Integrative study of language rules in the process of teaching junior schoolchildren the Azerbaijani language

The purpose the article is to describe the grammatical and lexical features of the Azerbaijani language and their expression during students' integrative learning of language rules. Use of general knowledge related to education and language capabilities.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Integrative study of language rules in the process of teaching junior schoolchildren the Azerbaijani language

Nabat Jafarova

Doctor of Sciences in Education, Full Professor, Philology Department,

Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University (Baku)


Морфологія азербайджанської мови має широкий діапазон, тому постає питання про введення граматичної та лексичної системи мовних правил. Актуальність дослідження визначається необхідністю оновлення засобів навчання школярів мовних правил на уроках азербайджанської мови. Тож, стаття покликана розкрити особливості граматичної та лексичної структури та комплексного вивчення мовних норм азербайджанської мови для учнів початкової школи.

Метою статті є опис граматичних та лексичних особливостей азербайджанської мови та їх вираження під час інтегративного засвоєння учнями правил мови. grammatical lexical language

Для цього в дослідженні використовувалися методи аналізу, синтезу, порівняння, дедукції та узагальнення, а також педагогічний експеримент. Дедуктивний метод відіграв вирішальну роль у цьому дослідженні, оскільки він слугував для виявлення унікальних аспектів лексичного та граматичного володіння мовою дитиною. Це було досягнуто шляхом використання загальних знань, пов'язаних з освітою та мовними можливостями. Дедукція була важливою для формулювання відмінних рис і характеристик, які повинні враховуватися педагогами під час навчання азербайджанської мови. Крім того, у статті застосовано метод узагальнення для підготовки вправ для школярів із широкого кола навчальних предметів. Цей підхід передбачав включення теоретичних ідей, досліджених у статті, до змісту вправи. Мета полягала не тільки в тому, щоб представити ці поняття, але й закріпити їх розуміння в рамках завдань, у такий спосіб оцінивши ступінь розуміння та майстерності студентів. Такий підхід збагачує навчальний процес, забезпечуючи ефективне втілення теоретичних знань у практичний досвід навчання.

У результаті роботи встановлено, що комплексне вивчення правил мови з морфології передбачало підвищення рівня знань студентів, а саме свідомого розуміння ними слів у процесі мовлення. Отже, розкрито основні напрямки формування мовленнєвих умінь і навичок школярів. У статті доведено, що цей процес тісно пов'язаний зі збільшенням словникового запасу, який, у свою чергу, є показником багатства мови.

У дослідженні представлено структурований підхід до навчання азербайджанської мови для молодших школярів, зосереджений на морфологічному аналізі, суфіксальних вправах і взаємозв'язку граматичних і лексичних особливостей. Він наголошує на інтеграції цих аспектів для покращення розуміння та використання мови учнями. Основні висновки демонструють ефективність цього інтегративного методу в покращенні словникового запасу, культури мовлення та загальної лінгвістичної компетенції.

Ключові слова: морфологія, лексика, будова слова, навчання мови, школярі.


Nabat Jafarova, Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University (Azerbaijan)

Key words: morphology, Azerbaijani language, vocabulary, word structure, rules, teaching language, schoolchildren.

The morphology of the Azerbaijani language has a wide range, so the question arises about the introduction of grammatical and lexical system of language rules. The relevance of the study is determined by the need to update the means of teaching junior high school students the rules of the language in Azerbaijani language lessons. The article is designed to reveal the features of grammatical and lexical structure and a comprehensive study of the language norms of the Azerbaijani language for elementary school students.

The article aimed to describe grammatical and lexical features and their expression during students' integrative learning of language rules.

For this, the research used the methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, deduction, generalisation, and a pedagogical experiment. The deductive method played a crucial role in this study, revealing unique aspects of the child's lexical and grammatical mastery. This was achieved by using common knowledge related to education and language capabilities. Deduction was important for the formulation of distinctive features and characteristics that should be taken into account by teachers when teaching the Azerbaijani language. In addition, the article uses the method of generalization to prepare exercises for schoolchildren from a wide range of educational subjects. This approach involved incorporating the theoretical ideas explored in the study into the content of the exercise. The aim was not only to introduce these concepts but also to reinforce their understanding of the tasks, thus assessing the degree of students' understanding and mastery. This approach enriches the educational process, ensuring the effective implementation of theoretical knowledge in practical learning experience.

