Methods and techniques of translating English legal terms
Analysis of the peculiarities of legal language and professional communication in the field of law. Classification of formal requirements for the language of legal communication. Problems and specifics of translating English terms in legal discourse.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 19.09.2023 |
Размер файла | 31,1 K |
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Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education
Department of Philology
Methods and techniques of translating English legal terms
Vrabel T.T., C. Philol. Sc., Ass.e Professor
The present article focuses on a highly topical issue of adequacy of translating legal terms from English into Ukrainian as far as it is a significant tool to improve legal regulation and control of international relations.
The research hypothesis is that the mechanism of terminological nomination and interpretation of legal terms depends not only on the legal but also on the cultural characteristics of the countries participating in communication. The tasks of the research comprise the classification of formal requirements for the language of legal communication, the identification of groups of terms that pose difficulties for the translator, the definition and description of the terms that have no equivalents in the target language. The author analyses the features of the legal language and professional communication in the field of law, the specific character of legal translation, as well as the difficulties of translating legal discourse. Then he goes on to identify and analyse basic techniques and methods of translating English terms within legal discourse.
The main difficulties in the translation of legal discourse terms include: terms are not always monosemantic, it is a translation from one legal system to another with differences existing in the legal systems of different countries, and quite often insufficient training of translators. It is concluded that the most frequently used method is translation equivalent. It can be accounted for by the fact that the main feature of legal discourse is an accurate and precise presentation of the material with a complete exclusion of emotional connotations. Other, less frequent methods of translating legal terminology, include: descriptive translation, the use of partial equivalents, transcription, transliteration, lexical-semantic substitutions, and semantic development.
Key words: translation equivalents, partial equivalents, legal terminology, legal discourse, transcription, transliteration, lexical-semantic substitutions, semantic development.
Методи та прийоми перекладу англійських юридичних термінів
Стаття присвячена актуальній проблемі адекватності перекладу юридичних термінів з англійської мови українською, оскільки адекватність є важливим інструментом удосконалення правового регулювання та контролю міжнародних відносин. Гіпотеза дослідження полягає в тому, що механізм термінологічної номінації та інтерпретації юридичних термінів залежить не лише від правових, але й від культурних особливостей країн, мови яких представлені в оригіналі та перекладі, від міждисциплінарної взаємодії мовознавства й права, знання та врахування культурно-правових й історичних реалій країн правової взаємодії.
Завдання дослідження полягають у класифікації формальних вимог до мови правової комунікації, виявленні груп термінів, які становлять труднощі для перекладача, визначенні та описі термінів, які не мають еквівалентів у мові перекладу. Автор аналізує особливості юридичної мови та професійної комунікації у сфері права, специфіку юридичного перекладу, а також труднощі перекладу юридичного дискурсу. Наступним кроком є визначення й аналіз основних прийомів та способів перекладу англійських термінів у юридичному дискурсі. До основних труднощів перекладу термінів юридичного дискурсу належать: терміни не завжди є моносемантичними, юридичний переклад - це переклад з однієї правової системи на іншу з урахуванням відмінностей, що існують у правових системах різних країн, і досить часто недостатня підготовка перекладачів. У статті зроблено висновок, що найчастіше застосовується метод перекладацьких еквівалентів. Це можна пояснити тим, що головною особливістю юридичного дискурсу є точний і чіткий виклад матеріалу з повним виключенням емоційних конотацій. До інших, менш поширених способів перекладу юридичної термінології належать: описовий переклад, використання часткових еквівалентів, транскрипція, транслітерація, лексико-семантичні заміни та смисловий розвиток.
Ключові слова: перекладацькі еквіваленти, часткові еквіваленти, юридична термінологія, юридичний дискурс, транскрипція, транслітерація, лексико-семантичні заміни, семантичний розвиток.
Target setting
Modem civilization develops in line with the processes of integration and globalization, which manifests itself in the desire of mankind to interact in various spheres of life. Economic and political cooperation between countries requires legal regulation of interstate relations and is accompanied by legal integration. This phenomenon is characterized by participation of sovereign subjects in the affairs of the world community, as well as the perception and understanding of the legal systems of partner countries. These circumstances give rise to the need to study legal sources in the original, to analyse and correctly interpret the accompanying legal documents, ensuring the legitimacy of interaction.
Translation of legal documents as a means of international professional communication contributes to the internationalization of national law, convergence and interaction of international standards, domestic (regional) legal norms and systems, enables cooperation among specialists from different countries to solve problems and improve the practice of legal regulation and control of social relations.
