Contrastive semantic analysis of Ukrainian and French phraseologisms with the component риба/poisson: isomorphic and allomorphic groups

Analysis of phraseological units with the component "риба" in the Ukrainian and "Poisson" in the French language. Etymology of lexical units. Semantic signs of phraseological units of the specified type; selection of isomorphic and allomorphic groups.

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Pavlo Tychyna Uman state pedagogical university

Faculty of foreign languages

Foreign languages theory and practice department

Contrastive semantic analysis of Ukrainian and French phraseologisms with the component риба/poisson: isomorphic and allomorphic groups

I. Hurskyi, Lecturer

Uman, Ukraine


This study provides an in-depth analysis of phraseological units with the component РИБА in Ukrainian and correspondingly POISSON in French. Research topicality of this issue is predetermined by an increasing need for comparative phraseological investigations on account of their results will advance the understanding of imagery of Ukrainian and French phraseologies. The object of our study is Ukrainian and French phraseological units representing the concept of РИБА/POISSON. The subject of investigation is represented by semantic features of phraseologies belonging to the above-mentioned type. Our study is motivated by three research questions, which are to be answered: What are lexicographic approaches to the definition of the concepts of РИБА in Ukrainian and of POISSON in French? What are semantic features of phraseological units belonging to the aforementioned type?; What are isomorphic and allomorphic groups of phraseological units with the component under analysis? At the first stage of our research, we examined the etymology of lexical units РИБА in Ukrainian and POISSON in French. The second one was characterized by the analysis of direct and figurative meanings of these words. At the third stage of our research, we did an in-depth analysis of relevant dictionary articles taken from lexicographic resources. The next stage was connected with semantic grouping, on the basis of which we identified isomorphic and allomorphic groups. The analysis of language material provides a deeper understanding of the importance of the component under analysis in phraseological systems of both contrastive languages.

Keywords: semantic analysis, phraseological units, the component РИБА, the component POISSON, dictionary definitions, direct meaning, figurative meaning, semantic groups.

Problem statement

There is a well-known saying by a famous Soviet linguist Nikolay Shanskyi: “Phraseology is one of the most exciting and interesting language spheres for those who are interested in the history, culture of their people”. We started the presentation of our research results by giving it in an introductory part of this article because it reflects the importance of this branch of linguistics as an inexhaustible source for analyzing evolutionary transformations in the language development and discovering cultural traditions, values of representatives of a certain linguacultural.

Analysis of recent research and publications. There are the following unsolved issues in modern phraseology pointed out by the Ukrainian researcher O. Selivanova: the level status of phraseological units and their particular subsystem in a general language system [4, p. 768]. It is also divided into smaller subsystems in accordance with a certain structural component. There is a considerable amount of literature on the analysis of various semantic types of phraseologisms, but much uncertainty still exists about semantic features of phraseological units with the component РИБА in Ukrainian and correspondingly POISSON in French.

Research topicality of this issue is predetermined by an increasing need for comparative phraseological investigations on account of their results will advance the understanding of imagery of Ukrainian and French phraseological units with the component under analysis.

The object of our study is Ukrainian and French phraseological units representing the concept of РИБА / POISSON.

The subject of investigation is represented by semantic features of phraseologisms belonging to the above-mentioned type.

The aim of the article. Our study is motivated by three research questions, which are to be answered:

1. What are lexicographic approaches to the definition of the concepts of РИБА in Ukrainian and of POISSON in French?

2. What are semantic features of phraseologisms belonging to the aforementioned type?

3. What are isomorphic and allomorphic groups of phraseological units with the component under analysis?

We are to carry out a contrastive semantic analysis of phraseological units with the component РИБА in Ukrainian and correspondingly POISSON in French.

Methodology. To examine isomorphic and allomorphic semantic features we are to apply the following methods: dictionary definitions analysis, a descriptive method, a comparative analysis and a structural method. We used two structural methods in the process of our contrastive linguistic research such as distributive and componential analyses.

