Anglization of the modern communicative space as the means of borrowing another language vocabulary

Examines the peculiarities ofthe functioning of English borrowed words in the modern Ukrainian language, in particular in everyday speech. The issue ofAnglicization of the language space on a global scale has attracted the close attention of linguists.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 07.05.2023
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Anglization of the modern communicative space as the means of borrowing another language vocabulary

Olga Lytvynenko,

PhD (Philology), Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Language Training National University of Civil Deferne of Ukraine (Kharkiv, Ukraine)

Olga Ryzhchenko,

PhD (Philology),

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Language Training National University of Civil Deferne of Ukraine (Kharkiv, Ukraine)

The article examines the peculiarities ofthe functioning of English borrowed words in the modern Ukrainian language, in particular in everyday speech. Recently, the issue ofAnglicization of the language space on a global scale has attracted the close attention of linguists. The article uses the concept of “anglicism " to denote the latest borrowings from the English language, which are still perceived by speakers as certain barbarisms or exoticisms.

The aim of the article is to investigate how anglicisms differ from borrowings from other languages and what communicative functions they perform, as well as to find out what influence anglicisms have on the modern Ukrainian communicative space, and to determine whether it is possible and appropriate to replace them with specific Ukrainian words without significantly changing the context.

The analysis of lexical-semantic groups among modern borrowings from the English language has been carried out on the material of the modern media space, as a result of which the most anglicisms were found in the field of computer knowledge, youth's slang, as well as socio-economic vocabulary.

Descriptive, statistical, and comparative research methods have been used in the research. The features ofthe acquisition of the latest anglicisms in the Ukrainian language at the phonetic, morphological and orthographic levels have been considered. There is a tendency to create verbs of the 2nd conjugation from English roots, as well as certain contradictions in their phonetic and orthographic assimilation. A scientific novelty is the fact that for the first time the question of spelling acquisition of anglicisms was raised - writing words together or with a hyphen, with an uppercase or lowercase letter, etc.

As a result, it can be stated that the number of anglicisms in the Ukrainian language has increased significantly over the past few years, which is due to both the activation of international contacts at various levels and the influence of the English-language media space on the broadcasting of modern Ukrainian mass media and everyday spoken language.

Key words: anglicisms, borrowed vocabulary, communicative space, foreign words, methods of borrowing.


кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри мовної підготовки Національного університету цивільного захисту України (Харків, Україна)


кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри мовної підготовки Національного університету цивільного захисту України (Харків, Україна)


У статті досліджено особливості функціонування англійських запозичень у сучасній українській мові, зокрема в побутовому мовленні. Останнім часом питання англізації мовного простору у світовому масштабі привертає пильну увагу лінгвістів. У статті використано поняття «англіцизми» на позначення новітніх запозичень із англійської мови, які досі сприймаються мовцями як певні варваризми або екзотизми.

Метою статті є дослідити, чим саме англізми вирізняються з-поміж запозичень із інших мов та які комунікативні функції виконують, а також з'ясувати, який вплив чинять англізми на сучасний український комунікативний простір, та визначити, чи можливо й доцільно замінювати їх питомо українськими словами без суттєвої зміни контексту.

Проведено аналіз лексико-семантичних груп серед сучасних запозичень із англійської мови на матеріалі сучасного медійного простору, у результаті чого виявлено найбільше англіцизмів у галузі комп'ютерних знань, молодіжного сленгу, а також суспільно-економічної лексики.

Урозвідці застосовано описовий, статистичний та порівняльний методи дослідження. Розглянуто особливості засвоєння новітніх англіцизмів українською мовою на фонетичному, морфологічному та правописному рівнях. Тут спостерігається тяжіння до творення дієслів 2 дієвідміни від англійських коренів, а також окремі суперечності при їх фонетичному та правописному засвоєнні. Науковою новизною є той факт, що вперше поставлено питання правописного засвоєння англіцизмів - написання слів разом або через дефіс, з великої чи з малої букви тощо.