The process of translation is not just replacing units of one language with units of another. This is a fairly complex process, which includes a number of difficulties that the translator needs to overcome. Speaking about existing difficulties the translator of legal discourse faces, we should mention the famous American scholar E. Rabel's warning about “endless problems that arise in the course of comparative study of different legal systems, in particular while mastering a foreign language and its legal variety” [1, p. 15].
The factual material of this research is represented by texts of official business documents in English (passports, certificates, treaties, reports, agreements, contracts) and their translations into Ukrainian performed by professional translators.
Analysis of the latest researches and publications. Linguists claim that the main purpose of translation is to achieve adequacy [2]. “Adequate or equivocal translation is a translation, which is carried out at a level necessary and sufficient to transfer the unchanging plan of content while respecting the corresponding plan of expression, i.e. the norms of the target language. To translate means to express correctly and completely by means of one language what has been expressed before by means of another language” [3, p. 15].
Researchers show increased interest to modern translation studies, viz. to the study of semantic features of the lexical composition of legal texts [4; 5; 6; 7, p. 132-137; 8]. More and more often linguists are paying attention to the national and cultural peculiarities of the terms in the texts of international law. Comparative analysis of the essence of legal phenomena in different societies reveals new variations in the connotation of legal lexemes in the source and target languages. This work considers practical aspects of nomination and variability of the English- language legal vocabulary taking into account cultural and legal marking.
Purpose statement. The article aims at classifying formal requirements for the language of legal communication, the identification of groups of terms that pose difficulties for the translator, the definition and description of the terms that have no equivalents in the target language.
Presentation of the basic material of the research
The difficulties of translating legal terminology can be attributed to a variety of reasons. The first difficulty is related to the translation of terms. A.A. Reformatsky defines terms [9, p. 110-111] as words limited to their specific function; words that strive to be unambiguous. Terms should clearly represent concepts and define the relations between them [10, p. 278; 11; 12, p. 129-140; 13]. B.N. Golovin [14, p. 34] claims that although these requirements for an «ideal» term are well known, but most often they are not observed in practice.
The second difficulty is related to an important characteristic of legal texts - their standardization [15, p. 39; 16, p. 27], i.e. the use of characteristic verbal structures and expressions, stable word combinations, cliches. Legal texts are characterized by expressive neutrality [17, p. 155], their close connection with the worldview of the society in which they are used [18; 19, p. 11]. Each state possesses its own legal system [20, p. 119] with its core terminological units that have no equivalents in other systems.
The third difficulty in the translation of legal terminology is related to the differences in the legal systems of different countries. For the translators this means taking into account the peculiar character of legal and legislative systems in the source and target languages [16, p. 17; 21, p. 313; 22; 23; 24, c. 125-134; 25, c. 7.]. The translator of legal texts must take into account that the UK and the USA use case-law (Anglo-Saxon system), while the European Union and Ukraine use non-case-law (continental system).
The fourth difficulty is quite often insufficient training of translators, who are to be aware of the legal terminology, the specific character of the two legal systems [26, p. 4], and be creative in choosing the best match for a given context. However, the culturally conditioned nature of legal discourse excludes the possibility of artistic translation of specialized texts and official documents [27]. Terms constitute one of the most significant features of the language of law and the most problematic area for the translator. Therefore, legal translation must meet all the formal requirements for the language of official communication and is to be characterized by:
- accuracy (all the provisions interpreted in the original must be stated in the translation);
- expressive neutrality;
- brevity, absence of speech redundancy in the translation of legal concepts;
- unification of terminology at logical, linguistic and content levels [18; 28; 29; 30; 31].
Legal English typically uses so-called “legal doublets” or paired synonyms, e.g. terms and conditions. The appearance of some of these doublets is associated with the former prevalence of French and Latin. These elements were used simultaneously to achieve greater precision: the meaning of one was supplemented by the meaning of the other. More often than not, the words in these doublets mean practically the same thing; “terms and conditions” is translated into Ukrainian as “постанови й умови”. translation professional еnglish legal discourse
Modern English-speaking business terminology also retains French loanwords, such as “accuse, act, agree, appeal, authority, benefit, case, cause, change, charge, to commence, control, court, debt, defendant, duty, evidence, government, judge, justice, legislature, merchant, message, money, note, order, place, power, process, profit, property, punish, purchase, question, regard, receive, revenue, royal, rule, special, sum, tax, value” - «звинувачувати, діяти, погоджуватись, апелювати, орган влади, перевага, справа, причина, зміна, звинувачення, починати, контролювати, суд, борг, відповідач, обов'язок, доказ, уряд, суддя, правосуддя, законодавча влада, продавець, повідомлення, гроші, примітка, порядок, місце, влада, процес, прибуток, власність, карати, покупка, питання, ставлення, отримувати, прибуток, королівський, правило, особливий, сума, податок, вартість» which have long ago and firmly entered the basic structure of English and are not perceived as foreign, except for some expressions from the French language used in contracts that are still not assimilated, for example: “Force Majeure”, translated by means of transliteration «форс-мажор».
