Foreign biographical dictionaries of educators: creation concepts and content features

Foreign experience in creating biographical dictionaries of teachers. Characteristics of eight dictionaries published in Australia, Great Britain, Italy and the USA in 1978-2021. Analysis of the content of each of them according to a number of parameters.

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Foreign biographical dictionaries of educators: creation concepts and content features

Oleksandr Mikhno

Doctor of Sciences in Pedagogy, Director of the Pedagogical Museum of Ukraine, Leading Researcher of Pedagogical Source Studies and Biographies Department, V. O. Sukhomlynsky State Scientific and Pedagogical Library of Ukraine,

Kyiv, Ukraine


The article considers foreign experience in creating biographical dictionaries of educators. The table presents 8 dictionaries published in Australia, Great Britain, Italy and the USA in 1978-2021. The content of each dictionary is analyzed according to the following parameters: number of authors, structure, number and volume of articles, distribution of articles by gender, scheme of biographical article, availability of appendices.

It has been found that the dictionaries published in the 1970s and 1990s in the Great Britain and the USA were created according to the established scientific tradition: short biographical articles (up to 500 words), with theorists, practitioners and administrators of education, as well as philosophers and psychologists predominating among the personalities. An exception is the bio-bibliographic sourcebook published in the USA in 1994, which is the first publication devoted exclusively to women teachers and contains extensive biographical articles. Instead, biographical dictionaries of educators published in the 2010s and early 2020s demonstrate new methodological approaches to both the selection of individuals and the creation of the dictionary: 1) the Italian biographical dictionary of educators (2013), in addition to educational theorists and practitioners, presents founders and heads of educational institutions of various types, editors of pedagogical periodicals, children's writers and illustrators of books for children, theorists and popularizers of physical and sports education, leaders of youth associations, etc, 2) the concepts of creating an Australian dictionary of Catholic educators (2020) and an encyclopaedia of modern Asian educators (2021) include a division into sections with introductory review articles on the development of education in a particular historical period.

A generalized scheme of a biographical article about an educator is presented. The features of the content of dictionaries are highlighted. The prospects of using foreign experience in the creation of an encyclopaedic biographical dictionary of educators of Ukraine are determined: creating a more objective and complete list of educators whose biographies will be included in the dictionary, improving the scheme of writing a biographical article, introducing appendices into the structure of the dictionary.

Keywords: foreign biography, pedagogical biography, biographical dictionary of educators, structure of the biographical dictionary, biographical article, scheme of biographical article.



Міхно Олександр

доктор педагогічних наук, директор Педагогічного музею України, провідний науковий співробітник відділу педагогічного джерелознавства та біографістики ДНПБ України імені В. О. Сухомлинського,

м. Київ, Україна

У статті розглянуто зарубіжний досвід зі створення біографічних словників педагогів. У формі таблиці представлено 8 словників, виданих у Австралії, Великій Британії, Італії та США у 1978-2021 рр. Проаналізовано контент кожного словника за такими параметрами: кількість авторів, особливості структури, кількість і обсяг статей, розподіл статей за статтю, схема біографічної статті, наявність додатків.

З'ясовано, що словники, видані у 1970-1990-х у Великій Британії та США, створені за усталеною науковою традицією: стислі біографічні статті (до 500 слів), серед персоналій переважають теоретики, практики та адміністратори освіти, а також філософи та психологи. Винятком є біобібліографічний довідник, виданий у США у 1994, який є першим виданням, присвячене жінкам-освітянкам, і містить розлогі біографічні статті. Натомість біографічні словники педагогів, видані у 2010-х - на початку 2020-х років демонструють нові методологічні підходи як до відбору персоналій, так і до створення словника: 1) італійський педагогічний біографічний словник (2013), окрім теоретиків і практиків освіти, представляє засновників і керівників навчальних закладів різного типу, редакторів педагогічних періодичних видань, дитячих письменників і ілюстраторів книжок для дітей, теоретиків і популяризаторів фізичного і спортивного виховання, лідерів молодіжних об'єднань та ін., 2) концепції створення австралійського словника освітян-католиків (2020) та енциклопедії сучасних освітян Азії (2021) передбачають поділ на розділи зі вступними оглядовими статтями про розвиток освіти певного історичного періоду.