У результаті проведеного дослідження можна стверджувати, що в українській мові протягом кількох останніх років значно зросла кількість англіцизмів, що зумовлюється як активізацією різнорівневих міжнародних контактів, так і впливом англомовного медіапростору на мовлення сучасних українських масмедіа та побутове мовлення.

Ключові слова: англіцизми, запозичена лексика, іншомовні слова, комунікативний простір, способи запозичення.

Problem statement

At the current stage of development, the Ukrainian language is undergoing certain transformations in connection with globalization, internationalization and Ukraine's integration into international economic and political life. The English language is spreading as a language of international communication, and as a result, elements of English at the lexical, word-forming, semantic, and phonetic levels penetrate into Ukrainian, creating special communicative structures, expanding the possibilities of expressive means.

Recent research and publications

anglization communicative vocabulary

Recently, the problem of anglicisms has been actively investigated in Ukrainian linguistics by B. Azhniuk, M. Bagan, O. Dyolog, L. Chernikova and T. Smilyk (Azhniuk, 2001; Bahan, 2020; Doloh, 2022; Chernikova, 2009). Some scientists consider anglicisation to be a natural linguistic phenomenon, while others, on the contrary, see it as a negative feature for the development of the Ukrainian language, a tribute to fashion, etc. An actual linguistic problem in the modern Ukrainian language is anglicisms, the appearance of which is caused by recent language contacts.

The purpose of the article. In view of the previous studies, we can state with confidence that the acceleration of the assimilation of borrowed anglicisms is characteristic of the latest period (Chernikova, 2009: 130). It will be appropriate to consider and investigate the peculiarities of the use of anglicisms, classifying them according to the most common lexical-semantic groups in order to find out their meaning and appropriateness of use depending on the context. In this regard, we set the following tasks: to find out the meaning of anglicisms, to determine the methods of their creation and assimilation in the modern Ukrainian language.

The urgency of the problem

The material of the study is the broadcasting of modern Ukrainian mass media from the Internet, the main attention was focused on news sites, the broadcasting of modern bloggers, as well as on professional vocabulary and terminology in the field of computer technologies, since it is in these areas that the most active process of borrowing from the English language takes place. The object of the research is anglicisms in the modern Ukrainian media space. Separate lexical-semantic groups of these anglicisms and their methods of assimilation in the Ukrainian language, as well as stylistic functions, became the subject of the study. Among the research methods descriptive with elements of statistical and comparative methods are used. In the research procedure, we were guided by the need to classify anglicisms according to common features, to find out the ways of creating other parts of the language on the basis of the Ukrainian language from borrowed English nouns and verbs, to determine the regularity of the orthographic assimilation of English borrowings. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time the analysis of the influence of anglicisms on the formation of modern Ukrainian has been carried out.

We consider it appropriate to study the issue of borrowed vocabulary in the context of communication only in close connection with sociolinguistic and sociopsychological factors: mass media, everyday communication, age and social affiliation of speakers, their cultural level, etc.. Each national language functions and develops in the context of world languages. Countries and their people are constantly in economic, political, scientific and cultural relations. Any attempt to artificially isolate the national language from other languages of the world contradicts the objective laws of human development, and therefore, interpenetration of language elements is natural in the process of development of the Ukrainian language.

Presentation of the main material. It should be noted that in modem linguistics, unfortunately, we do not observe a single scientific approach to the problem of learning foreign vocabulary. Its use is often considered separately from the functional and stylistic consolidation of linguistic means. One should also take into account the tendency to create international terminology, which emerged in the process of scientific and technological progress, to uniform names of scientific concepts and phenomena, because this contributes to the consolidation of borrowed words that acquire an international character. In addition, individual borrowings do not have equivalents and become the only names of certain realities, and this gives reason to believe that the process of learning foreign words is necessary for the development of the Ukrainian language, because the living language is dynamic and constantly developing (Bahan, 2020: 43). It is interesting that I. Franko (Franko, 1982: 207) was one of the first to substantiate the necessity of foreign language borrowings in Ukrainian linguistics.

