English phrasal verbs of aviation English: stages and techniques of teaching

Study of phrasal verbs of aviation English, main stages and teaching techniques. Linguistic difficulties in their study: large number and variety, idiomatic meaning. Stages of formation of grammatical competence, its structure and main components.

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Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv national air force university

English phrasal verbs of aviation English: stages and techniques of teaching

Maryna Hlukhovska,

candidate of philological sciences, senior lecture at the department of aviation English



The article is devoted to the study ofphrasal verbs in Aviation English, the main stages and techniques of teaching. The article discusses the main linguistic difficulties in learning a phrasal verb, namely abundance and variety of English phrasal verbs. The author focuses on the idiomatic meaning ofphrasal verbs, which cause great difficulties for learning phrasal verbs in learning process. The formation of grammatical competence includes three stages. They are orientation - Preparatory stage, that includes three factors, stereotypical-situational and variable-situational stages. It is emphasized that at the first stage, information should be received by students or cadets through two channels - auditory and visual. And second and third stages of developing grammatical skills are automation of actions. Introducing students or cadets to new grammatical structure, the author emphasizes importance of the functions of grammatical structure, and its form must be learned in an indissoluble unity with its function.

The components of grammatical competence are grammatical knowledge, language grammar skills and grammatical abilities. The formation of students' or cadets' grammatical competence occurs in receptive and receptive-reproductive exercises, both non-communicative, and conditionally communicative and communicative-speech. The article states that the formation of Aviation English-language grammatical competence based on some material of phrasal verbs occurs in a complex, including exercises for each stage offormation of grammatical skills.

The author after analyzing each stage ofteaching phrasal verbs in English gives teaching techniques, namely examples of exercises for students and cadets which are appropriate to use at each stage offorming grammatical competence.

Keywords: automation, grammatical competence, grammatical skills, grammatical structure, idiomatic meaning, phrasal verbs.


Марина Глуховська,

кандидат філологічних наук, старший викладач кафедри авіаційної англійської мови Харківського національного університету Повітряних Сил імені іванаКожедуба

(Харків, Україна)

Фразові дієслова в авіаційній англійській мови етапи та техніка викладання

Стаття присвячена вивченню фразових дієслів авіааційної англійської мови, основних етапів та технік викладання. В статті розглянуто основні лінгвістичні труднощі при вивченні фразового дієслова, а саме велика кількість і різноманітність англійських фразових дієслів. Авторказвертає свою увагу на ідіоматичнезначенняфразовихдієслів, яківикликаютьвеликітруднощі для вивченняфразовихдієслів в процесінавчання. Формуванняграматичноїкомпетенціївключає в себе три етапи: орієнтаційно-підготовчий, якийвключає в себе три фактори; стереотипно-ситуаційнийетап і варіативно-ситуаційнийетап. Підкреслено, що на першомуетапіінформаціямаєнадходити до студентів та курсантів по двох каналах - слуховому і візуальному. А другий і третійетапапиформуванняграматичнихнавичок - автоматизаціядій. Знайомлячиучнів з новою граматичною структурою, авторканаголошує на важливостіфункційграматичноїструктури, а форма має бути засвоєна в нерозривнійєдності з функцією.

Компонентами граматичноїкомпетенції є граматичнізнання, мовніграматичнінавички та граматичніздібності. Формуванняграматичноїкомпетенціїстудентів та курсантіввідбувається в рецептивних і рецептивно-репродуктивнихвправах, як некомунікабельних, так і умовно-комунікативних і комунікативно - мовних. В статтізазначено, щоформуванняангломовноїграматичноїкомпетенції на матеріаліфразовихдієслів в авіаційнійанглійськіймовівідбувається в комплексі, включаючивправи для кожного етапуформуванняграматичнихнавичок.

Авторка, проаналізувавши кожен етап викладання фразових дієслів в англійській мові, наводить техніку навчання, а саме приклади вправ для студентів та курсантів, які доречно використовувати на кожному етапі формування граматичної компетенції.