This study is unable to encompass all phraseologisms, which belong to the type under analysis, existing in Ukrainian and French. The reason for it is that these languages are constantly developing as dynamic systems and the lexical material, taken from the lexicographic resources, may not cover all phraseological units with this component.

Results and discussion

Taking a symbolic meaning of fish in Ukrainian linguoculture into consideration, it should be mentioned that on the basis of the word analysis in English lexicographic resources the scholar T. Myzyn emphasized that the mentioned animal is the symbol of personal weakness, the lack of character and agreement [3, p. 143]. K. Holovenko studied the symbolics of Ukrainian and English zoomorphic metaphors and phraseological units [1, p. 425-426]. She advanced the understanding of a symbolic nature of fish as water animals who were opposed to birds. The image of mute animals predetermines their semantic correlation with people who don't show any emotions [1, p. 425-426]. In accordance with her research results, in the Ukrainian linguoculture phraseologisms with the component under analysis symbolize hopelessness, punishment and meanness, but in the English language she singled out the following semantic shades: importance, otherness, deceitfulness [1, p. 426].

In the French linguoculture a symbolic meaning of fish is closely connected with a phraseological unit poisson d'avril. It is the April Fool's Day joke. We found in the article “What is the Poisson d'Avril in France?” [17] that there are several theories elucidating the use of the component poisson in relation to April Fool's Day, which is celebrated annually on April, 1 in France. In accordance with a religious theory, during the revolution called the Reformation some Frenchmen adopted the Gregorian calendar instead of the Julian one. So, the 1st of April was considered the first day of the year instead of the 25th of March. Old people following the old calendar were nicknamed poissons d'avril. According to the other assumptions, the day was linked with the prohibition of fishing and eating meat during the Lent. The package with a fake fish inside was a typical funny gift [17].

Fish as the subject of our comparison was chosen on account of it is an integral symbolic element of phraseological systems of both contrastive languages. Its study in a comparative light will advance the understanding of its semantic significance for linguocultures under analysis.

In bridging the literature gap concerning a contrastive analysis of Ukrainian and French phraseological units including the identical structural component, which represents the animal's name, we offer a descriptive account of our five-stage research results.

Fig. 1. A five-stage research

As it may be seen from fig. 1, at the first stage of our research we examined the etymology of lexical units РИБА in Ukrainian and POISSON in French.

The compilers of the article of the Ukrainian public electronic library “Gorokh” [2] stated possible etymological roots of the lexeme under analysis. There was the assumption about its connection with the Latin form rubeta (in Ukrainian - «деревна жаба», in English - “a tree frog”), which was considered wrong. It is also pointed out that it may have Lithuanian, Prussian, or even Armenian roots. phraseological semantic риба poisson ukrainian french

In the article, given in the ninth edition of “The Dictionary of the French Academy” [9], we found out that the history of the lexeme POISSON started in the 10th century owing to the forms: peisson, pescion. A modern wordpoisson was not used in the 12th century, but the Old French forms such as peis andpois were widely spread. They were derived from the Latin form piscis with the identical meaning.

The second stage was characterized by the analysis of direct and figurative meanings of the aforementioned words.

We created tables 1, 2 in order to generalize and systematize the dictionary definitions of the corresponding lexemes. As it may be seen from table 1, a direct meaning of the word РИБА is that it is an animal living in the areas of water. The characteristics of this animal are also pointed out in this definition. Its body temperature is variable, it breathes through gills, its skin is usually covered with scales. In “The Dictionary of the Ukrainian language. Academic explanatory dictionary (1970-1980)” [5] the following direct meanings and corresponding examples were given: a collective meaning is enough quantity of something («Вовків в лісах, зайців у полі //І птиці повно у гаях, // Такої і такої, //І риби всякої, великої й малої» [5]); the dish prepared from the meat of this animal («За чверть години на столі парував наваристий флотський борщ, стояла бляшанка маринованої риби» [5]). In the mentioned lexicographic resource, we also found the qualitative description of this animal by means of adjectives: красна риба; летюча риба; смітна риба [5]. In the dictionary article of the explanatory online dictionary of the Ukrainian language “UKRLIT.ORG” the following forms are given: рибка, рибонька and рибчина [8]. They are used as traditional folk poetic affectionate addresses to a beloved girl, woman: Ой вийди, вийди, серденько Галю! Серденько, рибонько, дорогий кришталю! [8]. The Ukrainian lexeme Риби is also used as an astrological sign (symbol). If we take a symbolic meaning of the lexeme under analysis into consideration, we should point out the following semantic shades: an apathetic person, the agreement, good health, caution and prudence. According to the dictionary article in the “UKRLIT.ORG”, the semantics of love is reflected in the set expression варити рибу [8].

