Ways of mastering scientific terminology in the process of studying English as a foreign language by students of non-philological specialties

Consideration of the main approaches to the study of the features of the scientific style of speaking English by students and cadets of non-philology majors. Ways of learning professional terminology. Work with terminological and translation dictionaries.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык английский
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National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine (Kharkiv, Ukraine)

Department of Language Training

Ways of mastering scientific terminology in the process of studying English as a foreign language by students of non-philological specialties

Olga Lytvynenko

PhD (Philology), Associate Professor

Senior Lecturer

Olga Ryzhchenko

PhD (Philology)

Senior Lecturer


The article considers the main approaches to the study of the scientific style of English speaking by students and cadets of non-philological specialties. Particular attention is paid to the methods of teaching the language of the specialty, including ways to learn professional terminology, work with terminological and translation dictionaries, translations of texts in the professional field and more. Lexical work with terms is considered as one of the types of cognitive activity.

The process of learning a foreign language becomes targeted and increases motivation to learn if the textual and lexical material of the task corresponds to the main topics of special disciplines. The system of exercises should be built so that students are constantly in their main activity. Thus, the mastery of professional terminology will take place in the process of working with the text and will be systemic, not chaotic.

The article notes that an important aspect of the work is the reorientation of students from reproductive methods to creative activities. It is proposed to use it as the main form of extracurricular and classroom work with vocabulary in the specialty of study the material with the help of properly prepared manuals and textbooks, which allow to involve interdisciplinary links with professional disciplines and promotes special terminology in the context of learning syntactic features of English scientific style.

The main task of studying scientific terminology in the scientific style of a foreign language is not only the study of terms and understanding their meaning, but also the ability to apply them in the practice of oral and written professional speech with native speakers of a foreign language.

The authors conclude that the introduction of innovative approaches to the study of professional foreign language terminology allows students to increase motivation to learn foreign languages, as well as improve creative self-realization and develop communication skills.

Key words: branch terminology, communicative competence, teaching methods, professional speech, terminological vocabulary.

Ольга Литвиненко, кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри мовної підготовки Національного університету цивільного захисту України (Харків, Україна)

Ольга Рижченко, кандидат філологічних наук, старший викладач кафедри мовної підготовки Національного університету цивільного захисту України (Харків, Україна)

Шляхи засвоєння наукової термінології у процесі вивчення англійської мови як іноземної студентами нефілологічних спеціальностей


speaking english dictionary

У статті розглянуто основні підходи щодо вивчення особливостей наукового стилю мовлення англійської мови студентами та курсантами нефілологічних спеціальностей. Окрему увагу приділено методам викладання мови спеціальності, у тому числі способам засвоєння фахової термінології, роботі з термінологічними та перекладними словниками, перекладам текстів за професійним спрямуванням тощо. Як один із видів пізнавальної діяльності розглянуто лексичну роботу з термінами.

Процес навчання іноземної мови набуває цільової спрямованості й підвищує мотивацію до навчання в тому випадку, якщо текстовий і лексичний матеріал завдання відповідатиме основним темам спеціальних дисциплін, а систему вправ слід побудувати таким чином, щоб студенти постійно перебували у сфері своєї основної діяльності. Таким чином засвоєння фахової термінології відбуватиметься у процесі роботи з текстом і матиме системний, а не хаотичний характер.

У статті зазначено, що важливим аспектом роботи є переорієнтування студентів від репродуктивних методів до творчої діяльності. Запропоновано застосовувати як основну форму позааудиторної та аудиторної роботи з лексикою за спеціальністю опрацювання навчального матеріалу за відповідно підготовленим посібниками й підручниками, що дозволяє залучати міжпредметні зв'язки з фаховими дисциплінами та сприяє засвоєнню спеціальної термінології в контексті вивчення синтаксичних особливостей наукового стилю як англійської, так і української мов.

Головним завданням вивчення наукової термінології в науковому стилі іноземної мови стає не лише вивчення термінів і розуміння їхнього значення, а й уміння застосовувати їх у практиці усного та письмового професійного мовлення, для чого спеціально добирати тексти за спеціальністю, моделювати відповідні комунікативні ситуації, за можливості - з носіями іноземної мови.

Автори доходять висновку, що впровадження інноваційних підходів до вивчення фахової іншомовної термінології надає студентам змогу як підвищити мотивацію до вивчення іноземних мов, так і вдосконалити творчу самореалізацію та сформувати комунікативні навички.

Ключові слова: галузева термінологія, комунікативна компетенція, методи викладання, професійне мовлення, термінологічна лексика.

