Associative signs in the process of secondary nomination

Analysis of associative signs in the process of secondary nomination, use of the concept of "clothes". The synchronic aspect of the name of clothes in English and Ukrainian languages. The role of associative signs in the process of secondary nomination.

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Rivne State University of the Humanities

Associative signs in the process of secondary nomination

N. Mykhalchuk, Dr. Psychol., Professor

E. Ivashkevych, PhD in Psychology


In the article we've shown, that associations can be both individual and collective in their nature. In the first case they influence the use of any lexical unit by the individual. In the second case individual and collective associations determine the place of this or that lexical unit in the coordinate system of the English and Ukrainian languages as a whole. In this way, Extra-linguistic associations, by their very nature, are fixed in any language and become its facts.

We indicate, that in Linguistics nouns of primary nomination are also defined as unmotivated terms; they are perceived by native speakers as some “primitive ones". The way or motives of the formation of lexical units of primary nomination can only be determined through etymological or historical analysis. Thus, we paid a great attention in our research to the secondary nomination, the units of which are perceived as morphological or semantic derivatives of it. We showed, that the following concepts were closely related to the concept of secondary nomination: motivation, motivated, motivational sign (a motivator) and the internal forms of this word. Motiveness is understood as different characteristics of surrounding us word, which implies on the connection of sounds and structures of lexical units. In such a way the meaning of lexical units can be explained by the correlation of this word with mono-root and/or mono-structural forms of words.

Motivation is defined as a process, which includes some internal form and its means of conveying signs or characteristics of the denotation of lexical units. So, we think, that motivation itself is the result of the word-forming act. The authors of the article consider motivation to be a kind of preverbal psychologized act, the purpose of which is to reflect some basic dominant features of the denotation of lexical units in the semantic space of the word. It is shown that the internal form of a linguistic sign is a predictable way of the explication in the semantic structure of the word's extra-linguistic content, a motivational sign of it. In such a way the motivation of any lexical unit is the result of a nominative act, which reflects the motivational sign of the word's denotation.

It was proved, that qualifying interpretations of the object of designation were carried out, at the same time, through a sign, having been chosen by a social group, which also belongs not to a single object, but to a class of objects and, accordingly, represented a generalized and typified representation of a quality, property, characteristics of the designation object. We, in turn, adhere to the point of view that an equal sign can be placed between the most noticeable item that is marked and points out the main sign. Probably, we can talk about a certain subjectivity of associative features, which are taken into account as the basis for the formation of a new unit, at the stage of its appearing.

We showed, that the main concept of the theory of word formation was the concept of a derived word, based on which we'll describe the word formation system of a specific language and define its boundaries. So, we will consider derived words from the on omasiological aspect, from the point of view of how new names, new designations, new nominative signs arise, develop and functioned within the derived word.

Keywords: associations, associative signs, individual associations, collective associations, morphological derivatives, semantic derivatives, motiveness.


Асоціативні ознаки в процесі вторинної номінації

Михальчук Н.О., д. психол. н., професор; Івашкевич Е.Е., к. психол. н., Рівненський державний гуманітарний університет

В статті показано, що асоціації можуть приймати як індивідуальний, так і колективний характер. У першому випадку вони суттєво впливають на вживання певної лексичної одиниці окремим індивідом, у другому - визначають місце цієї лексичної одиниці в парадигмі мовних систем англійської та української мов у цілому. Тим самим позамовні, за своєю суттю, асоціації закріплюються в мові і стають її фактами.

Зазначено, що у лінгвістиці найменування первинної номінації також визначаються як невмотивовані терміни; вони сприймаються носіями мови як «первісні». Таким чином, визначати спосіб або мотиви їхнього утворення можна лише за допомогою етимологічного або історичного аналізу. Одиниці ж вторинної номінації сприймаються як морфологічні або смислові похідні першої. Показано, що з поняттям вторинної номінації щільно пов'язані такі поняття: вмотивованість, мотивація, мотивувальна ознака (мотивант) і внутрішня форма слова. Під вмотивованістю прийнято розуміти властивості слова, зв'язок звучання і значення якого можна пояснити за допомогою співвіднесення даного слова з однокореневими і/або одноструктурними утвореннями.

