Structural features of English multicomponent terms into Ukrainian translation (on the basis of sublanguage of transportation organization and transport management)
The study of English transport terminology from the point of view of its inherent structural and semantic characteristics and connections with other elements of the lexical system. Defining the components of a complex term in professional communication.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 21.09.2023 |
Размер файла | 26,1 K |
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State University of Trade and Economics
Department of Foreign Philology and Translation
Structural features of English multicomponent terms into Ukrainian translation (on the basis of sublanguage of transportation organization and transport management)
Sheverun N.V., Candidate of Sciences in Education, Associate Professor
Nikolska N.V., Candidate of Sciences in Education, Associate Professor
Kositska O.M., Candidate of Sciences in Philology, Associate Professor
The theme of the research is determined by the application of a systematic approach to the study of the English terminological subsystem of transportation organization and transport management in terms of its inherent structural and semantic characteristics and its implementation in the network of connections and relations with other elements of the lexical system. The relevance of the study relies on the leading role of scientific and technical terminology in English- language professional communication. The need for analysis is driven by the lack of special studies of this terminological subsystem in English. The article is devoted to the study of the structural features of English multicomponent terms into Ukrainian translation on the basis of sublanguage of transportation organization and transport management. As a result of the research it was revealed that the process of multicomponent terms' translation consists of two main procedures - analytical and synthetic. An important role in the translation of phrases is played by the analytical stage - the translation of its individual components. And for this it is necessary to correctly determine the components of a complex term, because they can be not only words but also phrases that are part of a complex term. The synthetic stage of translation involves the construction of components depending on these semantic relationships and obtaining the final version of the translation of a multicomponent term. This study gave impetus to further study of translation aspects of English multicomponent terms on the basis of sublanguage of transportation organization and transport management
Key words: multicomponent terms, terminological subsystem of transportation organization and transport management, the morphological basis of the main word of the multicomponent term, syntactic grounds of multicomponent terms' formation, component words.
Структурні особливості перекладу багатокомпонентних термінів підмови організації перевезень та управління на транспорті
Тема дослідження визначається застосуванням системного підходу до вивчення англійської термінології підмови організації перевезень та управління на транспорті з точки зору властивих її структурно-семантичних характеристик та її реалізації в мережі зв'язків і відносин з іншими елементами лексичної системи. Актуальність дослідження спирається на провідну роль науково-технічної термінології в англомовному професійному спілкуванні. Необхідність аналізу зумовлена відсутністю спеціальних досліджень цієї термінологічної підмови англійською мовою. Стаття присвячена дослідженню структурних особливостей англійських багатокомпонентних термінів в перекладі українською мовою на основі підмови організації перевезень та управління на транспорті. У результаті дослідження було виявлено, що процес перекладу багатокомпонентних термінів складається з двох основних процедур - аналітичної та синтетичної. Важливу роль у перекладі фраз відіграє аналітичний етап - переклад окремих його компонентів. А для цього необхідно правильно визначити компоненти складного терміна, адже ними можуть бути не лише слова, а й словосполучення, що входять до складу складного терміна.
Важливо також встановити, у яких семантичних відносинах перебувають компоненти між собою та з головним компонентом терміна-словосполучення. Характер цих відносин визначає порядок і зміст перекладу багатокомпонентного терміна. Синтетичний етап перекладу передбачає побудову компонентів залежно від цих смислових відношень та отримання остаточного варіанту перекладу багатокомпонентного терміна. Це дослідження дало поштовх до подальшого вивчення аспектів перекладу англійських багатокомпонентних термінів на основі підмови організації перевезень та управління на транспорті.
Ключові слова: багатокомпонентні терміни, термінологічна підмова організації перевезень та управління на транспорті, морфологічна основа головного слова багатокомпонентного терміна, синтаксичні основи утворення багатокомпонентних термінів, слова-компоненти.
Introduction of the problem
Translation is an important field in the scientific, business and social life, as it fosters communication between people from different countries. Due to the increasing role of scientific and technical translation, special attention is paid to the translation of terms and their components. At the present stage, the systematization of English terminological systems of certain fields and industries and the study of various aspects of their formation and functioning in the language system becomes especially important.
A critical generalization of the study of terminology allows us to conclude that the English terminological subsystem of transportation organization and transport management remains virtually unexplored. However, it is difficult to overestimate its place, quantity and importance in the professional language communication of modern society. The formation and ways of replenishment of this terminological subsystem, semantization and standardization of terms still require in-depth analysis, which is carried out in our study.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Multicomponent terms have been the subject of research by such domestic and foreign scholars as R. Andriyiv (2010) [1], O. Balatska (2019), D. Boyko (2017) [3], I. Ermoeva (2015) [10], O.Khavrun (2008) [11] L. Kozub (2019) [5], O. Rudenko (2015) [6], O. Snigovska (2016) [7], V. Strilets (2019) [8] and others.
