Business processes in the corporate sector: management in telecommunications

Fundamentals of intercorporate cooperation with telecommunications services sub-operators, the problem of adaptability of business management systems and highlighting the principles of building systems for telecommunications in the national economy.

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Business processes in the corporate sector: management in telecommunications

Shaposhnykov K.S.

Black Sea Research Institute of Economy and Innovation (Odessa)

This article is devoted to features of the corporate sector in the telecommunications sector at the level of business processes, inter-corporate cooperation with sub-operators of telecommunications services, the problem of adaptability of business management systems and the release of the basic principles of these systems for telecommunications sphere in the national economy.

Key words: business process, corporate sector, corporate governance, corporation, national economy, the operator of telecommunications, telecommunications sphere.

Дана стаття присвячена висвітленню особливостей управління корпоративним сектором у сфері телекомунікацій на рівні бізнес-процесів, міжкорпоративній співпраці з суб-операторами телекомунікаційних послуг, проблемі адаптивності систем управління бізнесом та виділенню базових принципів побудови зазначених систем для сфери телекомунікацій в національній економіці.

Ключові слова: бізнес-процес, корпоративний сектор, корпоративне управління, корпорація, націо-нальна економіка, оператор телекомунікацій, сфера телекомунікацій.

Данная статья посвящена рассмотрению особенностей управления корпоративным сектором в сфере телекоммуникаций на уровне бизнес-процессов, межкорпоративному сотрудничеству с субоператорами телекоммуникационных услуг, проблеме адаптивности систем управления бизнесом и выделению базовых принципов построения указанных систем для сферы телекоммуникаций в национальной экономике.

Ключевые слова: бизнес-процесс, корпоративный сектор, корпоративное управление, корпорация, национальная экономика, оператор телекоммуникаций, сфера телекоммуникаций.

Introduction. The limit of the millennium proved to be extremely difficult for Ukraine: social and political revolution, the rapid development of specification of property rights, changes in consciousness, the emergence and use of new management technologies, transformation of almost all economic institutions nat-urally caused systemic shift in the global and national economic policy, which became the foundation for structural changes in the behavior of economic agents, including the special place corporate form of business organization telecommunications operators. economy telecommunication management

System transformation and rapid development of the telecommunications sector in Ukraine began with the acquisition of its independence and continue today. In the twentieth century is difficult to imagine at least one economic agent who has not used the services of this sector.

One of the defining features of the telecommuni-cations sector in the national economy is that all the most successful operators operating on the domestic market are corporations which necessitates research operators simultaneously in three aspects - as corporate enterprises as structural elements of these areas, as well as subeconomic and information objects innovations.

Analysis of recent research and publications. To have offered some original concept, which focuses on patterns of development of the telecommunications sector and on that basis made attempts to assess the impact of this factor on global perspectives of humanity and to specific markets in the national economy. However, the fundamental theoretical studies that directly relate to the theme of this work, in the domestic literature bit.

In preparing the articles were also used by Ukrai-nian authors work in related areas of science, such as research and technology strategies of corporate governance, business process research and study of corporate personnel and processes in the field of tele-communications. Among domestic authors, whose work devoted to this subject, known L. Holovkova, V. Hranaturov, O. Knyazyeva, Ya. Kvach, V. Koval, O. Redkin, N. Khrusch [1-7] and others.

Despite the variety of approaches and opinions, all authors, exploring the trends in the world of telecom-munications, express the idea that the era of powerful state monopolies in the field of the national economy over. The telecommunications sector is gradually transformed into the most liberalized, highly competitive sector of the national economy is developing dynamically. Its structure is changing rapidly, merges with other sectors, creating a single information and telecommunication space. Meanwhile remain unex-plored issues related to effective management of the corporate sector in telecommunications at business processes and causes urgency and importance of the results of the study.

Setting objectives. Purpose is to study the char-acteristics of management corporate sector in tele-communications at business processes and study Intercompany collaboration with sub-operators of telecommunications services.