As a result of nominative activity, for example, naming on the basis of borrowings, brings the language at its nominative-lexical level (linguistic picture of the world) into synchronous correspondence with its conceptual picture. Borrowing occurs at different levels of the language system, among which lexical- semantic and word-forming are the highest levels of assimilation of lexical borrowings, and graphic, phonetic, and morpheme assimilation form their basis.

It should be noted that in modern linguistic terminology, both terms are used to denote the same concept - “англізм” and “англіцизм”, which in turn requires consistency in the use of these terms. Anglicisms differ from the usual borrowings from the English language in that they have a distinct expressive stylistic color and usually appear either as equivalents to words already present in the language, for example, slang «шузи» - shoes or «забанити» - to ban, to block, or as names of new realities, peculiar barbarisms, but phonetically assimilated into the Ukrainian language, for example, “джавелін”, “хаймерз”, etc.. On the example of the latter, it is possible to study the role of the military and political situation in the country and its influence on the borrowed vocabulary.

For a more detailed research, we suggest dividing the studied anglicisms into lexical-semantic groups. In the process of work, we highlight the following:

- youth's slang;

- names from the computer industry, the Internet;

- names from the socio-political field;

- culinary and household names;

- names from the field of culture and art.

It should be noted that the first two groups often interact with each other, anglicisms can penetrate from one group to another, changing their meaning, for example, a "gadget" or "device" can not only be called a special device equipped with the mobile Internet, but also any other device, household appliance, etc. In the second group, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish terminological vocabulary and professionalisms, a large layer of the so-called computer slang. To illustrate the research procedure, we will give several examples of anglicisms for each semantic group.

Youth's slang: агрити(ся) (aggress) - get angry, attack, start aggressive actions; бан (ban) - ban on use, blocking in a social network; крінж, кринж (cringe) - «Spanish shame», a feeling of shrinking from shame; лайк (like) - a sign that a person likes it, usually on the Internet or in messengers; олдскул (old school) - traditional, one that imitates the early examples of a direction or style; which has gone out of fashion, old- fashioned, out-of-date, obsolete; флексити (flex) - to show off, brag, flaunt material values, etc.

Names from the computer industry, the Internet: апдейтити (update) - update a computer program, бекапити (back-up) - create backup copies; to google, гуглити, ґуґлити (google) - to search for information on websites using an online search service; залогінитися (log in, login) - enter a username and password to log in to the system, or register in another way; компайлити (compile) - to create a computer program that converts the source code written in a certain programming language into a semantically equivalent code in another programming language, which is usually necessary for the execution of the program by a machine; кукі, куки (cookie, cookies) - in computer terminology, a concept used to describe information in the form of text or binary data received from a website on a web server, which is stored by the client, i.e. the browser; юзер (user) - user of a computer system, device, website, program.

Names from the socio-political field: аутсайдер (outsider) - an individual who almost does not manifest himself as a person in society or a social group of people; a person or group of contestants, usually in sports and creative works, who is expected to lose; дауншифтинг (downshifting) is a social behavior or trend that concerns people who live a simple life in order to get out of the rat race of obsessive materialism and reduce stress; донат (donate) is a gift made by individuals or legal entities for charitable purposes; імідж (image) - a set of impressions that a person makes on others; камінгаут (coming out) - the process of a person's voluntary and conscious recognition of his or her sexual orientation or gender identity; майндфулнес (mindfulness) - priceless awareness that arises as a result of consciously directing attention to the present moment of one's own experience; фейспалм (facepalm) is a gesture of covering the face with the hand, known in many cultures as a manifestation of disappointment, shame, despair, irritation or embarrassment, etc.

