Classification features of English complex sentences based on syncretism and a functional-semantic field

Study of the internal organization of English complex sentences taking into account their structural and semantic features. Review of the influence of relevant words and adverbial elements on the content and linguistic aspects of compound sentences.

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Язык английский
Дата добавления 16.06.2024
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Classification features of English complex sentences based on syncretism and a functional-semantic field

Tetiana Shundel

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Language and Humanitarian Disciplines, Donetsk National Medical University, Kropyvnytskii

Modern English is characterized by a desire to integrate various syntactic means. Syncretism is the main tool that helps neutralize asymmetric language relationships and the limitedfunctional nature of the units. In the English language the growth of a large number of syncretic complex sentences is connected, first of all, with the desire of the speaker to convey complicated semantic meanings with the help ofpolyfunctional constructions where subordinate clauses function both as carriers of a single meaning and convey additional information. The development of an additional meaning occurs as a result of the semantic mobility ofsubordinate parts. That is, the intermediate character of the models indicates a high degree of complexity of the semantic structure and a considerable potential of semantic meaning. The purpose of the work is to investigate the internal organization of English complex sentences taking into account their structural and semantic features; to analyze the role of the influence of relevant words and connecting elements at the sentence level in order to clarify the content and linguistic aspects of complex sentences. The reliability of the analysis results is ensured by the use of various research methods and techniques. The leading methods in the work are general scientific methods (the method of observation, the method of analysis and synthesis), special methods (the comparative method, the method of component analysis, the descriptive method, the method of component and oppositional analyzes with the techniques of grouping complex sentences, the comparative method, the modeling method, functional-semantic analysis) The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that the paper attempts to analyze syncretic English complex sentences based on the semantic field and to describe the semantic potential of complex constructions taking into account the functional-semantic field in the English language. Conclusions. When analyzing and studying complex sentences in view of the influence offunctional -semantic field and syncretism, the fact is established that the functional- semantic fields are interconnected and realize their most significant shades of meaning precisely in the peripheral zones that testifies to the flexibility of the hypotaxis system and its dynamic nature.

Key words: syncretism, a functional-semantic field, a complex sentence, structural-semantic classification, connecting elements, relative words.


старший викладач кафедри мовних та гуманітарних дисциплін, Донецький національний медичний університет, м. Кропивницький,


Сучасна англійська мова характеризується прагненням до інтеграції різних синтаксичних засобів. Основним засобом, що допомагає нейтралізувати асиметричні відношення в мові й обмежену функціональну природу одиниць, служить синкретизм. Зростання в англійській мові великої кількості синкретичних складнопідрядних речень пов'язане, перед усім, з бажанням мовця передати ускладнені смислові відтінки за допомогою поліфункціональних конструкцій, де підрядні речення функціонують не просто як носії єдиного сенсу, а передають додаткову інформацію. Виникнення додаткового повідомлення відбувається внаслідок семантичної рухливості підрядних частин. Тобто, проміжний характер моделей свідчить про високу міру складності смислової структури й про немалий потенціал семантичного значення. Мета роботи - дослідити внутрішню організацію англійських складнопідрядних речень з урахуванням їх структурно-семантичних особливостей; проаналізувати роль впливу релевантних слів та з'єдувальних елементів на рівні речення з метою з'ясування змістової, мовної сторін складнопідрядних речень. Достовірність результатів аналізу забезпечується застосуванням різних методів та прийомів дослідження. Провідними у роботі є загальнонаукові методи (метод спостереження, метод аналізу та синтезу), спеціальні методи (зіставний метод, метод компонентного аналізу, описовий метод, методика компонентного та опозиційного аналізів із прийомами членування складнопідрядних речень, зіставний метод, метод моделювання, функціонально-семантичний аналіз. Наукова новизна дослідження полягає в тому, що в роботі здійснюється спроба проаналізувати синкретичні англійські складнопідрядні речення з урахуванням семантичного поля та описати семантичний потенціал складнопідрядних конструкцій з урахуванням функціонально-семантичного поля в англійській мові. Висновки. При аналізі й дослідженні складнопідрядних речень з урахуванням впливу функціонально-семантичного поля та синкретизму встановлюється факт, що функціонально-семантичні поля взаємопов'язані та реалізують свої найтонші смислові відтінки саме в периферійних зонах, що свідчить про гнучкість системи гіпотаксису та її динамічний характер.