The main material research. An important pre-requisite for effective economic activity of the corpo-rate sector in telecommunications is not only a flexible pricing policy, but properly placed customer care. As you know, most profitable customers this sector of the national economy is not private persons and companies. That is why corporate private operators work mainly with companies, including sub-operators of telecommunications services (acting as one of the co-founders of such companies).

The main feature of business telecommunications operators, in our opinion, is that their activities could be defined as a symbiosis of two forms of enterprise - production and services, namely: manufacturing of telecommunications services (significant technical capacities targeted at the needs of customers information exchange). So, for this sector of the national economy should apply management principles applicable both in traditional productive activities and in services. The first part corresponds to the principles of the ideology of building ERP-systems [4; 5; 6]. Telecommunications specifics management systems is that on the one hand, the telecommunications sector is quite highly regulated international and national standards and recommendations (this is due to the necessity of interaction at different levels of a large number of different types of networks). On the other hand, today telecommunications - is one of the most promising sectors of the national economy is developing dynamically. The emergence of new communications technologies, growing competition in the telecommunications market (between traditional and alternative operators among different manufacturers, the fight for customers between operators with an equal range of services, etc.) - all this requires high “flexibility” (adaptability) business management systems Therefore, the “center of gravity” in the systems busi-ness administration moves from operators increase production services to expand the range of services (implementation of convergent services), analysis and ensure demand for new and traditional telecom-munications services.

Defines the system of business process manage-ment national corporate telecommunications operator as a software and hardware system that includes: network infrastructure; corporate data center, which contains a powerful computing platform, secure data storage and printing center; basic system software, operating systems, database management systems; application software for managing business processes, including accounting systems, payment for telecommunications services, technical operation, business planning, documentation and management personnel.

For effective management of business processes of corporate telecommunications operator necessary to create a distributed network infrastructure that connects all the branches operator [1; 3]. With this in mind while designing appropriate information network telecommunications operator is using an integrated approach based on the implementation of as many corporate objectives. In order to implement mechanisms for return on investment, there should be the possibility of commercial exploitation of resources information network telecommunications operator. Only if the presence of transport network structure in the corporate sector in telecommunications, the operator can optimize the implementation of common decisions on automated control of the following business processes: the creation of a unified system of payments for telecommunication services, financial management, accounting, document management, technical management of networks and systems called 'communication [2; 3].

Given the above, we can classify the basic princi-ples that we believe should be used in the creation of business process management of large regional and national telecommunication operators and corporate holding structures and consider each of them.

1. The principle of corporatism. This principle asserts the priority of corporate interests over the interests of individual companies or branches. Under this principle provides for political will and ability to manage economic development model and make changes to the accounting policies in the interest of the holding company (the operator) as a whole.

2. The principle of unity of the economic model. This principle provides that, regardless of the specific implementation of the system of business process management subsidiaries, key parameters of the system must be accompanied by compulsory analytics, allowing to conduct the consolidation at the level of the operator or telecommunications usferi corporate sector as a whole.

3. The principle of unity of information space. To ensure the objectivity of reports should harmonize corporate data so that not violated the principle of unity of economic models and execution of technical procedures agreed data coming from different sources. The general information requirements and standards are part of this principle. A special role is played billing. Recently, questions related to billing, attracted the attention of both telecommunications service providers and potential customers. Most global billing problem in our view is to determine the functional characteristics of its business in the corporate telecommunications operator.

4. The principle of unity of measurement. To work corporate management of each business operation to be interpreted in terms of a single economic model enterprise. This quantitative indicators are weighted in a single transaction equivalents, intended to harmonize data.

5. The principle of simultaneity. Each operation must be displayed at the time of implementation of all its members. To implement this condition required the construction of a single corporate network that connects all the enterprise-service branches and the corporate sector in the telecommunications sector in general.

