Modern trends in the formation and development of the human rights mechanism in Ukraine
The Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights. Recommendations of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Annual Report ofthe Commissioner for Human Rights of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
Рубрика | Государство и право |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 17.09.2022 |
Размер файла | 30,7 K |
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In order to ensure such efficiency and, consequently, the reality of legal protection, a number of human rights institutions are being created. In Ukraine, the judiciary is a key element of this, implementing its human rights activities primarily through the administration of justice. Based on the content of constitutional provisions that determine the institutional components of due justice, the effectiveness of the courts in implementing their human rights activities is due, inter alia, to the effectiveness of related legal institutions that promote justice, namely, the bar and prosecutor's office.
Institutions of the justice system, as its key elements in determining the directions of the formation and function of institutions of the national human rights mechanism in Ukraine, are subject to a number of determinants, on both internal (national) and external (supranational).
External determinants provide for the impact on the human rights mechanism in Ukraine through functional indicators of its effectiveness in the evaluation and reporting documents of the institutions of the supranational (international) human rights mechanism. Internal determinants determine the impact on the national human rights mechanism through functional indicators of its effectiveness in the evaluation and reporting documents of national human rights institutions, the results of sociological research and expert assessments and depend directly on the `quality of law'.
An important external determinant of determining the directions of formation and functioning of institutions of the national human rights mechanism in Ukraine, as well as a guarantee of improvement, is the functioning of institutions of the supranational (international) human rights mechanism, in particular: the mechanism leading to the ECtHR's finding that Ukraine has violated the provisions of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms; the importance of the Rule of Law Index, which, on the one hand, determines the priority areas for reforming the regulatory, institutional, and functional components of the human rights mechanism in Ukraine, and on the other, comparatively reflects the best international practices in this ranking; reports and conclusions of specialised international organisations on the compliance of the normative, institutional, and functional components of the national human rights mechanism with the provisions of international standards.
The key internal determinants of the formation of the human rights mechanism in Ukraine include the following: indicators of observance and protection of human and civil rights and freedoms in Ukraine, which are published annually in the Report of the Commissioner; the results of sociological research that reflect the assessment of civil society representatives of human rights institutions in the country and the level of trust in them; expert opinions and conclusions on the main problems of the functioning of the institutions of the national human rights mechanism; obligations of the Ukrainian state to international partners; inconsistency of normative-legal regulation of relations in the sphere of formation and functioning of institutions of human rights mechanism of the `quality of law' criterion, which contains requirements for predictability, consistency, and sustainability of legal acts. Current trends in the development of human rights mechanisms in Ukraine are enshrined in several corresponding strategies in the field of human rights due to the need to improve the state's activities to promote and ensure human rights and freedoms, creating effective mechanisms for their implementation and protection in the field of development of the justice system as a whole, as well as in the prosecutor's office and the bar.
The strategic directions of reforming key institutions of the human rights mechanism in Ukraine identified in these documents mainly embody the desire of the Ukrainian state to achieve high functional indicators of the effectiveness of the national human rights mechanism in evaluation and reporting documents of supranational (international) human rights mechanisms, as well as national human rights institutions, in the results of sociological research and expert assessments.
At present, the priority in the process of obtaining these results is to reach a consensus among stakeholders on the implementation of these strategic goals, which depends on the quality of legislation that will implement these strategic reform measures - sustainability agreements will directly affect the predictability and sustainability of this legislation.
Thus, the strategic directions of reforming the key institutions of the human rights mechanism in Ukraine are aimed at solving certain problems and identifying promising areas for further research.
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