Шляхи удосконалення інженерно-технічних заходів цивільного захисту об’єктів критичної інфраструктури в умовах особливого періоду

Пошук шляхів підвищення стійкості та захисту об’єктів критичної інфраструктури України на державному, місцевому й об’єктовому рівнях в умовах гібридної війни. Розроблення й обґрунтування технічних рішень відповідно до вимог нормативних документів держави.

Рубрика Государство и право
Вид статья
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 22.08.2023
Размер файла 36,5 K

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35. Poriadok zatverdzhennia proektiv budivnytstva i provedennia yikh ekspertyzy [The procedure for approving construction projects and carrying out their examination]: postanova Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy vid 11.05.2011 r. № 560. (2011). Oftsiinyi visnyk Ukrainy, 41, 69. Retrieved from https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/560-2011- %D0%BF#Text [in Ukrainian].

36. Pro vnesennia zmin do deiakykh zakonodavchykh aktiv Ukrainy shchodo zabezpechennia vymoh tsyvilnoho zakhystu pid chas planuvannia ta zabudovy terytorii [On making changes to some legislative acts of Ukraine regarding the provision of civil protection requirements during the planning and development of territories]: Zakon Ukrainy vid 24.08.2022 r. № 2486-IX. (2022). Oftsiinyi visnyk Ukrainy, 68, 274. Retrieved from https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/2486-20#Text [in Ukrainian].

37. Shvydkosporudzhuvani zakhysni sporudy tsyvilnoho zakhystu modulnoho typu [Rapidly constructed protective structures of civil defense of the modular type]. (2022). DsTU 9195:2022. from 6 December 2022. Kyiv: Tekhnichnyy komitet standartyzatsiyi «Strakhovyy fond dokumentatsiyi». Retrieved from https://www.skz24.com/post [in Ukrainian].


Ways of improving engineering and technical measures of civil protection of critical infrastructure objects under the conditions of a special period

Yurchenko Valeryi, Sokolovskyi Ivan

The subject of the publication of the article is ways of improving engineering and technical measures of civil protection of critical infrastructure objects in the conditions of a special period. It was emphasized that for the effective protection of critical infrastructure objects in the conditions of a special period, it is necessary to improve the quality of engineering and technical measures for the protection of critical infrastructure objects, in particular, by subjects of civil protection in the state. The peculiarities of the organization of engineering and technical measures of civil protection of critical infrastructure facilities are considered. It was found that the improvement of civil protection engineering and technical measures should contribute to the maximum impact on the protection of critical infrastructure objects in the conditions of a special period. It was determined that the quality of development and adoption of technical decisions is one of the decisive conditions for improving the ways of engineering and technical measures of civil protection of critical infrastructure objects of the state as a whole. According to the results of the study, it was proven that the main reasons that negatively affect the reliability of civil protection of critical infrastructure facilities are the lack of completeness of the initial data for the development of a technical solution, the justification of the descriptions of the technical solution is not carried out in full, and in some cases, the non-compliance of regulatory documents with the construction conditions objects of critical infrastructure, in particular the conditions of a special period. It was concluded that the further improvement of the effectiveness of civil protection of critical infrastructure objects will be closely related to the implementation of improved technical solutions for the protection of critical infrastructure objects, which ensure reliable protection of the population and territories in the conditions of a special period. Proposals are given to civil protection entities regarding ways to improve engineering and technical measures of civil protection of critical infrastructure objects at the state, local, and facility levels, and directions for further research on the topic of the article are suggested.

Keywords: critical infrastructure facility, civil protection, engineering and technical measures, technical solution, ways of improvement.

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