The role of linguistic landscape research among social sciences and humanities of transcarpathia

The analysis of the linguistic landscape is connected to many scientific fields where the use of language in the public space, its diversity, are investigated, and it often happens that a photo of a sign appears in academic papers as an illustration.

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Дата добавления 28.07.2023
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The role of linguistic landscape research among social sciences and humanities of transcarpathia

Kornйlia Hires-Laszlo

Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education,

Ukraine, Berehove

Rйka Matй

Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education, Ukraine, Berehove

Eniko Toth-Orosz

Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education,

Ukraine, Berehove,

The analysis of the linguistic landscape is connected to many scientific fields where the use of language in the public space, its diversity and dynamics are investigated, and it often happens that a photo of a sign appears in academic papers as an illustration of various social and political processes and events. Since its establishment, the Antal Hodinka Linguistic Research Center has been collecting and archiving photos throughout Transcarpathia, mainly focusing on Hungarian- inhabited settlements in the region. In the life of a region with such a rich history, constant changes take place, on which the linguistic landscape constantly reflects. In our paper, we present the place of the linguistic landscape among the linguistic research conducted in Transcarpathia, outlining the rich literature available on the subject. linguistic landscape language public

Keywords: linguistic landscape, sociolinguistics, Transcarpathia.


Корнелія Гіреш-Ласлов

Закарпатський угорський інститут ім. Ференца Ракоці ІІ Україна, м. Берегове

Рейка Матей

Закарпатський угорський інститут ім. Ференца Ракоці ІІ Україна, м. Берегове

Еніке Товт-Орос

Закарпатський угорський інститут ім. Ференца Ракоці ІІ Україна, м. Берегове

Вивчення лінгвістичного ландшафту має приблизно тридцятирічну історію. Завдяки динамічному розвиткові цього напряму досліджень розширюються форми його застосування. Аналіз мовного ландшафту пов'язаний із багатьма науковими галузями, де досліджують функціонування мови в публічному просторі, її різноманітність і динаміку. Він зміг стати таким популярним завдяки своїм мультидисциплінарним характеристикам, а також завдяки тому факту, що з розвитком сучасних технологій високоякісні фотографії можна робити будь-де в будь-якій ситуації, як додаток до результатів різних соціологічних методів (інтерв 'ю, аналіз документів, статистика, карти) він став інструментом ілюстрації. Виявлено, що ці світлини трапляються в наукових роботах як додаток до різноманітних соціальних і політичних процесів і подій. У такий спосіб лінгвістичний ландшафт може відображати фактичну чи нереальну частоту використання мови. Під час аналізу мовного ландшафту недостатньо просто інтерпретувати зовнішній вигляд мови, потрібно також побачити, з якою метою і з якої причини це відбувається насправді. Результати інтерпретують з урахуванням узаємодії між багатомовними вивісками, туризмом як важливим економічним чинником і регуляторами офіційної мовної політики.

З моменту заснування Науково-дослідного центру імені Антонія Годинки основним призначенням є збір й архівація лінгвістичних фотографій, зафіксованих на території Закарпаття, зосереджено увагу переважно на населених пунктах регіону, де проживають угорці. Наголошено на тому, що в житті регіону з великою історією відбуваються зміни, які постійно залишаються мовним ландшафтом. У статті окреслено місце лінгвістичного ландшафту серед лінгвістичних досліджень, проведених на території Закарпаття. Проблеми повсякденної двомовності вже торкалися в ході аналізу лінгвістичного ландшафту Закарпаття, але менш конкретно. Остання суспільна зміна - перевірка ознак, пов'язаних із карантинними заходами та обмеженнями, запровадженими через поширення Covid-19. Відповідно проводять усе більше і більше досліджень, у яких подано індивідуальні та інституційні написи, які відрізняються від регіону до регіону, що відображає процеси різних заходів, запроваджених для стримування поширення вірусу. Написи є геосеміотичними, вони зосереджені на оцінюванні стилю інформаційного комунікатора, на тому, чи з'являються взагалі на місцевості попереджувальні знаки та написи.

З'являється все більше сайтів, на яких публікують висновки актуальних наукових досліджень, оприявнених у публіцистичному стилі. Кожна дисципліна має певну соціальну відповідальність, важливою частиною якої є ефективне використання результатів її досліджень.

