The space of life and death in the texts by Serhiy Zhadan
Explore the semantics, representation mechanisms and the functioning of thanatological motifs and existential philosophy in both poetry and prose by Serhiy Zhadan. Investigate the system of the unique death-and-life-related images, created by the author.
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Дата добавления | 07.09.2023 |
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The space of life and death in the texts by Serhiy Zhadan
Starostenko T.
Старостенко Т. The Space of Life and Death in the Texts by Serhiy Zhadan; кількість бібліографічних джерел - 6; мова англійська.
The dominance of life-and-death-related images in Serhiy Zhadan's texts form their unique understudied philosophy. The aim of the article is to explore the semantics, representation mechanisms and the functioning of thanatological motifs and existential philosophy in both poetry and prose by Serhiy Zhadan. The task is to investigate the system of the unique death-and-life-related images, created by the author and to reassess the suggested interpretation by the previous researchers. There has been proved that the texts by the writer are characterized by the presence of the powerful Biblical and secular images of strong intertextual potential, used as attention hookers and deprived of the initial mythopoetic depth. The religious symbols undergo degradation and are marked by visible lowering, acquiring down-to-earth interpretation. Zhadan's Maria is a prostitute, whereas Joseph and Jesus are criminals. The orthodox perception of death is neglected. Death is depicted as an opponent of life or the escape space for the gone friends. Death is a place where one is always on time, thus, nobody needs to hurry there. The lyrical character is a player balancing on the fringe, taking drugs, drinking alcohol, having forbidden relationships. He is followed by death, and giving it a dare, continues to live. Serhiy Zhadan's world of the dead “is breathing the same air with you”.
The space of life dwells on a litany of the epoch markers such as Maradona, Mercedes-Benzes, radio Shanson, Donbass, McDonalds, Lukosl. The space of death is deprived of any temporal characteristics and is marked by timelessness. Tombs serve as roots, holding people in the place where they were born, whereas Kharkiv roads brace the souls of the dead.
The opposition of life and death is portrayed through the astrological-natural parallelism. Life is shaded by death, which is viewed as the end of the way. Death is personified, however, ousted of any mythological characteristics. Serhiy Zhadan's characters are never spiritual or deep, they are superficial, sinful, low and marginal, deprived of any inner core. They are the product of the mess of the `epoch shift'.
Keywords: Biblical images, thanatological motifs, death-related images, the space of life, contemporary reality.
Домінування образів життя та смерті в текстах Сергія Жадана формує їхню унікальну малодосліджену філософію. Метою статті є вивчення семантики, механізмів репрезентації та специфіки функціонування танатологічних мотивів й екзистенціальної філософії як у поезії, так і в прозі Сергія Жадана. Завдання полягає в тому, щоб схарактеризувати створену автором систему унікальних образів життя та смерті, а також переоцінити трактування, запропоноване попередніми дослідниками. Доведено, що тексти письменника характеризуються наявністю потужних біблійних і світських образів із значним інтертекстуальним потенціалом, використаних як кодифікатори уваги, однак позбавлених первинної міфопоетичної глибини. Релігійна символіка зазнає деградації та відзначається помітною девальвацією, набуваючи приземленості. Марія Жадана - це повія, а Йосип та Ісус - злочинці. Ортодоксальне сприйняття смерті нехтується. Смерть зображується як опонент життя чи простір ескапізму зниклих друзів. Смерть - це місце, де людина опиняється завжди вчасно, тому туди не потрібно поспішати. Ліричний герой - гравець, який балансує на межі, вживає наркотики, алкоголь, має заборонені стосунки. Смерть слідує за ним, однак, кидаючи їй виклики, герой продовжує жити. Світ мертвих Сергія Жадана «дихає з тобою одним повітрям».
Простір життя складається із таких знаків епохи, як Марадона, Mercedes-Benz, радіо Шансон, Донбас, Макдональдс, Лукойл. Простір смерті позбавлений будь-яких часових характеристик і позначений позачасовістю. Могили слугують корінням, що тримає людей на місці, там, де вони народилися, а харківські дороги притягують душі померлих.
Протиставлення життя та смерті зображується через астрологічно-природний паралелізм. Життя відтінене смертю, яка розглядається як кінець шляху. Смерть персоніфікована, але позбавлена будь-яких міфологічних ознак. Герої Сергія Жадана ані духовні, ані глибокі, вони грішні, низькі, маргінальні та є продуктом безладу «зміни епох».