As a result of the work, it was established that the comprehensive study of language rules from morphology involved increasing the level of student's knowledge, namely their conscious understanding of words in the process of speaking. Therefore, the main areas of the formation of speaking abilities and skills of younger schoolchildren are revealed. The article proves that this process is closely related to the increase in vocabulary, which, in turn, is an indicator of the richness of the language.

The study presents a structured approach to teaching Azerbaijani language to junior high school students, focusing on morphological analysis, suffix exercises, and the interrelation of grammatical and lexical features. It emphasizes integrating these aspects to enhance students' understanding and use of language. Key findings demonstrate the effectiveness of this integrative method in improving vocabulary, speech culture, and overall linguistic competence.


Azerbaijani, a Turkic language predominantly spoken in Azerbaijan and parts of Iran and Turkey, exhibits a distinctive grammatical and lexical structure. Grammatically, Azerbaijani employs an agglutinative structure, where suffixes play a pivotal role in conveying various grammatical nuances. For example, the suffix "-dir" is added to a noun to make it definite (e.g., "kitab" meaning "book" becomes "kitabdir" meaning "the book"). It also follows a Subject-Object-Verb (SOV) word order, with subject and object markers attached to nouns (e.g., "Ev" means "house", and "Evimi" means "my house"). Lexically, Azerbaijani showcases Persian, Arabic, and Russian influences, enriching its vocabulary. For instance, "hakim" (doctor) is borrowed from Arabic, "tahsil" (education) is from Persian, and "telefon" (telephone) is adapted from Russian. This interplay between its complex grammatical structure and diverse lexicon exemplifies the linguistic tapestry of Azerbaijani [Antzaka et al., 2021].

The development of speech affects all spheres of human activity. Therefore, the study of language rules is the basis of a student's education in the younger grades, since the possibility of their further development depends on this process. Mastering the Azerbaijani language includes a system of educational activities related to consolidating a certain lexical and grammatical level. In this process, lexicology, which is close in meaning to morphology and word formation, occupies an important place [Permana, 2020; Haug, Findlay, 2023]. This is explained by the fact that all these components refer to the vocabulary of the language, namely to its lexical-grammatical system. Thus, it can be established that the structure of a word actually consists of three components, namely: phonological, morphological, and semantic. Therefore, the modern process of educational training for junior high school students should cover all the specified components [Pardede, 2020]. This determines the relevance of the study, since it is crucial for the introduction of a separate time for dictionary work under the years of the Azerbaijani language. Such attention to this issue is caused by the fact that the quality of knowledge as a whole depends on the volume of a person's vocabulary. For children of primary school age, the development of speech and the study of terms allows them to successfully integrate their skills in performing tasks and behaviour in future educational activities. In this context, it is important to form and consolidate children's qualitative linguistic attitude to words and their meaning. This is necessary so that they independently establish the connection between the grammatical form of the word and the lexical system [Fujita, Fujita, 2022; Mahan, 2022].

The emergence of this problem occurs when children of primary school age develop an attitude towards the grammatical form of a word. Accordingly, due to their study of a certain language rule, the general understanding of individual categories changes. For example, a word that seemed indivisible to them can turn into a variable construction consisting of complex semantic and morphological features. The development of social relations, the spread of digital technologies, and globalization in general affect the appearance of new words and the meaning of individual expressions. This indicates the need to express their correct lexical meaning, which in turn is derived from the property of the part of the language to which they belong. Thus, the meaning of a term or linguistic construction today is influenced not only by the grammatical category but also by the context, which has a social meaning and corresponds to the peculiarities of its use [Mao et al., 2021].