Ключові слова: лінгвістичний ландшафт, соціолінгвістика, соціальні та гуманітарні студії, Закарпаття.

Problem definition. Linguistic landscape analysis began to spread as a part of sociolinguistic research [21]. In the first period, the method itself was not actually called that, since the presentation of photos of the various inscriptions started from the fact that the photos were used as an illustration of the results of questionnaire and interview research and language policy analyses [38]. The great breakthrough came from the paper of Landry and Bourhis [24], in which they demonstrated the symbolic significance of the appearance of different signs. Goffman [12] had already drawn attention to the symbolic significance of the inscriptions that appeared in the given space, who dealt with the social consequences of language use and its connections. The essence of the linguistic landscape research method is to shed light on and explain exactly what underlying motivations, ideologies, and power struggles are behind the different forms of signs that are influenced by underlying factors. In the aspect of the linguistic landscape method, the use of language in public spaces is not arbitrary and random, the linguistic landscape views them as representations that are defined socially, humanly, politically, ideologically, economically, legally, by class and identity, and by multilingualism. Thanks to this, the linguistic landscape is embedded in the analysis and investigation of several social sciences. So it is primarily used in the branches of linguistics (sociolinguistics, language policy, semiotics, etc.), but it also appears in analyses of sociology, political science, tourism, geography, economics and urban planning. The method essentially contains qualitative and quantitative elements, and their combined forms also occur. In the last few years, there has been an increasing interest in further thinking about the interpretation of the linguistic landscape, so more and more disciplines are attempting to use it. Thanks to this expansion, the analysis of images and their descriptions is not only used in the analysis of linguistic landscapes, but more and more communication tools are used to present the use of language in public spaces [35].

Two important areas of linguistic landscape studies can be distinguished. Its first and essential field, in which it examines and evaluates the use of language in public space, embedded in language policy processes. Linguistic landscape analyses evaluate the appearance of languages and their use in different positions, in addition to their symbolic significance, based on the possibilities provided by language rights. In this case, it becomes important whether the sign was initiated by a private person (bottom-up) or published by an office or organization (top-down).

Another important area of linguistic landscape analysis is where it is used to evaluate typical patterns in society. Special emphasis is given here to the investigation of economic processes wedged into social ones, through which various changes in economic activities become visible and perceptible. The most prominent in this area is tourism and its emerging trends.

Analysis of the latest research and publications. Linguistic landscape has a history of approximately thirty years, and thanks to its dynamic development, the forms of its application are expanding [1; 12]. The developers and popular researchers of the method gave the development of the research method even more space by creating their own journal Its rapid development is also shown by the fact that several linguistic, sociolinguistic, language policy, sociology, and urban planning journals have published special issues on linguistic landscape (Journal of Multilingual Theories and Practices, MULTILINGUA Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication). In addition to all this, the independent and co-authored monographs of linguistic

landscape analysis experts themselves have increased the popularity of the method and its applicability within various scientific fields. It was able to become so popular due to its multidisciplinary characteristics, and also due to the fact that, with the development of modern technology, high-quality photographs can be taken anywhere, in any situation, and, in addition to the results of various sociological methods (questionnaires, interviews, document analyses, statistics, maps), it has become an excellent illustration tool. Its development and the social and science popularizing effect of the method can also be seen from the fact that articles are published that take a maximum of 5-6 minutes to read ttps:// A webpage still popularizes academic papers, where many linguistic analyzes include the presentation of the results of linguistic landscape research.

Purpose of the article. Firstly, we would like to present the most important conclusions of the various linguistic landscape analyses. In the preparation of our summary, we primarily aim to present the linguistic landscape analyses of Transcarpathia, so that we can give a complete picture, what conclusions can be seen in the analyses completed so far, and what new perspectives can be given to the linguistic landscape analyzes based on international analyses.

Outline of the main research material. The analysis of the linguistic landscape is usually carried out using two different methods. During the quantitative analysis (1), the collected images are grouped according to different aspects and a ratio or frequency distribution is shown. In the case of (2) qualitative analyses, the content and the intention, on the basis of which each sign is published in public spaces, are much more important. In the case of content analyses, the symbolic significance of languages is interpreted in addition to the characteristics of the immediate social environment.