Ключові слова: біблійні образи, танатологічні мотиви, образи смерті, простір життя, сучасна дійсність.
Problem statement. The category of death has always been endemic to literature, dating back to its earliest forms, such as myths, legends and national folklore. With the transition of the mythological world perception to the worldview suggested by one of the conventional religions, the architecture of the realm of the dead and the realm of the living has changed. Biblical interpretation of death suppressed the litany of pagan gods, giving its way to the apocalyptical outlook, which tends to incarnate into the written texts of history, literature and philosophy especially sharply at the fringe of centuries. At the same time, thanatological motifs find their embodiment in transitional poetry, marking the epochs of rapid change: conquests, revolutions, wars, large-scale natural disasters.
M. Heidegger sees death as an existential phenomenon measured through the `relation to me': “Death, as far as it `is', is essentially always mine. Namely, it means a kind of existential possibility, in which it is always directly about the being of one's presence” [Хайдеггер 2003, с. 274]. Thus, death must be comprehended existentially, that is, understood as a particular way of being. The people themselves are always determined by Heidegger as the being to death [Хайдеггер 2003, с. 289, 370], which to some extent dissociates his philosophical ideas from the Christian philosophy, endemic to the European worldview. The death as a continuation of life, suggested by the Christian religion, is also neglected in the contemporary Ukrainian writings with Serhiy Zhadan as a bright representative at the head of it.
The analysis of the main studies and publications. The analysis of Serhiy Zhadan's lyrics is represented in the domestic scientific studies suggested by a number of literary experts. Thus, Bohdan Pastukh and Olga Shaf focus on the urban motifs in the author's texts, Larisa Lytvyn and Olga Shaf dwell on the Biblical images represented in some of his poetic texts, Julia Vyshnytska investigates the variations of `the mythological scenario of the beginning' in the poet's collections, a creative portrait of Zhadan is presented by Larisa Berezovchuk and Anna Bila. Iryna Borysiuk in the article “The Metaphors of Death in the Poetry by S. Zhadan” reveals the deep symbolism of the images of the road, the paradise, water and fish related to the idea of death. The scope of her investigation is rather limited and embraces two collections of poetry, namely “Ethiopia” (2009) and “LilyMarlene” (2011). A more focused research devoted to the thanatological motifs combined with the athor's mythopoetics is suggested by Alla Demchenko in 2019, who examines another two collections of poetry “The Life of Mary” (2015) and “The Templars” (2016). However, both researchers give somewhat romantic interpretation of Serhiy Zhadan's thanatology, intending to find deep philosophical sense behind the collection of Biblical images incorporated into the author's writings, which seem to be a bit more superficial.
Statement of the task. The aim of the present article is to explore the semantics, representation mechanisms and the functioning of thanatological motifs and existential philosophy in both poetry and prose by Ser-hiy Zhadan and to reassess the system of the unique death-related images, created by the author and interpreted by the previous researchers.
Methods and the methodology of the investigation include: intertextual, descriptive, comparative.
Presentation of the main material
The extensive use of popular or symbolic names, famous and meaningful toponymy, historical realia, religious images is a characteristic of the artistic method by Serhiy Zhadan. At the same time, they are all used more as intention hookers than the images with somewhat intertextual potential. Thus, the collection of poetry “Maradonna” (2008) has no explicit connection with the famous footballer and the powerful nomination is applied as an eye-catcher. On the one hand, the poems in the collection itself bear the names vaguely connected with the gist of the lyrical texts, on the other, have strong ties with the epoch itself and serve as its markers: «Лукойл» (liter.transl. “Lukoil” - TS.) [Жадан 2008, с. 33],“Mercedes-Benz” [Жадан 2008, с. 46], “McDonalds” [Жадан 2008, с. 79], «Гриби Донбасу» (liter.transl. “Donbass Mushrooms” - TS.) [Жадан 2008, с. 40], «Прощання слов'янки» (liter, transl. “Slovyanka Farewell” - T.S.) [Жадан 2008, с. 16], «Радіошансон» (liter.transl. “Radioshanson” - T.S.) [Жадан 2008, с. 107]. Further, the last general title is subdivided into two parts: «Радіошансон. Сторона А» (liter.transl. “Radioshanson. Side A” - T.S.) [Жадан 2008, с. 113], «Радіошансон. Сторона Б» (liter.transl. “Radioshanson. Side B” - T.S.) [Жадан 2008, с. 127], which either reflects the author's passion towards vinyl records, or mirrors the reality of both of the nineties and the early naughtiest, when music was recorded on the cassette tape. Another section of the collection, marked by the allusions to Matsyn Svietlitsky, Charlz Bukovsky and Paul Tselyan, is called «Список використаної літератури» (liter.transl. “References” - T.S.) [Жадан 2008, с. 72], which by itself serves as allusion to the somewhat failed / abandoned scientific career by Serhiy Zhadan and his thesis in Ukrainian literature.