M.F. Rakhtari [2020] and S.F. Shukurova [2020] investigated the peculiarities of the lexical activity of elementary school students. They concluded that the methodological foundations of the formation of lexical competence in these subjects were based on a communicative basis and, therefore, required the development of the lexical-grammatical structure of their speech. Such results should be used in the process of differentiating language rules, as well as highlighting the role of lexical skills in it. In turn, U.Z. Gizi [2021] and O.V. Sagan et al. [2021] investigated the peculiarities of teacher training for the formation of lexical and grammatical competence of younger schoolchildren. They proved that in this process, special attention should be paid to the initial level of knowledge of the class, as well as their activity during educational activities. The obtained conclusion should be revealed to characterize the teacher's role and tasks in the course of explaining the linguistic rules of the Azerbaijani language. P.M. Gadimova [2020] studied the principles of integrative education for younger schoolchildren. In her research, she came to the conclusion that the horizontal integration of educational subjects prevailed in primary school, for example, based on reading or writing. Accordingly, blocks of knowledge from different subjects were combined in such a way. The described conclusion should be applied in the process of determining the most effective type of integration of educational activities for junior high school students.

The relevance of the problem under study in this article lies in the pressing need to enhance the methods of teaching language rules to elementary school students in Azerbaijani language lessons. With the Azerbaijani language's rich morphology and complex grammatical and lexical structure, there is a growing demand for updated and practical pedagogical approaches that cater to the specific needs of young learners. The ability to comprehensively understand and apply these language rules is crucial for students as they develop their language skills. Therefore, this study addresses a significant educational challenge and aims to contribute to the improvement of language instruction for primary school students.

The novelty of the article is evident in its holistic approach to the study of language norms in the Azerbaijani language, encompassing both grammatical and lexical features. While previous research may have focused on individual aspects of language instruction, this article takes a comprehensive view, emphasizing the interconnectedness of grammar and vocabulary in language learning. Furthermore, the integration of various pedagogical methods, such as analysis, synthesis, comparison, deduction, and generalization, along with a pedagogical experiment, adds a novel dimension to the exploration of effective language instruction techniques. By merging theoretical insights with practical exercises designed for schoolchildren, this study offers a fresh perspective on language education, aiming to enhance students' linguistic competence and foster their ability to use the Azerbaijani language effectively in real-life communication. In doing so, it contributes to the development of innovative teaching methodologies in the field of language education for primary school students.

Most studies (Antzaka et al. [2021], Fleischhauer et al. [2021], Nnamani [2022], Rahtari [2020], Sagan et al. [2022]) have focused on lexical and grammatical skills of elementary school students, but less research (Fauzi [2021], Mahan [2022], Pardede [2020]) exists examining these skills in middle and high school students. More work could examine how lexical and grammatical knowledge develops through the later school years. Additional research on effective sequencing and integration of lexical and grammatical topics across the curriculum could inform better language arts instruction. Most studies look at language instruction in isolation rather than integrated with other subject areas.

The use of technology and multimedia tools to enhance lexical and grammatical learning merits more attention. With the increased utilisation of technology in classrooms, research into its optimal use specifically for building lexical and grammatical competencies would be valuable. Longitudinal research tracking students' lexical and grammatical growth over multiple years could provide useful insights. Many existing studies use one-time assessments rather than measuring ongoing development. Tracking cohorts of students over time could elucidate patterns and predictors of language skill acquisition.

Based on the above, the purpose of the article was to reveal the peculiarities of grammatical and lexical system and the integrative study of the language rules of the Azerbaijani language by schoolchildren in primary grades. Also, in the study, the following tasks were formed: to express the process of assimilation of grammatical and lexical knowledge by children of primary school age; to characterize the methods and sequence of schoolchildren's study of parts of languages and their interaction with each other; to demonstrate the mistakes made by students during lexical and grammatical exercises; to offer different types of educational tasks aimed at checking the level of consolidation of language rules in students.Materials and Methods

During the work, materials such as the State Strategy for the Development of Education in the Republic of Azerbaijan [2013] were used to highlight the main directions of the development of primary education in schools, as well as the curriculum on the subject of the Azerbaijani language for general educational institutions of the Republic of Azerbaijan (grades I-IV) to analyse teaching aids and determine their effectiveness, as well as Spelling Dictionary of the Azerbaijani language [2020].

