English COVID-19 neologisms:ways of word-formation and thematic groups

Prerequisites for the appearance of new terms in linguistics, based on the basic terms of linguistics, due to the corona virus infection. Ways of word formation and thematic groups of English COVID-19 neologisms. Peculiarities of their structure.

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Язык английский
Дата добавления 06.11.2023
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Drohobych Ivan Franko state pedagogical university

English COVID-19 neologisms:ways of word-formation and thematic groups

Yulia Talalay,

PhD, associate professor, head of the English language and translation studies department



The article focuses on the analysis of word-formation ways and thematic groups of English COVID-19 neologisms. Modern world is changing so violently that a person, his/her consciousness (and language in particular), way of thinking (linguistic thinking in particular), communicative intentions, communicative strategies and tactics cannot help but change (Kosmeda, Osipova, Slipetska, 2021). The COVID-19 pandemic, of course, also provoked corresponding changes in our being and consciousness, which led to the appearance of neologisms in the English language. The Corona virus era contributed to the emergence of new terms in linguistics as well, based on the basic terms of linguistics: they form synonymous series; newly created terms do not always have a unifiedform of writing, i.e. orthographic doublet forms are traced, cf.: coronavirus dictionary, covid dictionary, coronavirus lexicon, covid lexicon, etc. («a dictionary representing vocabulary related to the coronavirus', i.e. 'a set of vocabulary to describe the phenomenon of the coronavirus'); coronalexics, viral vocabulary, covid vocabulary, etc., word-forming covid innovations («word-forming innovations that nominate a phenomenon related to the coronavirus'), covid neologization of the language («the process of neologization of the language related to the phenomenon of the coronavirus'), covid slang, covid slang, covid slang, coronavirus slang, corona slang (Kosmeda, Osipova, Slipetska, 2021). The purpose of the article is to elucidate dominant word-formation ways of English neologisms and their thematic groups that appeared during the Covid-19 outbreak. The sourse base of the research is social networking websites, New Word We Created Dictionary (New Word Dictionary, 2020). The English language reacted to the outbreak ofthe pandemic COVID-19, which broke out in December 2019. The English vocabulary was enriched by the COVID-19 neologisms. A. Roig-Marm (Roig-Marm, A., 2021) used the term «coroneologisms» to denote «the growth of many new lexical formations, mostly mixed» during the Covid-19 pandemic. The Conclusion. Thus, according to the data of the sample analysis, the dominant ways of wordformation ofneologisms of COVID-19 are: blending, telescoping, word formation, contraction. The English neologisms of Covid-19 are divided into the following thematic groups: related to a generation, relationships, behavior, social life, health problems, Corona virus: description of new realities.

Key words: Corona virus, neologism, method of word formation, thematic groups.


Юлія Tалалаи,

кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, завідувач кафедри англійської мови та перекладу Дрогобицького державного педагогічного університету імені Івана Франка (Дрогобич, Львівська область, Україна)

Англійські COVID-19 неологізми: способи словотворення і тематичні групи

Статтю присвячено аналізу способів словотворення та тематичних груп англійських COVID-19 неологізмів. Сучасний світ змінюється настільки бурхливо, що при цьому не може не змінюватися людина, її свідомість (і мовна зокрема), її спосіб мислення (і мовомислення зокрема), її комунікативні інтенції, комунікативні стратегії і тактики. Пандемія COVID-19, зрозуміло, також спровокувала відповідні зміни нашого буття та свідомості, що призвело до з'яви неологізмів (Космеда, Осіпова, Сліпецька, 2021). Т. Космедою підмічено тенденцію, що багато нових слів в українській мові на позначення феномена коронавірусу не мають усталеної форми написання: мова пропонує орфографічні варіанти, наприклад, корона криза, корона криза, корона-криза. Короновірусна епоха сприяла з'яві нових термінів і в мовознавстві, що базуються на базових термінах лінгвістики: вони утворюють синонімні ряди; новостворені терміни не завжди мають уніфіковану форму написання, тобто простежуємо, як зауважувалося, орфографічні дублетні форми, порівн.: словник коронавірусу, ковідний словник, коронавірусний лексикон, ковідний лексикон та ін. (`словник, що репрезентує лексику, пов'язану з коронавірусом', тобто `сукупність лексики на омовлення феномена коронавірусу'); короналексика, вірусна лексика, ковід-лексика та ін.