If “Kateryna” is a meaningful name for the creative genius of Taras Shevchenko, “Maria” is such for Serhiy Zhadan. Maria itself is a powerful symbol with a wide intertextual context leading to the Virgin Mary and Biblical texts. Serhiy Zadan's Maria is an image more mixed with the initial role of Mary Magdalene: «я її теж окликну, Маріє, скажу, сестро, що за шняга, // хто зіштохнув нас лицем до лиця? //1 ось вона // ходить // туди-сюди // під колишнім борделем, мов сирота, котра // пам'ятає в принципі, де вони раніше жили, // але боїться помилитись, тому ходить // туди-сюди // і займається // проституцією» (liter.transl. “I will also call her, Maria, tell her, sister, what's the fuck, // who made us get to close quarters? // And here she is // walking // to and fro // near her former brothel, like an orphan, who // actually remembers, where they used to live, // but she is afraid of making a mistake, that's why // she is walking // to and fro // and is peddling // ass” - T.S.) [Жадан 2008, с. 22]. Thus, the author's Maria gets deprived of all forms of sanctity. As the result, a powerful religious symbol is lowered and defaced. thanatological zhadan poetry
The depreciation of religious symbols is a characteristic of Serhiy Zhadan's creative method, stating that both life and death have nothing to do with the religious philosophy, common for the East-Ukrainian way of thinking. The mockery of the orthodox realias, their down-to-earth interpretations finds its embodiment both in the author's lyrics and prose. In his poem “Mercedes-Benz” Serhiy Zhadan compares the path of a criminal and his lover, chased by their partners, with Maria and Joseph: «І ось ми разом вибирались із бундесу, з її документами і моїми боргами, // наче Марія і Йосип на двох віслюках, // купуючи на заправках лише найнеобхідніше - // консерви і презервативи» (liter.transl. And here we are getting out from the Bundestag, with her documents and my debts, // like Maria and Joseph on two donkeys, // buying only the essentials on the gas stations - tins and condoms” - T.S.) [Жадан 2008, с. 47].
The criminal world and the religious symbols often go together in Serhiy Zhadan's legacy: «як два Ісуса, // виб'ємо з цього міста все гівно, перехопимо в цих йобаних //українців ринок крадених телефонів» (liter.transl. “like two Jesuses, // we will drive off all crap out of this city, we will intercept the market of the stolen mobile phones // from these fucking Ukrainians” - T.S.) [Жадан 2008, с. 17].
However, together with the lowering of the orthodox symbols, the writer rebels against the Catholicism and the catholic attitude towards the representatives of the Orthodox branch: «все життя - як оце //польське радіо: жодної тобі поваги до православних, // демократія, думав я, їбав я таку демократію» (liter.transl. “the whole life - is like this // Polish radio: with no respect towards the orthodox believers, // democracy, I was thinking, fuck such democracy” - T.S.) [Жадан 2008, с. 46].