Ключові слова: синкретизм, функціонально-семантичне поле, складнопідрядне речення, структурно- семантична організація, з'єднувальні елементи, відносні слова.

Topicality of the problem

english compound sentence

The study of the English sentence in a language requires a systematic solution in connection with the modified character that is the reason for the appearance of intermediate links between speech and language models within the syntactic area reproducing the integrity of the grammatical organization of the sentence to a certain extent.

A distinctive feature of the modern syntactic structure of the English complex sentence is the orientation to the study of the formed relationships and syncretic connections between its components. Obviously, it can be explained by the scientists' attempt to comprehensively investigate the functional-semantic potential of English complex sentences. A characteristic feature is that under the condition of distinguishing thecoreandthe syncretic periphery the linguists try to reveal the semantic-syntactic system of predicative units with the help of structural-semantic analysis and show their role in establishing a connection between typical and transitional syntactic units in the English language. Thus, considerable attention is focused on the consideration of functional- semantic varieties of English complex sentences.

Analysis of the recent research and publications. The most difficult problem of the modern syntax of the English language is to create a consistent classification of complex sentences, since the development of a framework for a universal typology of these constructions is difficult due to the lack of a single aspectual principle. The appearance of various semantic relationships between the structural components of complex sentences is explained by a different structural construction and numerous semantic connotation which are conveyed with the help of a considerable complex of linguistic means or connecting elements. Thus, Yu. Vynohradova believes that syncretism can act as a kind of condensate of various semantic meanings and reveal the characteristics of the same determinant, a connecting element, in different ways (Vynohradova, 2012). According to Hein Johannes and Murphy Andrew, it is syncretism that has the special property of correcting syntactic restrictions (Hein, Murphy, 2020). An interesting fact is that the appearance of additional meanings occurs due to the complicated nature of the main meaning or the lack of dependence of a formal nature on any form at the level of the English sentence.

We must admit that there are lots of scientific papers in which an attempt was made to clarify the syncretic character of English complex sentences and consider their structural and semantic types. Despite a large number of them the issue of identifying syncretic complex sentences remains problematic in Germanic linguistics, in particular, the English language.

We completely share the point of view of Yu. Boyko who considers that a syncretic character in the syntactic system of complex sentences leads the linguists to the idea of the existence of a more extended version of the functioning of English complex sentences taking into account the multifaceted nature that arises as a result of syncretism and variations of a functional- semantic field (Boiko, 2017). The researcher defines a syncretic complex sentence as a hypotactic syntactic construction, within the framework of which there is synthesis of two or more grammatical meanings, invariant/categorical meanings and additional meanings. The weakening of the invariant meaning of syncretic structures occurs due to the appearance of differential features of other structural-semantic types in the structure of English complex sentences. Thus, the speech unit realizes a more complete potential of functioning in order to achieve the goal in a language that is realization of the semantic potential of the sentence. Within the framework of structural-semantic classification the invariance of the potential is provided by subordinate conjunctions, connecting words or other connecting elements, syntactic functions of subordinate parts or the lexical content of the sentence itself.

Taking into account the nature of the relative word in complex sentences Yu. Yazykova notes that it is the nature of the relative word that outlines the circle of probable connectives joining the main part to the subordinate clause (Yazykova, 2019).

The goal of the research is to study the classification features of syncretic complex sentences in order to obtain more detailed information about sentences with invariant meanings of a syncretic character taking into account a functional-semantic field. The research aims at investigating complex sentences with a detailed study of the specifics of connecting elements and linking words that affect the functioning of sentences of an asymmetric nature in the language.

