Legal protection of Germany's national interests in the field of environmental security: the evolution of approaches
This paper explores how ecological and climate problems have fundamentally changed the way we think about security. The non-physical security, diversification of threats, and the salience of identity are key effects of globalization in the security realm.
Рубрика | Государство и право |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 17.08.2022 |
Размер файла | 36,9 K |
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In Hessen land, in January 2016, the guidelines for funding for the promotion of municipal projects on climate protection and adaptation, as well as municipal information initiatives (the updated version came into force in September 2019) came into force.
In March 2017, the Hessen land government approved the Hessen 2025 Integrated Climate Protection Plan to transform the land into a climate-neutral region no later than 2050. Representatives of business, environmental associations, as well as municipalities and research institutions were involved in the development of the Integrated Plan. It consisted of 140 measures aimed at achieving the climate goals of Hesse, its adaptation to the consequences of climate change. The activities cover all areas of activity: from agriculture to the economy, the energy sector and transport, the construction sector and health care. Measures were developed to protect the climate and adapt to climate change at the same time. The Integrated Climate Protection Plan complements the requirements of the federal climate policy of Germany and the European Union. The Hessen land government encourages investment in climate protection and municipal climate adaptation measures. In addition, financial support could be provided to public, educational and information initiatives in the field of climate.
Documents similar in their direction and goals have been developed in other lands and municipalities of Germany.
Conclusions. The development of environmental security is an important contribution in theorising the policy of global environmental change and shifting security contexts. Approaches to theorising environmental issues i in terms of environmental security reproduce a dualistic understanding of human relations to «the environment» in which humans are either threatened by or pose a threat to «nature».
The term “environmental security” is often interpreted as environmental protection in the sense of preventing damage to ecosystems and hence to humans. However, its content is also related to environmentally induced conflicts and insecurity caused by social and political disruption related to resource shortages and degraded landscapes.
What the environment - development - security nexus militates towards is a new culture of world politics which transforms attitudes consonant with meaningful interdependence. The climate change is caused by human activity, and is unlikely to be solved by unilateral action or traditional security measures. Cooperative measures are essential to planning for how to deal with the new circumstances humans collectively face. The obligation on developed states to lead in mitigation challenges traditional conceptions of the modern state by calling forth a more outward looking state that is able to serve both the national and international communities in the service of global climate protection.
The one for the success of a national, regional and international policy on the environment is the existence of clear legal rules, and a coherent European approach is needed to influence behavior in this area, directly and indirectly.
Germany is a strong supporter of international climate policies. International environmental policy contributes to climate protection, lead to an economic level playing field so that (energy-intensive) losers have less reason to resist ecological modernization and environmental industries benefit. Energy security has long been an important aspect of state security, but has rarely been thought of as an environmental issue.
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