The author distinguishes between religion and its official representatives. The neglecting of the imposed culture, suggested by the outdated authorities, imposed religion is mixed with the idea of revolution. With that the revolution in Zhadan's writings is always a kind of anarchy, which puts in the same box pensioners, prostitutes, democrats, clergy, educators, the representatives of the bureaucratic system: «навіть мордобій носить якийсь істерично-похмільний характер, так б'ються на кухні в комунальній квартирі, а не на барикадах. Якісь сварки між пенсіонерами, демократичні соплі, маразматичні представники московського патріархату, котрі ходять навколо нас, виганяючи скверну - як на справжню революцію, не вистачає зброї, я ось купив газовий пістолет, віддав його начальнику охорони, але що таке газовий пістолет, це те саме, що купити одноразову запальничку. Не вистачає крейсера «Аврора», так щоби розвалити пару приміщень навколо площі, хай не всі, університет можна не чіпати, готель ось теж можна було б залишити, просто повиганяти звідти ліву публіку, експропріювати на рецепції касу, дати свободу проституткам, але сам готель залишити. Особисто я нізащо не відмовив би собі в задоволенні випустити пару снарядів по обласному управлінню культури» (liter.transl. “and even fisticuffs acquire some hysteric-withdrawal character, this way people fight in the kitchen of a communal apartment, and not on the barricades. Some strives between pensioners, democratic snivels, marasmoid representatives of Moscow patriarchate, who walk around us, driving out the filthiness - as the real revolution lacks weapon, and I have bought a gas pistol, gave it to the head of security, but what is a gas pistol, it is the same as to buy a disposable lighter. There is a need in Aurora cruiser to destroy a couple of buildings around the squire, not all of them, the university can be left untouched, the hotel can also stay, just to make the left-wing public leave, expropriate the till on the reception, liberate the prostitutes, and to retain the hotel. Personally I couldn't refuse myself in pleasure to release a couple of projectiles to shell the regional administration of culture”- T.S.) [Жадан 2008, с. 117].
Zhadan's texts is a salad of uncombinable ingredients. In his writings, the religious symbols live together with the secular ones. Polish symbols get further development in the novel “Voroshilovgrad” (2019): «Боря і Льоша - Болік і Льолік - були двоюрідними братами» (liter.transl. “Boria and Lyosha - Bolik and Lyolik - were cousin brothers” - T.S.) [Жадан 2019, с. 10]. The names come from a famous Polish cartoon of the Soviet times “The adventures of Lyolik and Bolik” (1962-1986), which continues the line of adoptions of Polish and Soviet symbols indigenous for the author, whose creative genius was formed by the years of “Perestroyka” and after.
The novel “Voroshilovgrad” exploits the famous names widely and intensively. «Я тримав подалі від них заощадження, пачку баксів, зберігаючи її на книжковій полиці поміж сторінками Гегеля» (liter. transl. “I was keeping my savings, a pack of bucks, somewhat further away from them, hiding it between the pages of Hegel” - T.S.) [Жадан 2019, с. 11], says the protagonist, trying to stress his own educational intentions.
Thus, the space of life in Serhiy Zhadan's texts is marked by a mixed symbolism and intertextual markers, anarchical motives, calls for revolution, marginal relationships, and the mockery of religion. The space of death is deprived of any religious shades and doesn't coincide with Heidegger's perception, who views death as a form of being [Хайдеггер 2003, с. 274]. Life in the authors writings is associated with this world, which equals its value. Life is always an opportunity: «Очевидно, подумав я, такий світ вартий того, аби не помирати. Тим більше, я ще ніколи не був на морі» (liter.transl. “Apparently, thought I, the world is worth of living. Moreover, I have never been at the sea yet” - T.S.) [Жадан 2008, с. 87]. The premature death confuses the writer: «коли людина в тридцять років помирає, це завжди не дуже приємно, це позбавляє тебе впевненості» (liter.transl. “when a person dies at thirty, it is always rather unpleasant, it deprives you of confidence” - T.S.) [Жадан 2008, с. 122].
Death lives inside the human and animal bodies. In the “Anarchy in the Ukr” the reader meets “the infected animals” in Kharkiv underground, birds, “which have lost their flying ability”, the heart of some person, spoilt by instant coffee, beats with deathly pauses [Жадан 2008, с. 149, 157]. In Kharkiv underground the world of the dead “is breathing the same air with you” [Жадан 2008, с. 160].
