The role of resilience in preventing procrastination of students in the conditions of mastering a foreign language: Ukrainian-Polish-Slovak experience
The scientific article examines the problem of student procrastination through the lens of foreign language learning. Attention is focused on the role of resilience in preventing procrastination in Ukrainian students during English language learning.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 06.06.2023 |
Размер файла | 578,5 K |
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The role of resilience in preventing procrastination of students in the conditions of mastering a foreign language: Ukrainian-Polish-Slovak experience
Halyna Handzilevska,
Doctor of Psychology,
Professor, Professor of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy,
The National University of Ostroh Academy
Valentyn Kostiuchyk,
an MA student of the specialty "Psychology",
The National University of Ostroh Academy
Mgr Olena Hundarenko, PhD,
The Faculty of Humanities,
The University of Zilina, Zilina (Slovakia)
Mgr Eva Lelakova, PhD,
The Faculty of Humanities,
The University of Zilina, Zilina (Slovakia)
The role of resilience in preventing procrastination of students in the conditions of mastering a foreign language: Ukrainian-Polish-Slovak experience
The article focuses on the peculiarities ofprocrastination based on resilience of the Ukrainian students while studying English, as well as of Ukrainians studying abroad (Slovakia, Poland) or of those forced to leave Ukraine due to russian aggression and being obliged to learn a foreign language (Slovak and Polish). The relevance of the study ofprocrastination inside both groups is evidenced by the results of an empirical study that demonstrates an advantage of high and medium levels of overall procrastination. The constructive role of resilience in measuring procrastination of the respondents of the first group has been statistically confirmed, and the dependence of resilience indicators of the respondents of the second group on individual scales ofprocrastination has been revealed. The emphasis is placed on the importance of developing resilience in order to prevent procrastination of the English-speaking students and on elaboration of a flexible response to the changed situation, as well as communicative control of the respondents studying Slovak and Polish languages.
Keywords: procrastination, resilience, communicative control, educational bilingualism, Ukrainian students.
Гандзілевська Галина Борисівна,
доктор психологічних наук, професор, професор кафедри психології та педагогіки Національного університету "Острозька академія"
Костючик Валентин Петрович,
магістрант спеціальності "Психологія", Національного університету "Острозька академія"
Гундаренко Олена,
гуманітарний факультет Жилінського університету (Словаччина)
Лелакова Ева,
гуманітарний факультет, Жилінського університету (Словаччина)
У статті досліджено проблему прокрастинації студентів крізь призму вивчення іноземної мови. Зосереджено увагу на ролі резилієнсу у запобіганні прокрастинації в українських студентів під час опанування англійської мови (групи № 1), а також в українців, які навчаються за кордоном (Словаччина, Польща) або змушені були покинути територію України через російську агресію та розпочати вивчення іноземної мови (словацької та польської) (група № 2). Застосування опитувальника "Ступінь вираженості прокрастинації" М. Кисельової (українська версія Л. Карамушка, О. Бондарчук, Т. Грубі), методики діагностики оцінки самоконтролю в спілкуванні М. Снайдера, Resiliency Assessment Scale (SPP--25), by N. Ogihska-Bulik i Z. Juczyhski (укр адаптація У.Нікітчук, В.Кондратюк), дозволило емпірично засвідчити перевагу високого та середнього рівня загального показника рівня прокрастинації у респондентів першої (відповідно 59% та 34%) та другої (64% та 36%) груп; перевагу середнього та низького рівня мовного самоконтролю у респондентів першої (відповідно 63% та 22%) та другої (відповідно 39% та 32%) групи респондентів; перевагу високого та низького рівня резилієнсу у респондентів групи №1 (відповідно 40% та 32%) та респондентів групи №2 (відповідно 36% та 36%). За допомогою коефіцієнта кореляції Спірмена виявлено помірний оберненопропорційний двостронній кореляційний зв'язок між показниками прокрастинації "Мотиваційна недостатність" (r=-0,377, p=0,05) та загальним рівнем резилієнсу, шкалою резилієнсу "Відкритість на новий досвід" (r=-0,413, p=0,01), а також шкалою резилієнсу "Толерація до невдач і ставлення до життя як до виклику" (r= -0,325, p=0,05) респондентів першої групи. Виявлено помірну оберненопропорційну односторонню кореляцію між показниками шкали прокрастинації "Тривожність" і шкалою резилієнсу "Толеранція