The outline of the main research material

Transitional and syncretic units are traced both at the form level and at the content level of the language units and they are characterized by the discrepancy of two linguistic spheres - material and ideal. Transitional structures indicate the functioning of a syncretic nature within a certain level of complex units (Novosilets', 2018). In our opinion, such constructions are in some sense defective constructions arising from the expansion of semantic and functional boundaries. Transitional phenomena cannot be ignored as it can greatly complicate the development of a versatile structural-semantic classification of complex sentences in the English language.

Yu. Boyko proposes to consider the system of complex sentences as a crossing of interacting fields that have their own cores and periphery which are able to join the core with the help of certain connecting elements (Boiko, 2017).

According to Y Hrybonos, the difficulty of classifying English complex sentences is also determined by the peculiarity of functioning of transitional or syncretic constructions within their framework. At the same time, the researcher notes that the reasons for the appearance of syncretic constructions are diverse but the main factor is the attempt to express the components of informative semantics using already existing linguistic means (Hrybonos, 2011).

Thus, when replacing one meaning of a subordinate clause with another one the main meaning does not change but certain relationships between its components disappear. This leads to the development of additional meaning in the surface structure of English complex sentences while the element of the deep structure begins to be characterized by an unstable character that leads to syncretism of forms. On the one hand, such a transformation indicates the possible independence of the dependent component of a complex sentence. On the other hand, the replacement of some grammatical meanings by the others emphasizes the changing character of such constructions in the English language. At the same time it is not difficult to notice that syncretism is a comprehensive means of conveying the meanings of syntactic functions that express a multifaceted process open to implementation in a specific situation. This display of the feature allows scientists to modify and form the implementation of the semantic meanings of the syntactic functions, that is, it opens up great opportunities for combining elements. Our understanding allows us to state that syncretic complex sentences are revealed with the help of potentially free structural-semantic subordinate clauses. Obviously, it can be explained by the fact that the unfinished predicative line of the main sentence is in transitional zones creating additional communicative information due to the syncreticity of the meanings of the connecting elements.

The formulated statement can be illustrated with the following examples: syncretic English complex sentences with an invariant (categorical) meaning lose a certain set of differential features in syncretic peripheral structures and acquire additional meanings of other field constructions under certain conditions. For example, syntactic constructions with the meaning of time and condition are syncretic: She'll have to look after him when he comes home or pay someone to do it (Dee, p. 245); She could have cried when she looked down (Dee, p. 234).

The agent of the invariant meaning when indicates the semantic-syntactic subordinate relations of time. Certain ratios of predicate forms indicate the development of an additional semantic meaning of condition (the future tense is used in the main part of the first example and the present tense with a future meaning is used in the subordinate part; the second example shows the use of a modal verb with the perfect infinitive in the main part and the use of the main verb in the past form is noticeable in the subordinate clause).

We observe a syncretic unit with a defining meaning of place and attribute in the following example, Joseph was still on that floor where she had left him (Dee, p. 234). The agent of place semantics is the linking word where which is closely related to the prop word floor in the main part. The shade of place semantics is outlined by the syntactic position as the prop word performs the function of the adverbial modifier of place in the given example. Determinative semantics is conditioned by the correlate that and the morphological nature of the prop word that is a noun.

In detailed studying of English complex sentences with a syncretic form of subordinate clauses it is advisable to pay attention to the syntactic structure, compatibility of connecting elements with different words in the main part and the position of the components of complex sentences. Therefore, the syncretic character of the connecting element and the structure of a complex sentence closely interact making this structure open and characterizing it as a transitional link between several given units with a certain functional load. A characteristic feature is that the structural function of the principal clause as the main one is preserved, only the contextual message of the subordinate clause changes. In addition, all complex sentences with a syncretic subordinate part are considered as carriers of a complicated model in the English language where functional relations are determined by the use of a dependent component in the peripheral zone.

Thus, we see that connecting elements are used to convey both a given amount of information and a multifaceted relationship to a certain fact of reality. It is a well-known fact that conjunctions have a dual nature. On the one hand, they are organically comes into the composition of the subordinate component, and, on the other hand, they are closely related to the principal part. Our understanding allows us to state that the most difficult cases are studying complex sentences with two syntactic cores. The connection between the cores is free, and the semantic-syntactic relations convey the diverse meaning of English complex sentences.