In the “Anarchy in the Ukr” the rebellion against death, which initially finds its source in both Greek mythology and the legacy by Homer, which to great extent shaped the European literary tradition, is manifested clearly through the monologue directed to the late mentors: «навіть не думайте, суки, що я вас залишу у спокої, до кінця свого, блядь, життя, <...> я вас дістану у ваших могилах, до яких ви так швидко і легко сховались, я витягну вас з ваших ям і склепів і стану тягати запиленими вулицями Харкова ваші мертві тіла, я нестиму кожного із вас, ніби хрест, тому що мені не залишилось у цьому житті нічого, крім ваших мертвих туш» (liter.transl. “don't even think, you, bitches, that I will leave you rest in peace, by the end of my bloody life, <. .> I will reach to your tombs, where you have hidden that quickly and easily, I will get out of your pits and crypts and will drag your dead bodies along the dusty Kharkiv streets, I will be carrying each of you like a cross, since I have nothing left in my life except for your dead carcasses” - T.S.) [Жадан 2008, с. 213-214].
The opposition of life and death can be given through the astrological-natural parallelism, where the tombs are the roots, holding the living ones, following their path on the other side: «У небі заховано зірки і сузір'я, у землі - каміння і корені. У небі лежать планети, у землі - покійники. З неба витікають дощі, із землі витікають ріки. <...> переплітаються коріння, як течуть ріки, як наповнюється океан, як небом пролітають планети, як землею рухаються живі, як потойбіччям рухаються мертві» (liter. transl. “The stars and constellations are hidden in the sky, the earth hides the stones and the roots. The rains fall from the sky; the rivers flow out of the earth. <.> the roots interlace, how the rivers flow, how the ocean gets filled, how the planets fly in the sky, how the living ones move round the earth, how the dead ones move on the other side” - T.S.) [Жадан 2019, с. 168].
The fight between life and death is leitmotiv and gets manifested both in poetry and prose: «Найкращі дитячі спогади - це спогади про смерть, котра відступає під тиском життя» (liter.transl. “The best childhood memories are the memories about death, which retreats under the pressure of life” - T.S.) [Жадан 2019, с. 208]. Death for Serhiy Zhadan is a place where you will always be on time, and life is something you have to fight for: «Є життя, яким ти живеш і яким ти не маєш права поступатись, і є смерть - місце, куди ти завжди встигнеш, тому не потрібно туди поспішати» (liter.transl. “There is life, which you lead and which you mustn't surrender, and there is death - the place you will always be in time, so you don't need to hurry there” - T.S.) [Жадан 2019, с. 291].
Despite the unacceptability of death, the author doesn't negate the link with those who have left this world: «Не ігноруй живих. І не забувай про мертвих» (liter.transl. Don't ignore the living ones. And don't forget the dead” - T.S.) [Жадан 2019, с. 308].
A more relaxed attitude to life and death is viewed in the collection of poetry “Ethiopia” (2009). The death is conveyed through such commonplace markers of the contemporary reality like the mobile: «На даний момент абонент недоступний. // Життя - процес взагалі підступний, // так ніби тонеш серед ріки. // Смерть твоя - невелика втрата, // просто змінюється оператор, //й повільно зникають вхідні дзвінки» (liter.transl. “At the current moment the user is unavailable. // Life in general is a mean process, // as if you are drowning in the middle of the river. // Your death isn't a big loss, // just the user gets changed, // and the incoming calls slowly vanish” - T.S.) [Жадан 2011, с. 7].
Death follows the author, being nearby all the time: «Це смерть шукає мої сліди, // смерть виводить мене до води, // і доки я з річища мерзлого п'ю, // тримає флягу мою» (liter.transl. “The death is searching for my tracks, // the death is leading me to the water, // and as long as I drink from the icy source, // it is holding my flask” - T.S.) [Жадан 2011, с. 8]; «Але смерть чекає на того, хто йде. // Смерть тримає мене і веде. // Смерть прокидається вночі // на моєму плечі» (liter.transl. “But the death is waiting for those who approach. // The death is holding me and leading me. // The death is waking up at night // on my shoulder” - T.S.) [Жадан 2011, с. 9]. The lyrical character is not afraid of death, being direct both with it and with himself: «Сидіти і пити своє вино. // Дивитися смерті в просте лице // з друзями, котрі все знають давно, // знають, але не говорять про це» (liter, transl. - “To sit and drink your wine. // to look into the simple face of death // with the friends who have known everything for a long time, // have known, but don't talk about it” - T.S.) [Жадан 2011, с. 20]. According to the author, death lets those, who don't have debts [Жадан 2011, с. 22]. Death is sinful and addictive [Жадан 2011, с. 40]. The God will soon call everybody [Жадан 2011, с. 43]. The time works in favour of death, killing the lyrical character [Жадан 2011, с. 45]. The souls of the dead fly over the circumferential road in Kharkiv [Жадан 2011, с. 45], the killers have patched hearts [Жадан 2011, с. 45]. The smoke comes out of the fireplace like the soul out of the dead body [Жадан 2011, с. 44]. The death taking place in the homeland is bitter but desired [Жадан 2011, с. 59]. The writer sees death markers in the everyday chronotope. Even “the frozen chicken like dead planets shine sweetly after their death” [Жадан 2011, с. 61]. The dead poets “get immune to life” [Жадан 2011, с. 117]. After the death of the poets there are “libraries of the unread books left, as well as notebooks, bills, and drafts” [Жадан 2011, с. 118]. “Weird people” come to their funerals [Жадан 2011, с. 119].
