Complex grammatical transformations in the process of translation from English to Ukrainian
The use of grammatical transformations to achieve maximum translation equivalence with minimal loss. Transition of units of the original text to units similar to it in the translated text while preserving the initial semantic and functional load.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 18.11.2023 |
Размер файла | 20,7 K |
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Complex grammatical transformations in the process of translation from English to Ukrainian
Manhura S.,
Sereda A.
Grammatical transformations are an important component of translation, in the process of which the translator strives to achieve the maximum equivalence with the least losses. Translational transformation is a certain method of logical thinking, which is based on the equivalent semantic transformation of the original linguistic structure, provided that it differs from the dictionary form, but while preserving its functional influence. It is thanks to such transformations that the units of the original text are transferred to similar units in the translated text while preserving the initial semantic load. Transformations are considered dynamic ways of translation. They are used in cases where it is impossible to find an equivalent in the dictionary or its use in a certain contextual pattern is incorrect and may affect the adequacy of the translation. Also, transformations are divided into complex lexical-grammatical transformations, where transformations deal simultaneously with both lexical and grammatical units of the source text, as well as at the interlevel, where there is a complete transition from lexical to grammatical units of the language and vice versa.
The application of translation transformations is based on the fact that the translated text conveys all the information contained in the original text as accurately as possible, in strict compliance with the norms. To overcome such difficulties, translators use various kinds of transformations - descriptive translation, transcoding, addition, permutation, as well as various types of substitutions are used to overcome difficulties at the lexical level. Regarding grammatical difficulties (lack of corresponding equivalent form, partial coincidence, discrepancy in the character and use of the grammatical form), then in this case the division or combination of sentences and grammatical substitutions (part of the sentence, parts of speech, and wordforms: number of the noun, mood of the verb, sentence type).
Key words: translation transformations, grammatical substitutions, translation, equivalence, information, adequacy, difficulties, source text.
Мангура С.І., Середа А.В. Складні граматичні трансформації в процесі перекладу з англійської мови на українську
Граматичні трансформації - це важлива складова перекладу, у процесі якого перекладач прагне досягнути максимальної еквівалентності за найменших втрат. Переклaдацька трансформація - це також певний прийом логічного мислення, який ґрунтується на рівнозначному смисловому перетворенні вихідної мовної конструкції, за умови відмінності від словникової форми, але при збереженні її функціонального впливу. Саме завдяки таким подібним трансформаціям відбувається перехід одиниць оригінального тексту до подібних йому одиниць у тексті перекладу зі збереженням початкового смислового навантаження. Трансформації вважаються динамічними способами перекладу. Вони використовуються у випадках, коли неможливо віднайти еквівалент у словнику або його застосування у певному контекстуальному патерні є некоректним і може вплинути на адекватність перекладу. Також трансформації поділяють на комплексні лексико-граматичні, де перетворення мають справу одночасно як з лексичними, так і з граматичними одиницями вихідного тексту, а також на міжрівневі, де відбувається цілковитий перехід від лексичних до граматичних одиниць мови і навпаки. Застосування перекладацьких трансформацій базується на тому, щоб текст перекладу з максимально точно, при суворому дотриманні норм передавав всю інформацію, укладену в оригінальному тексті. Для подолання таких труднощів перекладачі використовують різного роду трансформації - описовий переклад, транскодування, додавання, перестановка, а також різні типи замін використовуються для подолання труднощів на лексичному рівні. Щодо граматичних труднощів (відсутності відповідної еквівалентної форми, часткового збігу, розходженні в характері та вживанні граматичної форми), то в такому разі членування або об'єднання речень та граматичні заміни (члена речення, частини мови, форми слова: числа іменника, способу дієслова, типу речення).
Ключові слова: перекладацькі трансформації, граматичні заміни, переклад, еквівалентність, інформація, адекватність, труднощі, вихідний текст.
The use of various language transformations is a common thing for a translator who skillfully uses the resources of the languages given to him. The problem of the application of translation transformations is of great interest to both domestic and foreign scientists, since achieving an adequate translation is the immediate goal of any translator. The correct reproduction of the original text in another language directly depends on the аpplication of translation transformations by the language intermediary. The reproduction and application of transformations in texts of different styles is relevant in this context. At first, the term “transformation” was associated with transformational grammar.
The relevance of the topic is due to the spread of demand for an adequate translation, which can be achieved only if lexical and grammatical transformations are used, because dictionary counterparts do not always correctly reflect the realities of translation.
The object of the research is English-language texts.
The subject of the research is grammatical transformations used in the process of translation.
The use of various language transformations is a common thing for a translator who skillfully uses the resources of the languages given to him. The problem of the application of translation transformations is of great interest to both domestic and foreign scientists, since achieving an adequate translation is the immediate goal of any translator. The correct reproduction of the original text in another language directly depends on the application of translation transformations by the language intermediary. Deviations from the dictionary are possible, but they must meet the basic requirements of an adequate translation.