Scientific novelty of the article is that it proposes the analysis of the structural features of English multicomponent terms into Ukrainian translation on the basis of sublanguage of transportation organization and transport management.
The main purpose of the study is realization of analysis of the structural features of English multicomponent terms into Ukrainian translation on the basis of sublanguage of transportation organization and transport management.
To achieve the goal of the research, we used a set of methods. They are based on a communicative-functional approach and include theoretical analysis of special literature on the research topic, selection of multicomponent terms for analysis using selective-analytical and contextual methods of English-language multicomponent terms research and identification appropriate groups of multicomponent terms depending on the available number of component words, on the morphological basis of the main word of the multicomponent term and on syntactic grounds of multicomponent terms' formation. In this paper, we also used the methods of contrastive translation analysis and word-formation analysis.
Results and discussions
Multicomponent terms are fixed phrases that have a certain terminological meaning, for example: traffic control computer - комп'ютер для керування дорожнім рухом, background impurity concentration - фонова концентрація домішку, vacuum-brake cylinder - циліндр вакуумного гальма. The vast majority of terms are prepositional attributive phrases, that is such phrases where there is a definition and the denoted component and the definition occupies the initial position in the phrase. english transport terminology lexical
The translation of multicomponent terms consists of two main procedures - analytical and synthetic. An important role in the translation of phrases is played by the analytical stage - the translation of its individual components. And for this it is necessary to correctly determine the components of a complex term, because they can be not only words but also phrases that are part of a complex term.
It is also important to establish in which semantic relations the components are with each other and with the main component of the term- phrase. The nature of these relations determines the order and content of a multicomponent term's translation.
The synthetic stage of translation involves the construction of components depending on these semantic relationships and obtaining the final version of the translation of a multicomponent term.
However, most words, including a significant number of general scientific and general technical terms, are polysemous. For example, the term range means «діапазон», «інтервал, проміжок», «область зміни», «полігон», «межі» and in appropriate contexts or combinations is translated accordingly: range of application - сфера застосування, range of forecast - інтервал прогнозування, range of patent - обсяг патентного захисту.
Much more often, depending on the compatibility, the word (term) can have different meanings and be translated differently. Thus, the usual translation of the term abnormal in scientific and technical texts is «аномальний», but in some complex terms abnormal can be translated differently: abnormal decay - аномальне затухання; abnormal end of task - аварійне припинення (виконання) завдання; abnormal operating conditions - ненормальні умови експлуатації; abnormal operation - обробка несправним інструментом, обробка (деталі) на неоптимальних режимах, abnormal operation - особливі випадки виконання польоту; abnormal- steel - маловуглецева сталь, що не піддається цементації, сталь з перлитною структурою; abnormal termination - аварійне завершення; abnormal transient - нерозрахунковий перехідний режим; abnormal wood - крепева деревина, крепъ. Therefore, when translating such complex terms, it is necessary to clarify its translation in the dictionary (if it is there), or take into account the features of the designated concept and the compatibility of words in terms [7, p. 329-332].
When translating such complex terms, it should also be borne in mind that in addition to words with several variants of meaning (polysemantic words), there are also homonymous words that are translated quite differently: abstract analysis - абстрактний аналіз; abstract axiomatics - абстрактна аксіоматика; abstract bibliography - реферативна бібліографія; abstract information - реферативна інформація; abstract justification - абсолютне підтвердження; abstractk knowledge - абстрактне (теоретичне) знання; abstract review - реферативний огляд.
Let's consider the basic models of multicomponent terms on the basis of sublanguage of transportation organization and transport management and features of their translation into Ukrainian.
1. Terms of the model N1 + N2
Complex terms, built on the model N1 + N2 (combination of noun with noun), are translated mainly in the following ways [9, p. 48-53]:
- by complex term, where the Ukrainian equivalent N2 is in the form of a genitive case with a postpositive definition to the equivalent N1: accuracy analysis - аналіз точності, saddle bearing - опора балансиру, package body - тіло пакету, cabin heating - обігрівання кабіни;
- by complex term, where adjective is corresponded to N1: band separator - стрічковий сепаратор, cable duct - кабельний канал;;
- by complex term, where the Ukrainian equivalent of the noun N1 is an adverb: labor- cost - витрати на робочу силу, achievement motivation - зацікавленість в досягненні (мети), object coding - програмування в машинних кодах, article patent - патент на виріб, failure access - звертання внаслідок збою;
- by complex term, where N1 is transformed into a subordinate clause: safety standard - стандарт, який встановлює правила техніки безпеки; fand raft - потік, що створюється вентилятором;
- by complex term, where N1 is transformed into a phrase, that contains a direct equivalent of the noun N2: application period - термін подання заяви; acceleration jet - жиклер насосу- прискорювача; application study - дослідження галузі застосування.