The main message concerning death is voiced in the collection of poetry “Maradonna” (2007): «БРАМИ ПЕКЛА НЕ ВІДЧИНЯЮТЬСЯ БЕЗ ПОТРЕБИ // ВСЕ, ЩО ТИ СКАЖЕШ, // МОЖЕ БУТИ ВИКОРИСТАНЕ ПРОТИ ТЕБЕ» (liter.transl. “THE GATES TO HELL DON'T OPEN WITHOUT A NEED // EVERYTHING THAT YOU ARE GOING TO SAY // CAN BE USED AGAINST YOU” - T.S.) [Жадан 2008, с. 132]. Thus, the death is viewed as deserved.
The Ancient Greek motives find their place in death attributes: «щоби було не так жорстоко, // щоб не забули тобі покласти по срібній монеті на кожне око» (liter.transl. “so that it wouldn't be that cruel // so that they don't forget to put a silver coin on each your eye - T.S.) [Жадан 2011, с. 12].
The overall negativity directed to women and being indigenous to the author (view T. Starosten- ko. “Artistic genderology in the social text by Serhiy Zhadan”, Odesa, 2022) is intensified through the `death philosophy': «присутність жінки в поетичному тексті, як присутність додаткового лексичного матеріалу, потребує щонайменше стилістичного виправдання - за яким бісом ти пишеш про баб, питаються демони, приходячи уві сні, що ти знаєш про цих підлих брехливих створінь? <...> жінки після смерті не розкладаються, вони лежать і лише чекають другого пришестя, друге пришестя й заплановане, як велике повернення колишніх коханок, якій прийдуть ділити твою печінку, <...> Писати про жінок - це те саме, що писати про отрути: користі мало, відповідальність велика» (liter, transl. “the presence of the woman in a poetic text is the same as the present of the additional lexical material, it demands at least stylistic justification - why the dickens do you write about broads, ask the demons, coming in the dreams, what do you know of these mean deceitful creatures? <. .> women after death don't decompose, they are lying and waiting for the Second Coming, the Second Coming is planned like the great return of the ex-lovers, who will come to share your liver, <.> To write about women is the same as to write about poison: little use and the responsibility is high”- T.S.) [Жадан 2008, с. 97].
According to Serhiy Zhadan, life equals to death in its severity: «життя - це боксер, //який любить свою роботу, // нічого особистого // і нічого зайвого» (liter.transl. “life is a boxer // who loves his job, // nothing personal // nothing extra” - T.S.) [Жадан 2008, с. 126]. The concept of life is strongly linked to the concept of homeland. Homeland distinguishes one's fate and predetermines one's characteristics: «Тому твоя вітчизна - це // твоє тавро і твій кацет, // чий прояв є надміру злим, // бо туго стягнено вузли, // і хоч гидке твоє лице, та мусиш бути з ним» (liter.transl. That's why your homeland - is your brand and your kacet, // whose manifestation is too wicked, // since the knots are too tight, // and though your face is ugly, you have to stay with it” - T.S.) [Жадан 2008, с. 39]. “This country - is a great sin of both people and God”, concludes the author [Жадан 2008, с. 40]. The images of the author's homeland comprise “the old entrance” and “the broken doors” [Жадан 2008, с. 17]; a shattered bus [Жадан 2008, с. 16], “drunk decadence” [Жадан 2008, с. 16]. The homeland of the lyrical hero is compared to “an empty silent torture house” [Жадан 2008, с. 7]. Altogether, the images of the country in decade are linked to the image of the defense minister: Ти бачила нашого міністра оборони, Ось у нас // вся оборона така. В нас оборона гірша, ніж оборона // Челсі» (liter.transl. “Have you seen our defense minister? So, our // defense is the same. Our defense is worse than the defense of // Chelsi”- T.S.) [Жадан 2011, с. 66].
