Specific translation of English-language agricultural news discourse

The relevance needfor an in-depth study ofeffective ways and means of translating English-language agrarian news texts into Ukrainian. In addition, the topicality of the research is due to the increased attention of linguists to modern media discourse.

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Specific translation of English-language agricultural news discourse

Mariia Lychuk

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

Olha Romaniuk

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

The relevance of the research is based on the needfor an in-depth study ofeffective ways and means of translating English-language agrarian news texts into Ukrainian. In addition, the topicality of the research is due to the increased attention of linguists to modern media discourse, the type of which is news discourse, and the peculiarities of its translation.

The difficulties of translating agricultural terminology were revealed. The translation of metaphorical terms, figurative and non-figurative phraseology, colloquial lexical elements and cliches, as well as genre features of journalistic texts, can be called the stylistic difficulties of translating journalistic texts, in particular agricultural ones, into Ukrainian. In order to successfully solve the mentioned tasks and achieve the adequacy of the translation, it is necessary to have knowledge and skills for the correct application of methods and techniques of translation of lexical elements. In modern agrarian literature, translators are faced with such a problem as ambiguity of terms.

Strategies and methods of translation of English-language agrarian literature have been studied. To achieve the adequacy of the translation of such terms, it is necessary to take into account their lexical and grammatical environment, that is, the context. When translating complex words or terms, such translation techniques as tracing, transcoding, descriptive translation, and explication are used.

The translation of agrarian terminology requires the translator to be able to correctly transform terms in cumbersome language constructions and to understand the requirements for the translation of agrarian terminology. It was established that the most common lexical-semantic transformations during the translation of agrarian terminology based on the analyzed texts of agrarian news topics are: choice of variant counterpart, tracing, compression. Others, although less often, are also part of the significant lexical-semantic transformations of agricultural terminology, as they are used by the translator to adapt the text, reduce voluminous linguistic constructions and provide an equivalent analogue if it is not in the dictionary.

As a result of the comparative analysis of the originals of English-language agricultural news texts with their translations into Ukrainian, the regularities of the application of a certain translation strategy, as well as the corresponding translation transformations necessary to achieve an adequate translation of the English-language news text, were determined. The problem of finding an equivalent when translating news texts was also analyzed during the research.

Key words: journalistic style, media discourse, English-language agricultural news text, news discourse, adequate translation of news texts, translation transformations.



Актуальність дослідження ґрунтується на необхідності глибинного вивчення ефективних шляхів та засобів перекладу англомовних аграрних новинних текстів українською. Крім того, актуальність теми зумовлена й посиленням уваги лінгвістів до сучасного медіа-дискурсу, видом якого є новинний дискурс, та особливостей його перекладу.

Виявлено труднощі перекладу аграрної термінології. Стилістичними труднощами перекладу публіцистичних текстів, зокрема сільськогосподарських, українською мовою можна назвати переклад метафоричних термінів, образної та необразної фразеології, розмовних лексичних елементів та кліше, а також жанрові особливості публіцистичних текстів. Для успішного вирішення названих завдань та досягнення адекватності перекладу необхідно мати знання та навички для правильного застосування методів та прийомів перекладу лексичних елементів. У сучасній аграрній літературі перекладачі стикаються з такою проблемою як багатозначність термінів.

Досліджено стратегії та способи перекладу англомовної аграрної літератури. Для досягнення адекватності перекладу таких термінів необхідно враховувати їхнє лексико-граматичне оточення, тобто контекст. Під час перекладу складних слів чи термінів використовуються такі прийоми перекладу, як калька, транскодування, описовий переклад, експлікація.

Переклад аграрної термінології вимагає від перекладача вміння правильно трансформувати терміни у громіздких мовних конструкціях та розуміти вимоги до перекладу аграрної термінології. Встановлено, що найпоширенішими лексико-семантичними трансформаціями під час перекладу аграрної термінології на основі проаналізованих текстів аграрної новинної тематики є: вибір варіантного відповідника, калькування, компресія. Інші, хоча й рідше, також входять до складу значних лексико-семантичних трансформацій сільськогосподарської термінології, оскільки використовуються перекладачем для адаптації тексту, скорочення об'ємних мовних конструкцій та надання еквівалентного аналога, якщо його немає у словнику.