Мотивація визначається як процес, внутрішня форма, як засіб передачі ознак або властивостей денотата, і власне вмотивованість є результатом словоутворювального акта. Ми вважаємо мотивацію своєрідним довербальним психологізованим актом, мета якого - відобразити в семантиці слова домінувальні ознаки денотата. Внутрішня форма мовного знака є способом експлікації в семантиці слова позамовного змісту, мотивувальної ознаки, а вмотивованість слова є результатом номінативного акту, в якому відображено мотивувальну ознаку денотата.

Доведено, що кваліфікативні осмислення об'єкта позначення здійснюються, разом з тим, через обрану соціальною групою ознакою, який також належить не до одиничного предмету, а до класу предметів і, відповідно, являє собою узагальнене і типізоване уявлення щодо якості, властивості і т.п. об'єкта позначення. Ми, в свою чергу, дотримуємося точки зору, що між найбільш помітною ознакою, яка позначається, і головною ознакою можна поставити знак рівності. Ймовірно, ми могли б говорити щодо певної суб'єктивності асоціативних ознак, які беруться за основу утворення нової одиниці, на етапі її зародження тощо.

Показано, що головним поняттям теорії словотворення є поняття похідного слова, з опорою на що ми і описуємо словотворчу систему конкретної мови і визначаємо її межі. Отже, ми будемо розглядати похідні слова в ономасіологічному аспекті, з точки зору того, як виникають, розвиваються і функціонують в межах похідного слова нові найменування, нові позначення, нові номінативні знаки.

Ключові слова: асоціації, асоціативні ознаки, індивідуальні асоціації, колективні асоціації, морфологічні деривати, семантичні деривати, вмотивованість.

The actuality of the problem of the research

The actuality of the problem of this article we'll explain by some universal mechanisms that apply to any linguistic system. And only the study of the nominative systems of two or more languages in a comparative aspect allows us to outline the circle of similar and specific characteristics that determine the national distinctiveness of lexical units (Alahmadi, Shank & Foltz, 2018). Thus, the cumulative function of the language allows the partner of communication not only to accumulate, but also to record and transmit the experience of many generations (Batel, 2020).

In the paradigm of nomination, the cumulative function of the language is manifested by the fact that the division of speech acts occurs not only on the basis of verbal signs that are materially different from each other, but also in a view of the semantic transformations of the same signs. In other words, the material embodiment of the person's knowledge about the world is expressed not simply in words, but also in phrases that potentially have the ability to convey not one, but several meanings, such as taking into account the content meaning of lexical units, when they appear as different units of nomination (Ferreira, Henderson, Anes, Weeks & McFarlane, 1996). In the “Explanatory dictionary of Ukrainian” (2020) we read, that the subject of the nomination is defined as the process of studying and description of the general laws of the formation of linguistic units, which imply the interaction of thinking, process of generation of the language and the reality in cognitive processes. In such a way this subject actualizes the role of personally significant (pragmatic) factor in the selection of signs that are the basis of nomination, the study of speech techniques of the explanation of the nomination - these are acts, means and methods (Тлумачний словник української мови, 2020: 339).

Nominative activity of lexical units in linguistics is explained in the form of the triad “a reality - a concept - a name” (Heidari, 2019). Any language is outlined by each component of this paradigm with specific characteristic features which are implied only for this language. The nomination is explained in the paradigm of the concept as the opinion that in a generalized form reflects the objects or phenomena of the reality, confirms the connections between them by fixing general and specific signs that show the characteristics of objects and phenomena, the relationships between them (Тлумачний словник української мови, 2020: 413). So, the actuality of the problem of associative signs in the process of secondary nomination is no doubt.