до невдачі і ставлення до життя, як до виклику" (-0,334, p=0,05), помірну прямопропорційну односторонню кореляцію між показниками шкали прокрастинації "Перфекціонізм" та шкалою резилієнсу "Оптимістичне ставлення до життя і здатність до мобілізації у важких ситуаціях" (0,355, p=0,05) у респондентів групи №2, а також помірну прямопропорційну односторонню кореляцію між показниками шкали резилієнсу "Відкритість на новий досвід і почуття гумору" і показниками комунікативного контролю (0, 348, p=0,05) у респондентів цієї ж групи. Результатами дослідження статистично засвідчено вагомість розвитку резилієнсу задля запобігання прокрастинації студентів, які опановують англійську мову в Україні, зокрема профілактики їхньої мотиваційної недостатності та гнучкого реагування на змінену ситуацію, комунікативного самоконтролю респондентів, які вивчають словацьку та польську мови за її межами. Водночас наголошено на вагомості зменшення рівня тривожності та актуальність розвитку вольових зусиль у респондентів другої групи задля розвитку їхнього резилієнсу.
Ключові слова: прокрастинація, резилієнс, комунікативний контроль, навчальний білінгвізм, українські студенти.
Rationale for the problem. Active international academic mobility of students, migration processes caused by the war in Ukraine increase the relevance of the second language acquisition and, accordingly, the study of the peculiarities of bilingual education. Educational (artificial) bilingualism involves learning a foreign language in a specially organized educational environment. In turn, this requires students to make some effort in this process, including strong-willed. At the same time, total quarantine depletion, the burden of online lifestyles, ripe information, military threats, fear of uncertainty about the end of the crisis - all this violates information and psychological security, emotional well-being of participants in the educational process, and can stimulate procrastination destructively affect the process of learning a foreign language. Therefore, the study of psychological barriers to primary bilingualism and ways to overcome them in measuring psychological resilience is undoubtedly a pressing problem today.
Analysis of the recent research and publications. The problem of bilingual education is actively studied in sociolinguistic, linguistic and psycholinguistic approaches, focusing on the study of general patterns of formation of the second language system, and issues of interaction and mutual enrichment of languages through social interaction [10, р.107]. Hence, the field of modern scientific interest encompasses psychological features of language development in the conditions of bilingualism (Kazibekova, 2018), personal constructs in bilingualism (Peretyatko, Teslenko, 2019) etc. Productive bilingualism includes understanding the cultural characteristics of the people whose language is studied as a foreign language, learning culture. In this context of the research, there should be mentioned psychological features of ethnic identity and tolerance in bilingual students (L. Korol, 2013), age and psychological features of bilingual students (Bureiko, 2015, 2018), means of developing the cognitive sphere of students in mastering a foreign language (Shyriaieva, 2009), including the method of psychodrama for the development of the conceptual system of bilinguals (Handzilevska & Shyriaieva, 2013), psycholinguistic features of assimilation of Anglo- Americanisms by carriers of Ukrainian-English educational bilingualism (Leleka & Moskalenko, 2018) etc. language student procrastination
This field of scientific research also includes the overview of the organization and development of bilingual education in different countries and on different continents. The problem is studied in modern Ukrainian schools (Bodnarchuk, 2013); attention is paid to the specificity of teaching children of national minorities, Ukraine included (Tsyura & Bodnarchuk, 2012), features of bilingual programs used in USA, the European Community (Drobot & Ivanyusheva, 2012), advantages and disadvantages of bilingual education in Ukraine and the world (Kurinny & Cherkasova, 2019) and others. Of great interest are the problems associated with the reform of school foreign language education, in particular in the Czech and Slovak Republics (Godunko, 2018), the criteria for bilingual education, factors of organization of bilingual education in educational institutions of Slovakia (Smirnova, 2015), the development of native language education of Ukrainians in the Western diaspora (Romanyuk, 2015), the development of bilingual education in Canada (Shiyko, 2016), as well as bilingual school education in England and Wales (Lotfi Garudi, 2020) and others.
