The concept of management leadership efficiency

The purpose of the study is to define the concept of management leadership efficiency which forms a positive result. The paper considers the main content and essence of managerial work. The logic of the process of managerial activities has been defined.

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Дата добавления 08.09.2020
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Kalashnikova Khrystyna,

PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Public Administration,

O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

The relevance of the research topic is due to the fact that it is difficult to imagine management without organizational activity. Any business must be organized before it is managed, and then the organization must be constantly maintained in a condition that is adequate to the conditions and requirements of the market. The managerial leader not only manages the production process, but also constantly organizes it. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the main factors and aspects of the management leader 's activities that affect its efficiency. The purpose of the study is to define the concept of management leadership efficiency which forms a positive result of enterprises' managers' performance in Ukraine. The paper considers the main content and essence of managerial work. The logic of the process of managerial activities has been defined. The managerial roles have been classified. Three groups of skills that form the basis of the professional activity of the leader have been identified. Specific business qualities of the leader have been highlighted. The requirements for managers regarding these qualities are not the same at different levels of management. At the lower levels, for example, determination, sociability, and some aggressiveness are of more value; at the higher ones, the following qualities become a priority: the ability to think strategically, assess the situation, set new goals, make changes, organize the creative process of subordinates. A model for evaluating the management leadership efficiency based on the singling out the principles of the effectiveness of management leadership has been developed. In accordance with these principles, the concept of managerial leadership efficiency has been suggested. It can serve as a basis for further practical use in order to increase the effectiveness of specific management leaders. It has been proved that the managers ' behavior should be different with focus on perseverance, willingness to accept and transmit information, rationality, team work, thoroughness and accuracy, honesty, fairness, humor, desire to make contacts, willingness to respond correctly to reasonable objections, as well as willingness to make decisions, self-criticism, self-control, confidence, tact, respect for people, a positive attitude towards competition, a focus on achieving the goals.

Keywords: managerial leadership, management, performance management, communication.

management leadership efficiency concept

Калашникова Кристина Игоревна


Актуальность темы исследования обусловлена тем, что трудно представить себе управление без организационной деятельности. Любое дело, прежде чем ею управлять, надо организовать, а затем постоянно поддерживать организацию в состоянии, адекватном условиям и требованиям рынка. Управленческий лидер не просто руководит процессом производства, но и постоянно занимается его организацией. Поэтому следует определить основные факторы и аспекты деятельности управленческого лидера, влияющих на его эффективность. Целью статьи является определение концепции эффективности управленческого лидерства, формирует положительный результат деятельности руководителей предприятий Украины. В работе рассмотрено основное содержание и сущность управленческого труда. Определено логику процесса управленческого труда. Осуществлена классификация управленческих ролей менеджера. Выявлено три группы навыков, составляющих основу профессиональной деятельности руководителя. Выделены специфические деловые качества руководителя. Требования к руководителям в отношении этих качеств не является одинаковыми на разных уровнях управления. На низших, например, в большей степени ценится решительность, коммуникабельность, некоторая агрессивность; на высших - на первое место выдвигается умение стратегически мыслить, оценивать ситуацию, ставить новые цели, осуществлять преобразования, организовывать творческий процесс подчиненных. Разработана модель оценки эффективности управленческого лидерства, основанного на выделении принципов эффективности управленческого лидерства. В соответствии с этими принципами предложена концепция эффективности управленческого лидерства, которая может послужить основой для дальнейшего практического использования с целью повышения эффективности деятельности конкретных управленческих лидеров. Определено, что поведение менеджеров должна отличаться: настойчивостью, готовностью к восприятию и передаче информации, рациональностью, групповой работой, тщательностью и точностью, честностью, справедливостью, юмором, стремлением к контактам, готовностью правильно реагировать на обоснованные возражения, а также готовностью к принятию решений, самокритичностью, самоконтролем, уверенностью в манере поведения, тактичностью, уважением к людям, положительным отношением к соперничеству, ориентированностью на достижение поставленных целей.

Ключевые слова: управленческое лидерство, управленческая деятельность, оценка эффективности управленческого труда, коммуникация.

