The experience of bilingual school education in England and Wales in the early 21st century

An attempt to investigate the phenomenon of bilingualism. To show some aspects of the problem of bilingualism, which is the key to solving complex of problems through modern innovative teaching methods related to the functioning of languages in Ukraine.

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Lviv Polytechnic National University

The experience of bilingual school education in England and Wales in the early 21st century

Halyna Lotfighahrodi, Lecturer at the Foreign Languages Department

Lviv, Ukraine

Due to fast globalization development, the place of bilingual education becomes rather drastic, gaining the role of an urgent importance in modern society which daily puts out the solutions for the educational demands. Mass bilingualism, deformation of the linguistic situation, conflict of speech problems can have consequences of social consolidation loss, dangerous processes of assimilation both linguistic and national-cultural. The purpose of this study is an attempt to investigate the phenomenon of bilingualism, the causes of its origin; to show some aspects of the problem of bilingualism, which is the key to solving the whole complex of problems through modern innovative teaching methods related to the functioning of languages in Ukraine as well as abroad.

The analysis of recent research methods and publications have been trying to reveal this issue and find a sound solution for it. Modern Ukrainian researchers are paying close attention to bilingual education. Foreign experience in this area was analyzed by many wise scholars and their apprentices. The problem of multilingualism is of particular importance today because it is primarily caused by socio-economic and political changes in the world that require the more active involvement of different countries in the global geopolitical multicultural dialogue. One of the factors in activating such a dialogue is the need to be fluent in at least one foreign language, which has led to the emergence of such a phenomenon in the world of educational practice, as bilingual education. To solve this problem, one must take into account the whole complex of features of the language and different aspects of the relation of the cultural components of the language with its levels. For Ukraine, the development of bilingual education is driven, first and foremost, by a general tendency towards integration into the European space, a desire for cultural dialogue and intercultural communication.

Key words: bilingualism, bilingual education, knowledge, languages, culture, curriculum.

Галина ЛОТФІГАРУДІ, викладач кафедри іноземної мови Національного університету «Львівська політехніка» (Львів, Україна)


У зв'язку зі швидким розвитком глобалізації місце двомовної освіти стає досить актуальним та набуває особливого значення в сучасному суспільстві, яке щодня висуває різноманітні виклики для освітніх потреб. Масова двомовність, деформація мовної ситуації, конфлікт мовних проблем можуть мати наслідки втрати соціальної консолідації, небезпечних процесів асиміляції, як мовних, так і національно-культурних. Мета цієї розвідки - спроба дослідити феномен двомовності, причини його виникнення, показати деякі аспекти проблеми двомовності, що є запорукою вирішення всього комплексу проблем за допомогою сучасних інноваційних методів навчання, пов'язаних із функціюванням мов в Україні та за кордоном.

Аналіз останніх методів дослідження та публікацій був присвячений виявленню цієї проблеми та віднайденню надійного її вирішення. Сучасні українські дослідники приділяють неабияку увагу двомовній освіті. Зарубіжний досвід у цій галузі проаналізувала велика кількість учених. Проблема багатомовності нині набула особливого значення, оскільки вона, насамперед, стала причиною соціально-економічних та політичних змін у світі, які потребують активнішого залучення представників різних країн до глобального геополітичного мультикультурного діалогу Одним із факторів активізації такого діалогу є необхідність вільно володіти хоча б однією іноземною мовою. Це призвело до появи такого явища у світовій освітній практиці, як двомовна освіта. Щоб вирішити цю проблему, необхідно врахувати весь комплекс особливостей мови, а також різні аспекти взаємозв'язку культурних компонентів мови та її рівнів. Для України розвиток двомовної освіти зумовлений, насамперед, загальною тенденцією до інтеграції в європейський простір, а також постійним прагненням до культурного діалогу та міжкультурної комунікації.

Ключові слова: двомовність, двомовна освіта, знання, мови, культура, навчальна програма.