In the study, the analysis method was used to express the peculiarities of the activities of primary school students and their formation of lexical and grammatical skills. Thus, the analysis involved the study of the properties of various types of parts of speech, as well as the sequence of their study by schoolchildren. This method was necessary to express the connection between different stages of educational activity of younger schoolchildren and the role of speech in it. The method of synthesis in the study provided for the unification of the revealed features of the education of children of younger school age on the basis of which the formation of the main approaches for the organization of integrated education took place.

The comparison method was used to compare different types of practical tasks and exercises aimed at developing the child's lexical and grammatical skills. This method was necessary for studying the results of a pedagogical experiment and identifying common and different problems in student training.

The deduction method was used to reveal the special features of the child's lexical and grammatical activity based on general knowledge about the educational preparation and language capabilities of this category of educational subjects. The deduction was necessary to express features and characteristics that should be taken into account by the tutor when teaching the Azerbaijani language.

The method of generalization in the article was used to highlight exercises for schoolchildren on various educational topics. It provided for the consideration of the theoretical aspects studied in the work, as well as their consolidation in the content of the tasks, in order to check the level of mastery by the students.

A pedagogical experiment was conducted, which involved the participation of 32 students in the 3rd grade of the D. Bunyadzadeh Middle School, Fatmai village. The participants were 9-10 years old, 17 boys and 15 girls. The experiment aimed to evaluate students' lexical and grammatical skills through practical exercises. During the Azerbaijani language lesson, students were given three tasks: identifying root words, finding common root words, and using given words in sentences. The tasks aligned with key learning objectives around morphological decomposition and vocabulary usage.

The evaluation criteria focused on the accuracy of students' responses across the three assignments. After the 30-minute work period, the answers were reviewed, and common errors were documented. As shown in Figure 1 of the paper, the analysis specifically looked at 1) incorrect identification of root words, 2) failure to recognize related root words, and 3) inappropriate use of vocabulary in constructing sentences. Tallying these mistake types provided quantitative data on areas of difficulty. The results were then used to make recommendations about emphasizing certain language rules and providing differentiated instruction to improve student lexical and grammatical mastery. Overall, the experiment yielded helpful diagnostic information through targeted assessment aligned to specific skills.

All procedures performed in studies involving human participants were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and national research committee, the 1964 Helsinki Declaration and its later amendments, or comparable ethical standards. A study was approved by National Ethics Commission of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine December 21, 2020, No 1033-A.


General understanding of the formation of grammatical and lexical skills in children of primary school age Words are the main form of expressing objects in a person's consciousness and their understanding of life processes. That is why the word is closely related to a person's existence, as it helps to ensure their participation in the surrounding world due to the designation of objects and phenomena. The study of words occurs in individuals from birth, but the formation of grammatical and lexical knowledge takes place in the primary classes of educational institutions. The learning begings with monosyllabic words, as they are not complex and allow the student to form the necessary knowledge gradually. In addition, when working with elementary school children, it is quite useful to study suffixes, as well as their addition to words with the same root. Based on this, not only can the student systematise the educational information known to them, but also enrich the scope of their knowledge. As a result, the learner is able to independently analyse cognate words, determine their general and special features, and expand their vocabulary through grammatical and lexical work [Ma, 2022; Wildgen, 2023].

The exercises described in the passage are designed to develop students' skills in morphological analysis and vocabulary building. Specifically, having students identify root words and suffixes promotes an understanding of how words are formed from basic lexical units. Recognizing patterns in related root words illustrates the derivational potential of core morphemes. Using given vocabulary to construct sentences requires students to apply their knowledge of word meanings and grammatical functions actively. These tasks allow students to systematically decompose and manipulate language components to expand their vocabularies [Bosa, 2020]. They must break words into constituents' parts, leverage root words to find related terms and situate unfamiliar words into contexts to solidify definitions. Through repeated, guided practice with these interlinked skills, students strengthen their working knowledge of the lexical and grammatical building blocks of language. This supports long-term growth in language proficiency and usage. Thus, the sequencing of exercises cultivates practical linguistic capabilities tied to the comprehension and production of words within sentences.