Linguistic landscape analyses are primarily used to demonstrate the multilingualism of multi-ethnic areas, in order to demonstrate the properties of language coexistence, the dominance or harmonious coexistence of individual languages; minority and state languages and the forms of appearance of the English as a world language [1]. In addition to all this, it is also suitable for mapping and illustrating dynamic changes in language use [10; 17]

Linguistic landscape as one of the tools for investigating language policy. «Language policy is a conscious activity carried out by the state or other organizations and institutions that (also) carry out political activity in order to influence the language situation» [8]. In this case, the language situation is nothing more than a set of demographic, legal, economic, educational and cultural factors, which together determine the present and future of the languages used in a given society [14; 8]. The concept of language policy is often confused with language planning through its practical application. Precisely because decisions in language planning are always made on the basis of some linguistic ideology - this ideology reflects how one community of speakers relates to another community in terms of linguistic aspects, and usually includes judgments about what is considered good or bad [7; 31].

In language policy analyses, the linguistic landscape primarily means the analysis of the signs of public spaces [2; 22; 36], through which the symbolic occupation of a language becomes perceptible and visible. In most cases, these spaces are provided and guaranteed by legal options (we have dedicated a separate chapter to the presentation of language policy options valid in Ukraine). However, nowadays, thanks to its dynamic development, linguistic landscape analyzes have spread to more and more areas, to the analysis of sub-units. It also covers the analysis of expressions with symbolic meaning and all sign systems related to the symbolic meaning of the language in some form. So any music, video materials, internet portals, commercials, posters, etc. analysis can also be understood as the analysis of the linguistic landscape in recent years.

Shohamy [33; 34] shows how the linguistic landscape plays and can play an important role in the process of language use. It places the essence of the linguistic landscape in the language policy processes themselves. In other words, in its interpretation, the linguistic landscape makes the ideologies that influenced the various language policy steps (laws, decrees) perceptible and visible.

Linguistic landscape analysis in the evaluation of economic mechanisms. Linguistic landscape analyzes do not directly mean economic analyses. In the analysis of economic mechanisms, only an indirect and symbolic role is played by the linguistic landscape itself and the content that is conveyed to the target audience. Regarding the symbolic meaning of the linguistic landscape, the authors Scollon and Scollon [32] state that the use of a language in relation to a product or service can mark the community that uses it, but it can also be used to completely separate it from the people living in the given area. In other words, the language used in an announcement can delimit, mark or exclude people from the target audience.

In analyses with an economic aspect, linguistic landscape analyses are used to map tourism- related economic mechanisms. Dick Vigers [44], for example, in his analysis of the linguistic landscape of the public spaces of Brittany (a region of France), presents the emergence of the Breton language focusing on the economic sphere, while also evaluating the specific language policy possibilities. In his analysis, he points out that heritage can be perceived as a historical commodity in the signs of road signs, restaurants, bars, and shops. In tourism (cultural events, tourism, local products), the commercial potential inherent in the use of symbolic language is exploited [44, р. 184]. Gertrud Reershemius [29] uses a low-prestige dialect of German to illustrate that the frequency of visible and legible inscriptions does not reflect the actual use of the dialect type in reality. This kind of symbolic use of the language is primarily for the sake of creating regional identity, in order to derive economic benefit from all of this.

So, the linguistic landscape can display the actual or non-real frequency of language use itself. It is not enough to merely interpret the appearance of a language during the analysis of the linguistic landscape, it is also necessary to see for what purpose and reason this happens in reality. The results are interpreted by taking into account the interplay between multilingual signage, tourism as an important economic factor and official language policy regulators.

Analysis of the linguistic landscape of public spaces. The importance of the linguistic landscape in public spaces is part of several literary analyses. It appears in analyses where the announcement itself is evaluated in terms of language policy opportunities, and in the analyses where language use is interpreted as an economic resource. The definition of the linguistic landscape in the analysis of the signs of public spaces examines road signs, billboards, street names, place names, commercial shop signs and public signs of government buildings. In these, the linguistic landscape of a given area, region or urban agglomeration is combined; the language landscape refers to the visibility and emphasis of languages on public and commercial signs. The LL (Linguistic Landscape) is thus interpreted as a public space that enables the display of language and consists of diverse discourses and genres, typically characterized by multimodality and multilingualism [24]. Language expressions are often determined by linguistic, economic, political and other factors [30].

