Кримінально-правова характеристика злочинів проти виборчих прав громадян України (ст. 157, 158, 159 КК України)

Кримінальний аналіз злочинів проти виборчих прав громадян України. Ознаки основних та кваліфікованих складів даних злочинів через призму змін, що відбулися з прийняттям Кримінального Кодексу України. Механізм спричинення шкоди виборчим правовідносинам.

Рубрика Государство и право
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 28.08.2013
Размер файла 42,4 K

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Ключевые слова: уголовная ответственность, избирательные права, избирательные правоотношения, стадии избирательного процесса, преступления против избирательных прав.

Medina L.P. The Criminal-legal Characteristic Liability of Crimes Against Electoral Rights of Citizens of Ukraine. - Manuscript.

Thesis for awarding the degree of Candidate of Laws. Speciality 12.00.08. - Criminal Law and Criminology; Criminal Executive Law. - V.M. Koretsky Institute of State and Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2004.

The thesis is a complex research into the issues of criminal liability for crimes against electoral rights of citizens of Ukraine. The extent and social danger of these infringements have been scrutinised as well as issues considered which pertain to the improvement of the norms envisaging liability for crimes against electoral rights. Legal analysis of the features of the components of these crimes has been effectuated. Foreign and international legal experience of counteracting violations of electoral legislation has been generalised. The content of electoral legal relations that arise at all stages of electoral process during the realisation by citizens of Ukraine of their electoral rights has been analysed, the mechanism of damage infliction both on electoral legal relations as a whole and on their individual elements has been investigated and concrete proposals made with regard to the improvement of the relevant norms of both the Criminal Code of Ukraine and the mechanism of criminal legal protection of Ukrainian citizens' electoral rights as a whole.

Key words: criminal liability, electoral rights, electoral legal relations, stages of electoral process.

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