The analysis of recent researches and publications. The concept represents the content of the nomination, which includes emotional and expressive means in addition to linguistic signs and categories. The name is recognized by our consciousness as a certain sequence of sounds, which are correlated with one or another specific language code, and they are individual for each ethnocultural community (Bates, Maechler, Bolker & Walker, 2014). As a result of the nomination process lexical units of the language appear. These are categories denoting validity, which together form a coherent linguistic picture of the person's world (Drigas & Karyotaki, 2017).

During its existence the language forms a certain set of word-forming techniques. They can be supplemented or transformed over time, but one thing always remains unchanged processes, which denote the nominative mechanism of generation in each language, despite the presence of universal features (Alahmadi & Foltz, 2020). The last ones are unique. And it is this fact that makes the existence of the language possible. The value having been attached to the unit at the time of its appearance in the communicative act is its peculiar linguistic and cultural index. In linguistics in the process of determining the lexical meaning it is possible to take into account the necessary semantic features and differential features of denotation of lexical units (Cilibrasi, Stojanovik, Riddell & Saddy, 2019). Under the conditions of organizing lexical units into groups, as a rule, a representative lexeme is taken as a basis, which expresses a common feature to all categories having been included into this paradigm.

It is quite obvious that the representation of the world in different languages cannot be paradigmatic, because the experience having been involved into the semantic division of the objective world of the speakers of these languages does not coincide in each lexical unit. We've to note that the history of the vocabulary is closely and organically connected with the history of the creation of lexical units in everyday life, culture, science, technology, with the history of public worldviews. In this case the connection between the language and the history of social development is revealed directly and harmoniously.

So, the purpose of our research is to present and to describe associative signs in the process of secondary nomination, using the concept of “clothing”.

The tasks of our research are:

1. To describe integral component of the Theory of Nomination.

2. To show nominative motives.

3. To present the names of clothing in both English and Ukrainian languages in the synchronic aspect, which can be divided into two groups: the names of the primary nomination; the names of the secondary nomination.

4. To show the role of associative signs in the process of secondary nomination, using the concept of “clothing”.

The main results of the research

Contemporary linguistics cites a sufficiently large amount of evidence regarding the uniqueness of the segmentation of the surrounding world in certain language systems. In such a way the language represents a certain view of the reality, which may be similar in different languages, but in no case it is identical.

The integral component of the Theory of Nomination (and, above all, the Theory of secondary Nomination in its nature) is certainly the theory of motivational (derived) nomination, which was developed in the researches of foreign linguists (Ware, Damnee, Djabelkhir, Cristancho, Wu & Benovici, 2017).

Nomination motives are also studied by linguists mainly in the paradigm of Cognitive Linguistics (Mykhalchuk & Bihunova, 2019). The main task of the Theory of Motivational Nomination is to identify and describe the principles of designation of objects of surrounding reality, motives, that determine the choice of linguistic means for the purpose of nomination of non-linguistic realities. The names of clothing in both English and Ukrainian languages in the synchronic aspect can be divided into two groups:

1) names of the primary nomination;

2) names of the secondary nomination (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. A process of Secondary Nomination

We think, that primary nomination is not a widespread phenomenon in the English and Ukrainian languages. In the vast majority of cases the formation of new lexical units of any name takes place on the basis of already existing nomination in the language. In such a way it is the process of Secondary Nomination, which is based on the establishment of associative relationships between two or more objects of surrounding us reality. This statement also underlines the associative nature of thinking of the individual.

Also, we've to emphasize that any act of Secondary Nomination is based on establishing of a lot of amount of associative relationships, which are grounded on similarity or contiguity between different qualities or characteristics of subjects or objects of surrounding reality. These subjects or objects are usually reflected in already existing meaning of their names (of the names of subjects or objects). At the same time, a certain object is marked with some special new qualities or characteristics precisely by reinterpreting this primary (or basic, dominant) meaning. With the help of these processes these new qualities or characteristics are remade into the processes of Secondary Nomination.