Practical tasks for working with monosyllabic words

It is advisable, after having characterized the general aspects related to the formation of lexical and grammatical knowledge in students at the beginning of their educational activities, to pay attention to practical tasks aimed at forming in them the ability to perform actions on cognate words. To do this, the teacher can ask students to complete three types of tasks related to highlighting words, identifying cognate words, and inserting words into sentences. For example, it can be:

1. For these words, choose and write down words of the same root:

a) goz (eye), eynakli (bespectacled), gozsuz (eyeless), qama$dirmaq (dazzle);

b) bal (honey), balsiz (honey-free), balqabaq (pumpkin), bala (calf), baliq (fish).

2. Find and write down the common root words with the given words:

da$ (stone), ba$ (head), su (water).

3. Insert these words into the sentence and underline the same part:

yaz (season-noun) and yaz (mag) (name of verb-action).

These tasks were offered to students of the 3rd grade of D. Bunyadzadeh Middle School, Fatmai village. After receiving the results, the most common errors were highlighted (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Description of the mistakes made by students when performing the proposed tasks

In addition, lexical and grammatical knowledge is necessary for third-grade students to successfully study the topic "Formation of verbs from nouns and adjectives", for example, face to face at the blackboard; butter-butter; start-start; work-work; clean-clean; black-black; merriment; the words "get well" is written. To check their level of preparation, it is necessary to ask different types of questions. For example, "Children, what questions are answered by the words water, water?"; "What part of speech is the word water?"; "What about the word water?". The teacher should comment on the answers and explain which of them are correct and why. After that, in order to consolidate the material, it is advisable to ask students the following question: "Can you tell from which part of the language the verb sublayer comes?", the answer to which is from the noun water. In addition, "What questions do the words clean and pure answer?"; "What part of speech is the word "pure"?" (adjective); "What part of speech is the word clean?" (verb). In this way, a simple generalization occurs, during which schoolchildren remember that the root of the word water is water, and the root of the word clean is clean. Analysis of the word Sula makes it clear that it means work due to the use of the suffix -la from the verb, and clean means -la. Based on this, the word sula is a verb derived from a noun, and the word clean is an adjective. As a result of the process described above, schoolchildren learn the grammatical and lexical bases of suffixes, on the basis of which it is possible to correct words and create new ones.

Work with suffixes

Having developed an understanding of lexical and grammatical foundations, the student should understand the peculiarities of suffixes and their attachment to the root of the word. To determine the general level of knowledge in the class regarding suffixes, it is worth asking the following question: "Who will say which suffixes join the root of a word and form a new one?". The correct answer is the suffixes -gi, -gi, -gu, -gu, which make it possible to form a new word. If the students actively answered that question, then it is advisable to determine whether they know another suffix that also forms a new word if it is attached to the root of the word. For example, these can be suffixes -li, -li, -lu, -lu or duzlu-duzlu (salty-salty), yagli-yagli (fat-fat), sudlu- sudlu (milk-milk). To expand the scope of students' knowledge, it is worth explaining that the named suffixes belong to the word-forming category since they are combined with a word to form a new word.

For practical sharpening of such skills, schoolchildren should be offered to work on the board, for example, writing down words and sentences in turn, and then analysing their grammatical and lexical features, for example, fisherman-fisherman; airplane pilot. In this context, a systematic approach is essential, owing to which the teacher should work with students not only on a new topic but also on previous ones. Therefore, when parsing the mentioned combinations, the student must additionally determine which of these words are cognates. For example, fish live in water; the fisherman threw their net into the water - in these two sentences, the words "baliq" (fish) and "baliqgi" (fisherman) are the same root.

Formation of a system of lessons for the study of grammatical and lexical features of words

The educational process must be built based on a precise algorithm, the components of which are differentiated by the level of complexity and, therefore, provide for a logical transition from one to another based on the knowledge acquired by the student. Considering the processes and educational topics described above, it is first advisable to offer students to select cognate words. An example of such a task: "Use five of these words in a sentence: ba$ (head), ba§dan (from the beginning), ba$la (start), oxu (read), ox (arrow), oxatan (archer), fincan (cup), qazan (kettle)". In addition to the suggested options for working with monosyllabic words, the following task is also effective: "Choose monosyllabic words from the given text, write them down by dividing them into roots and suffixes: Bahar galdi. Maktublar hami tarafindan musbat qar§ilandi. Sahaya erkan toxum sapildi. Yaylagin ya§il otunda mal-qara otarilirdi. Kand camaatinin asas ma§guliyyati akinfilik va maldarliq idi" (Spring has come. The letters were received favourably by all. Early seeds were sown in the field. Cattle grazed on green grass in the pasture. The main occupations of the village community were agriculture and cattle breeding).