Урезультаті зіставного аналізу оригіналів англомовних аграрних новинних текстів з їх перекладами українською були визначені закономірності застосування певної перекладацької стратегії, а також відповідних перекладацьких трансформацій, що необхідні для досягнення адекватного перекладу англомовного новинного тексту. Також у ході дослідження була проаналізована проблема пошуку еквівалента при перекладі новинних текстів.

Ключові слова: публіцистичний стиль, медіа-дискурс, англомовний аграрний новинний текст, новиниий дискурс, адекватний переклад новинних текстів, перекладацькі трансформації.

In conditions of intensive development of science and technology, the growing role of international contacts, the problems of unification and standardization of terminology in agricultural news have become particularly relevant in recent decades. The modern world is characterized by global socio-economic changes, which generate certain changes in the lexical-semantic system of the language. Due to the growth of the layer of terminological vocabulary, caused by the development of science, technology, and production, the number of works is constantly increasing. They consider the peculiarities of terminological vocabulary in general, as well as individual terminological systems in comparison with the commonly used vocabulary and other terminological systems: a wide range of problems is studied, including those related to the definition of the term, the criteria for its selection; their linguistic characteristics are investigated [14].

The sphere of agricultural industry has undergone intensive development in recent years (this development continues even today), therefore, the terminology of this sphere needs special attention during translation. Technical terms, as linguistic signs representing the concept of the agricultural industry, are an essential component of professional texts and one of the main difficulties of their translation due to their ambiguity, the lack of equivalents of new terms in the translation language, as well as certain differences in the process of term formation in English and Ukrainian languages . In addition, if we take into account the exchange of information between foreign and national scientists, the analysis of translation problems of narrow-field terms becomes especially relevant.

Studying the specifics of the translation of terms, their types, stages, the general requirements for translation, linguists emphasize that an adequate translation of terms requires excellent knowledge of the field of science or technology to which the translation actually relates and understanding the meaning of terms in English and knowledge of professional terminology in native language. Despite numerous studies, the means of expressing the pragmatic potential of English-language agricultural news discourse and the peculiarities of their translation into Ukrainian have not yet been the object of a special study.

The purpose of the research is to comprehensively and thoroughly study the means of expressing the pragmatic potential of English-language agricultural news discourse and the peculiarities oftheir translation into Ukrainian.

The problem of translating terminology is one of the most difficult problems in the field of linguistics and translation studies, since terminological units, belonging to vocabulary that develops very fast, are in demandby specialistsinthe specifiedfieldand therefore require special attention. There are certain difficulties when translating, since an adequate translation is impossible without additional knowledge, especially regarding the origin, classification, functioning and peculiarities of translation of the terms themselves.

The translation of texts on agricultural topics is a subtype of scientific and technical translation and is defined as the exact reproduction of the original term by means of another language, provided that the content and style are preserved. The reasons for the existence of lexical translation difficulties are, first of all, the differences in the picture of the world of the English and Ukrainian languages, the peculiarities of the polysemy of English and Ukrainian words, the lack of equivalents of new terms in the translation, etc. [11, p. 141].

As for the most frequently used ways of reproducing terms, in particular agricultural ones, they include transcoding - literal or phoneme-phoneme transfer of the original lexical unit using the alphabet of the language of translation: accelerator - акселератор; zooplankton - зоопланктон. When transcoding the letters of a language, the entire form or most of it can be transmitted. Mixed transcoding is sometimes used, when most of the word being transcoded reflects its sound in the source language, but some elements of its graphic form are transmitted.

Transcoding of terms during translation is used in those cases when there is no corresponding concept and corresponding translation equivalent in the culture and, in particular, science of the country of translation, and the translator cannot choose a word or words in the translation language. which adequately expresses the meaning of the concept and satisfies the requirements for term formation. Since a word has one meaning during transcoding, this method of translation is advisable to use in those cases when it is necessary to create a clearly unambiguous term in the translated language.

The terms are prone to another lexical method of translation - tracing - the transfer of not a sound, but a combinatorial composition of a word, when parts of the word (morphemes) or word combinations (lexemes) are translated by the corresponding elements of the translation language: underseeding - підсів; backcrossing - зворотне схрещування; sprayerduster - обприскувач, обпилювач; biodiversity - біорізноманіття.