Formulation of the problem. The end of XX and the beginning of the XXI century are characterized by the processes of transformation of individual social groups into one multilingual or to be more exact we rather specify it to be formed as a multicultural society. Knowledge of two languages became a necessity for a multilingual informational space. Important changes in the field of multicultural education for schoolchildren have taken place in the last century in the United Kingdom. In Great Britain and Northern Ireland, until the end of the sixties, the key concept of the educational policy was the fact of integration, which, in essence, meant the assimilation of immigrants and the absolute priority of English culture in the educational process (Banks, 1895:3961). This policy has not been paid off, and as an alternative to integration, the concept of “multicultural education” was proposed, which in its turn reflects the philosophy of pluralism in education and proclaimed the equal coexistence of different cultures and ways of life.

Research analysis. Theoretically and methodologically accepted foundations of bilingual education are considered in the scientific works of C. Baker, A. Diebold, D. Block, J. Cummins, A. De Houwer, S. Chan, E. etc. However, the analysis of scientific research of bilingual school programs still gives little grounds to state that the conceptual and applied aspects of professionally oriented two language teaching method mainly through communication offers future minority protection service which has not been sufficiently developed.

British teachers - prefer a new approach to multicultural education - advocated the harmonious coexistence of dominant and minority cultures on the basis of mutual respect and tolerance. The main principle of multicultural education was proclaiming the equality of all cultures and to have an understanding of culture as a complex system of religious beliefs, rituals and customs, social values and traditions, family ties, a sense of belonging to a particular social group or even a subculture, such as a professional, youth etc. (Routlage and Kegan Paul, 1986: 38).

Contemporary British teachers are focused on the opinion of American ideologist of multicultural education J. Banks, according to who the purpose of the multicultural educational process is recognized, on one hand, the improvement of academic achievement of students - representatives of nondominant culture, and on the other - the assistance to students, representatives of dominant culture other ethnic and social groups forming the community (Banks, 1985: 3341).

The purpose of the article is to identify the essential characteristical principles of communicative competence of bilingual teaching, which is manifested into school programs, and in the conditions of its implementation.

The main material

Describing elementary education at the beginning of the 21st century, it should be noted that in its curriculum there were changes of a systemic nature, covering both approaches to its selection and means of translation. At the present stage, since 2013, the main questions regarding the design of the elementary education curriculum are the question of the place of the scientific component and the teaching methods of the subject block; integration of basic reading, writing and numeracy skills in teaching all subjects; introduction of modern foreign language to the standard of primary education; ensuring an integrated approach to learning and promoting the student's personal, social and emotional development. Changes in the curriculum of primary education in the United Kingdom (England, Wales) are a response both to global, European socio-economic transformations and to national peculiarities of educational development in the country. The key to success is finding a balance between the interests of each child and the needs of society (Borysenko, 2013).

The education of England and Wales is funded by the Government and governed by its laws. There are also secondary education-related legislative acts that provide for the education, care, and care of elementary and secondary school students, including their funding, administration, admission, attendance, schedules, and more. The public education sector in England and Wales must provide all education regardless of the child's immigration status. Such responsibilities are typically performed by Local Education Authorities (LEAs) in each county of England. There are such stages of school education in England, and they consist of primary and secondary education. Compulsory education in England begins when a child reaches the age of five and ends at 16 (Aducation Act, 1996). If a child is enrolled in an institution of a particular area of residence and does not attend, or his or her parents are not interested in attending the institution of study of their child, they may be fined.

A child in England who turns five years old is required to receive an effective completed education, according to its age, abilities and special needs, must regularly attend a school or get education another possible way (Halsbury, 2006). bilingualism language ukraine

As we can see, the obligation for the child to receive an education rests with both the parents and the local authority, which also provides the children with the educational institutions.

