The purpose of the article is to develop ways to ensure effective protection of a person’s property right by the courts by means of evaluation of the subject matter and grounds of the conditional claim for application of the principle jura novit curia.
Review of the experience of foreign countries in the field of administrative and legal protection of children from violence. The legal mechanism of state influence on the conditions for children to exercise their rights provided for by legislation.
Analysis of problematic aspects of the use of nanotechnologies and their legal regulation. Interrelationships arising in the process of using nanotechnology and nanomaterials in the medical field. The need for effective state supervision and control.
The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution has proved to be a remarkably stable document. Although the "founding fathers" wanted to avoid a political system. The President has the power to make treaties and to nominate and receive ambassadors.
Stages of development of children's medical rights in the 20th century after the First World War, until the beginning of the 21st century. The impact of the World Health Organization, the Convention on the Rights of the Child on this development.
The essence of the ethical infrastructure, characteristics of the transfer policy. Quantitative linguistic analysis of codes of ethics. Application of the code of ethics in Russian conditions. Description, the value of the unity of a cost management
Issues related to criminal prosecution of terrorism. Aspects of the definition of "terrorism" and "terrorist act" in the investigation of criminal offenses related to terrorism. Gaps in the current legislation in the direction of their effectiveness.
Analyzes the doctrine of hardship in contract law of Ukraine, France, Germany, England. An analysis of court's powers to modify the contract in connection with a hardship is carried out. The grounds for modifying contract due to a hardship are analyzed.
- 969. The essence of a helpless state of a person as an important component in the investigation of crimes
Legal analysis of physical and psychological components of a person’s helpless state. The term "helpless state" in the existing system of related concepts. Legal protection, questions of the general part of criminal law: legislation and fate practice.
- 970. The essence of a helpless state of a person as an important component in the investigation of crimes
Analysis of definitions of the concept of a helpless state of a person. Development of the interpretation of a helpless or other life-threatening condition to improve the current legislation of Ukraine. Factors of the helpless state and its features.
Examines the features process of initiation and development of Public-Private Partnership in the European Union, including the Great Britain, in the field of cyber security. The description of the current state of the cyberspace of Ukraine is given.
Provisions of the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of the environment by means of criminal law. Compliance of the legislation of the Republic of Moldova with the provisions of international acts in this matter.
The formation of development and legal regulation of the principle of gender equality in international law, which is referred to the level of values of the EU, and also plays an important role for Ukraine due to the context of European integration.
Consideration of state policy in the field of internationalization of scientific and innovative activities of individual countries participating in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Development of international scientific and technical cooperation.
Acquaintance with the history of the French parliament. Deputies as public officials. Consideration of the peculiarities of the creation of the national assembly. Characterization of the powers and structure of the French national Constitutional Assembly.
- 976. The fundamentals of public control functioning in Ukraine as a national anti-corruption instrument
Implementation of public control over the activities of state authorities and officials of Ukraine. Reduction of manifestations of corruption risks. Strengthening the participation of non-governmental organizations in the fight against corruption.
Feature question about generic object interference with the activities of the counsel or legal agent, and its importance for the theory of criminal law and practice. Issues of generic object of the crime provided by article 397 of the criminal code.
Documentation of the creation of an effective system of anti-corruption justice. Determining the efficiency of high anti-corruption court. Impossible to try the vice on the side of the court, as if they are suspected of being accused of corrupt offenses.
This paper looks at various ways the state works to uphold its image of migration control. It suggests that rhetoric, the passing of laws, and the use of statistics or official data are important ways in which the state sends messages to the public.
Development of standard forms and terms of business contracts. Implementation of contractual provisions on sanctions and force majeure. Improving the efficiency of risk management in the business environment. Mechanisms to reduce the sanctions burden.
- 981. The impact of the supreme court’s legal positions in the professional preparation of future lawyers
Special features injected with the legal positions of the Supreme Court on the professional training of maybutnіh lawyers. An analysis of the recommendations for a thorough review of legal positions to the court in the mortgages of the legal framework.
Application of special knowledge in judicial proceedings. The search for a unified approach at the international level to forensic examination. Distinguishing the forms of answers proposed by the forensic expert. The procedure for processing a refusal.
Increase of technical and information means in modern political interaction as an object of state information security. The main goals and tasks of municipal authorities to ensure regional and municipal information security in the Russian Federation.
This article is based on the need of investigation and research an effective legal mechanisms to regulate the development of new space technologies, which have already provoked problems such as insufficient regulation of space commercialization.
Consideration of the functions of interaction between religious organizations and the state in Germany. The major minority faith in the country. The conflicts based on religious basis. Skeptical attitude to the influence of faith on state policy.
Analysis of the issues of forming the internal conviction of a judge of a body of constitutional jurisdiction as a subject of proof in a constitutional court process. Characteristics of the main problems of proof in the constitutional court process.
Analysis of the problem of changing the moral element of law in the context of technology development. Finding a balance between the use of artificial intelligence and respect for human rights. Forms of fixing value concepts in international law.
An attempt is made to disclose the content of the concepts of sources of law and sources of environmental law from the point of view of natural-legal understanding. The above definitions are compared with their definition by different scientists.
A study of the fundamental differences between capabilities and powers to solicitors and barristers during the trial. Acquaintance with the General requirements to the conduct of qualified lawyers on the example of the practitioners Great Britain.
The legal position of shipmaster in case he is not an employed person but owner or partowner of the ship. Тhe effective management with safety and security іn shipping industry. Need to adopt the management best practice with shipmaster in the center.