We've to emphasize that associative signs having been used in the process of Secondary Nomination may denote the components of the reinterpretation of the meaning. In such a way such semantic signs are not a part of the distinctive signs of the meaning. At the same time, the structures of Secondary Nomination in a great degree correlate with the background knowledge of native speakers of our reality or of the internal form of the meanings of objects or subjects. In such a way different language show the same realities of the surrounding world, which can cause different associations of their speakers according to the significant difference of socio- historical conditions of the existence of societies and their languages.

Associations can be both individual and collective in their nature. In the first case they influence the use of any lexical unit by the individual. In the second case individual and collective associations determine the place of this or that lexical unit in the coordinate system of the English and Ukrainian languages as a whole. In this way, Extra-linguistic associations, by their very nature, are fixed in any language and become its facts. associative secondary nomination clothes english ukrainian

In Linguistics, nouns of primary nomination are also defined as unmotivated terms; they are perceived by native speakers as some “primitive”. The way or motives of the formation of lexical units of primary nomination can only be determined through etymological or historical analysis. As a result of the fact that we did not set ourselves the goal of conducting such type of the analysis, we paid a great attention in our research to the secondary nomination, the units of which are perceived as morphological or semantic derivatives of it.

Thus, unmotivated names of clothing in English include: a skirt, boots, trousers, etc. In Ukrainian these are the following lexical units: спідниця, чоботи, штани. The following concepts are closely related to the concept of secondary nomination: motivation, motivated, motivational sign (a motivator) and the internal forms of this word. Motiveness is understood as different characteristics of surrounding us word, which implies on the connection of sounds and structures of lexical units. In such a way the meaning of lexical units can be explained by the correlation of this word with mono-root and/or mono-structural forms of words.

Scientists (Alexandrov, Boricheva, Pulvermuller & Shtyrov, 2011; Engle, 2002) define motivation as a process, which includes some internal form and its means of conveying signs or characteristics of the denotation of lexical units. So, we think, that motivation itself is the result of the word-forming act. The authors of the article consider motivation to be a kind of preverbal psychologized act, the purpose of which is to reflect some basic dominant features of the denotation of lexical units in the semantic space of the word. It is shown that the internal form of a linguistic sign is a predictable way of the explication in the semantic structure of the word's extra-linguistic content, a motivational sign of it. In such a way the motivation of any lexical unit is the result of a nominative act, which reflects the motivational sign of the word's denotation.

So, we think that the motivation of the internal form of any lexical unit depends on its correlation with its dominant lexical meaning. In the act of the process of motivational nomination each person establishes a basic connection between original judgments with some new suggestions, which already exist in any language. These suggestions reflect main individual elements of the original statement. And, since names of clothing have been formed by the processes of secondary (so called motivated) nominations, they, as a rule, might include lexical units that came into use at later stages of the development of the English and Ukrainian languages. These stages are mostly understandable for modern native speakers. At the same time, native speakers can easily determine the principles of nomination of a certain object.

We showed that linguocultural models in the English language having been motivated by adjectives are formed with the suffix -s and have the word-building meanings “a sign of a peculiarity”. The examples of such words are: tight - tights, slack - slacks, short - shorts, scanty - scanties, slip - slips, false - falsies, brief - briefs. In this case there is a combination of conversion and adding the ending of the noun set (by analogy with the form of the lexical unit trousers) (Mykhalchuk, Levchuk, Ivashkevych, Er., Yasnohurska & Cherniakova, 2021).

In this article we've analyze the largest group in the English language, which is formed by linguocultural models motivated only by nouns. These models include those names of clothing which were formed by separating a plural form from the noun in singular. In this case we have a deal with such a case of this method when the word-building of a new word in this case is complicated by the transformation of the inflection into a suffix of lexical units. We'll show the examples and try to explain them.

