Documentation culture as an element of corporative culture in ukrarinian enterprises' commercial activities

A methodological aspects of documentation. Presenting the main components of documentary culture in the comparative analysis of the definition of "documentary culture" and "corporate culture". Proper management of corporative culture potential.

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Дата добавления 03.02.2018
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Kharkiv State Academy of Culture, Kharkiv


O.V. Shevchenko, Candidate of Historical

Sciences, Associate Professor

World experience shows that successful development of commerce depends on the competence of experts and is a result of common efforts of science, business and state due to documentation provision of commercial activities. Under modern conditions we can see a rather low level of corporative relationships, that is why documentation culture as an element of corporative culture is an important non-material resource of organization able to influence the effectiveness of Ukrainian commerce activities.

Scientifically substantiated theoretic methodological aspects of sectoral scientific discipline of documentationwere outlined in research works of Ukrainian experts in documentation: S. G. Kuleshov, M. S. Slobodianyk, L. Y. Filipova, V. V. Bezdrabko, Yu. I. Palekha and others. Works by V. V. Zaitsev, E. A. Kapitonov, V. A. Kozlova, A. A. Fedorova and others deals with corporate culture research.

The aim of the article is to analyse documentation culture as an element of corporate culture and give recommendations for its improvement in commercial activities. documentation corporate culture documentary

The term “documentation culture” was defined together with the terms “culture of work with documents” (N. I. Goncharova), “culture of record keeping” (Yu. I. Palekha), “culture of documentation” (L. I. Skibitska), etc., but the term “documentation culture” itself was not chosen as an object of scientific analysis from the position of sectoral and common scientific discipline of documentation.

The essence of corporative and documentation cultures is based upon the term ''culture”. The dictionary defines the word “culture (lat. cul- tura -- processing) as a socially progressive, creative activity of mankind in all spheres of existence and consciousness”.

Here is a commonly used definition of these terms. “Corporate culture is the system of general values and conceptions, socially progressive formal and informal rules and norms of activity, customs and traditions shared by organization members who manage personnel behavior and structures of organizations, systems of management, process of work which facilitates the organizations uniting as a single whole under conditions of private property, market relations, etc. As a system of symbols, corporative mechanisms, motivators, examples of actions, ways of thinking, it determines general direction and ranked character of corporative relationships of all participants of corporation-community's activity.”

It is necessary to pay attention to interrelation of documentation and corporative cultures because documentation culture is an element of corporative culture. According to V. V. Zaitsev, “Documentation culture is a particular element of corporate culture. It is the system of formal and informal rules and norms of activities, mechanisms, motivators, examples of actions and ways of thinking, accepted by an organization in its work with information irrespective of its kind and form of presentation. Considering the document as an integral evidential informational object, documentation culture becomes a synonym of organization's attitude to information”.

V. V. Zaitsev states that documentation culture of organization is an element of general corporate culture, concerning all aspects of work, management and attitude to documentation in an enterprise.

V. A. Kozlov modifies the notion “documentation culture”. He suggests to interpret it as a system of the most general and stable values, conceptions, purposes, principles and behavior rules shared by the organization contributing to an effective adaptation of organization to the environment, setting up stable and favorable external relations serving as an effective mechanism of internal processes integration.

Thus, documentation culture is defined as an element of corporative culture and attitude of organization to information.

Proper management of corporative culture potential has good chances to turn it into competitive advantage of commercial organizations, strengthen their positions in the market.

Besides, the notion of corporate culture has the following aspects:

- it allows to understand the processes of intercultural communication taking place between representatives of different subcultures and professional groups in an enterprise;

- it allows to identify the influence of new technologies on the organization, effectively organize the processes of staff training, development and changes.

The following issue are connected with the formation of corporative culture:

- forming the organization as a community of people and their interindividual relationships;

- increasing interest in and motivation for an effective work by developing different forms of employees “cooperation” in the management and production processes;

giving to production subunits relative local independence;

- emergence of the new type organization a team sharing the behavior code of its members;

- improving the activity potential of employees and their social mobility, thus securing market success;

- forming corporate commercial identity for recognizing, creating a stable, controlled corporate image of the branch, its personnel, working operations and production brand in people's consciousness. Therefore, corporative culture is an inner “atmosphere” of organization, which creates and controls the forms of employee's behavior, becomes a means of identification and organization as a whole, i. e. it is organization's image.

Thus, the working space, the “living environment” of an employee is determined by corporative culture of organization; it develops the working style characteristic of the organization as a whole. It is necessary to emphasize the mutual influence of corporative culture, its users and the system of organization's documentation management.

Documentation culture is a continuation of corporative culture, the criterion of success of organization as an informational system.