Often, when choosing between transcoding and tracing, preference is given to the last one, since as a result of using another method of translating terms, units are often formed that do not make sense in the translated language, a kind of pseudoword [10, c. 43].

Tracing can be used only when the translated analogue created in this way does not violate the norms of the use and conjugation of words in the Ukrainian language. This technique is often used when translating complex terms, for example: absolute humidity - абсолютна вологість; dissolved organic matter - розчинена органічна речовина; distilled water - дистильована вода [12].

However, this method is not always a simple mechanical operation to translate the source form into the target language. It is very often necessary to resort to various transformations. First of all, this concerns the change of case forms, the number of words in a phrase, affixes, word order, morphological or syntactic status of a word [7, c. 118]. The translator should always remember that the translated term must sound adequately in the native language.

The methods of translation of terms can also include descriptive translation - the reproduction of new lexical elements of the source language, in which a word, phrase, term or idiom is replaced in the translated language by a phrase (or a phrase with a large number of components) that adequately conveys the meaning of a given word or phrase (term). This technique is used when a lexical unit of the source language is replaced by a word or phrase that conveys its meaning. It has the following requirements:

1) the translation should accurately reflect the meaning of the concept, expressed by the neologism;

2) the description should not be too detailed;

3) the syntactic structure of the word combination should not be complex. However, the method described above has certain disadvantages:

1) the possibility of imprecise or unclear interpretation of the meaning of the concept, expressed by the neologism;

2) violation of brevity [4, c. 70].

Equivalent units are divided into monoequivalent units (having one translation equivalent) and polyequivalent units (having two or more translation equivalents). So, if the element has an equivalent in the translation language, then the translator faces only the problem of choosing a variant equivalent; if the element is multi-equivalent - in this case, it is advisable to choose one variant equivalent of the word adequate in this context from several given in the dictionary. Therefore, the translator should accurately determine the lexical-semantic variant of the word (that is, in which meaning this word is used), and choose the corresponding variant analogue from those listed in the dictionary. Terms that have equivalents in the native language play an important role in translation. They are landmarks in the text, revealing the meaning of other words depending on them. They allow us to find out the character of the text: acid base balance - кислотно-лужний баланс.

So, the examples given above, which demonstrate the functioning of agricultural terms and possible variants of their translation, draw our attention to the fact that this terminology is prone to polyvariance in translation, polysemy or homonymy, and complex words often require special knowledge and understanding when translating them. In order to prevent difficulties that arise during the translation of professional texts, more active work with special vocabulary, careful study of its ambiguity, synonymy, antonymy, peculiarities of word formation and translation possibilities is necessary.

The translation of agricultural terminology can be made in the following ways: translation english language agricultural news

1) by selecting the equivalent: Systems of pastoral animal breeding were extended into grassy areas that could be used directly as pasturage [12] - Системи вирощування тварин на пасовищах поширювалися на трав'яні поля, які могли використовуватися безпосередньо як пасовища;

2) by tracing, i.e. component-by-component reproduction of the term: If humanity were to allow every cultivated ecosystem of the planet to lie fallow, each would quickly return to a state of nature close to that in which it existed 10,000 years ago [12] - Якщо б людство дало можливість кожній культивованій екосистемі планети залишитися під пар, кожна з них швидко повернулася б до природного стану, близького до того, в якому вона існувала 10 тисяч років тому, where ecosystem (ecological system) is expressed as екосистема (екологічна система);

3) with the help of differentiation, when dictionaries provide a certain number of meanings that only partially cover the meaning of the word in the original language, and the translator chooses the most suitable option for a certain context:

The great majority of peasants in these countries are too poor to be able to afford the huge machines and large quantities of fertilizers [12] - Переважна більшість селян у цих країнах є надто бідними, щоб дозволити собі величезні машини та велику кількість мінеральних добрив, where fertilizer is expressed as мінеральне добриво, though variants добриво, обпилювач etc. are also possible;

4) by applying modulation, which is the replacement of a word or phrase of the source language by a unit of the translation language, the meaning of which is logically deduced from the value of the source unit:

Systems of slash-and-burn cultivation progressively conquered most of the temperate and tropical forests [12] - Системи підсічно-вогневого вирощування поступово підкорювали більшість помірних та тропічних лісів, where the component slash «косити» of the term slash-and-burn is expressed as підсічно-, and burn «палити» - as вогневе, after what the term підсічно-вогневе вирощування is formed.