At the same time, with given current conditions, we see the lack in the study of the organization of bilingual education through the prism of the resilience approach, in the study of the role of psychological stability for selfpresentation of students in foreign language environment, in overcoming and preventing their procrastination. The relevance of this is confirmed by our previous studies (Handzilevska, Kondratyuk, 2021), where the resilience approach has been investigated in the context of online learning. In general, the studies around this approach are united by the idea that a high level of resilience, which protects against the negative effects of the crisis (Charney, 2004; Juczynski & Oginska-Bulik, 2008), can be a protective factor in difficult everyday situations and emergency events (Felcyn-Koczewska & Oginska-Bulik, 2012) [6, р.36], which is important for cognizing the problem of primary bilingualism in modern conditions of adaptation to hostilities in Ukraine and abroad. Therefore, in this research, we focus on the role of resilience in the prevention of student procrastination.
The study aims at finding out the impact of resilience on preventing procrastination of Ukrainian students mastering English, as well as Ukrainians studying abroad or those being forced to leave Ukraine due to russian aggression and hence learning a foreign language (Slovak or/and Polish).
Objectives: to empirically study the features of procrastination of Ukrainian students learning English, as well as Ukrainians who temporarily left for Slovakia and Poland; to identify the dependence of indicators of severity procrastination of this category of persons on their resilience, as well as on their communicative selfcontrol.
Presenting main material. The following diagnostic tools were used to achieve the goals and objectives of the study: the questionnaire "Degree of severity procrastination" by M. Kiselyova (Ukrainian version L. Karamushka, O. Bondarchuk, T. Grubi) [8, p.68-70], which allows to determine the characteristics of procrastination on three scales" Motivational insufficiency", "Perfectionism", "Anxiety") and the general level of procrastination; Resiliency Assessment Scale (SPP - 25), by N. Oginska-Bulik and Z. Juczynski [2] (Ukrainian adaptation U. Nikitchuk, V. Kondratyuk), which measures the following five factors: "Perseverance and determination in activity", "Openness to new experiences and a sense of humor", "Personal competence in coping with difficulties and tolerance of negative emotions", "Tolerance of failure and attitude to life as a challenge", "Optimistic attitude to life and the ability to mobilize in difficult situations"; test "Assessment of self-control in communication" (M. Snyder), which allows to identify the level of communicative self-control in the educational activities of students: low, medium or high [4; 5]. Spearman's correlation coefficient was used for mathematical and statistical processing of empirical data.
The empirical sample included 68 respondents: 40 first-year students of the Faculty of Romance and Germanic languages and students majoring in "Primary education with advanced study of English" at the National University "Ostroh Academy" (Ukraine) (average age of the respondents -19.5 years; 92% women and 7,5% men; the average value of the duration of studying English - 11.2 years, the level of language proficiency: (A1) Elementary -0%, (A2) Pre-intermediate -2%, (B1) Intermediate -17%, (B2) Upper intermediate -32%, (d) Advanced -27%, (C2) Proficient -22%, among them only students -47.5%, study and work -52, 5%) and 28 Ukrainians who study abroad (Slovakia, Poland) or were forced to leave Ukraine due to russian aggression and being obliged to learn a foreign language (Slovak -54% and Polish -46%): (average age of the respondents -26.6 years; 14% of men and 86% of women; 46% of the respondents study, 29% -study and work, 25% work, the average value of living abroad -2.6 years, the average value of study / work abroad -2.5 years, the average value of learning the language in which they study / work -4.7 years; levels of proficiency in the foreign language in which they study / work: (A1) Elementary -11%, (A2) Pre-intermediate -11%, (B1) Intermediate -13%, (B2) Upper intermediate -29%, (C1) Advanced -29 %, (C2) Proficient -7%.
