Computer terminology as a type of innovation in English discourse

The advent of English innovations, which vindicated the development of the gallery of computer technologies, and their promotion in various spheres of life and activities of representatives of the English world. Molding subsystem of English language.

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Язык английский
Дата добавления 10.06.2023
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Computer terminology as a type of innovation in English discourse

Liu Xuena

Postgraduate Student at the

Department of English Philology Faculty of Foreign Philology

National Pedagogical Dragomanov University Kyiv


english language innovation computer

The appearance of a large number of English-language innovations, which arose due to the development of the field of computer technologies and its implementation in various spheres of life and activity of representatives of the English-speaking world, caused the formation of a new subsystem of the English language - metaterminological systems of the field of computer technologies. The defined meta-terminological system is an artificial, abstract, syncretic, ideal formation, the theoretical and methodological relevance of its separation is dictated by the research goal of the need to solve the problem of representing integral fragments of human existence and reality and its verbal embodiment. The analyzed subsystem is a complex, multi-level macrostructure that represents qualitatively new modes of human existence and reality, mediated by the existence of the computer and Internet communication. The complex, multidimensional nature and structural organization of the meta-terminological system of the English language in the field of computer technologies reflects the totality and regularity of the connections that exist between the concepts of the computer field and other spheres of human life and activity in the English-speaking world. The emergence of the concept of “metaterminological system” in the network of research linguistic space of the 21'st century is due to the evolutionary changes that took place in this field of humanitarian knowledge at the end of the 20'th and the beginning of the 21'st centuries. Due to the conceptual focus of linguistic research in the direction of their interdisciplinary and polyparadigmatism, it led to the generalization of their perspective, the inclusion of research material in qualitatively new systems, as evidenced by scientific works dedicated to the study of multimodal spaces, conceptospheres and conceptsystems, fractals, frame networks, innovative logosphere. These and other aspects indicate a modern general scientific tendency towards the integration and synthesis of scientific knowledge.

Key words: neologism, metaterminological system, metaterminology, Internet communication.

Комп'ютерна термінологія як вид новоутворень в англомовному дискурсі

Лю Сюена, аспірантка кафедри англійської філології факультету іноземної філології, Національний педагогічний університет імені М.П. Драгоманова Київ, Україна


Поява великої кількості англомовних нововведень, які виникли внаслідок розвитку галузі комп'ютерних технологій, і впровадження їх у різні сфери життя та діяльності представників англомовного світу, спричинила формування нової підсистеми англійської мови - метатермінологічної системи галузі комп'ютерних технологій. Визначена метатерміносистема є штучним, абстрактним, синкретичним, ідеальним утворенням, теоретико-методологічна актуальність її виокремлення продиктована метою дослідження - необхідністю вирішення проблеми репрезентації цілісних фрагментів людського буття та реальності, її вербального втілення. Аналізована підсистема є складною, багаторівневою макроструктурою, яка репрезентує якісно нові модуси людського буття та реальності, опосередковані існуванням комп'ютера й інтернет-комунікації. Складний, багатовимірний характер і структурна організація метатерміносистеми англійської мови в галузі комп'ютерних технологій відображають сукупність і закономірність зв'язків, які існують між поняттями комп'ютерної сфери й іншими сферами життя та діяльності людини в англомовному світі. Поява поняття «метатермінологічна система» у мережі дослідницького лінгвістичного простору ХХІ століття зумовлено еволюційними змінами, що відбулися в цій галузі гуманітарного знання наприкінці ХХ - на початку ХХІ століття. Завдяки концептуальній спрямованості лінгвістичних досліджень у напрямі їхньої міждисциплінарності та поліпарадигмальності це привело до узагальнення їхньої перспективи, включення досліджуваного матеріалу в якісно нові системи, про що свідчать наукові праці, присвячені вивченню мультимодальних просторів, концептосфер і концептосистем, фракталів, фреймових мереж, інноваційної логосфери. Ці й інші аспекти свідчать про сучасну загальнонаукову тенденцію до інтеграції та синтезу наукових знань.

Ключові слова: неологізм, мет атерміносистема, метатермінологія, інтернет-комунікація.

Formulation of the problem

At the end of the 20'th and the beginning of the 21'st centuries, the field of computer technologies becomes one of the main sources of replenishment of the English language with innovative units in connection with the appearance of a large number of new concepts and realities that require language designation. The global spread of the computer sphere, its introduction into other spheres of life and activity of English-speaking communities and the entire world community lead to the emergence of such concepts as “computer life”, “virtual reality”, “computer-mediated reality”, “computer-mediated communication”.