For a quantitative analysis of the linguistic landscape of the public spaces of a local location, Ben-Rafael and his co-authors [3] developed a category system, the essence of which is the person

or official institution that contributed to the announcement. Primarily, the authors highlight that three important factors play a role in the symbolic editing of public spaces:

the rational consideration - the essence of which is the level at which signs become attractive to the public and customers;

presenting oneself to the public - that is, the authors' endeavors in which they can express their identity by choosing different patterns;

power relations - the socio-political forces that dictate the most important interests appear here [3, p. 7].

Top-down signs were coded based on their affiliation with national or local, cultural, social, educational, medical, or legal institutions. Bottom-up items were coded according to categories such as professional (legal, medical, consulting), commercial (and later sectors such as food, clothing, furniture, etc.) and service industries (agencies such as real estate, translation or labor) [3, p. 17].

At the Antal Hodinka Linguistic Research Center, the collection of linguistic landscape photos was started consciously in 2011, when as an integral part of a research investigating the official use of the Hungarian language, the monolingual and multilingual inscriptions of Hungarian- inhabited settlements were photographically documented. As a further reflection of the research results, the Visible Bilingualism project was launched in 2012, the main goal of which was to collect photos containing multilingual inscriptions that are current and also from previous decades. During the collection work, we organized fieldwork, carried out archival research, and digitized the photo and document collections of private individuals. Back in 2012, the exhibition "Visible Bilingualism: Language Policy in Pictures" was created, the material of which consisted of posters showing the multilingualism of various historical periods of Transcarpathia (from 1867 to 2012) with texts in 3 languages (Hungarian, Ukrainian, English) and rich photographic material. The collection work continued later, thanks to which the posters were updated, expanded and revised in 2018. The material of our current exhibition consists of 15 Hungarian, 15 English and 10 Ukrainian transportable molinos.

As a result of years of continuous collection, in August 2022 the photo archive of the Hodinka Institute contains approximately 4,000 images.

The literature examines the method of the linguistic landscape according to many different aspects, its characteristics, levels, official or private nature, semiotic, graphological, socioonomastic (onomastic) etc. aspects. The staff of our research center has published several articles dealing with visual language use, where, among other things, the language landscape appears as a form of language policy, as part of everyday ethnicity, as a connection between language and economy (see e.g. [8; 9; 10; 40; 41; 42; 43; 18; 19; 20; 23]). During the continuous development of linguistic landscape research, the materials collected and analyzed by the institute itself also expanded: in addition to the analyses of the inscriptions of public spaces, the analysis of the linguistic landscape of websites and Internet social portals was also included [44]. The primary goal has always been to capture and evaluate the linguistic diversity of Transcarpathia (either in real or virtual space). Istvвn Csernicsko [8; 9] presents in the historical context of Subcarpathia how the language landscape changed and developed in the region based on photos of the remaining historical events and everyday life, and supplemented his analysis with archival sources (official documents, newspaper articles). In his writing, he primarily came to the conclusion that the method of linguistic landscape analysis is the most suitable for illustrating the changes that a specific historical event brought about, which languages were used or could be used based on different laws. In his monograph published in 2019 [9], he further expanded this time-series analysis with linguistic landscape collections archived today with language policy analyses, and also reflected and presented the most

