Configurational aspects of the concept Berufswahl

The concept of Berufswahl as a product of the interaction of cognitive and linguistic-cultural categories of the linguistic-cultural worldview. Coordination of the mechanism of reflection of the processes of understanding and perception of the worldview.

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Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University

Configurational aspects of the concept berufswahl

Andrii Tsisar

Head of the German Language Center,

Oksana Zubach

Candidate of Philological Sciences,

Associate Professor at the Department of German Philology

Lutsk, Ukraine


The concept BERUFSWAHL is a product of the interaction of cognitive and linguocultural categories of the linguistic and cultural worldview. The principles of concept formation are the result of the coordination of mechanisms for reflecting the mental processes of understanding and perceiving the worldview and background knowledge. The structure of the concept BERUFSWAHL is formed due to associative relations and stereotyping of images and consists of the semantic nucleus and interpretative fields that encode the experience of linguistic personality.

The mechanisms of concept formation are fixed on the conceptual (availability of background information about the experience of linguoculture: Berufsalltag, Berufsauffassung, Berufsausbildung), structural (preservation of the mechanisms of objectification of the concept: Voll-, Zivil-, Traum-, Modeberuf) and evaluative (connotative features of elements of the worldview: Notwendigkeit, Karriere, Life-Work-Balance) levels. National associations serve as the background for the formation of the value components which provoke unique denotative, significant and connotative features of the cognitive product to increase the volume of the peripheral zones of the concept. The configuration property of the concept BERUFSWAHL is represented through direct (in verschiedene Berufsbereiche reinschnuppern, hinter die Kulissen schauen, Erfahrungen sammeln) and indirect (Tatigkeit, Profession, Maloche) nominations and the elements which reveal the historic, social and cultural experience of the formation of ethnic culture explicating gender, physical, intellectual and spiritual features of the linguistic personality.

The cognitive specificity of the concept is fixed through integral and differential features. Integral features predict the formation of the categories: the world of professions, the world of professional experience and the world of professional traditions/habits. Differential features are highlighted through the categories concept-specification, concept-contrast, concept-representative.

Keywords: concept, nomination, integral/differential feature, ethnic oculture, linguistic personality.


Explanation of thinking processes is related to the means of representation of human mental resources to reflect human experience and mechanisms of perception processes of reflection of the worldview. Its perception coordinates the arrangement of background knowledge and mental lexicon. The national and cultural component of meaning also embraces national associations with certain words which are unique for each language. They are divided into associations related to intralingual factors and associations related to the national and cultural context. Although they belong to the semantic structure periphery of the word meaning, they are very important for intercultural communication, as they create communication difficulties [3, P. 110].

Associations generate imagery, they are one of the types of its motivation. The expression is usually based on a situation that points to another situation. Associative signs can be destroyed and changed. This, in certain way, leads to semantic transformations of the image which implies its change or erasure [6, P. 19]. However, mentality, i.e., a relative integral set of thoughts, beliefs, and mental skills which creates a picture of the world and consolidates the unity of cultural tradition, can also affect the linguistic worldview [5, P. 112].

The result of the linguistic and cultural worldviews interaction is the emergence of the concept as one of the cognitive and linguocultural categories which is understood as “an informative structure of consciousness, a multi-substrate, a unit of memory organized in a particular way which contains a set of verbal and nonverbal knowledge about the object of knowledge acquired through the interaction of the five mental functions of consciousness and the unconscious” [4, P. 256]; an elementary mentally organized unit that performs the function of storing knowledge about the world in an abstract format [8, P. 55]; as mental formations, the main manifestations are realized and typified fragments of experience that are stored in human memory in the form of stereotypes [1, P. 39]; a unit of memory that reflects the knowledge and experience of the person in the form of stereotypes; is the basic unit of culture in the mental world of a person [7, P. 53].

The methods of verbalization of the concept actualize the material and spiritual culture, reflect the preferences of the linguistic personality in various spheres of the social system of the native speakers. The content of the concept is culturally marked and has “different aspects, usually unique denotative, significant and connotative features of the referent generated by the ethnic cultural specificity of its perception and reproduction in the word” [3, P. 110].

The aim and objectives of the study. The purpose of the research is to study the categorical aspects of the configurational features of the concept BERUFSWAHL in the modern German language. The subject of the research is the cognitive, linguistic, cultural and psycholinguistic foundations of the concept BERUFSWAHL and its configurational features. To achieve the goal the following tasks are to be fulfilled: 1. to investigate the categorical aspects of the concept BERUFSWAHL and its configurational features; 2. to determine the categories of objectification of the concept BERUFSWAHL. The methodological basis of the research is the cognitive and discursive paradigm based on the principle of anthropocentrism, the importance of the human factor in reflecting the dynamics of the development of the target language culture.