Household and culinary names: байте (bites) - fried pieces of chicken fillet; ланч-брейк (lunch-break) - a break for lunch; оверсайз (oversize) - clothes of a free cut, larger in size; спонджкейк (sponge cake) - air biscuit; чизкейк (cheese-cake); шейкер (shaker) - a device for preparing mixed drinks, etc.

Назви з галузі культури та мистецтва: (англ. beauty blogger) - особа, яка веде блог, присвячений індустрії краси; (англ. clip maker) - фахівець, що професійно займається розробкою й постановкою рекламного ролика чи іншого творчого замовлення; (англ. craft) - продукт, виготовлений не промисловим способом, а маленькими партіями за індивідуальними рецептами; (англ. child free) - субкультура та ідеологія, яка характеризується принциповим небажанням мати дітей попри таку можливість та ін.

Names from the field of culture and art: б'юті- блогер(ка) (beauty blogger) - a person who blogs about the beauty industry; кліпмейкер (clip maker) - a specialist professionally involved with the development and staging of a commercial or other creative order; крафтовий (craft) - a product made not by an industrial method, but in small batches according to individual recipes; чайлдфрі (child free) - a subculture and ideology, which is characterized by a fundamental reluctance to have children despite such an opportunity, etc.

As can be seen from the examples given, phonetic features characteristic of anglicisms are the presence of sound combinations [ai], [ei], [d3]: designer, clipmaker, sponge cake. Among the word-forming features, attention is drawn to the suffix -er to indicate the type of activity: blogger, maker, manager - and -ing to indicate a process or phenomenon: bodybuilding, downshifting, overbooking, etc.

Regarding the semantic groups of anglicisms, we should note that the majority are slangisms and borrowings in the field of computer technology, and among the latter it is often difficult to determine whether a certain word is used as a term or as a professionalism, for example, a site or a driver. We believe that this branch needs a separate thorough study. In addition, computer and network slang is rapidly developing in the Ukrainian language, which is an interesting sociolinguistic phenomenon, since certain lexemes are borrowed together with new concepts in the field of technology. Therefore, we observe the phenomenon of constant linguistic interference between the Ukrainian and English languages, as well as the exchange between lexical groups of household slangisms and computer professionalism on the basis of Ukrainian.


Anglicisms have a distinct stylistic depending on the field of use. In colloquial speech, anglicisms mostly appear as slangisms, giving the speech of modern Ukrainian youth a touch of modernity. In the communication of mass media, anglicisms possess an important place and are used in order to activate the reader's or listener's attention and thinking. In the computer industry, it is sometimes difficult to separate modern terms of English origin from professionalisms and jargonisms or slangisms. Among the verbs, the forms have been created by the suffix method, those belonging to the 2nd conjugation predominate. Particular attention should be paid to the peculiarities of the orthographic and graphic assimilation of anglicisms in accordance with the norms set forth in the new edition of Ukrainian orthography.

We believe that the phenomenon of the use of anglicisms in the field of computer technology and professional slang will require a more detailed study in the future, because their number is constantly increasing with the development of technology. In addition, it is worth paying serious attention to the peculiarities of the graphic and orthographic acquisition of such words, in particular, whether they are written as one word or with a hyphen, with or without an apostrophe, etc. This, in turn, will require a detailed study of the formation of phonetic and orthoepic norms in the process of assimilation of anglicisms in the Ukrainian language.

The researchers' views regarding the functioning of anglicisms in the modern Ukrainian communicative space are not unanimous. One should note that similar processes occur in many languages, where appropriate language norms have been developed over time: the language will either learn a foreign word if it is supported by native speakers and there is a need for it, or this word will be rejected by the language itself as unnecessary, superfluous, therefore to see this as a threat, in our opinion, would be an exaggeration. On the other hand, anglicisms make it possible to enrich the synonymous composition of the Ukrainian language, to emphasize the stylistic features of the use of certain words.


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