Ключові слова: автоматизація, граматичнакомпетенція, граматичнінавички, граматична структура, ідіоматичнезначення, фразовїдїєслова.

Main part

aviation english linguistic verb

Problem Statement. Work on the lexical side of speech at all stages of Aviation English learning is given a large place. After all vocabulary in the system of language means is the most important component of speech activity: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Teaching experience shows that it is the lexical side of speech that presents the greatest difficulties for students or cadets. Phrasal verbs are particularly difficult for learners. Phrasal verbs are very common in neutral-informal English. Today's English is impossible without thousands of phrasal verbs that enliven speech. They serve as colloquial substitutes for formal Latin verbs. Every English learner should know at least the basic phrasal verbs.

The purpose of this article is to consider the stages and provide exercises for describing the technique of learning of phrasal verbs in Aviation English.

The object of the article is phrasal verbs in the English language.

Many verbs in modern English change their shades of meaning depending on which particles they are used with. But sometimes we deal with such combinations in which a verb with a particle takes on a meaning that is completely different in meaning from the meaning of the verb itself.

Research Background. The components of grammatical competence are grammatical knowledge, speech grammatical skills and grammatical ability. Highlighting these important components of grammatical competence, however, it should be noted that they are formed not separately from each other, but together. Therefore, it is important to consider the stages of forming English grammatical competence.

S.F. Shatylov determined the next three stages of the formation of the grammatical competence. The first stage, according to S.F. Shatylov, is indicative - preparatory. At this stage, students are introduced to the new grammatical phenomenon and the primary performance of speech grammatical action on the sample, if it is elementary, or the primary performance of individual operations that are part of the grammatical action on the basis of awareness of how to perform them (Шатилов, 1986: 29-30).

Objective Statement. In the second stereotypical - situational stage there is an automation of students' or cadets' actions with the new grammar structure at the phrase level. At the third varying-situational stage the automation of students' actions with the new grammar structure at the multiphase unity and text level continues (Шатилов, 1986: 29).

In the first stage, students are introduced to the new grammar structure in the context or situation of speech - a real or specially created by teacher, that means a presentation of the new grammar structure. The purpose of this phase is to provide an indicative basis for further developing the skill in the process of presenting it in oral and written speech. The presentation format is chosen taking into account the following factors: 1) Stage of study (primary, secondary, final); 2) The complexity of grammatical material; 3) Purpose of assimilation: active possession of the material or passive knowledge (Шишканова, 2012: 80-86).

Any small text - a poem, a song, a short dialogue, an excerpt from a video, and so on - can serve as a context. It is advisable that information will be received by students through two channels - auditory and visual. If the video is used, the submission of information through the visual channel should be delayed after watching the video, otherwise the students will miss the video.

When acquainting students or cadets with the new grammar structure, the teacher must first pay attention to the function of the grammar structure, and the form must be assimilated in indissoluble unity with the function. Nowadays, situational organization of grammatical material is considered optimal, i.e. the grammar structure should be presented to students or cadets in a situation / context. The context should be sufficient to demonstrate the grammar structure function. A. Neal calls these situations illustrative. Therefore the new grammar structure should be introduced to the students or cadets: in typical illustrative situations (dialogue, excerpt, poem, song); small portions (quanta); on the principle of one complexity at a time (Електронний ресурс).

In the second and third stages of the formation of grammatical skills there is an automation of actions of students or cadets with the new grammar structure at the level of phrase, multiphase unity and the whole text, which requires appropriate exercises and tasks.

The stage of automation is consistent with the stages of the formation of speech grammatical skills, in particular, with stereotypical-situational and variational-situational stages, where purposeful communicative training of grammatical form in unity with its function in certain organized exercises, during which the speech stereotype as unity of form, its meaning and situational use, is formed.