If computer existence is understood as a virtual reality created in an electronic environment - cyberspace,theconceptof“computer-mediatedreality” denotes, first of all, such social reality, which is a multidimensional sphere of synthesis of reality, human experience and activity, mediated by the latest digital and informational technologies. These concepts correlate with each other, as well as with the concept of “computer-mediated communication”, which serves as a means of designating the process of communication and information exchange carried out via the Internet in various spheres of human life.

Acquiring primary importance for modern information societies, the concepts of “computer existence” and “computer-mediated reality” become the object of consideration by sociology, cultural studies, and philosophy. Their research in linguistics as complex, integral, multidimensional fragments of extra-linguistic reality in verbal embodiment becomes possible thanks to the introduction of the concept of “metaterminological system” into scientific linguistic circulation. The emergence of the concept of “metaterminological system” in the network of research linguistic space of the 21'st century is due to the evolutionary changes that took place in this field of humanitarian knowledge at the end of the 20'th - beginning of the 21'st centuries

Analysis of the latest research and publications

The relevance ofthe article is determined by the interdisciplinary and polyparadigmatic nature of modern linguistic research, the general focus of the linguistic paradigm of knowledge on the development of qualitatively new research objects that allow solving the problem of verbal positioning of integral, dynamic fragments of non-speech reality, one of which is the field of computer technologies. The scientific work is relevant in view of the role of innovative units of a certain sphere in enriching the vocabulary of the English language in recent decades, the need to carry out a comprehensive analysis of their structural-semantic and sociofunctional characteristics in order to further study all innovative processes and phenomena that occur in the modern English language, determining dynamics of its development.

The purpose of the research

The purpose of the research is to clarify the structural and semantic and socio-functional parameters of the units of the English language meta-term system in the field of computer technologies.

Achieving the set goal involves the implementation of the following tasks:

to determine the epistemological aspects of distinguishing and researching the concept of “metaterminological system” in linguistics;

characterize the concept of “computer subtext” and identify its component units;

establish the stages of development of computer sublanguage and its units;

identify extralingual and intralingual aspects of the parameterization of the meta-term system of the English language in the field of computer technologies as a form of system organization of innovative units;

to find out the structural and semantic characteristics of innovative units of the metaterm system of the English language in the field of computer technologies;

to carry out an analysis of socio-functional characteristics of innovative units of the meta- terminological system of the English language in the field of computer technologies.

The main research material

There are different opinions about the emergence of the concept of “computer subtext”. According to one, this concept appeared simultaneously with the invention and spread of electronic computing machines in the USA in the 20'th century.

Since the birthplace and leader of the field of computer technologies was and remains the USA, it is quite natural that the initial nomination of computer concepts and realities took place in the English language, without borrowing foreign language units to denote them. Computer terminology was formed by borrowing and translating from English into other languages. Morphological (prefixation, suffixation, abbreviation, etc.), syntactic (formation of terminological phrases) and morphological- syntactic (conversion) methods also played a significant role in the creation of English-language computer terminology. We note that some of them were integrated in the creation of English-language computer terms in an attempt to more accurately reflect the essence of the termed concept.

According to another, the concept arose in the 80's of the 20'th century in connection with the beginning of the “mini-computer era”. In general, computer language is considered a means of written and oral communication between different groups of people in the field of computer technology.

Computer subtitles consist of computer terms, professional vocabulary and jargon. Computer sublanguage has a field structure consisting of the so-called core zone, explained by computer terms, and the peripheral zone, represented by professional vocabulary and computer jargon. Computer terminology belongs to the composition of the literary language and denotes special concepts specific to this field. Professionalisms are used by specialists in the relevant field as unofficial synonyms for computer terms. Computer jargonisms are colloquial units for the designation of concepts in the computer sphere, evaluatively and expressively colored, belonging to the vocabulary of a low tone.

Since the field of computer technologies is constantly developing, spreading to almost all spheres of life and activity of mankind, a characteristic feature of the computer language is its constant replenishment with units to denote new concepts and realities. At the same time, some terms become obsolete and gradually go out of common use, being replaced by new ones in connection with evolutionary changes occurring in a certain area.