After completing this type of task, it is advisable to move on to the next block, which consists in dividing the list of words into bases and suffixes, for example, lush vine grower; vineyard bitch; wet vineyard. This block also includes the following exercise: "To the given words, write the names of professions, divide the words into forms and suffixes: taxil (grain), pambiq (cotton), uzum (grapes), tutun (tobacco), tractor (tractor), damir (iron), fay (river), daniz (sea), baliq (fish)". To consolidate this stage of educational activity, students should complete the following task: "Underline the correcting suffixes in these words: demar; (demarche), duzlu (salty), duzsuz (without salt), kol (bush), koldan (from the bush), bagdan (from the garden), dara (valley), daradan (from the valley), gul (flowers), gulden (from a flower)".

The generalization of the material should involve a combination of exercises that students perform while studying various topics. For example: "Use these homonyms in sentences: neft (oil), neftfi (oilman), barama (cocoon), barama adami (cocoon man)", as well as "In the given words, underline the same part: alak (sieve), al-ala (hand in hand), aldan-ala (from hand to hand)". During oral work, the teacher can ask students to explain the difference in the meaning of root words such as maktab (school), talaba (student), ma;in (car), surucu (driver), sur (drive), yaz (write), yazifi (writer), yazmaq (to write).

The proposed task list aims to research and develop students' understanding of the grammatical and lexical features of words. This is necessary so that they can independently form new words and distinguish the studied terms and constructions by meaning.

The relationship between the grammatical form of a word and its lexical meaning during the integrative study of language rules

The formation of lexical knowledge and skills is carried out simultaneously with the development of grammatical forms of words, for example, during the study of different parts of languages. For example, when studying the topic "Noun", the teacher is obliged to describe different types of its meanings, in particular living and non-living, concrete and abstract, general and special, as well as to explain the distinguishing features of each one. In addition, students should be asked the following question: "Who is the only personal pronoun in the Azerbaijani language?" (for example, korpa (a baby), cavan (a young man), qoca (an old man), neftfi (an oilman), darzi (a tailor), hakim (a doctor), muallim (a teacher), etc.), as well as to all other living creatures (at (a horse), inak (a cow), ordak (a duck), xoruz (a rooster), baliq (a fish), fayirtka (a grasshopper), etc.).

Thus, under the condition of a high-quality combination of grammatical knowledge with grammatical and lexical work, there is a significant expansion and improvement of the quality of the student's vocabulary due to the addition of grammatical concepts to it. Accordingly, such grammatical and lexical activity during the study of nouns contributes to the development of schoolchildren's speech as a whole [Singleton, Lesniewska, 2021; Courtney and Mann].

For additional expansion of children's lexical knowledge and skills, it is advisable to offer them to name homonyms independently (fakmak (pull), sefmak (choose)), synonyms (dunya (world), kainat (universe)), and antonyms (igidlik-qorxaqliq (bravery-cowardice), sevinc-kadar (joy-sadness)). This makes it possible to give systematicity to the educational process and improve the level of assimilation of educational material.

Particular attention should be paid to the study of the topic "Adjective" because the teacher has certain duties to fulfill during vocabulary work with students. For effective planning of such activities, some factors should be taken into account, for instance, which adjectives are little known to this category of students; which adjectives from this list are most often used in everyday life; how many and which of these adjectives can be used in Azerbaijani language lessons. In the beginning, the teacher should explain the grammatical meaning of the adjective as one that indicates the sign and quality of a thing. After that, it is possible to integrate the acquired knowledge into proverbs, for example: "Yalan uzu qizardir" (Lies make the face red), "Aci haqiqat ;irin yalandan yax;idir" (Bitter truth is better than sweet lies), and "Duz yol yorulmaz" (The straight road is tireless). It should be emphasized that the formation of lexical and grammatical knowledge on the topic "Adjective" should involve the consolidation of schoolchildren, not five or six words of this part of speech, but a wide list. The development of acquired knowledge regarding the use of adjectives can be implemented by students writing works or independently composing proverbs or sayings. Considering the fact that in the Azerbaijani language inflexions and new word formations mainly arise due to the addition of suffixes to roots, the teacher should provide extensive information about adjectives formed with the help of these constructions.