In the first stage of the study, we analysed the severity of procrastination within the group of the Ukrainian students studying English in Ukraine (group №1), and Ukrainians who have temporarily gone abroad and are learning a foreign language (Slovak and Polish) (group №2). Hence, the use of the questionnaire "Degree of severity of procrastination" by M. Kiselyova allowed us to identify the advantages of high (59%) and medium (34%) level of the overall level of procrastination of students in terms of English language proficiency. Similar results are observed within the respondents who study the language abroad -a high level of procrastination is characterized by 64%, medium -36%. It should be noted that no persons with a low rate of procrastination were found within the respondents of group № 2 (Table 1).
According to the results of the study of the connection between academic procrastination and the organization of students' educational activities, which N. Dmitriyuk, N. Kordunova, V. Milinchuk carried out in 2019, students had a low (59.7%) degree of procrastination [7]. Such students are characterized by independence, timely performance and organization of learning. According to our research, this level of procrastination is only 7%. Students with a high degree of expression of procrastination are characterized as those who often evade important activities and important decisions, while with a medium degree of procrastination (27.4%) tend to occasionally demonstrate procrastination in behavior, are in no hurry to do the right thing, often overestimate their strength and are forced to do work in a hurry, which in turn affects the quality of performance [7, p. 64].
Regarding the results of our study, we note that 52% of the first group is dominated by the average level of procrastination of the scale "Motivational insufficiency". This result indicates that students can realize their plans, desires, plans, but sometimes may lack motivation [7, p.65]. Only 11% of the students studied have a high degree of expression. This means that the representatives of this group do not have enough motivation to achieve a certain goal in life and to perform educational tasks [7, p.65].
Table 1. Indicators of the level of student procrastination (%)
High level |
Middle |
Low |
Group of respondents |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
Overall figure |
59 |
64 |
34 |
36 |
7 |
- |
Scale "Motivational insufficiency" |
11 |
18 |
52 |
36 |
37 |
46 |
Perfectionism scale |
30 |
39 |
55 |
54 |
15 |
7 |
Anxiety Scale |
42 |
44 |
17 |
44 |
41 |
12 |
37% of the studied students have a low degree of motivational insufficiency. It can be explained by the fact that they are persistent in the implementation and organization of educational tasks in the student environment [7, p.65]. Similar results we also observe with the respondents of group №2. High level motivational insufficiency is characteristic only of 18% of respondents, while the average -36%, low -46%. Such results indicate that representatives of both groups are motivated to learn foreign languages (Figure 1).
Fig.1. Indicators of the distribution of procrastination (scale "Motivational insufficiency") between groups
In addition, it was found out that the vast majority of the respondents in the first group have a high (30%) and medium level of perfectionism (55%), as well as the respondents of group 2 (39% and 54%, respectively). High indicators of the level of perfectionism of students, according to the works of N. Dmitriyuk N. Kordunova, V. Milinchuk [7, p.65], may indicate that in crisis, the student's desire for perfection and social success requires significant and not always justified costs of psycho-energy potential, while low may be due to disorders of the will, lack of organization of their own axiological guidelines. The results of our study show that a low level of perfectionism is characteristic of only 15% of the respondents in the first group and 7% in the second (Figure 2).
Fig.2. Indicators of the distribution of procrastination (scale "Perfectionism") between groups
Regarding the procrastination rate of the Anxiety Scale, it was found that 42% of the respondents in the first group have a high level of anxiety, which may be related to the crisis situation in Ukraine. External manifestations of anxiety (nervousness, rapid mood swings) can negatively affect the success of student learning, interaction with the environment [7, p. 65]. At the same time, a low level is characteristic of 41% of the respondents in the first group. This level indicates their stress resistance at work, which is a professionally important quality of the future specialist [7, p.65]. The average level is typical of only 17% of students. Such students are balanced, confident, but under certain circumstances are able to lose control over their own feelings, which in turn characterizes their behavior as unstable [7, p.65]. Regarding the indicators of the "Anxiety" scale of procrastination within the respondents of group №2, we note the predominance of high (44%) and medium (44%) levels of this scale, while the low level is characterized by only 12%. It is likely that such results may be related to the process of adaptation to another cultural environment, but this assumption requires new research (Figure 3).