Consideration of the history of the formation and development of English-language computer subtitles and its terminology requires at least a fragmentary outline of the main ways of creating these units. We note that term formation is based on the same principles as the word formation of the literary language, and is built according to the same word formation models. Like commonly used words, terms subject to the same phonetic, morphological, and syntactic rules are classified according to the same grammatical categories.

Traditionally used in the computer terminology of the English language, as well as in many other branch terminologies, the semantic method of creation was particularly active at the beginning of the creation of this layer of vocabulary and was marked in its development by spontaneity, non-systematic and non-standardization. The semantic method of term formation is carried out by terminologicalization and reterminologicalization. Terminology is understood as the acquisition by a commonly used word of the features of a term.

The reverse of terminologisation is the process of determinologisation, which consists in expanding the meaning of terms and their transition into the system of general literary language.

The question of the features and form of the system organization of the general innovations of computer subtitles, which mark various substratum spheres of the computer-mediated reality of English-speaking communities, remains open to this day. Since the term system is a form of systematic organization of computer terms, we believe that the concept of “metaterm system of the English language of the computer “computer technologies” which are just beginning to be developed in linguistics”.

The semantics of the term for the analyzed concept indicates that it is a unit of a higher level of abstraction and generalization compared to the concept of “term system”. This term is used by us for the integrated designation of all innovative units of the nomination of objects, concepts, phenomena, realities of the latest modes of being and the reality of English-speaking communities, created and mediated by computer technologies.

Conditions of parameterization, i.e. determination of the parameters of the study of the meta-term system of the English language in the field of computer technologies, which is a complex, multi-level, multidimensional system of the organization of the general.

English-language computer innovations are determined by a number of extralingual and intralingual (purely linguistic) factors. It is extralinguistic factors that have contributed to the emergence, use and spread of a large number of English-language computer innovations not only among English speakers, but also throughout the world and, as a result, the need to systematize them for the purpose of linguistic analysis. Such extralingual factors should include: informatization, computerization of English speakers societies and the entire world community as a whole, the creation and spread of the Internet sphere and cyberspace, as well as the processes of globalization of the world community, the expansion of the English language, the priority of linguistic coding of concepts, the realities of computer-mediated reality through its means.

Informatization became possible thanks to the advent of computers, which provided wide opportunities for working with information and communication.

Scientific, technical and socio-cultural progress was and remains impossible without informatization and without computers. Driven by scientific and technical progress and informatization processes, carried out at the end of the 20'th - beginning of the 21'st century, total computerization became, in the opinion of L. Lengel and A. Tomik, “an organic and natural process that fundamentally changed almost all spheres of life of a modern person”. We note that the concept of “informatization” is broader and more comprehensive than the concept of “computerization”. Informatization took place on the basis of computerization and was the process of forming a new automated environment for the generation of information, knowledge, their processing, distribution and transformation into a powerful production force, material and socio-cultural potential and a factor of human progress.

Conclusions and prospects for further research

The concept of “metaterminology” is only beginning to be developed in modern linguistics, which is due to the generalization of the perspective and the polyparadigmatic nature of this science of the humanitarian cycle, the involvement of data from its various research paradigms, directions of one research paradigm, and other sciences. This allows us to talk about the processes of globalization, synthesis, and integration of knowledge that occur not only in linguistics, but also in science in general.

The emergence and spread in the USA of such an innovative field of man-made reality as the field of computer technologies has led to the development of a new subsystem of the English language - its computer context, which contains terminological units, professional and slang computer vocabulary. Despite the fact that computer subtitles have become the object of close attention of a large number of linguists, the question of history and stages of its development has not been considered until now. We singled out six stages of development of the computer language and its terminology, which correlate with the stages of development of the computer field itself. In contrast to the professionalisms and jargonisms of the relevant field, computer terminology belonging to the literary language was recorded in specialized scientific and technical literature throughout the history of the development of the analyzed field and its context.

The reason for the main difficulty of studying English-language computer science is that its units are in the process of continuous development and dynamic changes. In this connection, the questions of the peculiarities of the system organization of English-language term units of the computer sublanguage remain open to this day. The classic view that exists in terminology today is that the terminological system of the English language in the field of computer technology, in contrast to English-language computer terminology, is a deliberately ordered set of terms that were subject to the processes of ordering, standardization and were fixed in dictionaries. The terminological system of the field of computer technologies of the English language was formed on the basis of its terminology, which arose spontaneously and disorderly in the process of the development of the specified field.


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