Successfully applied translation transformation in the text is a product of logical and critical thinking. It is important to note that a translation is not an absolute reproduction of the originаl in another language because the result is unlikely to please the translator, not to mention his audience. In this case, the task of the translator is to make the text as close as possible in terms of semantic load to the original, so that the recipient receives information with the intention that the author originally laid down.
It should be noted that the Ukrainian and English languages have some differences and there is a need to introduce the phenomenon of translation transformation. Grammatical features, such as the categories of degree of comparison of adjectives or the number of nouns, with the ability to reproduce their plural and singular according to similar principles, are mаnifested in both languages. Having common features, the compared languages can use the traditional method, but when translating, for example, Ukrainian adverbs, the translator needs to overcome this dissimilarity by all means.
Due to transformations, it becomes possible to carry out the transition of units of the original text to units similar to it in the translated text with the established semаntic load. Since such transformations take place over lexical or grammatical units of the language, they have a formal-semantic character and thanks to them, both the form and the meaning of the originаl units change.
In the process of translation, such transformations do not represent a static analysis of relations between units of two foreign languages and their dictionary counterparts. In this case, they are considered as dynamic methods of translation that can be used by the translator in cases where it is impossible to find an equivalent in the dictionary or its use in a certain contextual pattern is incorrect and may harm the adequacy of the translation.
The list submitted by Komisаrov was doubled and covered more levels of language organization. In this classification, as well as in the one proposed by Komisаrov, there is a separate branch of lexical-grammatical, mixed transformations, which include antonymic translation, receiving compensation, modulation, i.e., logical development of meaning, and integral transformation, as an invariant of semantic development. The group of grammatical transformations was divided into smаller and specific types.
The definition of the transformation and its division into classes depend on the author's understanding of these concepts. That is why we did not see two identical definitions, although in terms of classifications, the opinions of many scientists coincided and almost always had common levels. Most often, this concerns the grammatical and lexical levels. It is worth noting that the concept of complex transformations is present only in the works of L. K. Lаtyshev and V. N. Komisаrov.
In the process of transiting a text into Ukrainian, the translator is faced with the task of reproducing it so expediently that the reader gets the impression that this text was written in the Ukrainian language.
But the translator should be sure that the translated text will be relevant, all the stylistic features will be preserved, and it will be culturally and religiously adapted and will not spoil the content, intention and values that were invested by the аuthor in the original work. Newmark rightly noted that addition does not work on the same terms for all languages and cultures, and the information added to the translation must meet three main aspects: the cultural aspect (taking into account the differences between the culture of the original text and the translation), the technical aspect (observing of a given topic) and the linguistic aspect (explanation of the use of specific words) [3].
The Ukrainian and English languages have unique elements reflected in their grammatical systems that somewhat complicate the translation process. Such phenomena can be:
Translation from one language to another is impossible without grammatical transformations. Grammatical transformations are, first of all, the restructuring of a sentence (changing its structure) and all kinds of substitutions - both syntactic and morphological.
If we take into account the fact that English and Ukrainian languages belong to different types of languages of the Indo-European family, their grammatical structure differs not only at the level of word order in a sentence, but and in the categories of number and other grammatical forms and structures, which in turn causes great difficulties for the translator. When a certain grammatical phenomenon in the original language cannot be fully reflected in the translated language and its functional characteristics differ, the translator resorts to grammatical transformations [1].
Grammatical features such as degrees of compnrison of adjectives or the number of nouns, with the possibility of reproducing their plural and singular according to similar principles, are manifested in both languages.
Changing the word order is a transformation by which the word order in the translated sentence is changed compared to the original sentence in accordance with the syntax norms of the language being translated.
The order of words in Ukrainian and English is similar, but the former is more flexible, because it contains information in the endings of nouns, verbs or adjectives, and not in a fixed order of sentences, as in English. When translating into English from Ukrainian, for example, one should adhere to the order of words that are familiar to the recipient's language.
Compensation is a method of translation by which the loss of meaning in one part of a sentence or text is compensated for in another part of it. Compensation can be used when it is not possible to translate a certain part of the sentence, but its representation is important to reproduce the integrity of the picture. This translation strategy is most often encountered during the translation of idiomatic expressions, the equivalents of which do not exist in the target language, thus preserving the stylistic effect. The concept of compensation involves solving two main points: the ratio in the equivalence of the original text and translation, as well as analysis of the relationship of grammatical features between the texts of two languages.
Differences in the grammatical structure of two languages invariably cause the need to apply grammatical and often lexical-grammatical transformations. These discrepancies can be complete or partial. A complete grammatical discrepancy is observed in cases where the Ukrainian language lacks a grammatical form present in the English language. An example of complete disagreement is the gerund.
Partial grammatical discrepancies are more common. They arise in those cases when a certain grammatical category is present in both languages, but there is no complete coincidence. Such a grammatical category in the case of English and Ukrainian languages is, for example, the category of number. Number as a grammatical category exists in both languages, but the use of singular and plural does not always coincide [4].
In addition, there are cases of partial coincidence, when one or another category is present in both languages and coincides only partially, not in all its forms. Partial coincidentally, there is a category of verb in English and Ukrainian. Thus, in the Ukrainian language there is no verb form, while in the English language there is no verb form the past participle form is missing.