The concept BERUFSWAHL in the scientific paradigm

The concept BERUFSWAHL is a complex structure. The layered elements form an integral hierarchical complex of a semantic nucleus and interpretative fields which, on the one hand, encode the perceptive and cognitive experience of a linguistic personality, and, on the other hand, interpret the informative content of the concept and the cultural code where the representations of the language and ethnic community about the world of professions and the world of realities on the designation of professions are reflected: Bei Demag wurden die Schtilerinnen und Schuler von den Ausbildern Franziska Niedergriese und Jorg Schneider begrtifit und sie erhielten dort von den Auszubildenden aus erster Hand wertvolle Einblicke in die technischen und kaufmannischen Ausbildungsberufe sowie tiber die dualen Studiengange [9].

In psycholinguistic studies, the concept BERUFSWAHL is treated as a linguocognitive formation that reveals the principles of the formation of the multiplicity of the systemic world perception act due to association relations and stereotyping of images: Mit diesem Kontakt konnen wir den jungen Menschen erste Kenntnisse tiber einzelne Arbeitsfelder vermitteln und ihnen eine wertvolle Untersttitzung ftir die anstehende Phase der Berufsorientierung geben [9].

In language and cultural studies, the concept BERUFSWAHL is treated as a kind of emphasis on the significant information of different degrees of abstraction in the consciousness of the linguistic personality of the target language culture which is reflected in the following functions:

“1) the cumulative function records and archives the accumulated experience of the ethnic community;

the emotional function represents the emotional attitude of the language community to the signified;

the metalanguage function projects information into national and cultural language codes;

the conative function appealls to the connection with national and cultural stereotypes;

the linguocultural function identifies the norms of intercultural communication;

the referential function pragmatizes the relation of language and culture with the world of reality;

the transferring function stores information from generation to generation;

the cognitive function categorizes the internal reflection of the cognitive and value experience of the ethnic group;

the locative function implements the communicative intentions of the speaker etc.” [2, P. 26]: Mit “sehr gutem ” Notendurchschnitt schwankt er in seiner Berufswahl zwischen “Software, Jura undMedizin ” [10].

Cognitive linguistics considers the concept BERUFSWAHL as a means of clarifying, contrasting or evaluating of the development of individual or collective experience. The speech implementation is focused on the combination of country studies and regional elements of culture: Schulerinnen und Schuler des Geschwister Scholl Gymnasiums besuchten die neue Demag Ausbildungswerkstatt im Werk Wetter [9].

Configurational aspects of the concept BERUFSWAHL

The formation of the concept BERUFSWAHL takes place in three dimensions:

the conceptual level contains background information about the object or subject and the situation or phenomenon (Berufsalltag, Berufsauffassung, Berufsausbildung, Berufsaussicht(en), Berufsausubung, Berufsberater(in), berufsbedingt, berufsbildend, berufspadagogisch, berufspraktisch, berufstatig);

the structural level preserves a set of mechanisms and ways for the objective representation of linguoculture in intercultural communication (Ausbildungs-, Anlern-, Bau-, Heil-, Lehr-, Arzt-, Artisten-, Frauen-, Manner-, Ingenieur-, Schauspieler-, Schriftsteller-, Brot-, Grund-, Haupt-, Neben-, Lebens-, Mangel-, Voll-, Zivil-, Traum-, Modeberuf, Top-Beruf);

the level of evaluation emphasizes the connotative elements of the worldview (Interesse, Notwendigkeit, Karriere, personliche Eigenschaften, Geld, Wunsche von Eltern, Life-Work-Balance).

The conceptual content of the concept BERUFSWAHL defines the spectrum of nominations: concept linguistic cultural

1. Direct nomination of the concept BERUFSWAHL (sich einen Einblick in die Berufswelt verschaffen, sich einen Uberblick uber das Berufsbild verschaffen, in den moglichen Traumberuf hineinschnuppern, in verschiedene Berufsbereiche reinschnuppern, hinter die Kulissen schauen, Erfahrungen sammeln) and the elements denoting the content:

historic (Das britische Oberhaus hat unterdessen entschieden, die Berufung der Anwalte Pinochets gegen die Entscheidung der Lordrichter von Ende November, Pinochet keinerlei Immunitat zu gewahren, zuzulassen [11];

aesthetic (Dass Musik auch krank machen kann, ist vielen bei ihrer Berufswahl nicht klar [12];

social (Manner achten bei der Berufswahl starker auf das Gehalt als Frauen (12).

2. Indirect nomination of the concept BERUFSWAHL (Amt, Anstellung, Arbeit, Arbeitsfeld, Arbeitsgebiet, Beschaftigung, Broterwerb, Dienst, Gewerbe, Handwerk, Metier, Position, Posten, Stelle, Stellung, Tatigkeit, Job, Profession, Maloche) and the elements denoting the content:

gender (Bei ihrer Berufswahl haben Frauen das Handwerk zu wenig im Blick [11];

physical (Damit sollen Selbstandigkeit undEigenverantwortung der jungen Menschen gestarkt und ihre Berufswahl besser vorbereitet werden [11];

intellectual (Vom Haushaltsplan bis zur Berufung von Professoren wollten Prasident, Vizeprasidenten und Kanzler alle wichtigen Entscheidungen alleine treffen [11];

spiritual (Wird es nicht Heirat und Berufswahl , Kinderwunsch und Zukunftsplane bestimmen? [13].