Exercises for the formation of English grammatical competence of students on the secondary level should be: motivated,

communicatively oriented; meaningful; authentic; integrated (i.e. performed in four types of speech activity); aimed at stimulating the students' or cadets' speech and mental activity; focused on expanding learners' knowledge space and developing the world picture; mainly collectively organized; built with regard to cultural, situational and personal contexts; with supports and game component (Електронний ресурс).

Since the object of this study is peculiar to the formation of English grammatical competence on the material of phrase verbs, it is advisable to consider the phenomenon of phrase verb in in Aviation English and the linguistic difficulties of learning this grammatical phenomenon in the process of forming English grammatical competence in a lesson of English.

While teaching students or cadets to use phrasal verbs the teacher must first identify and explain a number of characteristic features that distinguish phrasal verbs from simple verbs. These features include: idiomaticity; high productiveness, ability to place adverbial prepositions before and after the noun used with this verb; the ability to express emotionally and figuratively the subtlest shades of thoughts and feelings; possibility of its replacement by a simple verb and others (Григорьев, 2003: 55).

Learning verbal phrases is quite difficult, because in its process students must develop skills that will help them to understand the phrase verbs not only when reading or listening to texts, but also to learn to use them independently, overcoming the difficulties of their perception. Here are some of the issues that make it difficult for anyone who wants to master English. First of all it is the large number and variety of Aviation English phrase verbs that make it impossible to learn and memorize them all. There are about 12,000 English verbs in total but the person need to know at least a few hundred phrase verbs to speak English freely.

Secondly, the idiomatic meaning of phrase verbs also is a difficulty for a teaching process. The phrase verbs are difficult to translate, since the meaning of an entire complex is not deduced from the totality of the meanings of its components. If a student or a cadet is unfamiliar with the phrase verb encountered in the text, he or she is not able to adequately understand the whole sentence or utterance. Most often the lear - hers tries to associate two separate words with the lexical environment not understanding that that is a semantic whole.

Quite often mistakes occur in the use of the verb in combination with different parts (often opposite in primary spatial sense) in the same meaning: swallowup= swallowdown, slowup= slowdown, buyback/ in/off/out/over/up, etc. (Григорьев, 2003: 55).

There also are some difficulties with the separation of many phrase verbs when the main verb and postpositive can be broken by another word. This type of mistake is attributed to the incorrect placement of the postpositive when there are pronouns or a whole noun group (Hewasgoingtogiveupherinstead of Hewasgoingtogiveherup), circumstances or intensifier words (go aheadstraightinstead of gostraightahead) between the verbs.

Analysis. Therefore, the phrase verb is a linguistic phenomenon of purely Aviation English and is therefore difficult to learn and understand for students or cadets. Teachers' efforts in teaching verbal phrases should be directed primarily at ensuring that they understand this phenomenon of English enriching their vocabulary of phrase verbs and developing the skills to use them correctly in Aviation English language.

The formation of English-speaking grammatical competence on the material of phrase verbs in the secondary schools takes place in a complex, which involves exercises for each stage of formation of grammatical skills. There are three stages in which grammatical skills are formed in each of the appropriate types of exercises.

Stage 1

The first stage of forming English grammatical competence on the material of phrase verbs in Aviation English is the introduction of grammatical material in a specific communicative situation. At this stage, it is advisable to use the following exercises:

Exercise 1

Objective: To acquaint students or cadets with the concept and function of phrase verbs to motivate learners to study activities.

Instructions: One of the brightest features of English language is usage of phrasal verbs. A phrasal verb is a combination of a verb and preposition, a verb and an adverb, or a verb with both an adverb and a preposition. Thus it forms a new verb which meaning cannot be understood by looking at the meaning of every word in the dictionary. Can you remember some examples of phrasal verbs?

Now, let's check your understanding of the phrasal verb. You have one minute to finish the sentence:

A phrasal verb is

Instructions: Read the definitions of phrasal verbs in Aviation English and try to give the Ukrainian equivalents to them.


втратити шанс





Exercise 4

Objective: To semanticize new phrase verbs.