Наведено узагальнену схему біографічної статті про педагога. Виділено особливості контенту словників. Визначено перспективи використання зарубіжного досвіду у створенні енциклопедичного біографічного словника педагогів України: створення більш об'єктивного та повного переліку педагогів, чиї біографії увійдуть до словника, удосконалення схеми написання біографічної статті, введення у структуру словника додатків.

Ключові слова: зарубіжна біографіка, педагогічна біографіка, біографічний словник педагогів, структура біографічного словника, біографічна стаття, схема біографічної статті.

Problem statement

biographical dictionary teachers

There has been a significant increase in interest in biographies of prominent figures in Ukrainian history in current Ukrainian society, which is heroically resisting Russian aggression in the midst of a full-scale war. This interest in biographical content has been intensified by the processes of decommunization, de-Sovietization, and decolonization of Ukrainian culture. Nowadays, decolonial and postcolonial discourses are becoming relevant in Ukrainian humanities, particularly in pedagogical biography, which involve the use of appropriate methodological approaches in biographical research. Thus, within the framework of the research “Pedagogical Biographical Studies in the Informational, Educational and Scientific Space of Ukraine” (2023-2025) (supervisor is L. Berezivska), researchers of the Pedagogical Source Studies and Biographies Department of the V. O. Sukhomlynsky State Scientific and Pedagogical Library of Ukraine began work on the encyclopaedic biographical dictionary Educators of Ukraine (second half of 19th - early 20st century), which will be created in the modern narratives of the Russian-Ukrainian war, terror and genocide of the Ukrainian people. The use of such methodological tools requires the study of foreign experience in the field of biographical studies, in particular in the creation of biographical dictionaries of educators.

Literature review. Some issues of the development of foreign biographic studies are partially reflected in the works of such contemporary Ukrainian scholars as Rozman (2020), I. Stambol (2020, 2021), A. Hurzhii, N. Bakhmat, V. Zaichuk, L. Kartashova, I. Rozman and T. Sorochan (2021), L. Berezivska, O. Pinchuk, S. Hopta, Y. Demyda and K. Sereda (2022). However, foreign pedagogical biographic studies as an interesting and multifaceted area of research are not currently being studied in Ukraine. This determined the relevance and purpose of the article: to analyze the features of the content and concept of creating foreign biographical dictionaries of educators, to outline the prospects for using foreign experience in Ukrainian pedagogical biographic studies, in particular, in creating an encyclopaedic biographical dictionary of Ukrainian educators.

The main research material. As a result of the source research heuristic, we have identified 8 biographical dictionaries of educators, which are presented in table 1.

Table 1.Foreign biographical dictionaries of educators


Authors, editors

Year of publication


Biographical Dictionary of

American Educators. In 3 volumes

Frederik Ohles



Biographical Dictionary of

Modern American Educators

Frederik Ohles,

Shirley M. Ohles, John G. Ramsay



Dictionary of British Educationists

Richard Aldrich,

Peter Gordon



Biographical dictionary of North American and European


Peter Gordon,

Richard Aldrich



Women Educators in the United States, 1820-1993: A Bio-

Bibliographical Sourcebook

Maxine Schwartz Seller



Dizionario biografico

dell'educazione (1800-2000) / Biographical Dictionary of

Education (1800-2000)

Giorgio Chiosso, Roberto Sani



Not forgotten: Australian Catholic educators 1820-2020

Anne Benjamin,

Seamus O'Grady



The Routledge encyclopedia of modern Asian educators: 18502000

Shin'ichi Suzuki), Gary McCulloch, Gu Mingyuan,

Parimala V. Rao, Ji- YeonHong


When analyzing the content and features of foreign biographical dictionaries of educators, we will refer to them by the numbers indicated in the table.

1. More than 450 American researchers, who authored 1665 biographical articles about personalities in American education from colonial times to 1976 - teachers, reformers, theorists and administrators, were involved in the creation of the dictionary. The dates of birth of the educators whose biographies are included in the dictionary range from 1604 to 1925. Each biographical article contains brief information about the person's education, career, and contribution to the development of education. Links to the most important works and additional information are provided at the end of each article, followed by the author of the text. The publication contains 5 appendices: places of birth, places of main work, field of activity, chronology of birth years of individuals, and chronology of the history of American education. The biographical articles in the three-volume set are arranged in alphabetical order (Ohles, 1978).