Categorical aspects of the concept BERUFSWAHL

In the German language system there are long-existing and newly created cultural symbols. The degree of appreciation depends on perception and approval or disapproval. National associations serve as the basis for the value component formation which provoke unique denotative, significant and connotative features of the cognitive product fixed through integral and differential features.

An integral feature of the concept BERUFSWAHL is highlighted in such categories as:

the world of professions (Interessierte Berufsbewerber konnen nun den Beruf Automobilkauufrau/Automobilkaufmann erlernen [14];

the world of professional experience (Umgekehrt machen Unternehmen oft die Erfahrung, dass Schulabsolventen, die sich um eine Ausbildungsstelle bewerben, fur diese gar nicht geeignet sind. [15];

the world of professional traditions/habits (Berufsberater/-innen beraten Schuler/-innen aller Schularten, Auszubildende, Studierende und Hochschulabsolventen sowie alle Personen, die erstmals eine Berufsausbildung anstreben oder sich beruflich neu orientieren wollen [16].

The differential feature of the concept BERUFSWAHL is fixed in such categories as:

concept - specification (Berufswahler sollten mehrere berufliche, oder auch schulische Alternativen parallel bearbeiten und als Optionen offen halten... Berufswahler mussen das Fur und Wider ihrer Berufsentscheidung sorgfaltig abwagen, d.h. auch negative Aspekte einbeziehen [17];

concept - contrast (Die immer schneller sich verandernde Berufswelt stellt Berufswahlende vor zunehmende Herausforderungen [18];

concept - representative (Unzahlige Berufsinteressierte, Eltern und Grofieltern potentieller Berufsbewerber, sowie ,,Neugierige“ fanden den Weg an den Messestand und informierten sich umfassend uber das Polizeistudium in Hessen. [19].


The structure of the concept BERUFSWAHL consists of the semantic nucleus and interpretative fields that encode the perceptive and cognitive experience of a linguistic personality. The mechanisms of concept formation are fixed at the conceptual, structural and evaluation levels. The configurational property of the concept BERUFSWAHL is represented through direct and indirect nominations and the elements which reveal the historic, social and cultural experience of the ethnic culture explaining the gender, physical, intellectual and spiritual features of the linguistic personality. The cognitive specificity of the concept is fixed on integral and differential features and highlighted in categories that pragmatize the world of professions, professional experience and professional traditions.


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2. Zubach O. A. (2010). Linhvokulturnyi kontsept u psykholinhvistychnomu aspekti [Linguocultural concept in psycholinguistic aspect]. Naukovyi visnyk VNU im. Lesi Ukrainky. Ser. Filolohichni nauky. Lutsk. № 8. [in Ukrainian]

3. Mazur O. V., Podvoiska O. V., Radetska S. V. (2013). Osnovy naukovykh doslidzhen [Basics of the scientific research]. Vinnytsia: Nova Knyha. [in Ukrainian]

4. Selivanova O. (2006). Suchasna linhvistyka: terminolohichna entsyklopediia [Modern linguistics: a terminological encyclopedia] . Poltava: Dovkillia-K. [in Ukrainian]

5. Charkina T. I. (2015). Metodolohichni pidkhody doslidzhen mentalnosti [Methodological approaches to research on mentality]. Naukovyi visnyk. Ser. Filolohichna. Kharkiv: KhNPU. Vyp. 4. [in Ukrainian]

6. Shkoliarenko V. I. (2010). Stanovlennia frazeolohichnoi systemy nimetskoi movy (na materiali pysemnykh pamiatok VIII-XVII stolit) [Formation of the phraseological system of the German language (on the material of written monuments of the VIII-XVII centuries)]: avtoref. dys. na zdobuttia nauk. stupenia doktora filol. nauk: spets. 10.02.04 «Hermanski movy». Kyiv. [in Ukrainian]

7. Panasiuk I. (2005). Kulturelle Aspekte der Ubersetzung: Anwendung des ethnopsycholinguistischen Lakunen-Modells auf die Analyse und Ubersetzung literarischer Texte. Munster: Lit.

8. Schwarz M. (1996). Einfuhrung in die kognitive Linguistik. Tubingen. Basel: Francke.

9. Schulerinnen besuchen Demag Ausbildung.

10. Die Tageszeitung (1998).

11. Die Tageszeitung (1996, 1997, 1998).

12. Die Zeit, 22.11.2010, Nr. 47.

13. Der Spiegel.

14. Automobilkauffleute.

15. Erfolgreiches Forum fur Berufssuchende.

16. Beratungsservice.

17. Was konnen Berufswahler von Aktionaren lernen?

18. Neue Berufe und Strategien zur Erweiterung des Berufswahlspektrums.

19. Messe "Chance" in GieBen - BOB und Nachwuchswerbung waren wieder dabei.

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