Калашнікова Христина Ігорівна


Актуальність теми дослідження обумовлена тим, що важко уявити собі управління без організаційної діяльності. Будь-яку справу, перш ніж нею управляти, треба організувати, а потім постійно підтримувати організацію в стані, адекватному умовам і вимогам ринку. Управлінський лідер не просто керує процесом виробництва, але і постійно займається його організацією. Тому слід визначити основні фактори та аспекти діяльності управлінського лідера, що мають вплив на його ефективність. Метою статті є визначення концепції ефективності управлінського лідерства, що формує позитивний результат діяльності керівників підприємств України. В роботі розглянуто основний зміст та сутність управлінської праці. Визначено логіку процесу управлінської праці. Здійснено класифікацію управлінських ролей менеджера. Виявлено три групи навичок, що складають основу професійної діяльності керівника. Виділено специфічні ділові якості керівника. Вимоги до керівників у відношенні цих якостей не є однаковими на різних рівнях управління. На нижчих, наприклад, у більшому ступені цінується рішучість, комунікабельність, деяка агресивність; на вищих - на перше місце висувається уміння стратегічно мислити, оцінювати ситуацію, ставити нові цілі, здійснювати перетворення, організовувати творчий процес підлеглих. Розроблено модель оцінки ефективності управлінського лідерства, що ґрунтується на виділенні принципів ефективності управлінського лідерства. У відповідності з цими принципами запропоновано концепцію ефективності управлінського лідерства, яка може послужити основою для подальшого практичного використання з метою підвищення ефективності діяльності конкретних управлінських лідерів. Визначено, що поведінка менеджерів повинна відрізнятися: наполегливістю, готовністю до сприйняття і передачі інформації, раціональністю, груповою роботою, старанністю і точністю, чесністю, справедливістю, гумором, прагненням до контактів, готовністю правильно реагувати на обґрунтовані заперечення, а також готовністю до прийняття рішень, самокритичністю, самоконтролем, впевненістю у манері поведінки, тактовністю, повагою до людей, позитивним відношенням до суперництва, орієнтованістю на досягнення поставлених цілей.

Ключові слова: управлінське лідерство, управлінська діяльність, оцінка ефективності управлінської праці, комунікація.


The problem statement. The individual effectiveness of a manager as a managerial leader is determined by his particular personal qualities and habitual behavior patterns. The individual features and characteristics of a manager determine his desire to take on the role of the leader of a certain group or organization as a whole and make it possible to identify abilities that give an opportunity to cope with the duties arising from this role.

The personality of a managerial leader is formed at the intersection of the individual and group goals and interests of various people (senior management, subordinates, partners, clients, etc.). In order to achieve the positive result of the activities, the managerial leader must take to heart and transform this aggregate energy into consolidated work in pursuit of organizational goals, which is quite difficult in the changing conditions of our time. The activity of a management leader can be considered effective if the existing preferences are optimally used and the disadvantages are minimized.

An important element of effective managerial leadership is the ability of a managerial leader to exert a positive influence on others, which induces them to change their attitude to events and changes them from passive observers into the policy agents and active followers of specific ideas, values and principles. That is why developing the managerial leadership efficiency is difficult to imagine beyond the ability of the management to influence and predict the reactions of others to their influence.

Effective influence on the surrounding involves the use of various tools and tactics that allow the opponent to preserve and even strengthen his reputation as a strong and independent person.

Overview of recent research and publications. The theoretical foundations of the managerial work content and its role in the development of the enterprise have been studied in the works of the following foreign researchers: V. Vruma, F. Herzberg, S. Carroll, D. McClelland, A. Maslow, J. Schonnesi and many others. A significant contribution to the development of this problem has been made by the national scientists: L. S. Vygotsky, E. P. Ilyin, A. M. Kolot, G. V. Shchekin, E. A. Utkin, M. B. Kurbatov, A. Ya. Kibanov, and others. However, it should be noted that in present conditions of rapid change in information flow, success can only be achieved by such a leader who applies modern methods and improves his own management work.

The purpose of the study (task statement). The purpose of the article is to determine the concept of managerial leadership efficiency, which forms a positive result of the performance of Ukrainian enterprises' leaders.


The basis of the organization of management activity is the organization of labor in general, and management in particular.

With all the diversity of approaches and definitions, the organization of labor is understood as a system of systematic and targeted measures to ensure the highly effective use of all the resources of the enterprise taking into account the state of the internal and external spheres to secure its mission.

Mission - the main general purpose of the organization is a clearly expressed cause of its existence. Certain goals are set for the mission.

In order to understand what constitutes a managerial activity, we turn to the concept of managerial labor as one of its main components.

