Modern problems and prospects of training specialists in security matters

The role and importance of training security professionals in the modern world with constantly growing internal and external threats. The study of the main reasons for the actualization of the problem of training specialists on all safety issues.

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Modern problems and prospects of training specialists in security matters

Gurbanov Natig Huseyn oglu, associate professor, PhD., UNEC, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan

Ismayilzade Ali Agha Atham oglu, associate professor, PhD., UNEC, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan


security specialist threat

The main goal of the article is to study the role and importance of training security specialists in the modern world with ever-increasing internal and external threats. Ensuring the sustainable development of society and its citizens is largely predetermined by the degree of resolution of security issues, which requires an ever-increasing number of specialists on these issues.

The methodological basis of the research was scientific abstraction and logical inferences, system and statistical analysis.

The result of the study was the investigation of the reasons for the actualization at this stage of historical development of the problem of training specialists in security matters.The definition of citizens' security and national security is formulated. The statistical analysis of losses related to inadequate solution of security issues in various spheres of public life is given. The foreign experience of solving this problem, the forms and methods used are considered. Specific measures were proposed for training specialists on general and special security issues.

Keywords: internal threats, external threats, sustainable development, security of citizens, national security.

Introduction (Formulation of the problem)

Modern social life proceeds in a complex contradictory situation, where success in solving various problems is combined with the emergence of new, more complex, requiring more thorough preparation for its solution. The man rushes further and further into the uninhabited expanses, higher into space and deeper into the terrestrial interior, mastering all new resources. Our life is becoming more and more comfortable and diverse, continuously growing quantitatively and qualitatively surrounding the technical systems used in our daily activities. At the same time, there are also potential threats from them. Consequently, it can be argued that, in parallel with the growth of the welfare of society, there is also a growing need to improve its safety.The interests of protecting people from various dangers from ancient times pushed them to create different associations. The most perfect of them for today is the state, which assumes broad functions to protect people from external threats, natural phenomena and create the necessary conditions for their development. Since the last century, along with national entities for the protection of citizens, various supranational organizations have been created, aimed at ensuring the security of mankind as a whole.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The modern world is characterized by a continuous growth in the number of local and global threats, which creates the need to ensure the security of every person and society as a whole globally. As the famous English writer Bernard Shaw wrote: "Now that we have learned to fly through the air like birds, swimming underwater like fish, we lack only one thing-to learn how to live on earth as people" [1]. In this regard, it is necessary to give a theoretical definition of closely interconnected categories: "human security" and "public safety" or "national security".According to J. Khalilov, "National Security" is a state of protection of the individual, society and the state against internal and external threats that allows ensuring constitutional rights, freedoms, decent quality and standard of living of citizens, sovereignty, territorial integrity and sustainable development of the country [2, p.8].

In the National Security Concept of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2007), p.4.3.5. said that "Sustainable internal security is possible only if respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, the development of civil society and social welfare" [3].

In our opinion, under the security of citizens it is necessary to understand a way of life in which respect for basic human rights and freedoms, a decent quality of life is ensured. Under national security, it is necessary to understand the sovereign right of the state to exercise the above-mentioned rights and freedoms of its citizens within its internationally recognized borders.

The importance of the role of safety in human life was noted also by the well-known American sociologist A Maslow. In his famous hierarchy of needs, "The Need for Security" he placed in second place after "Physiological needs" [4]. If we consider human life historically, today it has become more secure than it was many centuries ago. The greatest results have been achieved in the last 100 years.

The purpose and objectives of the study is to identify modern problems and prospects of training specialists in security matters.

Presentation of the main research material. The whole set of factors affecting human security can be divided into natural, technogenic and socio-political. Ensuring personal safety is associated with minimizing the risks of impact on him of these factors. One of the most important means to achieve this goal is correct, rational behavior within the scope of the listed risks. So, even misuse of a kitchen knife or food creates a threat to the safety of our health. The Azerbaijani proverb says that often a person is to blame for his death, that is. In many cases it comes as a result of an incorrect lifestyle and behavior in different situations. This is confirmed by an analysis of accident statistics.

As per Table No 1 consider the dynamics of the main causes of death in the world over the past 15 years.