It should be noted that in the given examples we will present only those meanings of the lexical units which correspond to the lexical unit “clothes” formed with the help of means of association by the methods of secondary nomination. Such examples are (Тлумачний словник, 2022):

A chap (хлопець) - chaps (кальсони).

So, the noun «chaps (кальсони)» is motivated by lexical units denoting «хлопець»:

- a boy - малий, парубок, син, хлопець, хлопчик;

- a fellow - парубок, супутник, тип, товариш, хлопець;

- a lad - парубійко, хлопець, юнак;

- a chap - хлопець;

- a youngster - малюк, мала, парубок, хлопець, хлопчик, юнак;

- a dog - падлюка, хлопець, самець;

- a jack - працівник, хлопець;

- a bod - хлопець;

- a dick - хлопець, сищик;

- a duck - хлопець;

- a boche - хлопець, бош;

- a mac - хлопець, парубок.

A bottom (нижня частина) - bottoms (брюки).

So, the noun «bottoms (брюки)» is motivated by lexical units denoting «нижня частина»:

- a bottom - нижня частина;

- underside - нижня частина;

- underneath - нижня частина;

- downstairs - нижня частина.

Wedge (клин) - wedges (танкетки).

The noun «wedges (танкетки)» is motivated by lexical units denoting «клин»:

- a wedge - клин, гребінь, трикутна призма;

- a gore - клин, ластовиця;

- a gusset - клин, вставка, ластовиця;

- a chock - клин, башмак, підпірка, подушка, підпора, поліно;

- a fid - клин, шпилька;

- a cotter - клин, костиль;

- a cleat - клин, затискач, клема, планка, кріпильна планка, рейка;

- a quoin - клин, замок склепіння;

- a shim - клин, шайба;

- a nib - клин, гострий кінчик, дзьоб птаха, перо, вістра;

- a scotch - клин, надріз.

A tail (хвіст) - tails (фрак).

The noun «tails (фрак)» is motivated by lexical units denoting «хвіст»:

- a tail - хвіст, кінчик, те, що нагадує хвіст, край;

- back - хвіст, виворіт, гребінь, зад, зворот, зворотня сторона;

- a brush - хвіст, йорж, пензель, щетина, кущі;

- a rudder - хвіст, керівний принцип, кермо, руль, стерно;

- a tail-end - хвіст.

A bloomer (батон) - bloomers (брюки).

The noun «bloomers (брюки)» is motivated by lexical units denoting «батон»:

- a bloomer - батон;

- a loaf - батон.

A trunk (ствол) - trunks (чоловічі панталони)

The noun «trunks (чоловічі панталони)» is motivated by lexical units denoting «ствол»:

- a trunk - ствол;

- a barrel - ствол, антал, котушка, склепіння, барабан, купа;

- a shaft - ствол, голобля, держак, димар, дишель, рукоятка;

- a tube - ствол, камера, труба, трубка, тунель, тюбик.

A breech (зад) - breeches (бриджі).

The noun «breeches (бриджі)» is motivated by lexical units denoting «зад»:

- a breech - зад, сідниця;

- ass - зад;

- back - зад, виворіт, гребінь, зворот, зворотна сторона, корито;

- backside - зад, надвірні будівлі, відхоже місце, задня сторона;

- rear - зад, задня частина, тил, тильний бік, запілля;

- behind - зад;

- buttock - зад, сідниця;

- posterior - зад, нащадки, сідниця;

- croup - зад, круп;

- prat - зад;

- seat - зад, сидіння, місце, стілець;

- fundament - зад, сідниця;

- arse - зад.

A heel (каблук) - heels (жіночі туфлі).

The noun «heels (жіночі туфлі)» is motivated by lexical units denoting «каблук»:

- a heel - каблук, крен, п'ята, шпора, п'ятка;

- a bow - каблук, поклін, уклін, бант, дуга, бантик;

- an arch - каблук, арка, аркада, дуга, небозвід, райдуга.