The task of bilingual school education is to reduce interference during the learning process; avoid borrowing vocabulary from one language to another; to preserve the interference of one language system into another, and to preserve each language as a separate structure, a product of long historical development; to learn to treat language as a complex and multifaceted phenomenon; keep at least two complete languages. Unfortunately, to date, there is no specific strategy that would unambiguously address the problem of bilingual schooling in the non-English speaking population of England and Wales. Despite this, responsibility for the education of bilinguals rests with a number of local educational offices across the country. However, there is a national strategy that focuses on the bilingual population, provides its support, and provides education in the mother tongue. The largest indigenous population of Great Britain is the British, who live in England and much of Wales and form compact settlements in some parts of southern Scotland. The Scots are predominantly inhabited by Scotland - the northwestern regions of the island of Britain and the adjacent coast: the Shetland, Orkney and Hebrides. The mountains of the northwestern part of the island are inhabited by a kind of ethnic group, which preserves the original traditions and culture - gels (highlanders). The Welsh are mostly Wales. Local authority's additional funding Bilingual schools that are intended to provide EMAG (The Ethnic Minority Achievement Grant) grants thus increase the level of English non-English speaking population.

The analysis of N. Nikolskaya (Nikolska, 2013) helps us to come to common opinion, that the school bilingual education spreads in Wales not only through awareness of residents of the need to protect against the decline of the ancient language abandoned them in the inheritance but also with the educational, political and cultural reasons. People, who are bilingual, have a better chance of employment. Until recently, one of the reasons, which hampered the development of bilingual education in Wales, was the lack of literary norms of Welsh language, that existed only in the colloquial version, which also had several dialects, but today the situation has changed. As a result, the group was created by the linguists of the modern standard Welsh language, which is about to combine literary standards as well as spoken Welsh. It is in this form that language is used in the educational process. But, according to research, so far in different areas of Wales, the level of knowledge of the population and their ability to use Welsh are significantly different. Based on recent statistics in 2001, in Wales, 20.8% (approximately 582 thousand persons) age of three years do not speak Welsh fluently, 16.3% (approximately 458 thousand residents) understand, speak, read and write Welsh, 4.9% (approximately 138 thousand) only understand Welsh. Children age 5 to 15 years have the best knowledge of Welsh, which is 40.8% of the residents of Wales. Statistical analysis shows, that the level of primary school students speaking the Welsh language significantly increased from 13.2% in 1987 to 16.8% in 2002 (Nikolska, p.138).

The formation of bilingual schooling in England and Wales is characterized by a number of diverse prerequisites that have had a direct impact on it for many millennia. Throughout its time, the creation and validation of the education of England and Wales have always been guided by the rigorous demands on the quality of the learning itself. Today, the education of these countries takes one of the leading places in the world and is proudly considered to be one of the best, as it has passed the time test, which actually makes to become a perfect form of study.

The bilingualism of England is very different from the bilingualism of Wales: In Wales, the view on bilingualism is rather indifferent, and in England, distrust and prejudiced towards bilingualism and bilingual education prevails, so that bilingual education in England is still considered rather limited compared to the rest of the world, however, in Wales, it stands at its highest level.

According to the research (Lokshyna, 2009) in the United Kingdom (England and Wales), all proposed qualifications are allocated into general and professional (occupational) ones. To meet their own needs, most young people combine different types of qualifications and their levels.

General qualifications may be obtained by capturing a groove when academic subjects were advanced in high school - like mathematics, English and science.

Professional qualifications provide acquisition of knowledge and skills in a particular professional field, such as art and design, production sphere, health and social care.

The high school level offers young people 16-19 years of age the opportunity to obtain qualifications from the first two groups mentioned above:

- the group of general qualifications - the qualifications of secondary education with an increased supportive level (General Certificate of Secondary Education Advanced Subsidiary Qualification, GCSE AS) and qualified General Certificate of Secondary Education high level (General Certificate of Secondary Education Advanced Level Qualification, GCSE “A” Level);

- the group of professional qualifications - Nationwide professional skills - ZNPK (General National Vocational Qualifications, GNVQ);

Getting general qualifications GCSE AS and GCSE “A” Level PE requires to be qualified for a certain sphere; General Certificate of Secondary Education (General Certificate of Secondary Education, GCSE), students usually receive after the graduation require compulsory training at the age of 16.

The first year of study in senior school students devotes training to the drafting exam to obtain qualifications of GCSE AS. For this purpose, they choose four or five subjects relevant to their future profession. This qualification is seen as an auxiliary one to get - GCSE “A” Level after finishing the second year of study.