In English antonymous lexical pairs formed with appropriate endings are used to denote opposite legal relations: the active participant of legal relations, performing some action, is formed by means of suffixes -or or -er; the passive participant of legal relations is denoted by suffix -ee, e.g.: “Employer - Employee, Trustor - Trustee” - «Наймач - Службовець, Засновник - Довірчий власник». The use of antonyms is typical for the language of legal documents, which reflect the opposite interests, oppose and compare such concepts as rights and duties, personal and public, plaintiff and defendant, crime and punishment, etc. The following terms denote different roles in legal relations, but without antonyms: “purchaser, buyer, customer, supplier, contractor, sub-contractor, creditor, liquidator, manager, receiver, administrator, business rescue practitioner, curator, officer, shareholder, director, third party” - «покупець, покупець, клієнт, постачальник, підрядник, субпідрядник, кредитор, ліквідатор, менеджер, отримувач, адміністратор, конкурсний керівник, куратор, посадова особа, акціонер, директор, третя особа».
In order to avoid repetition, adverbs with pronouns, the so-called officialese, are often used - words or expressions of speech characteristic of the style of business papers and documents. There are many archaic adverbs made up of such words as “here, there, where” and some prepositions: “of, after, by, under” etc., for example: “henceforth/hereafter/ hereinafter” - з цього часу, надалі; “hereunder” - на підставі цього закону, договору; “herein” - тут, у цьому; “hereby” - теперішнім, цим; “hereto/hereinto” - до цього, сюди; “hereon” - на цьому; “heretofore” - раніше, до цього часу; “herewith” - при цьому; “thereafter” - після цього, відтоді, згодом, потім; “therefore” - з цієї причини, внаслідок цього, тому, отже; “hereinbefore” - вище. These adverbs are not common, they are archaisms, preserved in legal practice and still used in the texts of contractual documents.
Special attention should be paid to “Incoterms”, which are international rules providing unambiguous interpretation of the most commonly used terms in foreign trade.
“Free on Board” / «вільно на борту» - this term means that the seller delivers the goods on board the ship named by the buyer. The risk of loss or damage to the goods passes when the goods are on board the ship, and from that point the buyer bears all costs.
“Free Carrier (FCA)” / «франко-перевізник з об'єкта Продавця» means that the seller delivers the goods to the carrier or another person nominated by the buyer at the seller's premises or another named place.
“Carriage Paid To (CPT)” / «фрахт/перевезення сплачені до узгодженого місця призначення» means that the seller delivers the goods to the carrier or another person nominated by the seller at the agreed place; the seller must contract for carriage and bear the costs of carriage.
Realization of these requirements applies to all typological groups of terms:
- terms that form the basis of general legal vocabulary, often functioning outside the field of legal relations and possessing semantic flexibility: “law” (закон), “justice” (правосуддя), “property” (власність), etc.
- special legal terms reflecting the peculiar character of individual branches of law: “jail” (в'язниця короткотермінового ув'язнення), “detention centre” (виправна установа), “probation” (умовне звільнення на поруки підсудного), etc.
- terms-metaphors based on the nomination of concepts taking into account personal evaluation and associative links that are used for interpretation of complex legal phenomena: “right of audience” (право виступати у суді), “washed sale” (маніпуляції з купівлі й продажу цінних паперів), “gardening leave” (відпустка із збереженням заробітної плати перед звільненням), etc;
- culturally marked lexemes-realia, conveying unique legal phenomena and concepts, characteristic of a particular society: «Exchequer» (казначейство), “Backbond” (зобов'язання-забезпечення, яке видається поручителю), etc.
Legal translation involves the transfer of legal information from one language and culture to another language and culture, given the differences in legal systems. Knowledge of the cultural component is a prerequisite for adequate translation of the source text into the target one [7, p. 133].
Neutral presentation of legal norms increases the effectiveness of legal regulation. The quality of legal translation in a certain way affects the effectiveness of law enforcement, the degree of regulation of specific relations [32, p. 10-11; 33, p. 61-65]. In most cases, the problems of translation are associated with the use of transformations due to linguocultural differences between the two nations, e.g.:
What will be held to be `just and reasonable' must depend upon the particular facts of each case. - Те, що буде вважатися «справедливим і обґрунтованим», має залежати від конкретних фактів у кожній справі.