Exercise 2

Objective: To introduce the concept and function of phrase verbs to the students and to demonstrate their application in context.

Instructions: Read the text and pay attention to the phrasal verbs.


For the third attack of the morning Lt. Col. Daniel G. Maybury, commanding the 1st Battalion, 184th Infantry, decided to push Company C up a draw just beyond the ridge used by Company B but the latter was still expected to seize the peak. Company B moved up the ridge quickly to catch the enemy out of his holes, but again the troops were driven back. Company C was now working its way up the western approaches along a difficult but partially covered route. Lieutenant Tanigawa had directed the repulse of Company B from the Pinnacle watchtower but he did not know of Company C's approach on his flank. Colonel Maybury directed supporting fire in front of Company C, which quickly moved to the top without losing a man. It then proceeded leisurely and methodically to destroy the remaining Japanese with white phosphorus grenades and flame throwers. Only 20 of the 110 defenders escaped to the south. With the Pinnacle reduced the entire 7th Division line could move forward.

Exercise 3

Objective: To semanticize new phrase verbs.

Instructions: Read the sentences and translate the phrasal verbs in Aviation English into Ukrainian.

All passengers must wear seatbelts during take-off and landing.

Vecicle drives fine even if a motor breaks down.

The rocket blasted off successfully and is now headed for the moon.

Stage 2.

The second stage of the formation of English grammatical competence on the material of phrase verbs involves the automation of students' or cadets' actions with a new grammatical phenomenon at the level of words, phrases and sentences. Here it is advisable to apply the following exercises:

Exercise 5

Objective: To automatize the students' or cadets' action with a new grammatical phenomenon at the sentence level.

Instructions: Paraphrase the following sentences using appropriate phrasal verbs from the table. workoutequippedwithpulledback

1. Their troops have withdrawn, from the area along the river.

2. Security forces practice of the law enforcement armory.

3. Recon planes are tooled up radar technology to defect enemy units.

Exercise 6

Objective: To automatize the students' or cadets' action with a new grammatical phenomenon at the sentence level.

Instructions: Give the synonyms of the following phrasal verbs.

For example:

T: To take out;

P1: To have benefit.

Exercise 7

Objective: To automatize the students' or cadets' action with a new grammatical phenomenon at the sentence level.

Instructions: Translate from Ukrainian into English using phrasal verbs.

1. Можна ж булоранішепідсилитидап, місцямиокопатися, привезти бетонні блоки.

2. Це дозволило нашим військамзакріпитися на позиціях і відбитище 2 атаки терористів.

3. Ворог зазнавістотнихвтрат і бувзмушенийвідступити.

Exercise 8

Objective: To automatize the students' or cadets' action with a new grammatical phenomenon at the sentence level.

Instructions: Put phrasal verbs instead pictures. Use following phrasal verbs: to blow up, to go off, to keep down.

They shouldn't see you.

2. Our troop tried to -

3. The bomb suddenly I

Exercise 9

Objective: To automatize the students' action with a new grammatical phenomenon at the sentence level.

Instructions: Match the phrasal word with its meaning.




tovolunteerfor a taskortogiveevidence


tolookatcarefully, investigate



Stage 3

The third stage of the formation of English grammatical competence provides for the automation of students' or cadets' actions with a new grammatical phenomenon at the level of multiphase unity. It is advisable to apply the following exercises on this stage of learning:

Exercise 10

Objective: To automatize the students' action with a new grammatical phenomenon at the multiphase unity level.

Instructions: What is your opinion about the following actions that we express using phrasal words? Are these actions or habits good or bad? Explain why. Make sentences with the following phrasal verbs from the table:

To move down, to involve in, to devide into

Exercise 11

Objective: To automatize the students' action with a new grammatical phenomenon at the multiphase unity level.

Instructions: Use all the words from the list to write a short story. You should use all the words and don't change their order: to wake up, to pack up, to look at, to head out, to wipe out, to get back.