Короновірусна епоха сприяла з'яві нових термінів і в мовознавстві, що базуються на базових термінах лінгвістики: вони утворюють синонімні ряди; новостворені терміни не завжди мають уніфіковану форму написання, тобто простежуємо, як зауважувалося, орфографічні дублетні форми, порівн.: словник коронавірусу, ковідний словник, коронавірусний лексикон, ковідний лексикон та ін. (`словник, що репрезентує лексику, пов'язану з коронавірусом', тобто `сукупність лексики на омовлення феномена коронавірусу'); короналексика, вірусна лексика, ковід-лексика та ін., словотвірні ковідні інновації (`словотвірні інновації, що номінують феномен, пов'язаний з коронавірусом'), ковід-неологізація мови (`процес неологізації мови, пов'язаний з феноменом коронавірусу'), ковідний сленг, COVID-сленг, ковід-сленг, коронавірусний сленг, корона сленг (Космеда, 2021). Мета статті - схарактеризувати способи словотворення та тематичні групи англійських COVID-19 неологізмів. Англійська мова відреагувала на спалах пандемії COVID-19 у грудні 2019 року. Англійська лексика збагатилася неологізмами COVID-19. A. Роіг-Марін (Roig-Marm) (Roig-Marm, 2021) використав термін «коронеологізми» для позначення «зростання багатьох нових лексичних утворень, переважно змішаних» під час пандемії Covid-19. Таким чином, аналіз нашої вибірки засвідчує домінування таких способів словотворення англійських COVID-19 неологізмів: телескопія, словоскладання, скорочення. Англійські COVID-19 неологізми поділяються на такі тематичні групи: «Покоління», «Стосунки», «Поведінка», «Соціальне життя», «Здоров'я», «Корона вірус: опис нових реалій».

Ключові слова: Корона вірус, неологізм, спосіб словотворення, тематичні групи.

Main part

Introduction. Modem world is changing so violently that a person, his/her consciousness (and language in particular), way of thinking (linguistic thinking in particular), communicative intentions, communicative strategies and tactics cannot help but change (Kosmeda, Оsipova, Slipetska, 2021). The COVID-19 pandemic, of course, also provoked corresponding changes in our being and consciousness, which led to the appearance of neologisms in the English language. The Corona virus era contributed to the emergence of new terms in linguistics as well, based on the basic terms of linguistics: they form synonymous series; newly created terms do not always have a unified form of writing, that is, we trace, as noted, orthographic doublet forms, cf.: Coronavirus Dictionary, Covid Dictionary, Coro - navirus lexicon, Covid lexicon, etc. ('a dictionary representing vocabulary related to the Coronavirus',

i. e. 'a set of vocabulary to describe the phenomenon of the coronavirus'); Corona vocabulary, virus vocabulary, Covid vocabulary, etc., word-forming Covid innovations ('word-forming innovations that nominate a phenomenon related to the coronavirus'), covid neologization of language ('the process of neologizing a language related to the phenomenon of the coronavirus'), Covid slang, COVID-slang, Covid-slang, Coronavirus slang, Corona slang (Kosmeda, Оsipova, Slipetska, 2021).

The English language reacted to the outbreak of the pandemic COVID-19 in December of 2019. The English vocabulary was enriched by the COVID-19 neologisms.

The purpose of the article is to elucidate dominant word-formation ways of English neologisms and their thematic groups that appeared during the COVID-19 outbreak.

The sourse base of the research is social networking websites, New Word We Created Dictionary (New Word Dictionary, 2020).

Many domestic and foreign scholars focus on neologisms. Yu. Zatsnyi, A. Yankov did research on neologisms in the English language (Zatsnyi, Yankov, 2008). Ukrainian linguists O. Babeliuk, O. Koliasa, D. Lakh analyzed the COVID-19 slang (Babeliuk, Lakh, Koliasa, 2020), T. Kosmeda, T. Osipova, V. Slipetska focused on changes in communication during the COVID-19 pandemic, Coronavirus as a factor of new terms appearing in linguistics (Kosm - eda, Оsipova, Slipetska, 2021), I. Alyeksyeyeva and the others analyzed new cultural practices through neologisms (Alyeksyeyeva, 2022). Among foreign scholars we should single out the papers by Al-Sal - man Saleh and Ahmad S. Haider (Al-Salman, Ahmad, 2021), D. Bilefsky and C. Yeginsu (Bilefsky, Yeginsu, 2020), D. Crystal (Crystal, 2020), etc.

Presentation of Results. According to Prof. Yu. Zatsnyi, A. Yankov, mass-media, Internet, politics were the main sources of neologisms during the 90s of the 20th century (Zatsnyi, Yankov, 2008). At the beginning of the 21st century, at the lexico-semantic level innovational linguistic processes took place in the spheres that are under the influence of such macro-social factors as informational revolution, economic changes, environmental problems, etc. In December of 2019 the pandemic COVID-19 broke out. The English language was enriched with the COVID-19 neologisms. A. Roig - Marin used the term «coroneologisms» to refer to «the rise of many new lexical formations, mostly blends» during the COVID-19 pandemic (Roig - Marin, 2021).