Let us move on to the analysis of direct meanings of the French lexical unit POISSON. The identical direct meaning is also based on physical characteristics, given in the already mentioned Ukrainian lexicographic resources. In the article of “The Dictionary of the French Academy” [9] the compilers draw the attention of language connoisseurs to religious, astronomical and astrological domains of the word usage.

Table 1

Dictionary definitions of the Ukrainian word РИБА

A lexicographic resource in Ukrainian

Dictionary definitions of the Ukrainian word РИБА

1. “The Dictionary of the Ukrainian language. Academic explanatory dictionary (1970-1980)” [5]

Identical definitions

1. Водяна хребетна тварина з непостійною температурою тіла, яка дихає жабрами і має плавці та шкіру, звичайно вкриту лускою [5; 7; 16; 8; 2;].

2. “Словник.иа” [7]

3. “” [15]

4. The explanatory online dictionary of the Ukrainian language “UKRLIT. ORG” [8]

5. The Ukrainian public electronic library “Gorokh” [2]

In the context of a religious domain, fish was the symbol of life and fertility in Ancient Rome and Greece. It was also the sacred emblem of Christ for the first Christians. The French lexeme les Poissons is characterized by the meaning: “...constellation zodiacale de l'hemisphere boreal” [9]. The description is enlarged by the lexical units Poisson austral and Poisson volant as the names of two southern hemisphere constellations. In terms of an astrological domain the word les Poissons means the corresponding sign.

At the third stage of our research, we did an in-depth analysis of relevant dictionary articles taken from lexicographic resources. On the whole, we identified 16 Ukrainian phraseological units with the component РИБА and 20 French phraseological units including a structural element POISSON in order to carry out their grouping in accordance with their various shades of meanings.

Table 3

Ukrainian phraseological units with the component РИБА

A phraseological unit



Битися як риба об лід [5]

To live in difficult material conditions, in poverty, overcoming hardships


Вудити рибу в каламутній воді [5]

To do something beneficial for yourself, taking advantage of favorable circumstances

Ловити рибу (рибку) в каламутній воді [5]

To benefit from something, taking advantage of the ambiguity of circumstances, someone's difficulties


Носом рибу вудити [5]

To have a nap


Матимеш на рибу (синонімічний вираз - дістанеться (дісталося, буде і т.ін.) на горіхи (кислички, бублики і т. ін.) [5]

Somebody will be punished


Мовчати, як риба [5]

Not to speak a word


Ні риба ні м 'ясо [5]

About a weak-willed person


Як (мов і т.ін.) риба з водою з ким - чим [5]

To be inseparable from somebody, or something


Як (мов і т.ін.) риба у (в) воді бути (почувати себе і т. ін.) [5]

To behave freely


Знов (ізнов) за рибу гроші [5]

To insist on something


Велика риба [16]

An influential person


Як (мов, ніби і т.ін.) рибі парасолька, перев. зі сл. потрібний [16]

To be not needed at all


Риба шукає, де глибше, а людина - де краще

Beneficial nature of human behavior


Вскочити як риба в невід [6]

To be in an unpleasant, difficult situation


Битися як рибина в саку / сітях / неводі [16]