So, as for us it is not difficult to establish the principles of choosing and using such a name of clothing in English, such as: a soaker (from “soak” - to absorb, in Ukrainian “вбирати”) - it is non-wetting children's panties (diaper) (in Ukrainian “непромокаючі дитячі трусики (підгузник)”), or Ukrainian “ліхтарик” (from “ліхтар”) - it is a type of sleeve (in Ukrainian “вид рукава”). Names of clothing, which were formed by the method of secondary nomination, are also defined as high motivated terms, because this way of creating new lexical units has to take into account one or more specific features (motivational features) of this or that object. The question of the degree of arbitrariness in the choice of a motivating feature becomes the basis for a new name and still remains debatable. The answer, indeed, is not unequivocal.

So, we believe that in the case of clothing models the choice of a motivating feature is, as a rule, random one: in the most amount of cases clothing models are not based on the main, dominant feature, but on the most noticeable, although often accidental feature. The choice of the very sign of a certain fact of surrounding us reality, which is the basis of the name, turns out to be arbitrary, or, rather more random, which depends on the degree of explication, and not on the degree of meaningfulness. At the same time, this item has a number of features, which are essential and non-essential, and their selection with the purpose to indicate the clothing nomination is, as a rule, random one, which was proved by the results of our research.

We are of the opinion that as a result of the previous motivational process of understanding any object is motivated. We mean the objects, which name the subjects, which, in turn, form such a structure. This one reflects the most-clear differentiating feature of this object. As a rule, the addressee uses some constant characteristics of the object that have a classification value.


Qualifying interpretations of the object of designation are carried out, at the same time, through a sign, having been chosen by a social group, which also belongs not to a single object, but to a class of objects and, accordingly, represents a generalized and typified representation of a quality, property, characteristics of the designation object. We, in turn, adhere to the point of view that an equal sign can be placed between the most noticeable item that is marked and points out the main sign. Probably, we can talk about a certain subjectivity of associative features, which are taken into account as the basis for the formation of a new unit, at the stage of its appearing.

But, if this or that lexical unit becomes a fact of speech, that it is accepted by the entire language of the society. In such a way we can no longer talk about the randomness of the choice of signs for naming realities. Thus, the theory of derivative nomination becomes dominant, which, in our opinion, is nothing but the theory of high motivated word.

The main concept of the theory of word formation is the concept of a derived word, based on which we'll describe the word formation system of a specific language and define its boundaries. So, we will consider derived words from the onomasiological aspect, from the point of view of how new names, new designations, new nominative signs arise, develop and functioned within the derived word.


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6. Batel E. Context Effect on L2 Word Recognition: Visual Versus Auditory Modalities. Journal of Psycholinguist Research, 2020. Vol. 49. P. 223-245.

7. Bates D., Maechler M., Bolker B., Walker S. lme4: Linear mixed-effects models using Eigen and S4. Journal of Package Version, 2014. Vol. 1(7). P. 1-23.

8. Cilibrasi L., Stojanovik V., Riddell P., Saddy D. Sensitivity to Inflectional Morphemes in the Absence of Meaning: Evidence from a Novel Task. Journal of Psycholinguist Research, 2019. Vol. 48. P. 747-767.

9. Drigas A., Karyotaki M. Attentional control and other executive functions. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 2017. Vol. 12(3). P. 219-233.

10. Engle R.W. Working memory capacity as executive function. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 2002. Vol. 11. P. 1923.

11. Ferreira F., Henderson J.M., Anes M.D., Weeks P.A., McFarlane D.K. Effects of lexical frequency and syntactic complexity in spoken-language comprehension: Evidence from the auditory moving-window technique. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 1996. Vol. 22 (2). P. 324.

12. Heidari K. Willingness to communicate: A predictor of pushing vocabulary knowledge from receptive to productive. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 2019. Vol. 48(4). P. 903-920.

13. Mykhalchuk N., Bihunova S. The verbalization of the concept of “fear” in English and Ukrainian phraseological units. Cognitive Studies | Etudes cognitives, Варшава (Польща), 2019. Vol. 19. P. 20-43.

