The role of the English language in the modern dialogue of cultures in the aspect of globalization

Study of the role of the English language in modern intercultural communication and dialogue of cultures under the influence of the latest globalization processes. Factors affecting the transformation of the English language and their general features.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 05.09.2024
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National Technical University “KharkivPolytechnic Institute”

The role of the English language in the modern dialogue of cultures in the aspect of globalization

Daria Karachova, Candidate of Science in Philology,

Tetiana Ahibalova, Candidate of Science in Philology


The article deals with the current topic of research on the role of the English language in modern intercultural communication, and the dialogue of cultures under the influence of the latest globalization processes. The purpose of this investigation was to identify and investigate the main factors that influence the transformation of the modern English language and their general features that change the process of modern dialogue of cultures. In the course of our research, it was found that the mainfactors are ecolinguistic, gender-neutral language and slangisms, which significantly affect the development and transformation of the English language, and they have influence on the features of the modern dialogue of cultures. They are the most important elements of the influence of globalization processes on the modern English language. Under the pressure of these processes, the English language, first of all, undergoes significant lexical transformations, because interaction with different cultures has made a significant impact on its lexical system. It was significantly enriched by various borrowings and graphic transformations of words - a modern type of abbreviation, which is often used in Internet communication, when words can be shortened to write only consonant letters. Also, the grammatical structure ofthe language is changing gradually. Every year, transformations change the English language more and more. On the one hand, the English language is greatly simplified in use, and on the other hand, the process of understanding it and transmitting the message is significantly complicated by the modern social features, such as gender-neutral language, slangisms, etc. The modern world tends to save people's time, so the author of the message should express his or her thoughts as clearly and concisely as possible, so that the recipient should be able to quickly analyze the received information, understand it and convey it as short as possible in a foreign language. At the same time, take into account the cultural characteristics of the author of the message to avoid discrimination and conflict situations. Therefore, it is important to consider all these elements in the process of a dialogue of cultures.

Keywords: globalization, dialogue of cultures, intercultural communication, gender-neutral language, slangisms, ecolinguistics.


Карачова Дар'я Володимирівна,

кандидат філологічних наук, Національний технічний університет “Харківський політехнічний інститут”

Агібалова Тетяна Миколаївна, кандидат філологічних наук,

Національний технічний університет “Харківський політехнічний інститут”


У статті розглядається актуальна тема дослідження ролі англійської мови у сучасній міжкультурній комунікації та діалозі культур під впливом новітніх глобалізаційних процесів. Метою цієї розвідки було виявити та дослідити основні чинники, які впливають на трансформацію сучасної англійської мови й їх загальні особливості, які змінюють процес сучасного діалогу культур. В ході нашого дослідження було виявлено, що основними чинниками є еколінгвістичні, гендерно-нейтральна мова та сленгізми, що значним чином впливають на розвиток та трансформацію англійської мови, а це, в свою чергу, впливає на особливості сучасного діалогу культур. Саме вони є найпотужнішими елементами впливу глобалізаційних процесів на сучасну англійську мову. Під тиском цих процесів, вона зазнає, в першу чергу, значних лексичних трансформацій, адже взаємодія із різними культурами внесла значний відбиток на лексичну систему англійської мови. По-перше, вона значно збагатилася різноманітними запозиченнями та графічною трансформацією слів. А саме - сучасним видом скорочень, який є часто вживаним при інтернет спілкуванні, коли слова можуть скорочуватись до написання лише приголосних літер. По-друге, поступово починає змінюватись і граматична структура мови. Кожного року трансформації все більше змінюють англійську мову. З одного боку, англійська мова значно спрощується у вжитку, а з іншого боку, процес її розуміння та передачі тексту повідомлення значно ускладнюється соціальними особливостями сьогодення, як наприклад, гендерно-нейтральна мова, сленгізми тощо. Сучасний світ тяжіє до економії часу, тому автору повідомлення треба максимально чітко та стисло висловити свої думки, а реципієнту мати змогу швидко проаналізувати отриману інформацію, зрозуміти її та передати максимально стисло іноземною мовою. При цьому врахувати культурні особливості автора повідомлення задля уникнення дискримінації та конфліктних ситуацій. Тому важливо враховувати всі ці елементи у процесі сучасного діалогу культур.