2. This edition is a continuation of the previous one and contains alphabetized biographies of theorists and practitioners from all major fields of education. The subject matter covers such diverse areas as psychology, music, health, testing and assessment, special education, educational history, and administration. The dictionary presents biographies of educators who have worked at all levels of education, including preschool, primary, secondary, higher, and adult education. The biographical articles are on average 250 to 400 words long and include information about the family, a description of the educator's achievements, and a brief overview of their education and career, professional and community activities, major publications, and major awards. Each biographical article is concluded with a list of references, and the volume ends with the same appendices as the 1978 three-volume

set, including a chronological list of 104 important events in American education from 1635 to 1995.

Despite its title, the dictionary does not cover contemporary educators. It includes scholars, reformers, theorists, and practitioners who were professionally active in the early and mid-20th century. Some of them were born in the 19th century, and the youngest was born in 1942. Not all of the more than 400 individuals included in the dictionary achieved outstanding success during their lifetime but they all made a notable contribution to a particular field of education. For example, the originator of driver education, Amos Neyhart, is included along with Eric D. Hirsch, who wrote the best-seller Cultural Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know in 1987.

The authors made a special effort to include biographies of women and educators of color, whose contributions to education have often been overlooked in the past (Ohles F., Ohles S. & Ramsay, 1997).

3. The dictionary presents the biographies of 465 British educators whose careers took place after 1800. Each biographical article contains 15 to 30 lines of text with information about their place of birth, education, professional career, and major achievements. The authors interpret the term «educators» broadly enough to include politicians, philanthropists, poets, novelists, and philosophers who they believe have had an impact on the development of education (Aldrich & Gordon, 1989). Critically evaluating this publication, P. McCann notes that, firstly, the vast majority of the educators represented are men, only 15% are women, secondly, 80% are English, the remaining 20% are Scots, Welsh and Irish, thirdly, 75% are middle class, 15% are aristocrats, 10% are working class, and fourthly, 56% are graduates of Oxford and Cambridge universities, despite the fact that more than 40 other universities have emerged over the period covered by the dictionary; fifth, 55% have made a career in some area of educational management - as chairmen of commissions and committees, administrators in national or local government, college principals, state inspectors, or directors of educational institutions of various types. And only 14% were practicing teachers, the same number were educational theorists. Thus, according to the dictionary, a typical educator was male, English, Protestant, and a high school and Oxbridge graduate (McCann, 1990, p. 165-166). P. McCann asks the question: «But do the articles accurately reflect the situation in the profession?» and notes that the contribution to the development of education of socially prominent and publicly outstanding people is not necessarily greater than the work of ordinary practitioners. That is why the publication lacks biographies of ordinary school teachers, innovative educators whose work is associated with the origins of the monitoring system and the development of the kindergarten and Montessori school movements, and educational activists associated with labour and trade union movements (McCann, 1990, p. 166).

4. This alphabetized dictionary of the lives and work of 528 Americans, Canadians, and Europeans who represent many of the categories that come together under the term “Educators” is a companion to the Dictionary of British Educators (1989). The authors note that two main approaches were used in the selection of individuals: (1) their main career began in 1800; (2) all of them are deceased. The dictionary contains biographies of educators who have played a significant role in shaping modern Western traditions and education systems, with 30% of them being women. As a rule, each biographical article ends with a selected bibliography and a short list of the person's works. Some of the articles are accompanied by photographic portraits of the educator in question and/or a reproduction of the title page of his or her most famous publication (Gordon & Aldrich, 1997). In his review of this dictionary, G. L. Gutek notes that the word “Educationists” in the title is used as an umbrella term that encompasses politicians, writers, scientists, theologians, ideologues, and philosophers, as well as those directly concerned with education and schooling (1998). Most of the personalities covered in this book have brief biographical articles (a page and a quarter of text), which usually include the names of their parents, place of birth, education, career, and contribution to the development of education, their writings, and a selected bibliography. In addition, the dictionary contains useful cross-references, printed in bold, to other educators mentioned in a particular article. These short biographies can serve as a springboard for further biographical research (Gutek, 1998).

5. This book profiles 66 women who made significant contributions to American education from the beginning of the 19th till the end of the 20th century. The biographical articles are arranged in alphabetical order, each preceded by an annotation summarizing the importance of the topic. This is followed by a 7-8-page biography written by a scholar with specialized knowledge of the particular educator, the period in which she lived, and the educational field in which she worked. Each article is followed by a bibliography of works written on the subject and about the subject. Biographies of living educators are often based on interviews in addition to written sources. The biographies contain information about the biographed person's family background, education, people and events that influenced her, her goals, achievements, and the impact of gender on her life and career. Her professional activities and achievements in areas unrelated to education are also described. The appendix contains a list of 35 authors of biographical articles, arranged chronologically by year of birth (Seller, 1994).