important trends in economic and social processes. In a joint article with Petteri Laihonen [23], they compared the linguistic landscape of the inhabitants of villages inhabited by Hungarian minorities living in different countries within an economic analysis. Six Ukrainian and Slovakian villages located close to the Hungarian border were presented, in which it was revealed that the presence of the minority language in the investigated settlements in southern Slovakia is much lower in the linguistic landscape than, for example, in the settlements inhabited by Hungarians in Transcarpathia. Transcarpathia's tourist attractions are well-known and have a strong driving force in the economic sector. Zoltвn Karmacsi [20], Kornйlia Hires-Lвszlф and Istvвn [8; 9; 16; 17] present an analysis of the linguistic landscape of tourism specializing primarily in receiving Ukrainian tourists. In each analysis, the Ukrainian dominance emerges, only rarely can we find inscriptions in Hungarian and Russian. English as a lingua franca is also an important language feature in the notices, but the publication of informative signs in English still falls short of international experience, as signs in the Ukrainian language dominate tourist landmarks, restaurants, hotels, and festivals. The symbolic space-occupying power of the inscriptions appearing in various spaces is first revealed in the analyses of Transcarpathians in the papers of Anikф Beregszвszi [4], and then touched upon in the other studies as well. Agnes Eross and Katalin Kovвly [11] interpret the symbolic forms of occupying space in Transcarpathia in connection with another social, political, and historical event, they examine old and new dynamic spaces in their study. Squares named after the war events in Ukraine in 2014 and the names of their war heroes are presented, as well as the memorial sites placed in honor/in memory of war victims in Tanscarpathia and Kyiv. The analysis of the bilingual inscriptions of public spaces and place names can be read in the works of Eniko Tфth-Orosz [40; 41; 42; 43], which primarily presents the possibilities provided by the laws regulating language use in practice in relation to language policy analyses.

Conclusions. What can we see at the international level in terms of linguistic landscape analyses? There have not yet been many analyses of the linguistic landscape of educational institutions in Transcarpathia. It is very common to examine the elements that mark identity in the analysis of the linguistic landscape of a minority educational institution. The direct and indirect educational and illustrative message of the inscriptions can become important in increasing the sense of homeliness of the school, and can strengthen national identity in children growing up socializing in minority schools [25; 26; 27]. Based on the analysis of the linguistic landscape, everyday bilingualism is also a topic that previous analyzes have already touched upon in the course of the Transcarpathian linguistic landscape, but less specifically the deeper aspects of its community-shaping power [39].

In the analysis of the linguistic landscape as an economic one, we can see many topics that may be worth considering further in relation to Transcarpathia. At the Corvinus University (Budapest), a linguistic landscape analysis was previously carried out (in the summer of 2019), where they mainly examined the monolingual and multilingual signs of tourist destinations, attractions, restaurants, hotels, shops, and not only focused on the signs of public spaces, but also conducted a questionnaire survey. The project was carried out in the border region of Slovakia and Hungary. Their research was primarily aimed at examining multilingualism. The main motto of the project and the conclusion of the research was that multilingualism is beneficial for business - business interest [15]. In this and similar research, it is clearly visible why it is important for a business or service unit to plan and publish signs and announcements following multilingualism.

In today's global world, the constant migration of labor and the movement of the masses has completely transformed traveling abroad and staying there, and we can see that multi-ethnic spaces are only growing in the wider world. Superdiversity is analyzed at the center of these analyses. The

concept of superdiversity was coined by Vertovec [46], the essence of which is that communities are no longer defined by nationality, religion, language use, ethnicity, but by participation in labor migration itself. That is why in larger cities, where these ethnicities are concentrated, they become the subject of even more linguistic landscape analysis [5]. However, no such analysis has yet been prepared comparing the linguistic landscape of indigenous minorities with the linguistic landscape of a large city that has become multi-ethnic as a result of such a population movement. The analysis of the identity constructions of national minorities very often becomes part of linguistic landscape analyses, in which the ethnolinguistic vitality is evaluated, i.e. how the use of language itself as a force symbolizing identity appears in the linguistic landscape of an ethnic group [26].

The latest social change is the examination of signs related to the quarantine measures and restrictions introduced due to the spread of Covid-19. More and more studies are being prepared on this, in which individual and institutional inscriptions that differ from region to region are presented, reflecting on the processes of the various measures introduced to curb the spread of the virus. The inscriptions are geosemiotic, they focus on the evaluation of the style of the information communicator, and on whether warning signs and inscriptions appear at all in an area [47; 48].

More and more websites are appearing in which the conclusions of current scientific research are published for ordinary readers in a journalistic style. Every discipline has a social responsibility, an important part of which is that their research results are put to good use. With such short writings, the scientific results can really be useful - because it is not only for the profession, but for everyone.


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