It should be borne in mind that N1 is usually in the singular form, but not necessarily translated into the appropriate form in the Ukrainian language - the equivalent of this noun can be in the plural form: decision pattern - модель прийняття рішень.
2. Complex terms with the final term component -looking:
The final basis of looking, combined with adjectives, forms complex words, including terms meaning «такий, що має вигляд», which indicates the adjective: harmless-looking object - безпечний на вигляд об'єкт, forward-looking corporate plan - перспективний план підприємства, fiery-looking - страшний на вигляд.
Such complex terms based on looking are translated mainly in the following ways [5, p. 77-82]:
- by the combination of the Ukrainian adjective (as a counterpart of the English adjective) with the phrase «на вигляд»: modern-looking - сучасний на вигляд, odd-looking - дивний на вигляд;
- by complex word, where the equivalent of the component looking is a subordinate clause (often with the predicates «виглядати», «мати вигляд» «дивитися» тощо): primitive-looking - що виглядає примітивно, backward-looking-щодивитъсяназад;
- sometimes in descriptive way: side-looking sonar - сонар з боковим локатором.
3. Terms of the model (N + Part.I) + N
The second component of these complex terms (N-noun) is translated by the Ukrainian noun, and the first component (N + Part.I) is translated mainly in the following ways:
- by subordinate clause, where the adjective 1 is transformed into a predicate, and the noun - in addition: air-retaining - такий, що утримує повітря; efficiency-decreasing - такий, що зменшує ефективність;
- by simple adjective, the basis of which is the equivalent of the English noun or adjective 1: aroma-producing - ароматичний, plane-boarding - посадковий;
- by complex adjective: aluminium-smelting - алюмінієплавильний, armour-piercing - бронебійний.
4. Model terms (N + Part. II) + N
The second component (N) of these terms is translated into Ukrainian by a noun, and the first component (N + Part II) is usually translated in the following ways:
- by subordinate signifier sentence, where the adjective II is transformed into a predicate, and the noun - in the adverb: engine-powered - такий, що приводиться в рух двигуном; carrier-based - такий, що базується на авіаносці;
- by definite phrase, where the English adjective II corresponds to the Ukrainian adjective or participle: UnitedNations-sponsored - організований ООН, air-cooled - охолоджуваний повітрям;
- by signified prepositional-noun phrase: rodshaped - у формі пальця, torpedo-shaped - у формі торпеди.
5. Model terms (Adj. + Part. I) + N
The second part ofsuch terms (N-noun) is translated by a Ukrainian noun, and the first part of such terms - (Adj. + Part.I) (combination of adjective and participle I) - is usually translated in the following ways:
- by complex adjective of two bases - adverb, numeral or adjective base (corresponding to the English adjective) and adjective (corresponding to the English participle): quick-acting - швидкодіючий, far-reaching - далекосяжний, short-acting - короткодіючий, single-acting - однотактовий;
- by simple adjective, which often corresponds to the English adjective: long-standing - тривалий, easy-flowing - плавний;
- by subordinate clause, where the first component of the English word is transformed into a circumstance, and the second component (participle 1) - in the predicate: hard-working - такий, що багато працює; clean-burning - що згорає без забруднення повітря.
6. Terms of the model (Adj. + Part. II) + N
The second component of these terms is translated into Ukrainian by a noun, and the first component mainly in the following ways:
- by simple adjective: tooth-edged - зубчатий;
- by complex adjective: single-celled - одноклітинний;
- by definite phrase, where the corresponding English participle II is an adjective or participle, and the English adjective - a noun or adverb: loose-jointed - слабо пов'язаний, gas-shielded - захищений від газу;;
- by signifying prepositional-noun phrase: open- fronted - з відкритим передом, yellow-tipped - з жовтим наконечником;
- by subordinate clause, where the English participle II is transformed into a predicate: human-powered - такий, що приводиться в рух людиною, longest-used - такий, що використовується найдавніше.
7. Terms of the model (Num. + Part. II) + N
The second component (noun) of such terms is translated by the Ukrainian noun, and the first - mainly in the following ways:
- by complex adjective, consisting of the base of the numeral and adjective: foursided - чотирьохсторонній;
- by significant prepositional-noun phrase: tensided - з десятьма сторонами;;
- by subordinate clause, usually with the predicate «мати» and an adverb that corresponds to the basis of the English participle II: hundred-gated - такий, що має сто воріт (про місто) [4, p. 41-44].