In his review of this book, G. J. Clifford notes that although the editor, Maxine Schwartz Seller, defined “educator” broadly in selecting the topics for these biographies with bibliographies, most of the sixty-six women profiled were primarily school or college teachers or contributors to general education (1995). The most notable exceptions include an author of works for children and adults (Lydia Maria Child), a women's medical school reformer (Marie E. Zakrzewska), a nursing educator (Adelaide Nutting), innovators in workers' education (Fannia Mary Cohn and Hilda Worthington Smith), a famous settlement house founder (Jane Addams), a public health educator (Mary Steichen Calderone), and an art educator (Katharine Kuh) (Clifford, 1995).

In our opinion, the book is labeled a “Bio-Bibliographical Sourcebook” precisely because of the rather lengthy biographical articles. At the same time, the arrangement of the biographies in alphabetical order and the presence of a list of the educators' works and literature about them at the end of the biographical articles combine this publication with a biographical dictionary.

6. The dictionary is the result of a national research project supported by several Italian universities (Genoa, Macerata, Catholic University of Milan, Catholic University of Rome, and University of Turin; more than 100 researchers) and cofunded by the Italian Ministry of Education. The dictionary contains 2,345 biographical articles (514 of them are women), forming a kind of collective biography of Italian educators of the last two centuries who lived as of January 1, 1800, and died before December 31, 2000. Each biographical article consists of three parts: an epigraph, which, in addition to the name and surname (married women are listed under their maiden name), also indicates the field of activity and the region (or regions) where the educator was mainly active; the biography itself; and a section on “Sources and Bibliography”. As the editors emphasize, the dictionary provides a very important and undoubtedly more accurate insight into the role that educational processes played in the growth and modernization of Italian society. Through a gallery of biographical sketches, it essentially gives collective memory a glimpse of the molecular presence of men and women who, although guided by very different ideologies, religious and political beliefs, cultural and educational ideas, demonstrated a passionate commitment to education, enabling vital educational processes such as mass literacy and education, the dissemination of increasingly sophisticated vocational skills, the transmission of national sentiments, and more recently, the spread of the idea of democratic citizenship (Chiosso & Sani, 2013, p. Х).

The dictionary represents educators of different social and geographical backgrounds, with very different principles and goals: founders and managers of schools and educational institutions of various types (nurseries and kindergartens, vocational schools, orphanages, women's schools, boarding schools, general education schools, etc.); initiators of educational reforms and updating of teaching methods and practices; theorists of correctional education responsible for the creation of special institutions and schools for people with special needs; editors of pedagogical periodicals; authors of educational periodicals; authors of textbooks; children's writers and illustrators of books for children and youth; theorists and popularizers of physical and sports education; doctors involved in educational and rehabilitation activities; and leaders of youth associations (Pomante, 2016). Since 2015, the dictionary has been available online in the form of a database

7. The book is the first printed publication of the Biographical Dictionary of Australian Catholic Educators project and contains 30 biographies ranging in length from one thousand to one thousand five hundred words. It was written as a tribute to Catholic school teachers. Published in 2020, the book marks the 200th anniversary of Catholic education in Australia and looks at two centuries in four periods: the colonial era to 1880; 1880-1960; 1960-2000; and 2000 to 2020. Each period begins with a chapter that sets the historical context and provides a powerful lens through which to see both the contributions of each educator and the history of the education system he or she contributed to. Each section is followed by a series of five to ten biographies. These are the stories of lay people, clergy and religious from across Australia, men and women, indigenous and immigrant, school teachers and non- formal educators. Each chapter concludes with a reflection that synthesizes ideas and often raises questions for the future (Benjamin, O'Grady & Bezzina, 2020).

8. The book contains biographies of 407 Asian educators and their contribution to the development of Asian education in the 19th and 20th centuries. The length of each biographical article is up to 500 words. The article consists of (1) name, (2) life expectancy, (3) gender, (4) personal qualities, (5) family background, (6) educational career and qualifications, (7) work career, (8) activities and contributions made by the person, (9) works by and about the educator, and (10) author of the article. Mostly deceased persons are represented, but many representatives from Korea and South and Southeast Asia are still alive. This is because political independence in these countries began after 1945 (Suzuki et al., 2021). Table 2 shows the structure of the book, the content of the introduction of each part, information on the number of biographical articles and their gender distribution.