When translating legal documents special attention should be paid to lexical non-equivalence [34; 35], because in all languages there are words and set phrases that have no completely equivalent lexical units, e.g.:
Bill - білль, законопроект.
“In certain circumstances a Bill may become law without the concurrence of all the component parts of Parliament. - За певних обставин законопроект може стати законом без погодження з усіма органами Парламенту.
From these examples we can see that the ways of translating legal documents can vary and be combined depending on the presence of legal terminology in the target language text, its sentence structure, the presence of conjunctions and introductory words, linguocultural features of a foreign language text, etc.
The main task of translating both common and special (terminological) vocabulary is to find an equivalent in the target language [36; 37], e.g.: auction - аукціон, audit - аудит, contract - контракт, credit - кредит, export - експорт, import - експорт, inflation - інфляція; income - дохід, market - ринок, (public) offering - публічна пропозиція, property - майно, stock - акція, tax - податок (income tax - податок на прибуток, sales tax - податок з продажу, property tax - податок на майно), tax base - податкова база, tax rate - податкова ставка, trade - торгівля.
Another frequently used method of translating legal terminology is descriptive translation. When a term has no equivalent in the target language its definition is given [38]. Descriptive translation means revealing the meaning of a foreign word by means of a detailed explanation, e.g.: arbitrage - купівля цінних паперів на одному сегменті ринку з одночасним їх продажем на іншому сегменті за вищими цінами; originator - кредитна організація, що видала кредити (власник активів), які потім продаються в пулі в процесі сек'юритизації спеціальній юридичній особі; “hot” issue - цінний папір, що розміщується публічно і користується великим попитом; “watered” stock - статутний капітал в результаті емісії акцій на суму, що не відповідає активам та потенціалу компанії.
Partial equivalents of the source language term in the target language can also be used:
- to introduce a bill - внести на розгляд законопроект, to take the floor - взяти слово, to ask for the floor - попросити слово для виступу, to give the floor - надати слово, to have the floor - виступати з промовою, to be on the floor - обговорюватися, бути предметом дискусії.
Common methods of translating legal terminology are transcription and transliteration, which is the recreation of the sound or graphic form of a foreign lexical unit by means of the target language [39]. These methods are often used for the translation of proper names, e.g.:
PLC - Public Limited Company - Товариство відкритого типу з обмеженою відповідальністю (ТОВ); LLC - Limited Liability Company - Компанія, товариство з обмеженою відповідальністю (ТОВ); IBC - Міжнародна комерційна компанія; IC - Міжнародна компанія; LP - Limited Partnership - Командитне товариство; LDC - Limited Duration Company - Товариство з обмеженою відповідальністю; JSC (Joint stock company) - Акціонерне товариство.
Another method of translating legal discourse terminology is calque, which is morphemic / word-byword re-creation of a foreign term by means of the target language, for instance: discontinuity - припинення діяльності, provision - резерв, identifiable assets - ідентифіковані активи, Grand Jury - Велике журі, Magistrate's Court - Магістратський суд, Queen's Counsel - Радник Корони;
Lexical-semantic substitutions are quite often applied to translate legal terminology. They involve the use of lexical units in the text of translation, whose meaning does not coincide with the meaning of units in the source language, but can be deduced from them by means of logical reasoning [40; 41; 42, p. 52-5]. Lexical-semantic substitutions include specification and modulation of the meaning of the original unit. The former means replacement of a hyperonym by a hyponym, for example: offence - правопорушення; criminal offence - кримінальний злочин; disorderly offence - порушення громадського порядку; abortive offence - замах на вчинення злочину.
Modulation, or semantic development, means translation of a term preserving the meaning of the original term and avoiding information loss. This method presupposes the replacement of a dictionary correspondence with a contextual one that is logically connected to it, e.g.: pickup zone - зона евакуації; target reference point - орієнтир; damage to property- пошкодження майна.
Therefore, the main point that ensures mutual understanding of specialists in any sphere, including legal terminology, is an adequate, equivalent translation of the terms with the maximum preservation of both morphological / syntactic and semantic structures of terminological units [43; 44, p. 15-17].
Conclusions and perspectives of further research
Thus, we have identified and analyzed the main techniques and methods of translating English legal terms into Ukrainian. The main way of translating legal discourse terminology is the use of a translation equivalent.
Our research proved that the main aim of any translation is adequacy. Specific procedures for analyzing texts of legal discourse constitute an important aspect of translation.
Currently, there is a clear tendency to unify the law of European countries, the desire to make legal terminology and texts of documents understandable to anyone who works with them, whether it is a legal professional or a “layman”.
Comparison and analysis of legal terminology of different countries in synchrony and diachrony is a promising direction for further research.
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