On the modular principle to get the completed course obtaining GCSE “A” Level qualification, a student should cover the course consisted of six modules for each subject to receive the title of units. Units are major credits of the educational process, providing an assessment of assimilation (knowledge comprehension). The first three units of six meet the qualifications of GCSE AS - get the students studied the three units in each subject in the first year of high school and take an appropriate examination. Next three units, but with fewer subjects (up to 3) students obtain in the second year of study for GCSE “A” Level qualification.

The gradual steps of that scheme get qualifications GCSE “A” Level progressively - first mastered the first three units and passing the exam obtain the qualifications GCSE AS, and then taking the following three units during the second year of study accomplish the goal.

Another way is to master six units at once. This flexible system as the British government believes meets the needs of each young person, by given the level of development and opportunities to obtain needed material for the future profession.

While traditionally these qualifications certify the level of knowledge in required subjects, recent innovations have included basic skills in this list and. In particular, the six basic skills that are of a mandatory for entry secondary school are communication, application of mathematical knowledge and skills. The use of informational technologies, ability to work with others, the ability to learn and develop critical thinking - capture the first three can be shown GCSE AS and GCSE “A” Level qualifications. (Lokshyna,141)

In practice, this is reflected in the receipt by the schools of a much larger range of powers that can be exercised by the headmaster or the school board, including:

- management of financial and other resources of the school (staff, premises, equipment, materials) in the case of its functioning as a separate institution;

- approval (through national/regional standards) curriculum, curriculum, teaching methods, teaching materials, homework policy, culture tour and sporting events;

- decisions concerning the organization of school life (daily routine, the distribution of the academic year into semesters and distribution taught them hours by subject/subject areas);

- selection and admission of teachers and other staff to work, including the determination of wages and working conditions, under procedures consistent with national legislative status;

- Reporting on the achievements of the school, as well as about the problems you are through internal (self-evaluation) and external his assessment of the institution.

Another group transformation relates to optimize the organization vchalnoho process. This is achieved by:

- reducing the number of students in classes;

- restructuring of the school week in order to release the Saturdays by increasing the workload for the other five days of the week;

- Restructuring the school year evenly towards three valosti semesters and holidays;

- distribution period of primary education into separate periods (cycles, phases), which enables clearer structured learning objectives, content outline educational results and developing appropriate evaluation tools that are effective for a time frame.

In the United Kingdom (England and Wales), particularly after a number of reforms initiated in the late 80s, the entire period of study at school is divided into separate periods - key stages. The period of prime education consists of two stages - 1st (age of students: 5-7 years old) and 2nd (age of students: 7-11 years) (Lokshyna,104).

The content of education in this context is considered to be a key instrument of the EUA introduction, which indicates a trend of “Europeanization” implementing the content of certain school education almost in all the countries of the EU. Enabling EUA into the content of education is understood by the Member of States as a mandatory contemporary development of the EU, proclaimed as a part of the Lisbon strategy to reach social harmony. Therefore, upgraded in 2000 national curriculum for England and Wales is much more focused on the European dimension as in the equation to the previous version. The paper noted that learning programs developed by the teachers of schools within the national curriculum should be focused onto the student's development of their identity sense through the transmission of knowledge and forming an understanding of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural heritage of British society and local, European and global dimensions of their lives, which should encourage students to honour humanity's achievements in the aesthetic, scientific, technological and social spheres, and to shape their personalities through the response to the existing experience and ideas (Savvides N., 2003).

The “Europeanization” as a content of the modern stage has its own peculiarities - European dimension broadcast on background transformations and their mutual influence, which flows with the process of globalization in all functioning spheres of European societies.

According to the content of education in EU countries, EUA integration, is performed in several ways. First, using the traditional approach, which was named multidisciplinary in which knowledge about Europe where Democracy is included in the content of such disciplines as History, Geography, Foreign languages (Ekstrand, 1994).

Integration also takes place within a multidisciplinary move. This approach in terms of educational transformation based on teachers' competency for developing EUA components such as certain skills which become main PRINCIPLES FOR GOOD GOVERNANCE organized by learning common themes using “European” ideas.