Verbs comprise a large part of schoolchildren's vocabulary since the work on enriching the words of this part of a language practically begins in the 1st grade, where they operate with words denoting the name of an action. An example of one of the tasks aimed at mastering verbs is the presentation of words in different tenses: "Talaba oxuyur. Talaba oxudu. Talaba oxuya- caq" (The student is reading. The student read. The student will read). Implementing such an exercise allows the teacher to explain the change of verb tenses and, therefore, to describe the concept of verb tenses as a grammatical category.

Based on the above, explaining to schoolchildren the essence of the connection between the grammatical form of a word and its lexical meaning allows them to improve the level of their perception and mastery of words in different parts of speech and grades. The work, which consists of the study of the grammatical and lexical meaning of words, involves the formation of lexical knowledge, which is reflected in students' speech integratively with all grammatical forms.


Special attention in the pedagogical doctrine is paid to the integrative education of children of primary school age, since it is in the elementary grades that the grammatical and lexical foundations of their speech are formed. According to B. Jarunwaraphan and P. Mallikamas [2020] and O. Nnamani [2022], the generalizing function of grammar is most vividly reflected in the study of common nouns. With this in mind, they recommend in their works to start students' acquaintance with this part of the language, since the concept of common nouns is easily learned thanks to children's skills of system and grouping. O. Nnamani [2022] believes that this process develops from the subject to a part of the language, which in turn integrates with dictionary work. Considering this, the system of dictionary work involves following a sequence in a certain thematic plan. The results obtained by them in their articles have common features with the conclusions of this work, as they relate to the assimilation process of both standard and specific nouns by schoolchildren. It is expected to define this process as a priority in the educational activities of children of primary school age.

Unlike the previous researchers, E. Fleischhauer et al. [2021] and A. Antzaka et al. [2021] in their works paid attention to suffixes, which play an important role during the formation and integration of grammatical and lexical connections of words with nouns. According to E. Fleis- chhauer et al. [2021], the process of teaching schoolchildren the correct use of suffixes and correcting and creating words is intimately connected to the grammatical aspects of correcting and complex names. In turn, the latter is closely related to children's lexical knowledge, so the actual learning of grammatical basics takes place based on lexical skills. Such a lexical-morphological study makes it possible to establish a connection between morphology and vocabulary. A. Antza- ka et al. [2021] note that when studying vocabulary, schoolchildren use the knowledge obtained from morphology. Combining morphological and lexical categories involves systematic training of schoolchildren to use acquired skills in speech. For this, the researcher gives as an example several tasks, in particular: "Choose suffixes for these nouns that mean art, profession: fish, sea, grapes, iron, garden, teacher, doctor, cotton, tobacco, grain, vegetables, desire" or "Using the suffixes -lyk, -lyk, form nouns from adjectives and use them in sentences" Also, for the formation of new word-forming skills, he suggests: "Create new words by adding suffixes that correct the word to these nouns: hand, work, hard work, road, riddle, stone, sand, bush, snow, work, garden. Suppose the students have completed the previous exercises. In that case, it is worth increasing the difficulty of the task by suggesting: "From these nouns, form personal words with correcting suffixes: school, plant, write, city, nature reserve, dig, sheep, harvest, village", as well as "Form complex words, combining these words that are consistent in meaning: respect, camel, pipe, thorn, pot, needle, leaf, dash, Ali, village, master, leg". The results described by the researchers correspond to the conclusions of this article, as they combine the description of theoretical and practical forms of student activity. It is standard practice to form tasks aimed at working with suffixes, as well as the combination of this knowledge with the ability to identify cognate words or form new sentences.