O.Kuts states that at the level of a complex sentence we can distinguish the following constructions with various semantic-syntactic relations of different nature: 1) one-sided, 2) syncretic semantic-syntactic relations, 3) formal-syntactic relations (Kuts, p. 143). At the same time, the sentences with one-sided semantic-syntactic relations constitute a link of nuclear constructions. The sentences of the second type are represented by the constructions of a transitive nature and the sentences of the last type include complex constructions of an transitional nature in the English language.

While investigating the sophisticated nature of complex sentences in the English language S. Voloshyna and Yu. Boiko point to the existence of syncretic complex sentences where “two or more grammatical meanings are synthesized, one of which is invariant (the core of a functional- semantic field of a complex sentence), categorical, and the others are additional (a functional- semantic field of a complex sentence) (Voloshyna, Boiko, 2016). The syncretic character is observed in peripheral constructions which are explained by the fact that they are also characterized by the features of other language categories in addition to certain features of this language unit. This fact can be explained by the fact that at the basis of any functional-semantic field of the English subordinate clause is a conceptual construction of a wider meaning which makes it possible to describe both English complex sentences of the field structure and investigate complex sentences of a syncretic nature in the peripheral zones.

When analyzing the nature of complex sentences O. Kozachenko suggests distinguishing asymmetric and syncretic semantic-syntactic relations that arise at the level of semantic- syntactic types of asymmetric sentences within which the syncretism of two semantic-syntactic relations occurs (Kozachenko, 2019).

Researcher N. Farina believes that syncretism occurs in the case of such various factors as the context, a certain content of the statement, the overlaying of grammatical and lexical phenomena in the language that causes numerous modifications at the level of the structure and semantics of syntactic units (Farina, 2015).

R. Khrystianinova notes that the cause of internal syncretism lies in atypical lexical-semantic form leading to a discrepancy between semantics and content that causes the appearance of new types of formal-syntactic connections and semantic-syntactic relationships. Studying the nature of syncretic complex sentences the researcher talks about their internal syncretism because as a result of atypical lexical-semantic form there is an incompatibility of the content and semantics of the structural unit. It may result in the complicated nature of formal- syntactic connections and the development of new semantic-syntactic relationships. All this gives impetus to the study of English complex sentences within the framework of structural-semantic classification since it is here that the syncretic nature of complex units can be traced in a more detailed way. At the same time, R. Khristianinova states that the study of the transitional nature of complex sentences significantly expands the idea of this complex structure due to the determination of central and peripheral units (Khrystianinova, 2014).

The universality of the simultaneous use of theory of a functional-semantic field and the theory of syncretism lies in the fact on the scale of transitivity a core, a periphery zone with syncretism, and zones of transitional nature are distinguished.

Taking into account subtle semantic meanings the field organization of complex sentences in the English language is an ideal condition for the development of abstract, combined syntactic functions along with the structural-semantic meaning the value of which in the multifaceted nature of the integration of grammatical and positional nature of complex sentences. In our opinion, it is logical to consider structural elements, semantic specificity and their categorical meaning when analyzing positional complex sentences. It is proposed to determine the categorical meaning of the positional complex sentences by means of the syntactic function of the modifier that is used or possibly restored. The syntactic function of the word determines the syntactic function of the subordinate clause that is the semantics of a complete statement. For example, What you can smell are those which I burned (Dee, p. 279) (the function of the modifier is attribute so the adverbial clause is attributive); It's my failure to find (that) that I find so hard to live with (Dee, p. 30) (the function of the restored demonstrative word - object, subordinate clause - object clause); I'm surprised (at that) that some of these women don't become suffragettes (Dee, p. 65) (the function of the restored word is the adverbial modifier of cause, the subordinate clause is the cause).

Despite the contradictory nature of the combination of linguistic means within the framework of a functional-semantic field (multi-level) and syncretic constructions (one-level) the selection of transitional links in the extended structural- semantic classification indicates an attempt to regulate examples of transitions of English complex sentences with combined syntactic functions in a systemic-structural organization. The acquired semantic invariant determines a broader interpretation of these units from the side of the content and form.