Exercise 12

Objective: To automatize the students' action with a new grammatical phenomenon at the multiphase unity level.

Instructions: Write a letter to your friend. Tell him a story using one of the phrasal verbs. Ask his opinion about this situation.

Exercise 13

Objective: To automatize the students' or cadets action with a new grammatical phenomenon at the multiphase unity level.

Instructions: Create a poster about one of the phrasal verbs. Make up a list of situations when we can use it. Draw a picture about this phrasal verb and explain how the meaning of this phrasal verb is connected with the animal which name it contains.

Conclusions. The major linguistic difficulties of learning a phrase verb in Aviation English are the large number and variety of English phrase verbs and the idiomatic meaning of phrase verbs. Formation of grammatical competence involves three stages - orientation-preparatory (acquaintance of students with the new grammatical phenomenon and initial performance of speech grammatical action on the sample); stereotype-situational stage (automation of students' actions with the new educational information at the phrase level) and varying-situational stage (automation of students' actions with new educational information at the multiple phrase and text level).

Formation of grammatical competence students and cadets takes place in receptive and receptive - reproductive exercises, both non-communicative and conditionally-communicative and communicative.


1. Григорьев С.В. Фразовые глаголы. Учебно-справочное пособие. СПб.: КАРО, 2003. 272 с.

2. Вовк О. І. Формування англомовної граматичної компетенції у майбутніх учителів в умовах інтенсивного навчання: автореф. дис…. канд. пед. наук: 13.00.02. Київ, 2008. 22 с.

3. Шатилов С.Ф. Методика обучения немецкому языккв средней школе. М.: Просвещение, 1986. С. 29-30.

4. Шишканова В.В. Формирование социокультурной компетенции в процессе обучения иностранному языку. Иностранные языки в школе. 2012. №2. С. 80-86.

5. Azar, Betty Schrampfer, Fundamentals of English grammar. 3rd ed. Copyright, 2003. 525 p.

6. Raymond Murphy. English Grammar in Use. A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate learners of English Fourth edition Cambridge University Press, 2012. 399 p.

7. Category: English_phrasal_verbs URL: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Category: English_phrasal_verbs (дата звернення 11.02.2023).

8. To the Issue of Using Phrasal Verb in English URL: https://www.univd.edu.ua/general/publishing/konf/24_04_2020/ pdf/80.pdf (дата звернення 15.02.2023).

9. Grammar and Mechanics Using Phrasal Verbs URL: https://history.army.mil/books/wwii/okinawa/chapter5.htm (дата звернення 15.02.2023).


1. Grigorev S.V. Frazovyieglagolyi. [Phrasal verb]. Uchebno-spravochnoeposobie. SPb.: KARO. 2003. 272 s [in Russian].

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3. Shatilov S.F. Metodikaobucheniyanemetskomuyazyikk v sredneyshkole. [Methods of teaching the German language in secondary school]. M.: Prosveshcheniie. 1986. S. 29-30 [in Russian].

4. Shishkanova V.V. Formirovaniesotsiokulturnoykompetentsii v protsesseobucheniyainostrannomuyazyiku. [Formation of sociocultural competence in the process of learning a foreign language]. Inostrannyieyazyiki v shkole. 2012. №2. S. 80-86 [in Russian].

5. Azar, Betty Schrampfer, Fundamentals of English grammar. 3rd ed. Copyright. 2003. 525 p.

6. Raymond Murphy. English Grammar in Use. A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate learners of English Fourth edition Cambridge University Press, 2012. 399 p.

7. Category: English_phrasal_verbs URL: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Category: English_phrasal_verbs (дата звернення 11.02.2023).

8. To the Issue of Using Phrasal Verb in English URL: https://www.univd.edu.ua/general/publishing/konf/24_04_2020/ pdf/80.pdf (дата звернення 15.02.2023).

9. Grammar and Mechanics Using Phrasal Verbs URL: https://history.army.mil/books/wwii/okinawa/chapter5.htm

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