Administrative work is a kind of mental work, and it can be attributed to the work of various categories of workers, that is, it is a kind of work aimed at the implementation of organization, coordination and regulation.

The main content and essence of management work can be disclosed only with a view to the particular sphere, and accordingly, its improvement should be carried out in accordance with this sphere.

Compared with other types of work in the organization, it has a number of features that are expressed by the nature of the work itself, its subject, results and the means used.

Managerial work is a type of social work, the main task of which is to ensure purposeful, coordinated activities of both individual participants in the joint labor process and labor collectives as a whole.

Figure 1 illustrates the logic of the process of managerial work and its focus on achieving the results of the organization.

Fig. 1. Logic of management work

The main tasks of management are to define the goals of the organization and create the necessary conditions (economic, organizational, technical, social, psychological, etc.) for their realization, «establish harmony» between individual work processes, coordinate the joint activities of employees. The specificity of the tasks to be solved is determined primarily by the intellectual, creative nature of management work, in which the formulation of goals, the development of methods and methods for their achievement, as well as the organization of joint activities constitute the main content and content of the work of people belonging to management personnel. They have a special subject of work - information, processing which they make the decisions necessary to change the state of the controlled object. The tools of work are the means of working with information. The result of their activities is evaluated by the goals achieved.

Managerial work is focused on the organization and management of various processes.

In the work activities of the top manager and senior managers, the actual management functions in the total scope of work are 6-18% for the first, 5-15% for the second. Thus, the part of management work in the process of labor activity in each specific case varies and depends on the position occupied, the scope of the employee, the level of his competence, preparedness, the ability to organize his work and the work of the team [1].

The concept of «management personnel» is interpreted widely and ambiguously. The International Labor Organization (ILO) considers management work as part of a wider category of workers, which in addition to managers includes other professionals. The basis is a close relationship in the work of managers and specialists.

The concept of «managerial activity» is wider than the other concepts, because management, work, people and nature take part in management activities; management plays a leading and guiding role among all types of activities. The impact is not on management, but on the process of its implementation [2].

Thus, management activity is a type of consciously carried out human activity aimed at the effective functioning of the work being carried out (individually or collectively) to achieve certain goals, to solve relevant tasks, and to perform functions.

Management activity is a multifaceted, complex process and a comprehensive, systematic approach is needed to solve the problem of studying and implementing it.

In this case, it is advisable to consider the managerial roles.

A role is an expected set of actions or behaviors resulting from work. Manager's activities related to interpersonal communication, information and decision making are characterized by the roles.

The ability to conceptually think in the field of management is largely due to the nature of education. It is not by chance that in the USA only 2% of top company managers are engineers, and others are lawyers, economists, psychologists, and managers. In our country, the picture is reversed: at the beginning of the 90s 85% of managers had a technical education, 13% - economic, 2% - humanitarian.

In principle, personal qualities of a manager should differ little from the personal qualities of other employees who want to be respected, therefore possessing positive personal qualities is also only a prerequisite for successful leadership. These include:

- physical and psychological health;

- high level of internal culture;

- sensitivity, considerateness;

- friendly attitude towards people;

- optimism;

- self-confidence.

However, a person becomes a leader not only due to professional or personal qualities, but mainly to business ones, which include:

- the ability to create an organization, provide its activities to all that is necessary, put and distribute tasks among the executives, coordinate and control their implementation, encourage them to work;

- vigor, dominance, ambition, desire for power, personal independence, leadership, courage, determination, assertiveness, will, exactingness, uncompromising stand in defending the rights;

- openness, sociability, ability to win over people, ability to convince people and lead them;

- purposefulness, initiative, efficiency in solving problems, the ability to quickly choose the most important thing and concentrate;

- responsibility, ability to self-control, ability to control one's behavior, one's work, one's relations;

- the desire for transformation, innovation, the willingness to take risks and entice subordinates.

The requirements for managers regarding these qualities are not the same at different levels of management. At the lower ones, for example, determination, sociability, some aggressiveness are more appreciated; at higher levels, the ability to think strategically, assess the situation, set new goals, make transformations, organize the creative process of subordinates are the priority [7].

Under these conditions, it is best to focus on the requirements of the job descriptions or passports of the manager's workplace.