Table 2Structure and content features of the book “The Routledge encyclopedia of modern Asian educators: 1850-2000”

Book structure





Part 1: East Asia

1. Chinese Modern Educators (Gu Mingyuan, Gao Yinmin, Zhong


A general overview of the historical development of Chinese education from the mid-19th century to 2000.




2. Japanese Modern Educators (Shin'ichi Suzuki)

The development of Japanese national

education from the mid- 19th century to 1945.




3. Korean Modern Educators (Ji-Yeon Hong)

A shortened Korean history of the pre- colonialized Chosen

Empire, Japanese colonial era and Korean modernization after 1945.


Part 2: South Asia

4. South Asian

Modern Educators (Parimala V. Rao)

A British colonial education policy as a background to Indian educators and the postcolonial education government policies of various South Asian




Part 3: Southeast


5. Southeast Asian Modern Educators (Shin'ichi Suzuki)

A comprehensive description of the development of Southeast Asian countries. What all countries in the region have in common is that they gained political independence after 1945.




Conclusions and Prospects for Further Research

Based on the analysis of the structural and content features of foreign biographical dictionaries of educators, we can state that the tradition of creating such dictionaries was initiated in 1978 with the publication of the Biographical dictionary of American educators in the United States (Ohles, 1978). The dictionaries published in the 1980s and 1990s in the Great Britain and the USA were created according to the established scientific tradition and contain short biographical articles (up to 500 words), and theorists, practitioners, educational administrators, philosophers and psychologists dominate among personalities (Ohles F., Ohles S. & Ramsay, 1997; Aldrich & Gordon, 1989; Gordon & Aldrich, 1997). An exception is a Bio-Bibliographical Sourcebook published in the United States in 1994, which is the first publication devoted exclusively to women educators and contains extensive biographical articles (Seller, 1994). The dictionaries published in the 2010s and early 2020s demonstrate new methodological approaches to both the selection of personalities and the creation of the dictionary: 1) the Italian biographical dictionary of educators (Chiosso & Sani, 2013), in addition to educational theorists and practitioners, presents editors of pedagogical periodicals, children's writers and illustrators of books for children, theorists and popularizers of physical and sports education, leaders of youth associations, etc, 2) the concepts of creating an Australian dictionary of Catholic educators (Benjamin & O'Grady, 2020) and an encyclopaedia of modern Asian educators (Suzuki et al., 2021) include a division into sections with introductory review articles on the development of education in a particular historical period. We have identified the following features of the content of dictionaries:

availability of appendices (Ohles, 1978; Ohles F., Ohles S. & Ramsay, 1997; Seller, 1994);

cross-references, printed in bold, to other educators mentioned in a particular article (Gordon & Aldrich, 1997);

information about the educator's parents (Gordon & Aldrich, 1997);

some articles are accompanied by photo portraits of the educator in question and/or a reproduction of the title page of his or her most famous publication (Gordon & Aldrich, 1997);

articles about living educators (Seller, 1994; Suzuki et al., 2021);

using interviews as a source of information in articles about living educators (Seller, 1994).

A generalized scheme of a biographical article about an educator can be presented as follows: 1. Name, years of life. 2. Family. 3. Education. 4. Career. 5. Contribution to the development of education. 6. Awards. 7. Main works. 8. References. 9. Author of the article.

The use of foreign experience in the creation of biographical dictionaries of Educators can help in the creation of an encyclopaedic biographical dictionary Educators Ukraine (second half of the 19th - early 20st century), namely: 1) to create a more objective and complete list of educators of Ukraine, 2) to improve the scheme of writing a biographical article, 3) to introduce appendices into the structure of the dictionary.

A promising area of research is the structural and content analysis of foreign online biographical dictionaries of educators, which will be covered in further publications.


biographical dictionary teachers

Rozman, I. (2020). Ukrainska pedahohichna biohrafistyka (druha polovyna XX

- pochatokXXI stolittia) [Ukrainian Pedagogical Biography (Second half of the 20th

- Beginning of the 21st Sentury)]. Uzhhorod. [in Ukrainmian]

Stambol, I. (2020). Politychna biohrafiia: suchasnyi vymir [Political Biography: Modern Dimension]. Ukrainska biohrafistyka, (20)/ PP. 211-227. [in Ukrainmian]