Fig.3. Indicators of the distribution of procrastination (scale "Anxiety") between groups
The next phase of the study is focused on the students' communicative self-control and its relationship to procrastination. M. Snyder's method of diagnostic assessment of self-control in communication allowed to reveal the advantage of medium (63%) and low (22%) level of language self-control in students (respondents of the first group). Similar results are observed within the representatives of the group №2 -the average level of communicative self-control is 39%, low -32%. In turn, this indicates the behavioral stability of the students regardless of the situation and at the same time incontinence in emotional manifestations. Only 15% of the respondents in group№1 and 29% of respondents in group №2 have a high level of communicative control in respondents, which indicates their ease of flexibility to react to changes in the situation, feel good and anticipate the impression they make on others.
Fig.4. Indicators of the distribution of communicative self-control between groups
However, the correlation coefficient used, did not show a relationship between communicative control and procrastination. Probably, self-control is not the main factor of procrastination in this sample of the respondents.
Resiliency Assessment Scale (SPP -25), developed by N. Oginska -Bulik and Z. Juczynski (2008), summarizes the openness of the respondents to new experiences, the ability to cope with negative emotions and the ability to mobilize in difficult situations [2]. Sustainability, considered by the authors as a mechanism of self-regulation, is universal and should protect against the negative consequences of past events, such as traumatic and everyday life. Thus, the scale can be used for measurement of personal tendencies of people exposed to stress, including traumatic [2, р.52], which is important for our study. Thus, the application of this scale is revealed on a high level of resilience in 40% of the respondents in the group №1 and in 36% of the respondents in group №2. At the same time, we observe the advantage of the low level of this indicator (32% and 36%, respectively). The average level of resilience is typical of 28% of the respondents in both the first and second groups (Figure 5).
Fig.5. Indicators of the distribution of the overall level of resilience between groups
The next stage of the study was devoted to the analysis of the relationships between procrastination and resilience. Thus, the application of Spearman's correlation coefficient revealed a moderate inversely proportional two-way correlation between the indicators of the general level of resilience and the procrastination scale "Motivational insufficiency" (r = -0.377, p = 0.05) within the respondents of the first group. The results shown in Table 2 confirm the moderate directly proportional two-way correlation dependence of all procrastination scales. We can assume that by developing the resilience of respondents, we will thereby reduce the level of motivational insufficiency and hence the indicators of other scales of procrastination.
Table 2. The results of correlation analysis between indicators general level of resilience and procrastination
Procrastination scales |
Motivational insufficiency |
Perfectionism |
Anxiety |
General level resilience |
Motivational insufficiency |
1,000 |
0.632** |
0.637** |
-0.377* |
Perfectionism |
1,000 |
0, 502 |
-0.001 |
Anxiety |
1,000 |
-0, 219 |
Total level of resilience |
1,000 |
Notes: * -significance at the level of p < 0.05; ** -significance at the level of p < 0.01
In addition, a moderate, inversely proportional correlation was found between the procrastination rates of the "Motivational Insufficiency" scale and the "Openness to New Experience" Resilience Scale (r = -0.413, p = 0.01), as well as the "Tolerance to failure and attitude to life as a challenge" Resilience Scale (r = -0.325, p = 0.05) in the first group. Such results indicate the importance of development of resilience for prevention of motivational insufficiency, which is an important component of procrastination for the representatives of the first groups.
Using Spearman's correlation coefficient allowed to detect a moderate inversely proportional one-way correlation between indicators scales of procrastination "Anxiety" and the scale of resilience "Tolerance to failure and attitude to life as a challenge" (-0.334, p = 0.05) within the respondents of group № 2. These results demonstrate the importance of reducing the level of anxiety within the respondents in this group for the formation of resilience. At the same time, there is a moderate direct proportional one-sided correlation between the indicators of the procrastination scale "Perfectionism" and the resilience scale "Optimistic attitude to life and the ability to mobilize in difficult situations" (0,355, p = 0,05), which indicates the urgency of the development of willpower in the respondents of this group for the formation of their resilience.