We now consider the practical features of modern business in the corporate sector in the field of tele-communications. The transition operator companies to work in new conditions of functioning of the corporate sector in the national economy, which differ greatly increasing competition, require them to substantially enhance attention to all aspects of technical and economic efficiency of their networks. In this regard, significantly increasing the role and importance of network management business processes for most tasks that define the economic efficiency of corporate telecommunications operator [4; 5; 7]. Analyzing in terms of practical application discussed above factors increasing role of network management, which is regarded as a set of clearly divided functional networks of business process management, we consider it appropriate to divide them into two groups:

1. Factors attracting growing network of business process management solution to most problems that determine the effectiveness of the corporate sector in the field of telecommunications.

2. Factors growing importance of network man-agement tools, such as equipment and communications systems.

Analysis of the first two groups of factors noted above shows that all the key areas of financial flows in the corporate sector in telecommunications network management tasks are present, the effective resolution of which affect the economic efficiency of the corporate sector of the national economy in general. This efficient network management should ensure both increase revenue and reduce costs.

Addressing the first of these objectives - increasing revenues - the most closely associated with the activities of management services - classification of the Forum network management [2; 4; 5]. The leading role is played by the system of customer relationship management. Based on the analysis, select key performance criteria of business process management in the corporate sector in telecommunications:

1. Increase customer satisfaction and potential customers reference and prompt service all requests related to the provision and quality of telecommuni-cations services.

2. The marketing work based on data analysis of the needs and preferences of customers (planned and analytical work of this Forum network management tasks assigned to the group of planning and operation of telecommunication services).

3. The range of properties and telecommunication services to solve the first two problems.

Conclusions and prospects for further research. In modern telecommunications markedly increased role of automated supervisory control and operational management in solving the task of reducing revenue losses from idle equipment provider. This is firstly due to the fact that the essential element of culture service level agreements involved in the practice of operator networks and data services, is to ensure readiness ser-vices and options appropriate equipment.

Secondly, new services provided corporate tele-communications operators, and especially e-commerce services, put forward higher requirements for preparedness networks; because this situation is caused by high cost of downtime, then - according to standard methods of determining the economic effectiveness of automation means - you can achieve a sufficiently small payback period of appropriate automated systems.

Current market conditions require precise and more operational planning and design of telecommunication network resources based on actual data traffic and quality of service. Only such an approach, in our view, can provide commercially reasonable load equipment subject to the standards of service quality in the corporate sector in the field of telecommunications. This data processing systems and traffic planning system should be considered as an integral part of the complex network management.

Special and separate attention worthy problem organizing relations between operators of telecom-munications networks (telecommunications service providers) and suppliers of control systems. In a series of system-processes at the domestic market manage-ment systems defined three main suppliers: commu-nications equipment designers, system integrators, independent telecommunications or computer systems and networks and independent developers and systems management software.

In our opinion it is independent developers and systems management software can provide the highest efficiency for the creation and attraction of network management in the corporate sector in the field of telecommunications. Very significant, often decisive arguments in this are: equidistance from manufacturers equipment to produce optimal set of telecommunications operator system solutions and choose the best set of products, ownership of network management technology, which in recent years has evolved and developed as an independent branch.


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2. E.A. Knyazeva Modern problems of development of telecommunications sphere / E.A. Knyazeva // Current trends of economic theory and practice: international experience and domestic realities: [Collection of scientific works]. - Kherson: KSU Publishing House, 2011. - P. 49-51.

3. V.V. Koval Strategic approach to managing business processes of telecommunication operators / V.V. Koval // Models sustainable development of the world economy: Economics, Finance and Law: [Intern materials. scientific- practic. Conf., Kiev, 30 May 2008]. - K.: UDUFMT, 2008. - P. 109-111.

4. Corporate governance organizational development, creative principles: [monograph] / M.M. Adamkovych, Ya.P. Kvach, K.S. Shaposhnykov. - Ishmael: SMYL, 2008. - 272 p.

5. Creative Corporate governance: theory and practice: [monograph] / K.S.Shaposhnykov; Kherson State University. - Kherson: KSU Publishing House, 2010. - 256 p.

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