The model for evaluating the effectiveness of management leadership is based on highlighting the principles of the effectiveness of management leadership. These include:

- finding goals that are promising in terms of organizational performance. The management leader can generate ideas independently or accumulate innovative energy of the environment. Moreover, he should be able to formulate promising ideas into organizational goals and set agreed tasks for subordinates;

- making changes in the structure, procedures and rules at all levels of management, planning and operational processes in accordance with the needs of optimal achievement of organizational goals;

- development and improvement of the positive impact on the organization as a whole and each member individually as a factor in the integration of resources towards the effective achievement of strategic goals and tactical objectives. If the management leader does not have sufficient influence in the organization, he will not be able to reach the goals and promising ideas;

- search for talented followers and partners, consolidation of their activities on the basis of a common vision of the goal and optimal use of the potential [4].

In accordance with these principles, the concept of management leadership efficiency is suggested. The concept can serve as a basis for further practical use in order to increase the effectiveness of specific managerial leaders. Schematically, this concept is presented in Figure 2.

The leader is always actively involved in group interaction processes. He actively influences the distribution of informal social roles and functions, influences in a certain way on the processes of group dynamics. The management leader uses his leadership in a particular group as a factor of increasing the efficiency of group activities in the framework of the goals set for the organization. Therefore, an important aspect of managerial leadership efficiency is the ability to effectively manage groups, including teams.

Communication, like the circulatory system, permeates the organization, providing it with necessary information. In any organization, there are formal and informal communication channels. Managers typically control the formal channels of communication, and informal leaders control the informal channels of communication. The managerial leader has an exceptional opportunity to control all channels of communication based on the needs of the organization. Effective management leadership is largely based on the creation of an effective communication system in the organization and the efficient management of this system.

The behavior of managers should be characterized by perseverance, readiness for perception and transmission of information, rationality, group work, diligence and accuracy, honesty, justice, humor, desire for contacts, readiness to respond properly to substantiated objections, as well as readiness for decision-making, self-criticism, self-control, confidence in the manner of behavior, tact, respect for people, positive attitude to competition, orientation towards achieving the goals.

Fig. 2. The Concept of Management Leadership Efficiency


The study allows identifying a number of factors evaluating the performance of a leader:

1. A managerial leader has exceptional capabilities that allow him to influence both the organization's internal and external environment, regularly interact with representatives of various organizations whose activities in one way or another affect the efficiency of the leader's organization. Representatives may be allies or opponents of management leadership policies.

2. The ability of a management leader to create, maintain and develop partnerships with individuals, groups and organizations is an important factor in evaluating his performance.

3. The effectiveness of managerial leadership is determined by the ability to plan and implement changes in accordance with the most promising ideas and goals. An effective management leader adequately meets and overcomes resistance to change. Based on the cultivated features of organizational culture, the management leader

REFERENCE and his followers shorten the gap between the goal and reality changing the latter for the better.

The suggested concept of managerial leadership efficiency is based on the following conclusions:

1. Only a leader can exercise effective managerial leadership. For this, he needs to have and constantly develop special qualities that determine individual effectiveness.

2. The effectiveness of leadership depends on the ability of the management leader to manage and optimally influence individuals (subordinates and surrounding people), a group of subordinates, communication, partnerships, as well as the ability to implement change in a timely and effective manner.

3. The rest of the management work can be performed by competent managers who understand and consistently implement the leader's program in the daily activities of organizations.

The most important task is to identify and study patterns, characteristics, techniques and the main directions for the further development of management activities in the conditions of market relations.


1. Afonin, A. S. (1994). Basics of Labor Motivation: Organizational-Economic Aspects. Kyiv: MZUUP [in Ukrainian].

2. Balabanova, L. V. (2004). Organization of labor manager: textbook. Kyiv: VD «Professional» [in Ukrainian].

3. Griffin, R. (2001). Fundamentals of Management: Textbook. Lviv: Baku [in Ukrainian].

4. Zhigalov, V. T., Shymanovska, L. P. (1994). Fundamentals of Management and Management. Kyiv: Higher school [in Ukrainian].

5. Zavadsky,Y. S. (1997). Management. Kyiv: Ukrainian-Finnish Institute of Management and Business [in Ukrainian].

6. Meshkon, M. H., Albert, M., Hedouri, F. (1992). Fundamentals of management. M.: Case [in Russian].

7. Shchekin, G. V. (2004). Fundamentals of Personnel Management. Kyiv: MAUP [in Ukrainian].

8. Shchekin, G. V. (2003). Theory and practice of working with a pesonal: a manual. Kyiv: MAUP [in Ukrainian].

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