Transcoding is the literal or phonemic transfer of the source lexical item using the alphabet of the target language. This technique is a rare exception in the practice of technical translation (for example, Matthiola - матіола, Anemone - анемон). When translating using the transliteration method, one cannot forget about the «false friends of the translator», in whom the transliteration method of translation leads to gross distortions of meaning. The terms are subject to another lexical method of translation - tracing - the transfer of not the sound, but the combinatorial composition of the word, when the parts of the word (morphemes) or word combinations (lexemes) are translated by the corresponding elements of the word in the language of translation. This technique is used when translating complex terms. For example: a standard key-combination - стандартна комбінація клавіш, рожева вода - rose water. Translation of borrowed words is also possible by describing the meaning.

This technique is used when translating new author's terms-neologisms, which are usually written in quotation marks. Also, during the translation of terminological borrowings, emphasis transformation (strengthening the meaning of a word during translation) and neutralization, which has the opposite meaning of emphasis, are used. In cases when the dictionary does not give an exact equivalent of a particular term or when the use of trace, transliteration or descriptive translation is impractical, other methods of translation are also possible. Other transformation techniques used in translating terms include concretization and generalization.

Concretization is a process in which a unit ofbroader concrete content is transferred in the target language by a unit of concrete content. When translating terms, it is also possible to use generalization. The generalization of the meaning of the original takes place in cases where the degree of information orderliness of the original unit is higher than the degree of orderliness of the unit corresponding to it in terms of content in the translated language. But the choice of means of translation can also be determined by the context in which this terminological meaning functions.

During the analysis, the selected lexical units were classified according to the following thematic groups that are part of the agronomic discourse:

1) horticulture: vegetables, species, alfalfa, ecophysiological, epidemiological, physiological, seed coat;

2) land cultivation: crop year, agronomic;

3) variety testing: to examine, variation, uniformity, novelty, guidance, DUS, distinctness, colour chart, test guideline, morphological description, field test, stability;

4) biochemistry: peroxidase, albumen, globulin, lecithin;

5) genetics: modified gene, gene, crossing-over, allele;

6) agrochemistry: herbicide, insecticide;

7) selection: variety, cultivar, breeder, generic, inbred line, variety denomination, variety collection;

8) patent science: valid, submission, declaration, nullity, cancellation, register, protected plant variety, property title, grounds for cancellation, farmer's exception, exhaustion of the breeder's right.

The terms were grouped according to the principle of belonging to this or that scientific sphere.

The names of the competent authorities in the field of agriculture: International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV), Technical Committee (TC), Technical Working Party for Vegetables (TWV), Administrative and Legal Committee (CAJ), Enlarged Editorial Committee (TC- EDC), Administrative and Legal Advisory Group (CAJ-AG), Royal Horticulture Society (RHS), National Seed Institute (INASE).

The most open and heterogeneous included in them are the «Variety Testing» and «Horticulture» groups. The limits of these groups are permeable, open to the terms of other scientific fields: biology, soil science, genetics, breeding, ecology, etc. The most closed groups are «Genetics», «Selection», «Biochemistry» due to the specificity of their scientific and conceptual terminology.

Analyzing the main ways of translating terms from the subject under study, we can state that in the groups «Biochemistry», «Agrochemistry» and «Genetics» the main way of translation is transliteration, for example, peroxidase - пероксидаза, albumen - альбумін, globulin - глобулін, lecithin - лецитин, herbicide - гербіцид, insecticide - інсектицид, gene - ген, crossing- over - кросинговер, allele - аллель. The term modified gene - модифікований ген is two-component and consists of an adjective and a noun. When translating this term, we used the tracing method.

«Land cultivation». When translating the two- component term crop year consisting of two nouns into Ukrainian, we took into account that the translation of this construction consists of an adjective and a noun. We also drew attention to the fact that the word «crop» acquires the meaning «agricultural» only within the studied terminological area - agriculture - and within the framework of this word combination. When translating the term agronomic, we used transcription.

Among the ways of translating the terms of the «Horticulture» group, the main one is transliteration: ecophysiological - екофізіоло- гічний, epidemiological - епідеміологічний, physiological - фізіологічний. When translating the term alfalfa - люцерна, we used the method of selecting an equivalent.