Life, depicted in the collection of poetry “The Anarchy in the Ukr”, is marked by alcohol, drugs and idiots. Thus, the different forms of alcohol are mentioned on the following pages: 37, 98, 102, 110, 114, 115, 118, 129, 166, 182, 184 [Жадан 2008,]. Serhiy Zhadan's life has the taste of aspirin” [Жадан 2011, с. 64]. Cocaine is mentioned thrice [Anarchy, pp. 87, 129, 215], idiots - four times [Жадан 2008, сс. 84, 103, 105, 106]. The images of prostitution are leitmotiv (view T. Starosten- ko. “Artistic genderology in the social text by Serhiy Zhadan”, Odesa, 2022). Life, reflected in Zhadan's writings, is messy, dark and is very often marginal. However, the character holds the life tightly: «як ти вгризався в це життя, як ти його пробивав своїм тілом, як вибирався на пагорби і звалювався в чорні ями, як провалювався в глибокий сніг і пірнав у чорну серпневу воду, за цим протягом, який ти здійснив, пройшовши крізь час, можна здогадатись, як сильно ти любив і як не вистачатиме тобі твоєї любові там, де ти незабаром зникнеш» (liter.transl. “how you were tucking into this life, the way you were punching it out with your body, the way you were climbing on the hills and falling into the black holes, the way you were sinking in the deep snow and diving into the August water, in this course, which you have done, having come through time, one could guess, how strongly you loved and how your love will be lacked in the place, where you will soon disappear” - T.S.) [Жадан 2008, с. 217].
Thus, the space of life and death in the works by Serhiy Zhadan creates an entity separated by thin margins. The tombs of people's ancestors serve as powerful hookers and tie them to some particular territory, like roots, performing holding and nourishing function. Life is viewed as a tricky process full of fighting against death, and marked by alcohol, drugs and prostitution. Life and death in the analyzed texts show absence of mythological basis or religious footage despite the presence of Biblical symbols, which experience remarkable depreciation. The texts are characterized by the insertion of a string of realias of the contemporary world, serving as bricks forming the newest history of Ukraine. The world of the dead and the world of the living are viewed as the parallel and interrelated ones. The life is shaded by death. The souls of the dead penetrate the roads of those alive. The representation mechanisms of thanatological motifs are the images of the infected animals, tombs, dead bodies, the destructive substances, there takes place the personification of death as an otherworldly spirit, chasing the lyrical hero.
1. Жадан С.В. Arnachy in the UKR. Харків: Фоліо, 2008. 223 c.
2. Жадан С.В. Ворошиловград: роман. Харків: Книжковий Клуб «Клуб Сімейного Дозвілля», 2019. 320 с.
3. Жадан С.В. Ефіопія. Харків: Фоліо, 2011. 121 с.
4. Жадан С.В. Марадона: Нова книга віршів. Харків: Фоліо, 2008. 169 с.
5. Жадан С.В. Цитатник. Харків: Фоліо, 2008. 215 с.
6. Хайдеггер М. Бытие и Время. Харьков: Фолио, 2003. 512 c.
1. Zhadan S.V. (2008) Arnachy in the UKR. Kharkiv: Folio. 223 s. [in Ukrainian].
2. Zhadan S.V (2019) Voroshilovgrad: a novel. Kharkiv: Book club: “Family Leisure Club”. 320 s. [in Ukrainian].
3. Zhadan S.V. (2011) Efiopiia. [Ethiopia]. Kharkiv: Folio. 121 s. [in Ukrainian].
4. Zhadan S.V. (2008) Maradona. Kharkiv: Folio. 169 s. [in Ukrainian].
5. Zhadan S.V. (2008) Tsytatnyk. [The Quote Book]. Kharkiv: Folio. 215 s. [in Ukrainian].
6. Heidegger M. (2003) Bytiie i viremia [Being and Time]. Kharkov: Folio, 512 s. [in Russian].
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