Problem statement

The study of the peculiarities of the scientific style of speech by higher education students is one of the promising areas in the process of teaching a foreign language, aimed at developing the professional competence of future professionals. Teaching the language of the specialty at the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine is allocated to a separate course “English for Professional Purposes”. At the same time, teachers of philology are working on the formation of general communicative competencies, which are not always available in the appropriate amount in the 1st year, so it complicates the perception of professional speech. Thus, the total amount of the discipline is 90 hours, of which 44 are classroom work. Most of the time is devoted to self-study of a foreign language, which can be quite effective only if the applicants are properly motivated.

At the present stage of development of the Ukrainian educational space, more and more attention is paid to the compliance of the future specialist's level of qualification with European standards. With the expansion of international cooperation, knowledge of a foreign language has become an integral part of the professional competence and successful career of a modern specialist (Voronina).

The language of professional communication (professional language) is “a functional kind of literary language used by representatives of a certain branch of production, profession, occupation” (Shevchuk, 2011: 17).

Undoubtedly, “mastering the basics of any profession begins with the acquisition of a certain amount of general and professional knowledge, as well as mastering the basic ways of solving professional problems”, i.e. mastering the language of professional orientation (Kretova, 2003).

Recent research and publications

Researchers note that 30,000 words of literary language are enough for effective cultural and social communication. It is known that 4 thousand most frequent words cover 95% in non-special content texts. According to our practical observations, in most cases, students learn the vocabulary of general scientific language to a very small extent. That is why the problem of taking into account the language of the specialty in the process of teaching students the scientific style of speech and the practice of creating educational materials for them is especially acute. Teachers have a difficult task to bring the amount of vocabulary actively mastered by students to 8 thousand units. It is clear that much of this vocabulary belongs to professional scientific speech.

Many Ukrainian scientists have paid attention to the problem of development of special skills connected with effective professional communication. We can point out the works of Kolomiiets A.M., Gromov I.V., Kolomiiets L.I., Mazajkina I.O., Kolomiiets D.I., Kostikova I., Shevchenko A., Holubnycha L., Popova N., Budianska V.

The purpose of the article is to consider ways to organize work on the study of terminological vocabulary by Ukrainian students in foreign language classes during the main stage of study. The relevance of this work is determined by the search for optimal ways of selection and presentation of terminological vocabulary. This is due to the shift of emphasis in the process of learning English in universities to the language of specialty and the need for students to acquire professional language competence. Professional linguistic competence is the sum of systematized knowledge of norms and rules of literary language, according to which the correct language patterns and specialty messages are built (Shevchuk, 2011: 18).

The urgency of the problem

Professional communication involves fluency in professionally- oriented terminology, skills to translate correctly and accurately, have sufficient knowledge to work with professional English literature. Today, the main task of learning a foreign language is not just to teach students to use it as a means of communication, but to use a foreign language in situations of professional activity. Therefore, the issue of studying terminological vocabulary has been and still remains relevant in modern methodological science and practice of teaching foreign languages.

Presentation of the main material

English is taught through a system of teaching aids, the central elements of which are textbooks, manuals, dictionaries, teaching materials and distance learning courses. An analysis of a number of English textbooks shows that the classification of texts is often arbitrarily based on what skills and abilities will be developed on their basis. The problem of selection and classification of textual material in the teaching of the specialty is currently solved ambiguously. It is impossible to create quality professionally oriented textbooks and manuals without constantly referring to functionally related texts. Functionally related text is text written by a specialist and addressed to a specialist. Functional and stylistic definiteness of the special text is provided first of all by terms. This is the basis for understanding the term as a semantic dominant of a functionally related text.

In English classes, the students master the language of professional education. The tasks of communication in the field of science and profession require the transfer of scientific concepts and a certain level of preparation of students for participation in educational and professional activities. For this purpose there is a special vocabulary and terminological apparatus of the language of the specialty. In the theory and methodology of teaching a non-native language, there are objective data that determine the proportion of special and non-special vocabulary in the language of the specialty.

It should be noted that the distinction between common vocabulary and terminology in professional speech is conditional, as potentially each significant word can serve as a term. A term, entering the terminological system of a certain science, is at the same time an integral part of terminology as a whole, i. e. a unit of a special lexical system, specifically constructed, with a specific set of functions. Common words are a constant source of replenishment of terminological names, and on the other hand, terms, going beyond the language of science, flow into the literary language, becoming words of general use. At the same time, changes in their semantic structure inevitably occur, which are reflected in the peculiarities of use, the possibility of compatibility and other properties.