In 2015, nearly 5 million people died from the injuries. More than a quarter (27%) of these deaths were associated with an accident. In low-income countries, the death rate from injuries due to road accidents was the highest - 28.5 deaths per 100 000 population with a world figure of 18.3. Road injuries are among the top 10 causes of death in countries with medium-low and medium-high income levels. The death rate from such diseases as tuberculosis, diarrhea, diabetes, HIV-AIDS is highest among the poorly developed countries. Preventing these diseases through timely safety measures in these countries could significantly reduce the mortality rate in them.

The above statistics once again confirms the need for the integration of the entire body of knowledge of safe behavior in special courses and the training of appropriate specialists on their basis. The names of trained specialists may depend on the specifics of this or that country and be called "security experts" or "life safety", "specialists in emergency situations," etc.

The need for the dissemination of broad knowledge and the urgent training of specialists in this field, especially in Ukraine and Azerbaijan, is due to the historical situation in which our republics found themselves due to military conflicts taking place in their territories.

The formation of knowledge and skills in the field of security should be carried out in two directions: a) general and b)special. Let's consider each of them separately.

Table 1. Top 10 causes of death in the world (According to the analysis of statistics 54% of all deaths)

Types of disease

Number of deaths, mln. people

2000y / rating


1. Ischemic heart disease






3.Respiratory diseases



4. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease



5. Cancer lung, trachea and bronchi



6. Diabetic / HIV-AIDS

1,7 /7


7.Alheim's disease



8. Daycare



9. Tuberculosis



10. Road traffic accidents




The general training should include, first of all, youth in schools, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, as the most significant and active group of the population.

In this direction work is being carried out in different countries of the world and at different levels. In Azerbaijan, for example, the basics of safe behavior are studied in the initial classes in the framework of the special program "Life science" or "Life Science", at the senior level within the framework of the "Civil Defense" program.

At the level of secondary education, significant work is being done in this direction in the educational institutions of the Russian Federation. Since 1991, the general education courses are taught the course "Fundamentals of Life Safety" (FLS). [5].

Of particular interest is the study of the experience of Israel, the country that most often clashes with various terrorist attacks. In secondary schools in this country there is no special subject for safety. The basic set of knowledge in this field is mastered in the process of studying general disciplinary subjects and at various elective courses. Taking into account the specifics of this country, much attention is paid to the course "Defense".

Special attention in the Israeli system deserves the desire to form high school psychological training for emergencies, the ability to think critically and make decisions. The importance of this skill is confirmed by the practice itself: in extreme situations, significant losses are caused by loss of people's control over their actions and ongoing events. This is confirmed by the events of Chernobyl in 1986 and a strong earthquake in Baku in 2000.

An important role in the development of practical skills of self-defense in schoolchildren are assigned to such types of activities as training, role-playing games. Considerable attention is paid to the education of schoolchildren in the skills of safe handling of various household appliances and road safety. In conditions of universal motorization and upgrading of technical equipment, this knowledge plays an important role in improving the safety of school-age youth.

In the upper classes, there is a broader and deeper information about the cause-effect relationships of extreme natural, man-made and social events. Forms and methods of counteraction to these extreme events are expanding.

Considerable attention is paid to the development of a culture of safe behavior in Spain. The initial cell here on this issue is the family. Parents educate their children about security issues in the home and on the street.

Life safety issues are studied in schools within the framework of separate program courses. In addition, students get acquainted with the algorithms available in all schools- instructions on actions in emergency situations. Here, great attention is given to various trainings, exercises on evacuation from buildings.

Both in Israel and in Spain, much attention is paid to maintaining contacts with specialized security institutions, such as the police, fire service, ambulance service, specialized rescue services, psychological support centers, etc.

At the higher education stage in Israel, more attention is paid to studying issues related to defense and training for compulsory army service.

A broader range of security issues is being studied in Spanish universities. It covers issues from safety in everyday life and nature to adherence to standards in hygiene and privacy. Depending on the orientation of the institution, the subjects associated with the safety of professional activity are necessarily considered. Special attention, in our opinion, deserves the training of future teachers in the skills of first aid in case of injuries and health problems.

In the curriculum of almost all Russian universities there is a course "Life Safety" (BC), in a number of higher educational institutions the disciplines "Human Security and Protection in Emergency Situations" and "Civil Defense" are read. The considerable experience on preparation of corresponding teachers in high schools is saved up, doctoral and master's theses [5, p.224] are protected.

