Формування публічної політики вибіркової міграції та подальшої інтеграції іноземних кваліфікованих працівників в Україні

Поєднання формування публічної політики щодо вибіркової міграції і наступної інтеграції іноземних кваліфікованих працівників з побудовою організаційних завдань щодо запровадження їх в Україні. Параметри державних стратегій по вибіркової міграції.

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Дата добавления 27.12.2022
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Доступно: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/482-2017-%D1%80#Text

[5] J. Chaloff, G. Lemaitre, «Managing highly skilled labour migration: A comparative analysis of migration policies and challenges in OECD countries», OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Paper No. 79. Paris, France: OECD, 2009, 55 c.

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[7] M. Kuhn, «Immigration strategies of cities: local growth policies and urban planning in Germany», European Planning Studies, Vol. 26(9), с. 17471762, 2018. DOI:10.1080/09654313.2018.1484428

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[11] R. Brubaker, Citizenship and nationhood in France and Germany. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1992.

[12] C. Bertossi, W. Duyvendak, P. Scholten, «The coproduction of national models of integration: A view from France and the Netherlands», Research-policy dialogues on migrant integration in Europe; In P. Scholten, Ed.; IMISCOE Research. Dordrecht: Springer, 2015.

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[18] F. Vermeulen, R. Stotijn, «Local policies concerning unemployment among immigrant youth in Amsterdam and in Berlin: Towards strategic replacement and pragmatic accommodation», The local dimension of migration policymaking IMISCOE reports; In: T. Caponio & M. Borkert Eds.; Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2010, p. 109-134.

[19] C. Poppelaars, P. Scholten, «Two worlds apart: The divergence of national and local immigrant policies in the Netherlands», Administration & Society, № 40(4), с. 335-357, 2008.

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[24] E. Collett, «Immigrant Integration in Europe in a Time of Austerity», Transatlantic Council on Migration, Migration Policy Institute, March. 2011, с. 7. [Online]. Available: www.migrationpolicy.org/pubs/tcm-integration.pdf


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[5] J. Chaloff, G. Lemaitre, «Managing highly skilled labour migration: A comparative analysis of migration policies and challenges in OECD countries», OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Paper No. 79. Paris, France: OECD, 2009, 55 c.

[6] «Migrant integration statistics - labour market indicators 2019», Eurostat Statistics Explained. [Online].

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[7] M. Kuhn, «Immigration strategies of cities: local growth policies and urban planning in Germany», European Planning Studies, Vol. 26(9), с. 17471762, 2018. DOI:10.1080/09654313.2018.1484428

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[9] «Matching Educational Background and Employment: A Challenge for Immigrants in Host Countries», International Migration Outlook; OECD. Paris, France: OECD, 2007, с. 131-159.

[10] P. Scholten, R. Penninx, «The Multilevel Governance of Migration and Integration», Integration Processes and Policies in Europe, 2016; In: В. Garces-Mascarenas, R. Penninx, Eds.; IMISCOE Research Series. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-21674-4 6

[11] R. Brubaker, Citizenship and nationhood in France and Germany. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1992.

[12] C. Bertossi, W. Duyvendak, P. Scholten, «The coproduction of national models of integration: A view from France and the Netherlands», Research-policy dialogues on migrant integration in Europe; In P. Scholten, Ed.; IMISCOE Research. Dordrecht: Springer, 2015.

[13] C. Joppke, «Beyond national models: Civic integration policies for immigrants in Western Europe», West European Politics, № 30(1), с. 1-22, 2007.

[14] M. Alexander, «Local policies toward migrants as an expression of hoststranger relations: A proposed typology», Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, № 29(3), с. 411-430, 2003.

[15] R. Penninx, K. Kraal, M. Martiniello, S. Vertovec, Citizenship in European cities: Immigrants, local politics and integration policies. Farnham: Ashgate, 2003.

[16] H. Entzinger, P. Scholten, «Models of immigrant integration? Between national and local integration policies», An introduction to immigrant incorporation studies: European perspectives (IMISCOE textbooks); In M. Martiniello & J. Rath, Eds. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2014.

[17] M. Borkert, W. Bosswick, «Migration policy-making in Germany: Between national reluctance and local pragmatism?», IMISCOE working paper № 20. Amsterdam: IMISCOE, 2007.

[18] F. Vermeulen, R. Stotijn, «Local policies concerning unemployment among immigrant youth in Amsterdam and in Berlin: Towards strategic replacement and pragmatic accommodation», The local dimension of migration policymaking IMISCOE reports; In: T. Caponio & M. Borkert Eds.; Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2010, p. 109-134.

[19] C. Poppelaars, P. Scholten, «Two worlds apart: The divergence of national and local immigrant policies in the Netherlands», Administration & Society, № 40(4), с. 335-357, 2008.

[20] V. I. Mukomel', «Integraciya migrantov: vyzovy, politika, social'nye praktiki», Mir Rossii, № 1, s. 34-50, 2011.

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[23] S. Carrera, A. Wiesbrock, «Civic Integration of Third-Country Nationals: Nationalism Versus Europeanisation in the Common EU Immigration Policy», Center for European Policy Studies, October 2009. [Online]. Available: www.aei.pitt.edu/15100

[24] E. Collett, «Immigrant Integration in Europe in a Time of Austerity»,

Transatlantic Council on Migration, Migration Policy Institute, March. 2011, с. 7. [Online]. Available: www.migrationpolicy.org/pubs/tcm-integration.pdf

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