Lexical work with terms can also be considered as one of the types of cognitive activities aimed at general and professional training of students under the guidance of a teacher. Important conditions that determine the effectiveness of student work are: the right combination of classroom and independent work; correct methodical organization of student work; providing the necessary methodological materials; constant control of work performance. The development of general learning skills in the study of terminology involves not only working with functionally related texts, but also the ability of students to use reference books and dictionaries. Practice shows that the majority of students for one reason or another can not work independently with educational materials, reference books, or encyclopedic or terminological dictionaries.

A great number of translated terminological dictionaries are published annually all over the world. We agree with researchers who point out the shortcomings of existing translated terminological dictionaries, which complicate the performance of dictionaries of their functions (reference, systematization, normalization and training), which ultimately reduce the quality of translation.

One of the main tasks of modern terminological science is the practical aspect of unification and standardization of existing terminology by creating industry dictionaries. In this regard, we should mention the dictionary "Lexic and Semantic Study of Professional Terminology of Employees of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine", compiled by the staff of the Department of Language Training of National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine. This study is due to the need to systematize modern Ukrainian and borrowed professional terminology in the field of civil defense and help future professionals to master it in both Ukrainian and English.

The dictionary records modern Ukrainian terms and terminological phrases and their English counterparts in the field of civil protection. The publication is intended for specialists of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, employees of scientific institutions and publishing houses, teachers, graduate students, associate professors and graduates. Illustrative material is presented with the help of QR-codes, which makes this publication not only modern and compact, but also allows users to search independently and activates students' attention in the process of learning terminological vocabulary.

The need to compile such a dictionary became especially acute during the period of rapid replenishment of terminology with lexical units to denote the new realities of various professional fields. The dictionary is designed not only to interpret terms and terminological combinations, but also to demonstrate their use in a particular context in both Ukrainian and English. For this purpose, illustrative material was selected from the original texts in the professional field in the field of civil protection.

The dictionary presents both intersectoral and highly specialized Ukrainian and borrowed terms and their equivalents in English, which will significantly contribute to the assimilation and understanding of the peculiarities of the use of these terminological units in professional speech.

The dictionary contains a register of Ukrainian and foreign terms presented in alphabetical order and their translation into English in the first part and, accordingly, a similar register of English terms and their translation into Ukrainian in the second part, which aims to facilitate the search for features and identify their features. functioning in a professional context, as well as promote the expansion of international relations in the field of professional communication and exchange of experience of specialists of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine with specialists from other countries. Terminological vocabulary of scientific style in the study of English as a foreign language, thus, serves as a means of creating professional competence.

If the textual and lexical material of the classes corresponds to the main topics of the disciplines, and the system of exercises is organized in such a way that students are always in the field of their main activity, the process of learning English becomes targeted and increases motivation to learn. Students must have a clear idea of why and why they are offered a language material, because only then will they become active participants in the learning process, which ultimately makes learning successful. Students should also receive from the teacher a clear target setting for independent work with terminology in the specialty, detailed instruction on its content, techniques and methods of implementation.

It is very important to reorient students from reproductive methods to creative activities. As the main form of extracurricular and classroom work with vocabulary in the specialty students are offered to study the material on specially prepared manuals and textbooks, which allows to involve interdisciplinary links with professional disciplines and promotes special terminology in the context of studying syntactic features of scientific style and English. Ukrainian language.


Undoubtedly, the intensification of work on the study of terminological vocabulary will enhance students' activity in learning the material, increase the effectiveness of the ability to independently, systematically and methodically correctly expand their knowledge, the need to read literature, use special encyclopedic, terminological, translation and explanatory dictionaries.

Learning the language of the specialty is associated with mastering various lexical and thematic terminological groups: specialized, industry terminology. The study of the vocabulary of these groups is very important for the methodology of teaching English in a professional field, taking into account the specialty.

Introduction of innovative approaches to teaching English with the use of multimedia teaching aids allows students:

to increase motivation to learn foreign languages;

to gain access to new, alternative sources of information;

to develop independent mental activity;

to improve creative self-realization;

to form communication skills, intercultural and professional competence (Sharhun).

Students of non-philological profile must not only know a foreign language and methods of working with special and reference literature, but also be able to correctly use the terminology in classes in specialized subjects.


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11. Kolomiiets A.M., Gromov I.V., Kolomiiets L.I., Mazajkina I.O., Kolomiiets D.I. Work with Foreign Scientific Editions as an Effective Factor of Motivating Undergraduates to Improve Their Foreign Language Competency. The New Educational Review, Vol. 60, No.2/2020. P. 96-107. URL: https://tner.polsl.pl/volume-60-2020 (Last accessed: 05.21.2022).

12. Kostikova Ilona, Shevchenko Alona, Holubnycha Liudmyla, Popova Nataliya, Budianska Viktoriia. Use of machine translation technology for understanding scientific and technical texts. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology. 28th February 2019. Vol. 97. No 4.

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