The terms vegetables - овочеві культури, and species - вид are characterized by intersectoral polysemy, so we consider it appropriate to choose equivalents that most adequately convey the semantic meanings of these terms, taking into account the context within the given terminological area.

Analyzing the two-component term seed coat, we noted that both components are nouns in common vocabulary. When translating it into Ukrainian, we took into account that in this case the construction consists of an adjective and a noun - насіннєва оболонка.

Such terms of the «Selection» group as breeder and variety are characterized by intersectoral polysemy. Thus, the equivalents chosen by us taking into account the context most adequately convey the semantic meanings of these terms in the terminological field.

The two-component terms variety denomination - найменування сорту and variety collection - колекція сортів consist of commonly used words, which in combination acquire a new meaning and create terms. We translated these terms using the genitive case.

To translate the first component of the two- component term inbred line - інбредна лінія, we used transcription, and for the second one - selection of the equivalent. Thus, the whole term is translated in a mixed way.

When translating the terms generic - родовий and cultivar - сорт культурної рослини, we used the method of selecting the equivalent.

«Variety testing». We translated the terms variation - варіювання, guidance - керівництво, distinctness - відмінним, uniformity - однорідність, novelty - новизна by selecting the equivalent.

When translating the term stability - стабільність, we used the technique of transliteration. The term to examine - проводити випробування refers to the commonly used vocabulary. In addition, it is characterized by homonymy. When translating it, we used the method of selecting an equivalent with lexical expansion.

The two-component terms field test - польове випробування, colour chart - колірна шкала we translated taking into account the fact that the constructions consist of adjectives and nouns.

We translated the two-component term morphological description - морфологічний опис using tracing method.

The two-component term test guideline - методика випробування, consisting of two nouns, the first of which refers to the commonly used vocabulary, was translated using the genitive case.

This group also contains the abbreviation DUS. This is a three-component letter abbreviation formed from the initial letters of the words included in this word combination. We established unabbreviated forms - distinctness, uniformity, stability.. Then цу translated each part of the unabbreviated form separately and made an abbreviation from the initial letters of the translated components - ВРС.

The three-component term protected plant variety - сорт рослини, що охороняється, consistmmn of an adjective and nouns of common vocabulary, was translated by the method of tracing with a rearrangement of components.

The term grounds for cancellation - підстави для скасування consists of two common vocabulary nouns, the components of which are connected by a preposition. We used a prepositional translation and preserved the order of the components of the original.

The term exhaustion of the breeder's right - вичерпання права селекціонера is a complex nominative construction consisting of three nouns connected by a preposition. Moreover, only one component of this construction - breeder - is a term. We translated this term using the genitive case, and changed the word order of the original.

Group «Names of competent authorities in the field of agriculture» consists of abbreviations.

The concept of «Text stylistics» is widely known, but its content is presented in a general form and has an ambiguous understanding. The point is that the definition of this science was formed much earlier than the formation of the science itself. The linguistics of the text is actively developing and demonstrates the essential need for the combined study of the stylistics of the text with grammar, semantics of the text, and so on.

The basis of this science consists of two most important elements, which include stylistics and text. The first component refers to a stylistic approach to all textual phenomena, the second defines the subject of study and in connection, that establishes the stylistic specificity of learning of work with texts and not with traditional language units [5, p. 64].

The essence of the stylistic approach consists in the study of the functioning of the text and ways of using its components, fragments, parts, sections, stylistic specification of the text (language), methods of expressiveness of the text. At first glance, it is not difficult to define the word «text». However, this concept is deep and multifaceted. The following definition can be found in the dictionary: «Text - (from Latin Textus - tissue, interweaving, connection) is a sequence of symbolic units connected by a semantic link, the main properties of which are coherence and integrity» [9, p. . 203]. However, this interpretation of the text seems a little incomplete, so it makes sense to consider multiple variants of the definitions of the text presented in the interpretive translation dictionary. The most complete of them is the following: «A text is a work of a speech-creative process that is complete, objectified in the form of a written document, a work consisting of a title (heading) and a number of special units (supraphrasal units) connected by various types of lexical, grammatical, logical, stylistic connections with a certain orientation and pragmatic attitude» [10, p. 61].

