Interpretation and translation in professional activities

Translation is important part of today world. Transposition or so called translation is one of the ways to make Ukraine more visible for representatives of other countries and to present it on the international scene as one of the most knowledgeable.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Interpretation and translation in professional activities

Каріна КУРІЛЕНКО, здобувач вищої освіти Дніпропетровського державного університету внутрішніх справ.

Науковий керівник:

Наталія ДАВИДОВА, старший викладач кафедри українознавства та іноземних мов Навчально-наукового інституту права та підготовки фахівців для підрозділів Національної поліції Дніпропетровського державного університету внутрішніх справ

Translation is a very important part of today's world. It maintains communication between civilizations, influences the international image of this or that country and is a great indicator of culture as well as a way of acquiring knowledge. Transposition or so called translation is one of the ways to make Ukraine more visible for representatives of other countries and to present it on the international scene as one of the most knowledgeable.

Translation is very closely connected with civilization and practically accompanies it from the very beginning. A large number of people believe that translation and oral translation are one and the same thing. The truth is that these translations are two separate processes and, in truth, have a common goal.

Translators are required to have excellent abilities to look at the text and have a solid grasp of grammar. Translations need to be specific, clear and concise.[1]They need to have good writing skills and be focused on document formatting and concreteness of terminology. Translations are often working on computers. Translarors have to work in a peaceful environment because they are very serious and responsible to the translation. Professional translators have an obligation to be perfectionists. They are required to have experience as well as a special regard for document style and accuracy of terminology. Translators mostly work on computers and are often specialized in a particular field of human activity. [2] They must work in a calm environment that encourages their work. They are serious and, above all, responsible for the translation.

Excellent interpreters are required to have such skills as a good knowledge of the cultures of both countries, a rich vocabulary, the ability to translate in sequence, the ability to speak briefly and clearly, and also to have good skills in simultaneous interpreting.

These translators must be able to speak with a straightforward voice. They do not do word-for-word translations. Professionally trained, translators who are dedicated to their task have very strong reflexes as well as an excellent memory and a distinctive language. They rely primarily on a linguistic review for the benefit of their own skills and distinctive expertise.It is important for a skilled translator to be able to compete with full accuracy in live communication. Without a fundamental basic material, some of the main details of the real language can be missed.

Most Ukrainians believe that written and oral translations are, in principle, the same thing. Actually, these translations are different processes, but they have a common goal which is very important in the 21st century. In summarizing all the information presented, we should note the importance and practical relevance of translation and not forget the value of the work of translators in general.

List of literature:

interpretation translation professional activities

1. Interpretation activites. Resource:

2. Features of interpretation activites Resource:

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