveness in Ukraine is considered by T. I. Bohdanova, D. P. Bohynia, N. L. Havkalova, O. A. Hryshnova, S. P. Kalynyna, A. M. Kolot, N. D. Lukianchenko, I.L. Petrova and others.
At the same time complex approaches to formation of state mechanisms of personnel management in the labor market are indirectly considered in modern scientific research.
Formulation purposes of article (problem). Market transformations in Ukrainian economy cause formation of predetermined personnel policy, which would be aimed to overcome discrepancy between real processes occurring in social labor relations and their regulation practice which was formed in Ukraine. The article's aim is to determine formation mechanism and increase use of personnel efficiency with simultaneous provision by necessary resources and efficient management.
The main material. Reforming of economy of Ukraine and its regions emphasized problem of morality in managers and employees activity. Aspects of such activity are values (beliefs, opinions; attitudes of individuals and society to freedom, justice, honesty, loyalty, responsibility, etc.), standards and norms (principles of action; control by law, codes, rules), “external environment” (cultural and sociopolitical conditions). These values should be ensured to avoid disappearing of accountability and professionalism in endless conflicts of personal interests, corruption, authoritarianism and lawlessness. Ethical decision-making process must take place in the following conditions: just incentives (punishments); choice of moral values and actions; self-control; legality of actions; understanding of cultural and philosophical principles; professional relations [1].
Prediction of parallel conceptualisation of labor market management (Fig. 1) serves as a basis for work organizing to ensure the balance of working population employment and cash jobs because it allows with certainty to estimate:
1 ) current situation with ratio of demand and supply of economic agents;
Fig. 1. Levels of practical implementation of management activities (by R. F. Abdeev) [2]
2) possible size of unemployed population, which can apply for employment assistance in not only the state bodies, but also number of vacant and newly created vacancies;
3) distribution of labor force that appeared on the labor market (possible volumes of retraining of dismissed workers and unemployed population, potential number of unemployed).
Transition to efficient management technologies requires managers of different levels and layers of new theoretical knowledge and practical skills with ability to collaborate in flexible “teams”, integrate financial and statistical information, and take into account public response.
Autonomous status of manager (Fig. 2.) protects process of economic decision-making from unprofessional and irresponsible interventions by shareholders of enterprises, trade unions, and political figures.
Manager is an owner of specific and the most expensive capital in the present conditions. It is a unique knowledge and ability to combine capital with production means to get profit. Nowadays, manager work is not traditionally measured by duration of their working time because it is impossible to measure length of working time by work of scientific and creative worker. Manager's work partially ceases to be a hired work. Manager works for himself. Partial overcome of hired nature of managers work extends to part of engineering and technical workers, whose work directly depends on implementation of the most important management decisions for benefit of the market and society. Open management drives managers to become socially honest. Managers could freely manipulate by level of earnings determined by the pressure of employed [4, 5] in conditions of their monopoly position in the market and production.
In economically developed countries while speaking about labor management it is referred to “human resources” and consider them systematically: invested capital, material resources, technologies. Efficient management today is possible due to highly advanced information technologies. Time factor rationalized management of the labor market process. Only highly organized and motivated labor can produce ripe fruits [6].
Classic management based on characteristically staffing structures can only partially meet needs of the employer and human resource management requests in today's context, where hourly, multilateral multifactorial changes occur.
Modern employer recognizes importance of each employee for enterprise and develops a personnel management strategy, together with professional recruitment, gives an important role to labor relations, organization of accounting, promotion of work, methods and standards of remuneration, formal and informal communications [7]. Such system should flexibly promote structuring without compromising integrity, be robust, capable to recover from organizational and technological disruptions, and provide efficient protection against unauthorized access to data.
Part of personnel unit that is not mentioned in practically any advertising brochure of commercial or industrial enterprise remains in the shadow with its internal concerns (including work on coordination and personnel monitoring). But practice confirms that experienced personnel should work with people who completed business school, to support recruitment requirements while maintaining image of the company.
Reasons of regional management problems sharpening first of all are in unilateral improvement of economic base of vulnerable industrial enterprises, created as links of large technological complexes with one consumer of their products -- the state; secondly, deformations of socio-demographic structure (former planning of \ deployment of productive forces led to an economic base, which has, in particular, low-elastic resource personnel of high-tech industries in high-industrial areas); third, low level of urban infrastructure (mismatch in location (quantity) and needs (quality) of the social and living environment [8, 9].
Fig. 2. Attributes of system-cybernetic approach [3]
Term “active workforce or population” covers all persons who can be employed or unemployed. Employment should be divided into employed workers and employed at their own enterprise (self-employed). The first should be divided into those who “work for a salary in cash” and those who “have job but do not work temporarily” [10, 11]. For the latter, it is advisable to determine formal link with workplace, taking into account national peculiarities, as well as:
a) salary;
b) assurance in ability to return to work after certain circumstances change, or existence of an agreed date of return to work; without obligation to agree to another job.