According to the analysis of our sample, the «coro - neologisms» were formed by the following word-formation ways:

a) blending, for example: Isodesk (isolated + desk) - the home workplace during isolation; Cov - idivorce (Covid + divorce) - divorce during Covid quarantine; Zumping (Zoom+dumping) - to break up, to break off; Quaranteens (quarantine+teenagers) - the new generation who will step into teenage years in 2033-2034; Covidiot (Covid + idiot) - someone who ignores lockdown measures; Coronials (Corona + millennials) - babies born in 2020; Cov - idials (Corona + millennials) - babies born in 2020; Coronacuts (Corona + haircut) - haircuts carried out at home; CovideoParty - (Covid + video + party) - a virtual video watching party; Quarantini - (quarantine + martini) - an alcoholic beverage you can sip if you want to unwind; locktail - (lockdown + cocktail) - an alcoholic beverage you can sip if you want to unwind; Coronapocalypse - (corona + apocalypse); Coronageddon - (corona + armageddon); Coronadult - an adult who fell ill with the Covid-19; Coronaspiracy (Corona + conspiracy) the conspiracy theory; Homeference (Home + conference) - Zoom conference during quarantine;

b) composition, for example: Corona bae - the partner you are quarantining with; Coronababie - babies born in 2020; Coronabeard - no shaving during quarantine; Corona hair - no haircuts during the Covid-19; Coronaclosed - quarantine during the Covid-19; Coronaculture; Zoombombing - hi jacking a video call; Coronaspeak - neologisms that have entered everyday English discourse during the coro - navirus pandemic; Video party - a virtual party during quarantine; Coronarelationship - a new type of relationship during quarantine; Corona boyfriend - a new type of relationship during quarantine;

c) shortening:

- initial clipping, for example: Rona - shortening of coronavirus. Coronavirus is popularly shortened to corona, which was apparently further clippedto rona;

- final clipping, for example: vac - vaccine;

- acronyms, for example: COVID-19, SARS - CoV-2, etc.

The COVID-19 neologisms are classified into the following thematic groups: generation-related, relationships, behaviors, social life, health issues:


Quaranteens - the new generation which will step into teenage years in 2033-2034; Coronials or Cov - idials - babies born in 2020;

Corona mom - a demographic of moms who are constantly using Zoom.


Corona bae - the partner you are quarantining with;

Isodesk - the home workplace during isolation;

Covidivorce - divorces during quarantine.


Covidiot - someone who ignores lockdown measures;

Zumping - break up with someone over a video conferencing service; Coroanacuts - haircuts carried out at home;

Coronabeards - men growing their facial hair out during the lockdown.

Social Life

CovideoParty - a virtual video watching party;

Quarantini or locktail - an alcoholic beverage you can sip if you want to unwind;

Zoombombing - hijacking a Zoom videocall;

The Before Times - before the pandemic Covid-19, more humorous;

Doomscrolling - constantly refreshing feeds for the latest news about the pandemic;

Quarantine and chill - is used for various ways people are hunkering down and spending free time at home during the coronavirus, especially with a romantic partner while marathoning streaming services;

Coronacation - Coronavirus-compelled stayca-tions, due to cancelled classes, shifts, and the like. It's usually an ironic term - just ask parents working from home while teaching their kids.

Health Issues

Coronasomnia - staying up late, insomnia during the pandemic;

Corona fatigue - the exhaustion that sets in while living life over Zoom;

Coronanoia - Corona paranoia;

Maskne - mask acne - is a type of breakout that results from wearing a face mask during the lockdown.

Coronavirus: describing new realities

Coronapocalypse - corona apocalypse;

Coronageddon - corona armageddon;

Coronaspiracy theories-Corona conspiracy theory;

Quarantime - time spent at home during the pandemic;

Lockdowners - people who stay at home during the pandemic;

Loxit - Lockdown exit;

Unlockdown - the end of lockdown.

The Conclusion. Thus, according to the sample analysis, the dominant ways of word-formation of the COVID-19 neologisms are: blending, composition, shortening. TheCOVID-19neologismsareclassifiedinto the following thematic groups: «Generation-related», «Relationships», «Behaviour», «Social Life», «Health Issues», «Coronavirus: Describing New Realities».


1. Al-Salman, Saleh & Ahmad S. Haider, 2021. COVID-19 trending neologisms and word formation processes in English. Russian Journal of Linguistics. No. 25 (1). P. 24-42.