The importance of general training on security issues in Azerbaijan is evidenced by the number of deaths for the main reasons for 2016 years.

Table 2. Number of deaths in Azerbaijan at the working age of 2015years

Mortality for reasons

Year 2015 (people)



Including in the production / in% of the total


Out of production


Including in road accidents / in% to total



In 2015 the number of death in working age was 16,684 people, or 65.2% of all deaths. 99.7% died outside production. 900 people died in road accidents during 2015. Approximately 1,700 people were injured. All these are the consequences of many unsolved issues, primarily in the field of general security which could be avoided in case of appropriate work.

Obviously, along with general training in life safety, special training of security specialists is important, which would coordinate and guide this work at all levels of society and carry out appropriate scientific research. Taking into account the complexity of this work it should be carried out both in respect of significant spheres of public life, starting from natural, technogenic cataclysms, economic security of problems and on issues of socio-psychological security. Modern technical systems of military and non-military use in the hands of socially and mentally unstable people can turn into a very big evil.

Unfortunately, specialized training of security specialists is not conducted at Azerbaijani Universities. Separate safety issues are studied only within the framework of specific, professional specialization in technical and humanities universities.

In our opinion, the Ministry of Emergency Situations could take the organizational-educational work to a large extent. It should periodically conduct various seminars, trainings and screening of educational films with representatives of educational institutions. Its representatives should be involved in the conduct of appropriate lecture classes in educational institutions of all levels:

Organizational and educational work on security issues should be consistent and systematic. It can be represented in the form of a pyramid, to each level of education which is conformed to certain principles:

1- st level, 1-4 grades of primary school:

- the general issues of home security, at home, including personal hygiene, road safety. Emphasis should be placed on practical training and skill building;

2- nd level, 5-9 classes - theoretical issues of natural processes, technical systems used in everyday life, possible consequences in the event of emergence of extreme situations caused by them and protection from them. Theoretical studies should be subordinate to the practice of nature;

3- rd level, 9-11 classes - more in-depth study of natural and technical processes, specific actions in emergency situations, personal hygiene and health issues, formation of skills in preserving self-mastery;

4- th level, Universities - a combination of general security issues with occupational safety issues, depending on the chosen specialty. Forming the skills of analysis, evaluation and the correct choice of solutions, the ability to take on leadership functions. Training of specialists in safety and risk management, including socio-economic.

The economic significance of security problems in the modern world can be judged by the losses that the world community incurs only as a result of an accident. Every year, almost 1.3 million people die in road accidents, more than 3,000 people daily. Another 20-50 million are injured. Road traffic injuries are among the three leading causes of death of people on Earth, aged 5 to 44 years. The economic consequences of automobile accidents are estimated by experts to be 1-3% of the world's GNP, and reach $ 500 million per year. In addition, the growth of motorization has a number of other negative consequences for human health and the global environment. Road transport consumes a large number of petroleum products, while generating 14% of global greenhouse gas emissions on land. Affects people's health and reduced physical activity [6].


Further progress of mankind along the path of social progress is possible only if serious steps are taken to improve the security of society and its individual citizens. Avalanche flow of new technology and technology, coming daily in consumer and production use, should be accompanied by an increase in theoretical knowledge and practical skills for their effective and safe use. This can be achieved only with the organization of a total system of training professional and non-professional security specialists, organizing extensive propaganda work on safe methods of our life. Many countries have accumulated considerable experience in this matter. The study and implementation of this experience, the deepening of scientific and research work in this direction is the guarantee of the sustainable development of modern society. It is common knowledge that prevention of a problem is always cheaper than eliminating its consequences.


1. George Bernard Shaw. [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: shou/17004.

2. Khalilov J. (2015) National security strategy. Baku, 8 p.

3. Concept of national security of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2007) Baku.

4. Maslow A. (1999). Motivation and Personality. PSP: Eurasia, 478 p.

5. Mikhailov A.A. (2011) Use of foreign experience in the process of professional training of safety and life teachers. Economy of Education, 4.

6. March 2010 Resolution of the General Assembly OUN. Global Plan "Decade of Action for Road Safety 20112020" [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: Resources/2582212-1265307800361/decade_of_action_2011.pdf.

7. The leading causes of death in terms of countries by income levels [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:

8. The State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:

Одержано редакцією: 28.04.2017 Прийнято до публікації: 10.05.2017

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