To unite all efforts to overcome something difficult


Риба не хліб - ситий не будеш

The importance of bread


На безриб'ї і рак риба [12]

A realistic vision of life

On the basis of semantics of phraseological material, given in table 3, we identified the following groups:

1. Poverty - битися як риба об лід;

2. Own profit: вудити рибу в каламутній воді; ловити рибу (рибку) в каламутній воді;

3. A nap - носом рибу вудити;

4. Punishment - матимеш на рибу;

5. Silence - мовчати, як риба;

6. A weak-willed person - ні риба ні м 'ясо;

7. Inseparability - як (мов і т. ін.) риба з водою з ким-чим;

8. Comfort - як (мов і т. ін.) риба у (в) воді бути (почувати себе і т. ін.);

9. Obstinacy - знов (ізнов) за рибу гроші;

10. The influence - велика риба;

11. Uselessness - як (мов, ніби і т. ін.) рибі парасолька;

12. Self-interest - риба шукає, де глибше, а людина - де краще;

13. Tremendous efforts - битися як рибина в саку / сітях / неводі;

14. The importance of bread - риба не хліб - ситий не будеш;

15. A realistic vision of life - на безриб'ї і рак риба.

Let us represent the semantic groups of French phraseologisms, which were given in table 4.

1. Swearing - engueuler comme du poisson pourri;

2. Comfort: etre comme un poisson dans I'eau, se sentir comme un poisson dans l 'eau;

3. Fishing: ferrer un poisson, travailler un poisson;

4. Futility - finir en queue de poisson;

5. Perfection - nager comme un poisson;

6. A weak-willed person - ni chair ni poisson, ni poisson ni grenouille;

7. A verbal influence - noyer le poisson;

8. A joke - poisson d'avril;

9. Silence - muet comme un poisson;

10. The influence - un gros poisson; ce sont toujours les gros poissons qui mangent les petits;

11. A future promise - petit poisson deviendra grand;

12. Bad management - lepoisson pourritpar la tete;

13. Driving - faire une queue de poisson;

14. Feeling - boire la mer et les poissons;

15. Secondary things - la sauce fait passer le poisson;

16. The attitude to a guest - les invites, comme le poisson, commencent a sentir apres trois jours;

17. A poor memory - avoir une memoire de poisson rouge.

Our next task at the fifth stage of our research is to identify isomorphic and allomorphic groups. The isomorphic ones are the following: “Comfort”, “The influence”, “Silence”, “A weak-willed person”. As it may be seen from fig. 2, the criterion is their semantic closeness in both contrastive languages. The other already mentioned groups are allomorphic on account their differences in meaning.

Fig. 2. Isomorphic semantic groups

Table 4

French phraseological units with the component POISSON

A phraseological unit


Ukrainian equivalents


Engueuler comme du poisson pourri Г101

Assaillir d'insultes [10]

Лаяти останніми словами


Etre comme un poisson dans I'eau [101

Etre tres a l'aise [10]

Бути як риба у воді

Etre (heureux) comme un poisson dans l'eau Г131

Se trouver parfaitement a l'aise, parfaitement bien [13]

Відчувати себе прекрасно


Ferrer un poisson [10]

Attraper un poisson [10]

Підсікати рибу


Finir en queue de poisson [10]

Achever quelque chose d'une maniere decevante [10]

Закінчитися безрезультатно; не виправдати очікувань; залишитися незакінченим


Nager comme un poisson [10]

Nager avec aisance [10]

Плавати як риба (плавати досконало)


Ni chair ni poisson [10]

Quelque chose d'indefinissable [10]

Ні риба ні м'ясо; ні те ні се


Noyer le poisson [10]

Embobiner quelqu'un [10]

Замовляти зуби, напускати туману


Poisson d'avril [10]

Plaisanterie, farce [10]

Першоквітневий жарт


Se sentir comme un poisson dans l'eau [10]

Etre dans son element [10]

Відчувати себе як риба у воді


Travailler un poisson [10]