It can be concluded that documentation culture is a complex of interrelated steps, methods and means for working with documents, which secures the creation and further functioning of modern document -- information technologies and a rational construction of record keeping services to conduct documentation management.

Fig. 1 Elements of documentation culture [7]

In fig. 1 we can see the system of interconnection of documentation culture elements which include: culture of documents creation, culture of document organization, information technology culture, culture of organization and record keeping department management, corporative and informational cultures.

The main elements of documentation culture are: culture of documents creation;

- culture of organization the work with documents; information technology culture;

- culture of organization and record keeping department management.

Documentation culture is a complex of knowledge and skills for timely and perfect creating and designing of management documents.

The culture of work with documents in an organization is a complex of effective means, forms and methods of doing work connected with processing and movement of documents, and taking them to archives.

The integral system of documentation movement management is a universal indicator of the culture level in document circulation. Creation and implementation of electronic chancery and archives facilitate the culture of document circulation in a commercial enterprise.

The following element of documentation culture is information technology culture which is supposed to use innovation technologies and means of organizational techniques for creating, searching, receiving, registering, storing IT products.

The culture of organization and management of records keeping explains the idea that documentation at an enterprise is in constant circulation that is why there is a efficient system of performing all the consecutive operations with documentation.

The functioning of documentation culture depends on many factors:

- level of general cultural development of the country which determines the culture construction of definite management system and its subjects;

- condition of legislative regulation of document provision;

- development level of a certain management object including its competitiveness, ability to influence the general system of management;

- system of adaptation to environment and processes of inner integration;

- legal and cultural order in the organization, level of informatization, general, national and branch norms, standards and concrete schemes of document movement which secure the programmed level of its management;

- programs of estimating of personnel work efficiency through the record keeping culture, performing management communications and system of management decisions relating to the technology of documentation creation (fig. 2).

Among the ways of record keeping improvement in commercial enterprises, it is necessary to pay attention to the following elements: logo “face of an enterprise”, its image carrying an encoded documentary information about the kind and professional sphere of activity; print, forms, envelopes, business cards, clothes, accessories, i. e. the style united by functioning of the enterprise brand-book, allowing consumers identify commercial enterprise and its production.

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Documentation culture

Fig. 2 Factors of influence upon documentation culture [7]

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Fig. 3 Microsoft Outlook interface

The following way is increasing the culture level of work with documents organization. Take, for instance, Microsoft Outlook -- e-mail client, organizer with functions of a calendar, journal, making notes and contact manager. Besides, it makes it possible to trace the work with Microsoft Office documents with the aim of creating a working day journal.

Unfortunately the majority of commercial sector employees cannot use this program, they don't use its potentials, which is why they should increase their level of computer literacy.

The employees should be able to professionally build and design branch documentation, less time spent on document design will contribute to introducing unified document forms, which will characterize their culture of documents creation.

The universal factors of documents circulation culture are the following: creating integral system of documentation flow management, increasing the level of documents circulation culture. They will contribute to the creation and introduction of electronic offices and archives.


Documentation culture is defined as an element of corporative culture and determined by the organization's attitude to information. It depends on the quality and efficiency of working with documents, good organization of document searching, storing, and perfect work of record keeping service, i. e. on all elements of documentation provision system of commercial activity.

Documentation culture of commercial enterprises needs improvement, namely increasing computer literacy of employees, high level of work with documents, wide use of logos, corporate style as elements of brand-book of commercial enterprises, etc.

Further research can deal with developing a concept of sectoral documentation culture, which could serve as a basis for creating document and information innovations, the ways of solving problems in commercial activities, etc.


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Розглядається документаційна культура як складова корпоративної культури комерційної діяльності, визначено основні складові документаційної культури, наведено в порівняльному аналізові визначення термінів «документаційна культура» і «корпоративна культура», розкрито основні чинники функціонування документаційної культури та переваги корпоративної культури.

Ключові слова: документаційна культура, корпоративна культура, комерційна діяльність, документаційне забезпечення.


Е.В. Шевченко, кандидат исторических наук, доцент, докторант, Харьковская государственная академия культуры, г. Харьков


Рассматривается документационная культура как составляющая корпоративной культуры коммерческой деятельности, определены основные составляющие документационной культуры, приведены в сравнительном анализе определения терминов «документационная культура» и «корпоративная культура», раскрыты основные факторы функционирования документационной культуры и преимущества корпоративной культуры.

Ключевые слова: документационная культура, корпоративная культура, коммерческая деятельность, документационное обеспечение.


The article deals with documentary culture as part of the corporate culture in commercial activities; the main components of documentary culture are presented in the comparative analysis of the definition of «documentary culture» and «corporate culture».

Key words: documentation culture, corporative culture, commercial activity, documentation securing.

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