Persons engaged in production of economic goods and services for their own consumption or household consumption should be referred to those who employed by state-owned enterprises, if such production provides a significant contribution to overall consumption of the household.
Economically active population can be divided into two main groups: armed forces and economically active civilian population. Economically active population can be correlated with general population to obtain a measure of labor force participation. Also it can be correlated with older population established for economically active population accounting. It is also necessary to implement time-based method which is developed on series of ongoing surveys covering representative sample of reporting periods during the year. In such case it can be used to estimate used and unused time during the year [12].
Income information is required to analyze hidden underemployment. Satisfactory estimates of earnings data can usually only be obtained through surveys of workforce and family income of hired workers or other sources, such as tax reports. Potential underemployment (measured according to the criterion of low labor productivity) is estimated when individual works in an enterprise or economic unit with abnormally low productivity. In various sectors of the economy (in particular in agriculture) estimation of “surplus of labor force” or “labor reserves” can be obtained by comparing of available labor units and actual units used or required under different assumptions about productivity [13, 14].
In many countries there are individuals who do not belong to labor force but would be included in the labor force under certain circumstances [15] in addition to persons who belong to the labor force but whose contribution to family income and the national product is limited by unemployment and full employment. Such persons are not in active search of work, for example, due to the lack of suitable work for them; or they can have physical or mental disabilities that could be overcome through training or other corrective measures. We refused theoretical concepts of labor market modeling and modeled an approach for optimization of management system of labor market process. Then we came to conclusion of complex integration of above described component, because the market itself begins to form.
Structural and economic principle shows complexity of diversity of interconnected socio-economic structures. Information, ideology, investments, innovations and intelligence are own and external signs of achieving high and flexible level of formation of economic agent, appropriate to situation of the labor market.
Way of economic agents interconnection will allow to calculate functional load of each. It involves classification of macroeconomic phenomena (variables) into internal to this system, endogenous and external, exogenous. Their model relationships and relationships between them characterize following types of relationships:
1) relationships resulting from direct identification of macroeconomic variables;
2) conditional formalization of actually existing normative relations;
3) technical dependencies related to conditions of functioning of labor market and in fact labor process;
4) static, reflecting existing trends and interdependence of variables;
5) heuristic dependencies that imply description of behavior of economic agents and reaction to changes of external conditions of internal state of economic system. Any target endogenous variable (eg, unemployment rate) is influenced by all time scenarios due to interdependence of the variables. Intentionally or involuntarily (due to managerial unprofessionalism -- incompetence) distortion of hierarchy of existing structures and variables leads to inadequacy of object's response to actions of management subject. Obviously, the labor market is not a completely closed static set of socio-economic concepts. Like all processes the labor market has certain length in time so called “flow of time”. It can be estimated as intensity of key parameters of internal processes changes.
It should be noted that efficient counteraction to mass potential, partial and real unemployment is possible only within the framework of economic crisis program. All economic, including investment, developing programs should include indicators of demand for labor, number of jobs stored or additionally created (real production, technologically necessary or socially significant), as standards (program evaluation criteria).
It is necessary to radically change place of the labor market problems in system of priorities of state economic policy and to restructure governance structure. The highest authorities and key structures of the Government of Ukraine should be subjects of anti-crisis regulation. Content of formally declared active employment policy should be reviewed. The policy is understood as a system of measures to facilitate rapid search for work or to educate able-bodied in working age in new occupations. In Ukraine, it is necessary first to restore destroyed and create new (market) mechanisms of “production of workplaces” and then stimulate population to search, because it is impossible to search something that is not available.
Different elements of each control subsystem are interconnected and represent a single reproduction process. Deviations in one direction or another reflect the inconsistencies caused by developments in mechanism of region and labor resources development, in system of relations arising from interests of individual, regarding formation, distribution and use of economic agents of the labor market. Absence of proper planning for formation of economic agents leads to strengthening of inactive and insufficiently targeted economic levers and incentives by inflexibility of organizational governance structure, bureaucratization of the institutional layer of the labor market [16].
Experience of working Ukrainian citizens in industrialized countries helps to improve their skills; to strengthen their and their families well-being; to introduce advanced technologies at home; to create joint ventures; to develop business activity and entrepreneurship.
Insights from this study and perspectives for further research in this direction. Rate accelerating of economic development of Ukraine on innovative basis creates necessity in fundamental changes of personnel policy of the state. Its main task should be formation of competitive human resources. An important organizational factor in this problem solution should be considered development of the national strategy for formation of human resources in the country, capable to ensure efficient functioning of the national economy, its industries and individual enterprises and organizations in the dynamic conditions of market transformations and global competition.
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