Fatiguer un poisson au bout d'une ligne de peche [10]

Не випустити рибу на кінці рибацької волосіні


Muet comme un poisson [9]

Totalement silencieux [9]

Німий як риба


Un gros poisson [9]

Une personne importante [9]

Важлива (впливова) людина


Petit poisson deviendra grand [9] (From the fable “Le Petit Poisson et le Pecheur” by Jean de La Fontaine)

Promesse d'avenir [9]

Обіцянка майбутнього


Ce sont toujours les gros poissons qui mangent les petits [9]

Les puissants oppriment toujours les faibles [9]

Могутні пригнічують (з'їдають) слабких.


Le poisson pourritpar la tete [9]

La decadence d'une societe commence par celle de ses elites, selon un proverbe chinois [9]

Риба гниє з голови.


Faire une queue de poisson

Se rabattre trop precipitamment devant un autre vehicule apres l'avoir depasse, obligeant ainsi ce vehicule-la a ralentir.

Зменшити швидкість руху транспортного засобу після об'їзду іншого


Boire la mer et les poissons

(Au conditionnel uniquement) Avoir tres soif

Відчувати сильну спрагу


La sauce fait passer le poisson [10]

Lorsque le gout d'un aliment n'est pas tres agreable, la sauce peut servir a cacher ce gout [10]

Якщо смак їжі не дуже приємний, можна використовувати соус, щоб приховати цей смак.


Les invites, comme le poisson, commencent a sentir apres trois jours [10]

Ce proverbe signifie qu'un invite ne fait plaisir que si son sejour ne dure pas trop longtemps [10]

Перебування гостя має бути недовгим.


Avoir une memoire de poisson rouge

Avoir une memoire exceptionnellement mauvaise

Мати погану пам'ять.


We have carried out a contrastive semantic analysis of Ukrainian and French phraseological units with the identical component. Their semantic properties prove their importance in both linguacultural.


1. Holovenko, К. (2017). Symvolika tvaryn vodnoho prostoru v ukrainskykh ta anhliiskykh frazeolohizmakh [Symbolism of aquatic animals in Ukrainian and English phraseology]. Naukovi zapysky. Seriia: Filolohichni nauky - Scientific notes. Series: Philological sciences, Issue 153, 425-428 [in Ukrainian].

2. Gorokh: ukrainska publichna elektronna biblioteka. Ryba [Gorokh: the Ukrainian public electronic library. Fish].

3. Myzyn, Т.О. (2022). Tvaryny yak obiekt linhvokultury [Animals as an object of linguoculture]. Zakarpatski filolohichni studii - Transcarpathian Philological Studies, issue 25, vol. 1, 140-145 [in Ukrainian].

4. Selivanova, О.О. (2010). Linhvistychna entsyklopediia [Linguistic encyclopedia]. Poltava: Dovkillia - K [in Ukrainian].

5. Slovnyk ukrainskoi movy. Akademichnyi tlumachnyi slovnyk (1970-1980). Ryba [The Dictionary of the Ukrainian language. Academic explanatory dictionary (1970-1980)].

6. Slovnyk ukrainskoi movy. Tomy 1-13 (A-POKIRNO) [The Dictionary of the Ukrainian language. Volumes 1-13 (A-POKIRNO)].

7. Ryba [ Fish].

8. Тлумачний он-лайн словник української мови «УКРЛІТ.ORG». Риба [The explanatory online dictionary of the Ukrainian language “UKRLIT.ORG”].

9. Dictionnaire de l'Academie fran9aise. Poisson.

10. Dictionnaire fran9ais. Poisson.

11. Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales. Poisson.

12. Na bezrybi i rak ryba. Znachennia [ Na bezrybi i rak ryba. Meaning].

13. Larousse. Poisson.

14. Poisson.

15. Ryba [ Fish].

16. фразеологічний словник української мови [ phraseological dictionary of the Ukrainian language].

17. Travel France Blog. What is the Poisson d'Avril in France?

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