F.M. Jerar et al. [2022] and A. Fauzi [2021] studied the process of learning adjectives by schoolchildren, who established in their articles that it allows for enriching, clarifying, and expressing students' vocabulary. According to F.M. Jerar et al. [2022], adjectives occupy a special place in the system of expressive means. He explains this position owing to the fact that this part of the language is used to determine the signs and symptoms of objects, phenomena, and processes. Taking this into account, the correct use of adjectives expresses the artistic emotionality of speech, thereby enabling schoolchildren to express their thoughts, feelings, and reactions to events. A. Fauzi [2021] notes that in 2-4 grades during written work, special attention is paid to multi-meaning, synonymous, homonymous, and antonymic adjectives. In his opinion, this approach is indispensable because it also affects children's oral speech, making it more expressive, fluent, and legible. He pays special attention to the teacher's activities during the presentation of the "Adjective" topic because for schoolchildren to learn the definitions of various words, work on their understanding and pronunciation must occur. For example, when discussing a person's face, one should understand their appearance, facial structure, skin colour, eyebrows, and eyes. Accordingly, during the conversation, schoolchildren can use such expressions as "What kind of face did they have?", and "Who does they look like?". In this case, the teacher should explain to the children that in grammar, an adjective can describe not only the appearance of a person or object but also the part of the language that characterises the signs of all living and non-living things. A. Fauzi [2021] emphasises that the external form of an object is a sign, and its internal properties are quality. For example: "white sugar" describes its appearance, and "sweetness" refers to its quality. They believe this approach allows children to understand the adjective more efficiently and, most importantly, fix its meaning. Analysing the presented conclusions and results within the framework of this study, a common view on the role of the adjective, which is the main one in the process of transferring the signs of living and non-living things, was revealed. Both works deal with the meaning of adjectives in the development of schoolchildren's speech, especially in grades 2-4.

Based on the above, the process of learning grammar and vocabulary involves the systematic activity of schoolchildren, which consists of memorizing words of different characters, building sentences with them, identifying common and distinctive features between different categories of word combinations, etc. [Degtiarova et al., 2023]. Thus, various language tools are simultaneously involved, which are the basis for the formation of complex terminological constructions. Schoolchildren from their own lexical and grammatical level, which is reflected in their written and oral work, and therefore affects the assimilation of new knowledge in the future.


This study meticulously explored the methodology of teaching Azerbaijani language to junior high school students, emphasizing the systematic integration of morphological analysis, suffix exercises, grammatical and lexical features, and the interrelation between grammatical forms and lexical meanings. The comprehensive approach outlined in this research underlines a structured pedagogy that significantly enhances students' understanding and use of the Azerbaijani language.

The findings highlight the critical role of morphological analysis exercises in forming the foundational skills of language learning. These exercises pave the way for a deeper understanding of grammatical structures and their impact on the lexical meaning of words. Following this, the study delved into exercises focusing on suffixes, illustrating how they modify and generate new meanings, thereby expanding students' vocabulary and linguistic comprehension.

The research presented a cohesive system of lessons aimed at studying grammatical and lexical peculiarities. This system not only enriches students' vocabulary but also clarifies the nuances of word usage in different contexts, thereby improving their speech culture and communicative competence. The study demonstrated that this integrative approach to language teaching, where knowledge in one aspect of language (e.g., nouns) is connected to another (e.g., adjectives), reinforces the learning process and aids in the overall retention of language rules.

The pedagogical experiment conducted with schoolchildren highlighted the effectiveness of this teaching method. It provided valuable insights into the common challenges faced by students in language learning and identified specific areas where additional focus is required. The results affirmed the importance of combining grammatical structure with lexical studies in mastering language rules, thereby optimizing the learning process and enhancing educational outcomes.

In summary, the research validates the efficacy of a structured, integrative approach to language teaching that encompasses morphological analysis, suffix exercises, and the exploration of grammatical and lexical features. This approach not only facilitates a richer and more effective learning environment but also lays the groundwork for future research to further refine and enhance language teaching methodologies, particularly in the context of developing oral speech skills among junior high school students.


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