In addition, a moderate direct proportional one-way correlation between the scale indicators was found resilience "Openness to new experiences and a sense of humor" and indicators of communicative self-control (0, 348, p = 0.05) within the respondents of group № 2. These results indicate that the development of openness to new experiences and a sense of humor will be positive for flexible response to the changed situation of the respondents of the second group, predicting the impressions they make on others. Procrastination is often seen as a strategy used by the subject to control anxiety, which is backed by fears of various origins, including fear of failure and fear of losing control of the situation [1]. It is probable that in the context of procrastination, the obtained result indirectly testifies to the importance of resilience formation for the respondents of the second group. Testing this hypothesis requires further research on a quantitatively increased sample.
The phenomenon of procrastination is increasingly spreading to all categories of the population. A special period of human life in which this phenomenon can be activated is the student years, which fall on the time of study including a great number of tasks [3]. Our study confirms the relevance of the research of procrastination in the context of educational bilingualism. Usually, scientists focus on the factors of procrastination, emphasizing the causes of its occurrence. Thus, the most common research is the study of the relationship between procrastination and personality perfectionism (Ferrari, Johnson, McCown, 1995; McCabe-Bennett, Cassin & Antony, 2015; Rice, Richardson & Clark, 2012; Сapan, 2010; Sirois, Fuschia, 2016 etc.) and others. The results of the research testify to correlation connection between the indicators of perfectionism and procrastination. Research carried out by V. Kostiuchyk in 2020 confirms such results. Hence, it detected the dependence of the indicators of procrastination on self-oriented perfectionism within the university students (r= 0,257; p < 0,05), as well as the indicator of perfectionism focused on others (r = 0,229; p < 0.05]). In addition, it was discovered that general level of perfectionism is positively correlated with the Tuckman scale (r = 0,242; p < 0,05) [9].
In addition to perfectionism, among the factors of academic procrastination, scientists usually mention anxiety, locus of control, motivation, value orientations, emotional and volitional sphere, long lead time, unclear deadlines, high employment, delayed remuneration, delayed remuneration, delayed work, situational overload [11]. Our study expands the range of procrastination factors and identifies psychological resilience as a possible factor of its prevention.
Thus, an empirical study of the problem of procrastination of the students through the prism of their resilience revealed a predominance of high and medium levels of overall procrastination within the group of the Ukrainian students studying English in Ukraine (group №1) (59% and 34% respectively) and Ukrainians studying foreign languages abroad (Slovak and Polish) (group №2) (64% and 36%); the predominance of medium and low level of language self-control in the respondents of the first (respectively 63% and 22%) and the second (respectively 39% and 32%) groups of the respondents; the predominance of high and low levels of resilience among the respondents in group №1 (40% and 32%, respectively) and the respondents in group № 2 (36% and 36%, respectively). Spearman's correlation coefficient revealed a moderate inverse proportion two-way correlation between procrastination indicators "Motivational insufficiency" (r = -0.377, p = 0.05) and the overall level of resilience, the resilience scale "Openness to new experiences" (r = -0.413, p = 0.01), as well as the scale of resilience "Tolerance to failures and attitude to life as a challenge" (r = -0.325, p = 0.05) respondents of the first group. A moderate inversely proportional one-way correlation between the indicators was revealed via a procrastination scale "Anxiety" and the resilience scale "Tolerance to failure and attitude to life as a challenge" (-0.334, p = 0.05). It moderates directly proportional one-sided correlation between the indicators of the procrastination scale "Perfectionism" and the resilience scale "Optimistic attitude to life and the ability to mobilize in difficult situations" (0.355, p = 0.05) within the respondents of group №2, as well as a moderate directly proportional one-way correlation between the indicators of the scale resilience "Openness to new experiences and sense of humor" and indicators of communicative self-control (0,348, p = 0,05) within the group of the respondents of the same group. The results of the study statistically show the importance of the development of resilience to prevent procrastination of the English-speaking students in Ukraine, in particular to prevent their lack of motivation, and to respond flexibly to the changed situation, communicative self-control of the respondents studying Slovak and Polish abroad. At the same time, a considerable focus has been set on the importance of reducing anxiety and the relevance of the development of willpower within the respondents of the second group for the development of their resilience.
We see the prospect of further research in the study of the relationship between the indicators of bilingualism and psychological resilience, as well as the features of procrastination through the prism of the resilience approach of the students abroad in terms of their mastering a foreign language.
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