The desire to save language means causes a high prevalence of two-component phrases. Multicomponent terms can be differentiated by types depending on the structure of the phrase, part of the language model of the term. After reviewing and analyzing the factual material, we divided the multicomponent terms into:
(1) two-component terms, consisting oftwo words, one of which is the main and the other subordinate to it: carrying unit - транспортна одиниця, insulated equipment - ізотермічний транспортний засіб, landed weight - завантажена вага;
(2) three-component terms consisting of three words. In such terms subordinate words define various aspects of the meaning of the main word: multiple carrier market - ринок транспортних послуг при наявності конкуруючих компаній, prohibited articles list - список товарів, ввіз або вивіз яких заборонений, heavily insulated equipment - ізотермічний транспортний засіб з посиленою ізоляцією;
(3) multi-component terms consisting of four or more words. In such multicomponent terms as in three-component terms, dependent words highlight different aspects of the meaning of the main word: long haul transcontinental market - ринок трансконтинентальних магістральних перевезень, relatively high transport costs - високі транспортні витрати, increasingly dominant international road haulier - домінуючі дорожні перевезення.
As a result of the analysis we can present the percentage of multicomponent terms depending on the available number of component words. Thus, it was found that most of the multi-component terms of sublanguage of transportation organization and transport management are represented by two-component (55%) and three-component terms (30%). Polycomponent terms that contain more than four-component terms are only 15% (see Table 1).
Table 1.
Register of English-language multicomponent terms of sublanguage of transportation organization and transport management by the number of components in the term
Name of the number of components in the term |
Number of multicomponent terms |
% of the total number of multicomponent terms |
Two-component |
110 |
55% |
Three-component |
60 |
30% |
Multicomponent (with four or more components) |
30 |
15% |
According to the morphological feature of the main word, multicomponent terms of transportation organization and transport management can be divided into:
(1) multicomponent terms with noun component (with noun as the main word): cost and freight price - ціна КАФ, що повністю включає витрати щодо транспортування товару, але не включає витрати на страхування, cost insurance freight price - ціна СІФ (ціна, яка означає, що всі витрати по перевезенню вантажу, оплаті митних зборів і страхуванню разом з ризиком загибелі або зіпсування товару до перетинання ним борту судна в порту покупця несе продавець товару), declaration of origin - декларація про походження вантажу;
(2) multi-component terms with an adjective component (with an adjective or verb as the main word): non)-dutiable articles - речі, що (не) підлягають миту, bonded warehouse - митний склад для збереження товарів, за які не сплачено мито, combined transport - об'єднаний транспорт, dual channel system - система подвійного коридору;
(3) multi-component terms with a verb component: pay taxes outside the customer S territory - платити податки за територією замовника, produce a declaration - пред'являти декларацію, observe customs regulations - виконувати митні правила, make out an invoice - виписати фактуру (накладну);
(4) multi-component terms with an adverbial component: heavily insulated equipment - ізотермічний транспортний засіб з посиленою ізоляцією, daily payment - щоденний платіж, monthly income - місячний прибуток.
Analysis of English-language multicomponent terms of transportation organization and transport management on the morphological basis of the main word allowed the following percentage distribution of such terms: multicomponent terms with noun component is 38% of the total, multicomponent terms with adjective component - 25%, multicomponent terms with verbal component - 25% and multi-component terms with an adverbial component - 12% (see Table 2).
Table 2
Analysis of English multicomponent terms of sublanguage of transportation organization and transport management on the morphological basis of the main word
Name of morphological feature of the main word in the term |
Number of multicomponent terms |
% of the total number of multicomponent terms |
with noun component |
75 |
38% |
with adjective component |
50 |
25% |
with verbal component |
50 |
25% |
with adverbial component |
25 |
12% |
According to syntactic features we distinguish prepositional combinations of words connected by the method of control: articulated vehicle - тягач з напівпричепом, dry freight van - фургон для сухих вантажів, vehicular ferry - пором для перевезення транспортних засобів and prepositional combinations: actual time of arrival (ATA) - фактичний час прибуття, general condition of delivery - загальні умови поставок (ЗУП), a door-to-door service - обслуговування «від дверей до дверей».
The analysis of English-language multicomponent terms of sublanguage of transportation organization and transport management by syntactic features allowed the following percentage distribution of such terms: without prepositional combinations connected by control make up 68% of the total and prepositional phrases - 32% (see Table 3).
Table 3
Analysis of English-language multicomponent terms of sublanguage of transportation organization and transport management on syntactic grounds
Name of syntactic feature in the term |
Number of multicomponent terms |
% of the total number of multicomponent terms |
without prepositional word combinations connected by control method |
136 |
68% |
prepositional phrases |
64 |
32% |
Our analysis of the terms of the modem English language of sublanguage of transportation organization and transport management has shown that multicomponent terms make up the vast majority of the body of research units.
Thus, the analysis of the structural features of multi-component terms of transportation organization and transport management translation shows that the complexity of the structure of the term narrows its meaning and limits the field of application.
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