Stambol, I. (2021). Tendentsii rozvytku novitnoi polskoi biohrafistyky (za materialamy vydannia “Polish biographical studies”) [Tendencies in the Development of Modern Polish Biographical Studies (based on the materials of the publication “Polish biographical studies”]. Storinky istorii, (52). PP. 340-357. [in Ukrainmian]

Hurzhii, А., Bakhmat, Н., Zaychuk, В., Kartashova, L., Rozman, І. & Sorochan, Т. (2021). Organizational grounds for development of digital infrastructure of education and pedagogical science in Ukraine (late 80s of the 20th century - beginning of the 21st Century). Information Technologies and Learning Tools, 83(3). PP. 26-48. doi: 10.33407/itlt.v83i3.4219. [in Ukrainmian]

Berezivska, L., Pinchuk, O., Hopta, S., Demyda, Y. & Sereda, K. (2022). Creation of information and bibliographic resource “Outstanding educators of Ukraine and the world” and its influence on the development of digital humanities, Information Technologies and Learning Tools, 87(1). PP. 1-17. doi:


Ohles, J. (Ed.). (1978). Biographical Dictionary of American Educators (Vol. 13). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Ohles, F., Ohles, S., & Ramsay, J. (1997). Biographical Dictionary of Modern American Educators. Greenwood Publishing Group.

Aldrich, R., & Gordon, P. (1989). Dictionary of British Educationists (1st ed.). Routledge.

McCann, P. (1990). Richard Aldrich and Peter Gordon. Dictionary of British Educationists. London: Woburn Press, 1989. Historical Studies in Education /Revue d'histoire De I'education, 2(1). PP. 165-166.

Gordon, P., & Aldrich, R. (1997). Biographical Dictionary of North American and European Educationists. Woburn.

Gutek, G. (1998). [Review of Biographical Dictionary of North American and European Educationists, by P. Gordon & R. Aldrich]. History of Education Quarterly, 38(2). PP. 208-209.

Seller, M. (Ed.). (1994). Women Educators in the United States, 1820-1993. A Bio-Bibliographical Sourcebook. Greenwood Press.

Clifford, G. (1995). [Review of Women Educators in the United States, 18201993: A Bio-Bibliographical Sourcebook, by M. S. Seller]. History of Education Quarterly, 35(3), pp. 312-315.

Chiosso, G., & Sani, R. (Eds.). (2013). DBE. Dizionario Biografico dell'Educazione 1800-2000. 2 voll. Milano: Editrice Biografica.

Pomante, L. (2016). The Dizionario Biografico dell'Educazione (1800-2000) between the retrieval of community identity and memory and the restoration of the historical and educational studies. Historia Scholatica, 2 (1). PP. 97-100.

Benjamin, A. & O'Grady, S. (Eds.). (2020). Not forgotten: Australian Catholic Educators 1820-2020. Bayswater, Vic: Coventry Press.

Benjamin, A., O'Grady, S., & Bezzina, M. (2020). Not Forgotten: Australian Catholic Educators 1820-2020. Journal of the Australian Catholic Historical Society, 41, pp. 202-204.

Suzuki, S., McCulloch, G., Gu, M., Rao, P. V., & Hong, J.-Y. (Eds.). (2021). The Routledge Encyclopedia of Modern Asian Educators: 1850-2000 (1st ed.). Routledge.

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    контрольная работа [12,2 K], добавлен 16.05.2009

  • The importance of the control in the lesson of Foreign Language. Test is one of the types of control and their characteristics. Vocabulary and Grammar, Reading and Writing, Listening and Speaking as tests. Dictation and its importance as a control.

    курсовая работа [68,0 K], добавлен 15.09.2014

  • Belarus is a country with an open economy. Commodity structure of exports and imports in 2007. Dynamics of the foreign economic activity development. Import and export Geographical Structure. The trade balance with Russia. Main indicators of foreign.

    презентация [437,3 K], добавлен 01.04.2010

  • Australia as a highly developed industrial-agrarian country. From 1787 to 1867 - a place where criminals were sent from Britain. The commonest trees and animals of Australia. Australian Sightseeing: Opera House, Аyers Rock and Great Barrier Reef.

    презентация [2,3 M], добавлен 27.03.2011

  • Slang as the way in which the semantic content of a sentence can fail to determine the full force and content of the illocutionary act being performed in using the sentence. Features of American students’ slang functioning. Teen and high school slang.

    курсовая работа [49,2 K], добавлен 08.07.2015

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