The listed grammatical phenomena (absence of a corresponding equivalent form, partial coincidence, differences in the nature and use of the grammatical form) cause the need to use grammatical transformations during translation. Therefore, to implement the translation of grammatical features, different types of grammatical translation techniques can be implemented. So, grammatical techniques include such as:
- Clause segmentation is a translation technique when the structure of the original sentence is divided into two and more predicative sentences.
- Combining sentences is the opposite of segmentation, a method of translation, when the syntactic structure of the original text is not segmented, but on the contrary is transformed by combining two or more simple sentences into one complex sentence.
- Grammatical substitutions (part of a sentence, parts of speech, word forms: noun number, verb form, sentence type, etc.)
Grammatical substitution is a transformation in which a grammatical unit in the original is replaced by a unit in the target language with a different grammatical meaning [2].
One of the problems of translating grammatical constructions is also the brevity of the English language, its tendency to brevity and economy of linguistic means. In some English sentences and constructions, there are combinations of words where one of the logical links can be omitted. This is done through opportunities of English to this economy, and also because of the native speaker's ability to fill in these gaps. On the other hand, the reader of the translation does not have such capabilities, and therefore the available logical gaps must always be filled by the translator during the translation.
Transformations can be divided into complex lexical-grammatical transformations, where transformations deal simultaneously with both lexical and grammatical units of the source text, and at the interlevel, where there is a full- fledged transition from lexical to grammatical units of the language and vice versa. The application of transition transformations is based on the fact that the translated text conveys all the information contained in the original text with the maximum possible completeness, in strict compliance with the norms.
The grammatical difficulties of text transition include the translation of lexically significant articles, grammatical and subjective modality, and tense forms of the verb. Often difficult to translate are syntactic constructions of the passive state and verb predicative complexes. Grammatical features of translation are also related to the transmission of thematic-rhematic connections and asyndetic noun phrases, functional parts of speech, such as particles and exclamations, conjunctions. The transmission of the non-conjunction type of syntactic connection also causes difficulties [6].
Grammar is a formal system of language, which includes word formation, morphology and syntax, and together with phonetics and vocabulary forms its integral structure. It is important to take into account the fact that English and Ukrainian guages belong to different branches of the Indo-European language family (Germanic and Slavic respectively), and also have different structural types. The fact that the English language belongs to the group of analytical languages, and Ukrainian to the group of synthetic languages, determines such numerous lacunized grammatical forms as allomorphic categories definiteness/indefiniteness (article), blurring of gender and case categories, etc.
This means that grammatical relations in an English sentence are conveyed by free grammаtical morphemes. The Ukrainian language belongs to the inflectional type. All grammatical meanings and relations in the Ukrainian language are conveyed by means of related grammatical morphemes - inflections. It is important to take into account that in the English language there are grammatical phenomena that have no equivalent from the point of view of their translation into the Ukrainian language.
Thus, the problems of translating lexical and grammatical constructions of the texts lie in the differences in the grammatical features of both languages, as well as in finding adequate ways of translating non-equivalent vocabulary.
The translator's task is to correctly choose and effectively use this or that method of translation or translation transformation [5].
grammatical transformation translation equivalence semantic functional
Having analyzed the above transformations and illustrated them with examples, we can come to the conclusion that all transformations are used to reproduce the original text with all possible resources in the translation language, either avoiding untranslatable elements or transporting them to a more appropriate place. In any case, it is worth remembering that the use of this or that transformation depends entirely on the translator.
Therefore, all translational transformations must be motivated by something. However, of course, this does not mean that the translator, resorting to the implementation of transformations, is always clearly aware of the purpose for which he is doing it. In this case, he intuitively “feels” the atmosphere and situation and may not justify his decision, provided it is adequate and understandable.
So, summing up the general results of our research, it is worth noting that in the practice of a translator, transformations occupy a prominent place, and the main requirements for it are the ability to successfully overcome difficulties that arise in the process of work, to “feel” the language and skillfully use transformations of different nature, provided they are justified.
We would like to note that in the process of translation, transformations are most often of a mixed type. As a rule, various types of transformations are carried out simultaneously, that is, they are combined with each other - permutation is accompanied by replacement, grammatical transformation is accompanied by lexical transformation, etc.
Thus, the problems of translating lexical and grammatical constructions of texts lie in the differences in the grammatical features of both languages, as well as in finding adequate ways of translating non-equivalent vocabulary. The translator's task is to correctly choose and effectively use this or that method of translation or translation transformation.
So, the translator's task in achieving adequacy is to skillfully apply various translation transformations so that the translated text conveys all the information contained in the original text as accurately as possible, while observing the relevant norms of the translation language. Accordingly, in the process of his translation activity, the translator always pursues a certain goal - the achievement of translation adequacy.
Lexical units of one language do not always have exact counterparts in another language. Therefore, to solve this task, the translator often uses translation transformations. Their skillful use ensures the adequacy of the translation: the translated text accurately reflects the content of the original text.
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