Контрабанда наркотичних засобів: проблеми протидії

Контрабанда наркотичних засобів як історичне та соціальне явище, фактори, які визначають її суспільну небезпечність. Вирішення питань щодо вдосконалення кримінально-правових і кримінологічних заходів у сфері протидії контрабанді наркотичних засобів.

Рубрика Государство и право
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 20.07.2015
Размер файла 61,3 K

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Ключевые слова: контрабанда, противодействие, уголовная ответственность, таможенная граница наркотические средства, психотропные средства, их аналоги или прекурсоры.


Soroka S. O. Drug Smuggling: Problems of Counteraction. - Manuscript.

Thesis for scientific degree of Candidate of Juridical Sciences in speciality 12.00.08 - Criminal Law and Criminology; Criminal-Executive Law. - Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. - Lviv, 2010.

The thesis deals with a complex scientific research of criminal and legal, and criminological problems of drug smuggling counteraction. The process of formation of criminal and legal drug smuggling counteraction in historical and legal aspect was analyzed. The statements concerning the social danger of drug smuggling were revealed in the modern way. The comparative and legal analysis of criminal legislation of the foreign countries concerning the establishing of the responsibility for drug smuggling was carried out. The legal analysis of corpus delicti provided with the article 305 of the Ukrainian Criminal Code was realized. The ways of improving drug smuggling counteraction were defined.

Changes are offered to the criminal legislation: to expound an article 305 of the Ukrainian Criminal Code in a new release, to bring in the proper changes in articles 307, 309 of the Ukrainian Criminal Code.

Key words: smuggling, counteraction, criminal responsibility, customs cordon, drugs, psychotropic sybstances, their analogs and other sybstances.

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