According to V Ozhohan and A. Ozhohan, syncretism in the field of syntax at the level of complex sentences occurs due to transitivity since one or more additional meanings are layered on the main one and due to the neutralization of the dominant causing a double grammatical connection (Ozho- han, 2017, p. 210). The asymmetric structure of syncretic sentences indicates the absence of any correlation of the dependent predicative part with the meaning of the relative word of the main part or connecting element. In turn, it leads to the fact that some semantic meanings such as condition, consequence or reason are very closely intertwined with other semantic types that makes it difficult to define the dominant clearly.

For example, due to the common lexical meaning the conjunctions of reason and time can form one semantic group. Their difference can be seen only in individual cases or features of their use. Based on our observations these conjunctions can completely coincide in the meaning and use that allows us to talk about the development of additional, delimiting meaning and syncretism of the character. The conjunctions that have a formal character are prone to a potential change of the vector of semantic load and they indicate the expected separation of the meanings between the components of complex sentences in the English language. The following statement can be illustrated with the use of the connecting elements because and as in the English language. The conjunction because clearly indicates the cause of the action while the conjunction as expresses this meaning to a lesser extent since this correlate can convey temporal and causal relations at the same time. Let's compare such sentences, You know this is because you got soaking wet on Sat'day, don't you (Dee, p. 247); As she waited for the kettle to boil Katherine was brought out of her daydream by banging on the front door (Dee, p. 239). In these examples the conjunction as can be replaced by the conjunction when and perform the function of time. In the next sentence, Katherine gazed in amazement as Josh groveled in front of this woman who appeared to be in control (Dee, p. 233) the conjunction as conveys only relationships of cause.

Therefore, the semantic core of each conjunction in a subordinate clause is heterogeneous and its communicative function is to express the nature of the relationship between the units of complex sentences that, in turn, complicates the unambiguous relationship of a complex subordinate construction to one or another type of structural- semantic classification.

It should be noted that the syncretic character of complex sentences in the English language arises as a result of the complex nature of conjunctions being the primary elements of the expression of semantic relations due to which syntactic constructions are combined. It is these connecting elements in the complex sentences that are the carriers of transpositional processes leading to the development of asymmetric relations, provided that the conjunction performs not only a primary, but also a secondary function.

That is, within complex sentences with a characteristic structural-semantic organization, functional-semantic fields function with their characteristic differential features of the categorical meanings of the core and periphery. Categorical relations, which are characteristic of the general semantics of complex sentences with a narrow specific meaning, are invariant and they cause the development of new grammatical categories. A characteristic feature of complex sentences of the structural-semantic classification is that functional-semantic fields of complex constructions are superimposed on each other and as a result of it syncretic peripheral units arise. They can be considered in detail on the transitivity scale. The use of the transitivity scale helps to study the expected connections between complex sentences of various functional-semantic fields in order to explain the nature of the interaction of the analyzed structures. Besides, it helps to classify specific syncretic formations in the English language more visually and logically.

Conclusions and prospects for further research

Having analyzed given above material we can make a conclusion that the multifaceted nature of complex sentences can be traced in any functional-semantic field and it indicates the functioning of units with a certain amount of categorical-grammatical meanings based on various structural invariants. Thus, the diversity of structural and semantic invariants in the language indicates the presence of a whole complex of distinctive features that are present in the meaning of the numerous variants of complex sentences. At the same time, the intersection of different fields, which have their own cores and periphery, becomes the reason for the functioning of numerous syncretic language peripheral constructions with combined additional properties of other structural-semantic types of complex sentences. That is, nuclear invariants of varied functional-semantic field are the basis of syncretic constructions of complex sentences and they cause the development of multifunctional structures with high semantic potential, varieties of which are widely represented in the English language.

The frequent interaction of complex sentences with different fields indicates the maximum concentration of linguistic means within one syntactic unit. Thus, the prospect of further studying we consider in studying these structures on the scale of transitivity based on a detailed analysis of polar (nuclear) units with a full disclosure of the categorical semantics of different semantic meanings.


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