Ключові слова: глобалізація, діалог культур, міжкультурна комунікація, гендерно-нейтральна мова, сленгізми, еколінгвістика.

Problem statement

Modern world trends have a great influence on all spheres. Globalization processes that originated in the West are changing the modern world at an extremely fast pace. And these changes are taking place not only in the social sphere but also in scientific, technical, philological fields, etc.

Topicality of the research

In recent years, the field of philology has undergone significant changes, because it is being transformed according to the demands of the modern society. And the English language is the clearest indicator of such transformations. English is an international language and therefore it is the first to change according to the demands of modernity. It is the link that connects various countries, traditions and cultures. Thanks to it, we can feel confident working with foreign colleagues, studying abroad or simply in intercultural communication. The English language is the most important element in the modern dialogue of cultures because it connects different cultures and is the guide that reflects all the changes in society and social communication of modernity. language intercultural communication

Overview of publications on the topic. Many modern Ukrainian and foreign scientists are engaged in the study of this topic. For example, Batsevych F.S., Halyts'ka M.M., Mal'tseva K.S., Manakin V.M., Bolten J., Lin M. and others.


The purpose of this research was to identify and investigate the main factors that influence on the transformation of the modern English language and their general features that change the process of modern dialogue of cultures.

Results and discussion

Considering the role of the English language in the modern dialogue of cultures, it is impossible not to pay attention to the important elements that accompany it: intercultural communication, ecolinguistics and slangisms. These elements have a significant influence on the modern language culture, so their role in the aspect of globalization should be considered in more detail.

The topic of intercultural communication is extremely interesting for study and research because it allows investigating not only the linguistic specificity of the language but also to involve the cultural aspect of different peoples and the possibility of their communication with each other. From this, we can conclude that the main goal of intercultural communication is the formation of intercultural competence, which we need to avoid many intercultural conflicts and disputes. And English is precisely the language that should combine all aspects of intercultural communication and bring the dialogue to a high diplomatic level.

Since the end of the 20th century, and especially during the last decades, the role of intercultural communication has increased dramatically, especially in connection with the strengthening of the role of information and communication technologies in our lives (Danilenko, Karachova, 2019: 340). Cooperation with representatives of other nationalities requires us to be aware of at least elementary norms of communication and the culture of the country. Intercultural communication can include various directions and forms of communication between individuals, groups or countries belonging to different cultures (Danilenko, Karachova, 2019: 341). Every day we encounter representatives of different nationalities and must be aware of the norms of ethical behavior. "In the 21st century, there was a recognition of the value of various world cultures, a refusal to destroy many traditional cultures and their languages, and an interest in different nationalities and their interaction with each other appeared. Today's intercultural communication emphasizes precisely the interaction between races, peoples, ethnic groups and subcultures within larger cultures" (Danilenko, Karachova, 2019: 339).

Cultural awareness plays a significant role in shaping behavior that facilitates communication at the international level. It is generally recognized that cultural factors act as invisible barriers in intercultural communication. Understanding cultural differences is one of the most important skills that contribute to successful communication. That is why today the emphasis is on eliminating barriers to intercultural communication.

Understanding cultural diversity is the key to effective intercultural communication because speakers who are unable to communicate effectively with representatives of a different culture have large number of problems in many aspects of international communication. Cultural characteristics affect free trade policies, decisions about localization and standardization strategies, advertising, interaction efficiency, business relations, international business management, marketing, international negotiations, and many other aspects. Intercultural communication is a wonderful opportunity to promote global peace and prosperity. Many problems arise today due to the existence of cultural barriers imposed on international communication (Danilenko, Karachova, 2019: 343).