2. Alyeksyeyeva, I., Chaiuk, T., Galitska, E., 2022. Coronaspeak as Key to Coronaculture: Studying New Cultural Practices Through Neologisms. International Journal of English Linguistics; Vol. 10, No. 6; 2020. Retrieved from URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/344399130_Coronaspeak_as_Key_to_Coronaculture_Studying_New_Cultural_Practices_Through_Neologisms (accessed: 4 November 2022).

3. Bilefsky, D., & Yeginsu, C., 2020. Of `Covidivorces' and `Coronababies': Life During a Lockdown. New York Times. Retrieved from URL: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/27/world/coronavirus-lockdown-relationships.html (accessed: 4 November 2022).

4. Crystal, David, 2020. Cambridge Reflections-COVID-19: Vocabulary. Cambridgeblog. Retrieved from URL: http://www.cambridgeblog.org/2020/05/covocabulary/ (accessed: 4 November 2022).

5. Roig-Marin, A., 2021. English-based coroneologisms: A short survey of our Covid-19-related vocabulary. English Today. 37 (4). 193-195.

6. БабелюкО., ЛахД., КолясаО. Сленгізми напозначення явищ COVID-19 всучасному англомовному інтернет дискурсі, у: Науковий журнал Львівського державного університету безпеки життєдіяльності «Львівський філологічний часопис», №8, 2020, 14-19.

7. Зацний Ю., Янков А. Інновації у словниковому складі англійської мови початку ХХІ століття: англо-україн - ський словник. Словник. Вінниця: Нова Книга, 2008. 360 с.

8. New Words we Created. Dictionary. URL: https://www.dictionary.com/e/s/new-words-we-created-because - of-coronavirus/#rona (accessed: 4 November 2022)

9. Космеда Т., Осіпова Т., Сліпецька В. Зміни в комунікації та мовному мисленні українців в епоху коронавірусної пандемії: інноваційна креативність. URL: https://apcz.umk.pl/THS/issue/view/2475 (дата звернення: 20 травня 2023 р.)


linguistics neologism english term

1. Al-Salman, Saleh &Ahmad S. Haider, 2021. COVID-19 trending neologisms and word formation processes in English. Russian Journal of Linguistics. No. 25 (1). P. 24-42.

2. Alyeksyeyeva, I., Chaiuk, T., Galitska, E., 2022. Coronaspeak as Key to Coronaculture: Studying New Cultural Practices Through Neologisms. International Journal of English Linguistics; Vol. 10, No. 6; 2020. URL: https://www.research-gate.net/publication/344399130_Coronaspeak_as_Key_to_Coronaculture_Studying_New_Cultural_Practices_Through_Neologisms (accessed: 4 November 2022).

3. Bilefsky, D., & Yeginsu, C., 2020. Of `Covidivorces' and `Coronababies': Life During a Lockdown. New York Times. Retrieved from URL: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/27/world/coronavirus-lockdown-relationships.html (accessed: 4 November 2022).

4. Crystal, David, 2020. Cambridge Reflections-COVID-19: Vocabulary. Cambridgeblog. URL: http://www.cambridge - blog.org/2020/05/covocabulary/ (accessed: 4 November 2022).

5. Roig-Marin, A., 2021. English-based coroneologisms: A short survey of our Covid-19-related vocabulary. English Today. 37 (4). 193-195.

6. Babeliuk, 2020 - Babeliuk O., Lakh D., Koliasa O. Slenhizmy na poznachennya yavyshch COVID-19 v suchas - nomy anhlomovnomy internet dyskursi [Slangisms to Denote the Phenomena of the COVID-19 in Modern English-language Internet Discourse]. Scientific journal of the Lviv State University of Life Safety «Lviv Philological Journal», No. 8, 2020, P. 14-19. [in Ukrainian]

7. Zatsnyi, 2008 - Zatsnyi Yu., Yankov A. Innovatsii u slovnykovomu skladi anhliys'koyi movy XXI stolittia: anhlo-ukrainskyy slovnyk [Innovations in the Vocabulary of the English Language at the Beginning of the 21st Century: the English-Ukrainian Dictionary]. Dictionary. Vinnytsia: Nova Knyha, 2008. 360 p. [in Ukrainian]

8. New Words we created. Dictionary. URL: https://www.dictionary.com/e/s/new-words-we-created-because-of-coronavirus/#rona (accessed: 4 November 2022)

9. Kosmeda, 2023 - Kosmeda Т., Slipetska V., Osipova T. Zminy v komunikatsiyi ta movomyslenni ukrayints'iv v epokhu korona virusnoyi pandemiyi: innovatsiyna kreatyvnist' [Changes in Communication and Language Thinking of the Ukrainians in the Era of the Corona Virus Pandemic: Innovative Creativity] URL: https://apcz.umk.pl/THS/issue/view/2475 (accessed: 20 May 2023) [in Ukrainian]

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