14. Mykhalchuk N., Levchuk P., Ivashkevych Er., Yasnohurska L., Cherniakova O. Psycholinguistic specifics of understanding by Ukrainian students the principles of nomination of linguocultural models “clothing” in English and Ukrainian. Psycholinguistics. Психолінгвістика. Психолингвистика, 2021. Vol. 29(2). P. 195-237. Переяслав-Хмельницький: ФОП Домбровська Я.М.

15. Ware C., Damnee S., Djabelkhir L., Cristancho V., Wu Y.H., Benovici J. Maintaining cognitive functioning in healthy seniors with a technology-based foreign language program: A pilot feasibility study. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 2017. Vol. 9. P. 42.


1. Alahmadi, A. & Foltz, A. (2020). Effects of Language Skills and Strategy Use on Vocabulary Learning Through Lexical Translation and Inferencing. Journal of Psycholinguist Research, 49(6), 975-991.

2. Alahmadi, A., Shank, C., & Foltz, A. (2018). Vocabulary learning strategies and vocabulary size: Insights from educational level and learner styles. Vocabulary Learning and Instruction, 7(1), 1-21.

3. Alexandrov, A.A., Boricheva, D.O., Pulvermuller, F. & Shtyrov, Y. (2011). Strength of word-specific neural memory traces assessed electrophysiologically. PLoS ONE, 2-29.

4. Batel, E. (2020). Context Effect on L2 Word Recognition: Visual Versus Auditory Modalities. Journal of Psycholinguist Research, 49, 223-245.

5. Bates, D., Maechler, M., Bolker, B., & Walker, S. (2014). lme4: Linear mixed-effects models using Eigen and S4. Journal of Package Version, 1(7), 1-23 [in English].

6. Cilibrasi, L., Stojanovik, V., Riddell, P. & Saddy, D. (2019). Sensitivity to Inflectional Morphemes in the Absence of Meaning: Evidence from a Novel Task. Journal of Psycholinguist Research, 48, 747-767.

7. Drigas, A. & Karyotaki, M. (2017). Attentional control and other executive functions. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 12(3), 219-233.

8. Engle, R.W. (2002). Working memory capacity as executive function. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 11, 19-23.

9. Ferreira, F., Henderson, J.M., Anes, M.D., Weeks, P.A. & McFarlane, D.K. (1996). Effects of lexical frequency and syntactic complexity in spoken-language comprehension: Evidence from the auditory moving-window technique. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 22(2), 324 [in English].

10. Heidari, K. (2019). Willingness to communicate: A predictor of pushing vocabulary knowledge from receptive to productive. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 48(4), 903-920.

11. Mykhalchuk, N. & Bihunova, S. (2019). The verbalization of the concept of “fear” in English and Ukrainian phraseological units. Cognitive Studies I Etudes cognitives, Варшава (Польща), 19, 20-43.

12. Mykhalchuk, Nataliia, Levchuk, Pavlo, Ivashkevych, Ernest, Yasnohurska, Liudmyla & Cherniakova, Olena (2021). Psycholinguistic specifics of understanding by Ukrainian students the principles of nomination of linguocultural models “clothing” in English and Ukrainian. Psycholinguistics. Psykholinhvistyka. Psiholingvistika [Psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics], 29(2), 195-237.

13. Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyi: FOP Dombrovska Ya.M.

14. Ware, C., Damnee, S., Djabelkhir, L., Cristancho, V., Wu, Y.H. & Benovici, J. (2017). Maintaining cognitive functioning in healthy seniors with a technology-based foreign language program: A pilot feasibility study. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 9, 42.

15. Tlumachnyi slovnyk [Explanatory dictionary] (2022). [in Ukrainian].

16. Tlumachnyi slovnyk ukrainskoi movy [Explanatory dictionary of Ukrainian] (2020).

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