"Алфавит собранный, рифмами сложенный…" архієпископа Іоана Максимовича як явище агіографічної культури українського бароко

Дослідження джерел і жанрово-тематичної специфіки книги "Алфавит собранный, рифмами сложенный…" архієпископа Іоана Максимовича як явища української барокової агіографії. Постулати його аскетичної програми. Визначення жанрових ознак агіографічної поезії.

Рубрика Литература
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 12.07.2015
Размер файла 48,6 K

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Ключевые слова: агиографическая поэзия, барокко, чудо, мученичество, аскеза, образ святого.


Zhuravlyova S. S. «The Alphabet Gathered and Arranged with the Rhyme…» of archbishop Joan Maksymovych as the phenomenon of hagiographical culture of the Ukrainian baroque. - Manuscript.

The dissertation for obtains the degree of Candidate of Science (Philology) in speciality 10.01.01 - Ukrainian literature. - V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. - Kharkiv, 2009.

The dissertation studies the archbishop Joan Maksymovych book «The Alphabet Gathered and Arranged with the Rhyme…» in the context of Ukrainian baroque hagiographical development taking into consideration its sources and genre-thematic peculiarity.

The creative work of the representatives of Chernihiv literature and philosophical world of the second half of the 17th - beginning of the 18th centuries (archbishop Lazar Baranovych, metropolitan Varlaam Yasynskyi, St. Joan Maksymovych and Dymytrii Tuptalo) contains poetical works where hagiographical heritage is represented throughout new interpretational models. Hagiographical poems of Baroque age according to the canon present life of saints, discover theological and historical-ecclesiastical aspects of sanctity. Symbolic for hagiography phenomena of martyrdom, miracle, and ascetic topic remain significant for writers. The center of attention for the authors of hagiographical poems is image of Saint as incarnation of the baroque ideal of “supreme man”. Poets-hagiographists apply various poetical forms - both epic poems remarkable in terms of size and laconic epigrams (or their crowns), panegyrics and prayerful poems.

The individual peculiarities of such phenomena as martyrdom and miracles functioning can be traced in Ukrainian hagiographical poetry of the second half of 17th - beginning of 18th centuries. Baroque writers, following church tradition, refers the phenomenon of martyrdom to monasticism, stressing the significance of spiritual suffering. Recreation of miracles made by saints on the verbal level strives for achieving two aims in hagiographical poetry of Baroque age: to make visual impact on the recipient using a range of poetic language means as well as to bring internal influence - to bring by word faith in wisdom and heart of a human.

Originality of representation of ascetic topic in the hagiographical poems of the archbishop Joan Maksymovych book «The Alphabet Gathered and Arranged with the Rhyme…» lies in the combination of ascetic programs of Eastern Fathers, Hesychastic studies on silent pray with Ignatian concepts of spiritual perfectness. Unlike hagiographists-predecessors St. Joan Maksymovych selects for his aim not the description of lifetime of the Church Fathers, but an illustration of the most outstanding grounds of their studies that would allow readers to be involved into the mystic of the ascesis embedded in the experience of hermits and to choose gradually their own scheme of ascetic life.

Referring to the experience of the Church Fathers, the poet reveals the sense of love as a key stage on the way to divinity of a human being, engages a reader into such means of obeying pious life as feeling of incorporeity, detachment from sinful world, commemoration of the Fear of God, the Day of Wrath, to become subdued to God's will. john Climacus's «The Ladder of Divine Ascent» inspires St. Joan Maksymovych to depict his ascetic program by the alphabet scheme where each letter presents a complex of spiritual steps. Archbishop Joan Maksymovych does not grant advantages to certain virtues, but he considers mastering the practice of praying silence as the peak of ascetic deed. Mutual leitmotiv of Ukrainian poet and Spanish mystics works is an aspiration to discover to a recipient the way to God through love, and to recover the interest to selfless practices of Christian East.

The image of Saint, presented in the archbishop Joan Maksymovych's poetic book is analyzed as the reflection of Baroque anthropology. Obeying the Canon of Life, the poet creates the image of Saint as a representative of the supreme ideal - Christ in his book «The Alphabet Gathered and Arranged with the Rhyme…». The poet-hagiographer illustrates to a reader different types of saints - martyrs, wonderworkers, ascetics. The most prominent role in the spiritual affairs of edifying mankind is devoted to two images of an elder - a hermit and an Abba in the coenobitic abbeys. The writer frequently departs from the tradition of portraying the hagiographical personage and focuses on inner anxiety of a saint, distinguish individual features of his character in complex situations via artistic means recommended by Baroque poets.

Obedience by St. Joan Maksymovych of the Canon of Life in the reception of symbolic phenomena for his such as martyrdom, miracle, and revealing of ascetic themes allows considering the book «The Alphabet Gathered and Arranged with the Rhyme…» as the masterpiece of hagiographical culture of Ukrainian Baroque. Innovative approach to reproducing of the image of saint, visible impact of Western mysticism and, first of all, development of a new genre - hagiographical poetry - provides grounds for studying works of Chernihiv archbishop Joan Maksymovych as an essential component of Ukrainian literature process of Baroque epoch.

Key words: hagiographical poetry, baroque, miracle, martyrdom, ascetic, appearance of saint.

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