Кримінальне провадження у справах малолітніх

Розкриття змісту кримінального процесу й кримінально-процесуального провадження у справах малолітніх. Визначення поняття малолітньої особи, яка вчинила суспільно небезпечне діяння. Аналіз практики застосування примусових заходів виховного характеру.

Рубрика Государство и право
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 28.08.2015
Размер файла 38,9 K

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Ключевые слова: малолетний участник уголовного судопроизводства, восстановительное правосудие, дополнительные гарантии защиты прав и охраняемых законом интересов в уголовном процессе, ювенальная юстиция, ювенальный процесс.


Gidulyanova E.N. Criminal Legal Proceedings on the Affairs of Minors. - Manuscript.

The dissertation competing for the candidate of jurisprudence scientific degree, specialty 12.00.09 - criminal trial and criminal law; forensic examination. - The Odessa National Academy of Law, Odessa, 2008.

The dissertation is the first in Ukraine complex theoretical research of criminal legal proceedings on the affairs of persons who by the moment of committing a socially dangerous act have reached eleven years, but have not reached the age from which the criminal liability is possible in the context of implementation in Ukraine of a modern effective justice system concerning the minors and juveniles.

Considering the specificity of the criminal legal proceedings on the minors' affairs and the minor persons as their subjects, as well as the need to conform the Ukrainian legislation as a whole and the criminal proceeding legislation in particular to the international norms, rules and standards concerning the minors' affairs, the author pointed out the necessity of implementing cardinal changes in the legal essence of these norms by their exception from the sphere of the existing criminal proceeding legislation of Ukraine and creation of a special group of proceeding norms - the juvenile proceedings, by means of which a new branch of justice - the juvenile justice - could carry out its activity.

Keywords: the minor participant of the criminal legal proceedings, restorative justice, additional guarantees of protection of the rights and interests granted by law, juvenile justice, juvenile proceedings.

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