Speaking about the topic of intercultural communication, it is impossible, in our opinion, to avoid the popular modern philological topic - ecolinguistics. It appeared not so long ago, but it is gaining significant popularity for study and research among linguists worldwide. It became possible precisely thanks to the modern processes of globalization because this process is an important impetus for all scientific fields and it singles out certain scientific topics that are new and interesting for research and it promotes their distribution around the world. Semenets O.O. notes that ecolinguistics can be divided into two main types: macro-ecolinguistics and micro-ecolinguistics. Macro-ecolinguistics investigates contemporary problems of social, national, and global importance, while micro-ecolinguistics studies the structure of language systems, phonology, morphology and syntax (Semenets', 2013: 176).

Globalization processes revealed another interesting modern subject for research - gender equality.

The phenomenon of gender equality is unique from a linguistic point of view and deserves a detailed study, because, in our opinion, it can significantly transform the entire system of classical English grammar and bring it to a completely new level in the future. Gender-neutral language is usually understood as a language that is based on maximum isolation from gender. The purpose of using this language is to avoid words that can be perceived as a manifestation of discrimination or humiliation of representatives of a certain gender. The goal of introducing and spreading gender-neutral language is to reduce the number of gender stereotypes rooted in traditional language and culture and to bring society to social changes (Dvorsky, Hughes, 2008). Gender neutrality is based on the idea that language and other social institutions should avoid distinguishing according to people's gender to avoid discrimination and the impression that there are social roles for which one gender is better suited than another.

Thus, we can see that such a phenomenon is already beginning to affect the linguistic field and may significantly transform it in the future because the emergence of such processes is usually an important step toward deep linguistic transformations.

As we mentioned above, the English language plays a key role in the modern dialogue of cultures. Therefore, it is the first one to undergo modern transformations and to reflect all globalization processes.

Let's consider this in more detail. The English language, under the pressure of modern globalization processes, first of all, undergoes significant lexical transformations, because the interaction with different cultures has made a significant influence on the lexical system of the English language. It was enriched by various borrowings and graphic transformations of words. By the graphic transformation of words, we mean a modern type of abbreviation that is often used in Internet communication. To save people's time, authors of messages try to shorten words as much as possible, leaving only consonant letters by which the recipient can identify the word. This phenomenon became so widespread worldwide that even explanatory dictionaries began to appear to give definitions to such kind of abbreviations.

For native speakers, such abbreviations may seem quite easy to use, but the recipient, who belongs to another culture and cannot always quickly understand the newly formed vocabulary, often faces many difficulties.

Considering the fact that the English language is the most important element in the modern dialogue of cultures, it is important to be aware of all the popular latest trends, because it can save you lots of time searching for additional information.

Another important factor in the dialogue of cultures, in our opinion, is the use of a large number of slangisms. The modern English language has a huge increase of new words thanks to the slangisms.

It should be noted that this part of the newly formed vocabulary is quite difficult for understanding because it requires additional efforts to find information about a particular word in the dictionary. Usually, if you are not a native speaker, you will have to spend a lot of time searching and translating many slangisms, because it is extremely difficult to understand their meaning without having any experience. Dictionaries can help a lot. Thus, "the biggest difficulty in working with slangisms is finding its modern equivalents" (Bondarenko, 2007: 137).

The grammatical structure of the English language is also changing gradually. With the emergence of the phenomenon of gender equality in society, the lexical composition of the modern English language began to transform significantly. The phenomenon of gender equality is unique from a linguistic point of view and deserves a detailed study, because, in our opinion, it can significantly transform the entire system of classical English grammar and bring it to a completely new level in the future.