Кожному тексту притаманний свій функціональний стиль - різновид літературної мови, в якому мова виступає в тій чи іншій соціально значущій сфері суспільно-мовної практики людей і особливості якої зумовлені особливостями спілкування в даній сфері [8, с. 31].

Each text has its own functional style - a type of literary language in which the language appears in one or another socially significant sphere of the socio- linguistic practice of people and the features of which are determined by the peculiarities of communication in this sphere [8, p. 31].

The study of abbreviations is relevant and related to the widespread use of abbreviated words in scientific and technical literature. «The main features of the scientific and technical text can be called the logical sequence of the presentation and the orderly system of connections between the parts of the statements, as well as the author's desire for brevity and accuracy, while preserving the richness of the content» [андр, p. 87]. Abbreviations fit harmoniously into texts and allow you to avoid multiple repetitions of cumbersome terminological combinations that complicate the perception of information. A detailed study of abbreviations will contribute to a better understanding, as well as a quick and correct translation of specialized scientific and technical texts.

We translated such an abbreviation as UPOV (International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants) using transliteration - УПОВ. The abbreviation «UPOV» is derived from the French name of the organization - « Union Internationale pour la protection des obtentions vegetales». It is worth mentioning that we did not decipher the components of this abbreviation in Ukrainian - we borrowed the outer shell and meaning of the abbreviation as a whole.

Such abbreviations as TC (Technical Committee) - (ТК) Технічний комітет, TWV (Technical Working Party for Vegetables) - (ТРО) Технічна робоча група по овочевим культурам, CAJ-AG (Administrative and Legal Advisory Group) - АЗК-КГ (Консультативна група Адміністративного та законодавчого комітету), CAJ (Administrative and Legal Committee) - (АЗК) Адміністративний і законодавчий комітет were translated by determining the unabridged forms, translating each part of the unabridged form separately and compiling an abbreviation from the translated components.

When translating the abbreviation TC-EDC (Enlarged Editorial Committee), we determined the unabridged form, translated each part separately - Розширений редакційний комітет, and used the translated components to compose the abbreviation - РРК. At the same time, we considered it necessary to give a translation comment in brackets - РРК (Technical Committee is part of the Enlarged Editorial Committee).

When translating the abbreviation RHS (Royal Horticulture Society) - Королівське товариство садівників, we determined the unabridged form and translated each part of the unabridged form separately. Taking into account the fact that this abbreviation occurs only once in the text of the research material, we consider it appropriate to use the unabridged form in the translation.

The difficulty in translating the abbreviation INASE (National Seed Institute) is in the fact that the abbreviation is letter-syllabic. The abbreviation INASE is derived from the Spanish name of the institute «Sitio oficial del Instituto Nacional de Semillas». Since the text of the research material contains the unabridged form of this abbreviation in English, we consider it better to translate from English to Ukrainian with a permutation of the components and make an alphabetic abbreviation. Thus, we translated this abbreviation as НІНас (Національний інститут насінництва).

In the analyzed material, we found a large number of monolexical terms and a relatively small number of terminological units consisting of two or more components.

A characteristic feature of agricultural terms is that many of them consist of simple words that are not terms. It is also interesting that some words in terms-phrases have a meaning that is not given in the dictionary.

Agricultural discourse is characterized by the peculiarity of the functioning of various terms in it, which can be divided into terminological groups, such as horticulture, selection, agrochemistry, seed production, genetics, etc.

The translation of terms is a responsible task for the translator, who should take into account the fact that each language develops independently: it has its own linguistic realities, established cultural and historical realities, new realities appear that do not yet have translation equivalents in other languages. To overcome the difficulties that arise during the translation of professional, in particular, agricultural texts, it is necessary to carefully analyze the special vocabulary, study its ambiguity, synonymy, antonymy, peculiarities of word formation and translation possibilities. It is determined that researchers propose to convey terms by means of transcoding, tracing, explication, and the use of an equivalent.

The translation of terminology is complicated by the ambiguity of terms, the lack of translation analogues, a large number of synonyms, as well as problems related to the insufficient orderliness of terminology both at the national and international levels. For an adequate translation into Ukrainian of agricultural terms in the texts of news media discourse, it is necessary to correctly analyze, determine semantic-pragmatic, grammatical translation difficulties and use certain translation transformations.


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