Let's consider this in more detail. Gender-neutral pronouns began to come to the fore, and the vast majority of vocabulary began to be subordinated to the neutral gender to avoid any discrimination or violation of human rights based on his gender. For example, the pronoun they was always used in the plural (European Parliament, 2018). and, based on this, the use of grammatical constructions in the sentence where it was used was subject to clear rules. However, with the influence of the phenomenon of gender equality, the pronoun they began to be used also in the singular, which makes it much more difficult to subordinate the constructions of classical English grammar to it. Such newly formed linguistic processes require careful research and analysis, and are quite interesting to study.

So, taking into account the above-mentioned information, it can be emphasized that the specificity of the English language in the modern dialogue of cultures is significantly influenced by the following factors:


gender-neutral language;


They are the most important elements of the influence of globalization processes on the modern English language because under their influence it begins to transform not only lexically, but also in certain grammatical categories.

Every year, transformations change the English language more and more. And these processes bring it closer to the maximum simplification in use. The graphic representation of words is reduced, and the grammatical structure of the language is simplified.

Receiving and translating any message in a foreign language is based on such important elements as:



selection of the correct equivalent;

message transmission.

All these factors are extremely important for the dialogue of cultures. After all, you must not only correctly understand the information, analyze it, but also correctly choose the necessary lexical equivalents in such a way as to convey the information as accurately as possible, but take into account all the pecularities of another culture in your message, and also do not forget about the modern gender aspect of communication. This is a complex communication process. On the one hand, the English language is greatly simplified in use, and on the other hand, the process of understanding it and transmitting the message is significantly complicated by the social features of modernity, such as gender-neutral language, slangisms, etc. The modern world tends to save time, so the author of the message should express his or her thoughts as clearly and concisely as possible, and the recipient should be able to quickly understand the received information, analyze it and convey it as short as possible in a foreign language. At the same time, take into account the cultural characteristics of the author of the message to avoid discrimination and conflict situations.

In the previous centuries, the English language was represented by a significant variety of lexical units, phraseological expressions, beautiful grammatical constructions and respect for the interlocutor, but in the modern world the situation has changed radically. The language is greatly simplified, and the expression of respect is transformed into the use of only a few lexical units and emoticons, while the latter is used only in informal communication. Official communication was also transformed to minimize the use of lexical items, emphasizing only the main information to be conveyed and its quick analysis and receiving an answer.


The English language plays a leading role in today's globalized world and the dialogue of cultures. It is the link that holds all the important elements of modern intercultural communication. The English language is the first one to undergo significant transformations caused by social changes. The study of this topic is relevant and interesting, so we see further prospects for study in determining the role of slangisms in the modern dialogue of cultures.


1. Bondarenko K. L. (2007). Ukrayins'ka ta anhliys'ka slenhovi movni kartyny svitu [Ukrainian and English slang language pictures of the world]. Nova filolohiya. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats', 294 p. (In Ukrainian)

2. Danilenko A.Yu., Karachova D.V. (2019). Osoblyvosti mizhkul'turnoyi komunikatsiyi ta podolannya linhvoetnichnoho bar'yeru u studentiv na zanyattyakh z praktyky perekladu [Peculiarities of intercultural communication and overcoming the language-ethnic barrier for students in translation practice classes]. VisnykLuhans'koho natsional'noho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka : Pedahohichni nauky, 2 (325). P. 2., 338-346. (In Ukrainian)

3. Dvorsky G., Hughes J. (2008). Postgenderism: Beyond the Gender Binary. Institute for Ethics andEmerging Technologies, 20, 44-57.

4. European Parliament (2018). Gender-neutral language in the European Parliament. Retrieved from journal

5. Gender-Neutral Pronouns (2018).

6. Semenets' O.O. (2013). Linhvoekolohiya ta problemy movnoho vyrazhennya suspil'nykh tsinnostey [Linguistic ecology and problems of linguistic expression of social values]. Nova filolohiya: zbirnyknaukovykhprats', 58, 174 - 177. (In Ukrainian)

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