In order to systematize knowledge about Europe, some countries find it advisable to introduce a specialized subject (often an optional subject), mainly in high or secondary schools.

From the very beginning of the EUA proclamation, the history has been regarded as one of the basic subjects to be introduced into the content of school education. However, in practice, this subject has remained untouched considered to be purely national by a spirit (Pillipou S., 2005). Historic teaching materials have traditionally been focused on national military and diplomatic achievements, leaving aside the aspects of cultural pluralism, the interconnectedness of peoples and global values.

The trend of “Europeanisation” content of school history determines the need for rethinking some of the approaches to its broadcast. In fact, there is a restructuring of a typical model of teaching history as a subject through such basic directions as (Lokshyna, 2009: 101):

- analysis of the place of national history in the context of main European processes;

- an analysis of the place of European history in the context of global processes;

- establishing the relationship between the concepts of “National History” and “History of the minority” living within the territory of the state but outside its origin.

In elementary school, the process of teaching history is usually based on the acquaintance with the distinguished historical figures and events. Thus, the National Curriculum for England and Wales on the 2nd key stage (Elementary School) provides the study themes dedicated to European history. British schools usually prefer the history of ancient Greece, the demonstrations of students with outstanding events of that time and introducing them to the lives of Greek philosophers. In addition, the topics devoted to local and British history (Norman, Roman and Anglo-Saxon conquests), taught through the outlook on the lives of the ancient European culture and traditions of the peoples who inhabited the territories. (Eurybase, 2009).

To accomplish the approach of teaching English language to non-English speaking citizens rests on the shoulders of (LEA) local education authorities. The programs for English as a supplementary language have been distributed throughout England and Wales, although the move has not been relieved to local authorities of their responsibility. Qualifications and Curriculum (QCA) - English as an additional language, refers to a school-based learning process that enables children to learn English if they have not spoken it since birth.

In England, the teachers were directed to successfully taught EAL, given appropriate instructions so, that the teachers are able to model and adapt their training plans to EAL. The essence of the program is that children must use different language when speaking with their peers and bilingual school staff. This fact should be actively supported. It is also necessary to provide such children with textbooks in their own language and other manuals, in accordance with the curriculum. This will only facilitate successful learning. At the same time, such students are forced to simultaneously learn English as a language to achieve social and academic goals. The support of EAL (English as Additional Language) teachers if necessary to involve more children in active learning through this program and to create a plan for its effective support in learning English (London: SCHA, 1996).

Under the conditions, when students are still improving their level of English language and in which there are difficultieswiththe assimilation ofeducational programs, QCA recommends encouraging them to use their native language, find support, working in groups with such young people, who have shared their native language but also to use visual clues. In October 2003 government launches the strategy to support the children involved in EAL programs, as part of the initiative “Aiming High”. The EAL was implemented “through a primary national strategy that envisages a professional development package for key staff... June 2006 launched a supportive national EAL strategic program aimed at raising awareness of the best use of EAL in secondary school” (London: TSO, 2007).

Local authorities additionally fund Bilingual schools that are intended to provide EMAG (The Ethnic Minority Achievement Grant) grants increasing the level of English non-English speaking population. This grant “is distributed by local authorities according to a well-defined formula according to which the number of EAL students make at least 85 percent” In 2007-2008, this grant reached the amount up to Ј179 million. It provides the school with resources to hire and support EAL specialists, and provides local authorities with the opportunity to create and support such teachers.

In accordance with EAL data - English as an Additional Language, numbering more than a million children of age from 5-16 years old, in English schools have an access to study about 360 languages, not including English. 1 061 010 pupils of this age enrolled in schools in England and 31,132 children in Wales are considered to be bilingual. In 2013, according to the statistics from primary and secondary schools in Wales, 31,132 (6.7% of children) studied English as an additional language.

In the report of language community (CILT, 2005) Community language Report of the United Kingdom as a whole is defined, that 8,000 bilingual children of Wales, who speak about 104 languages and 702 000 in England, speak as least 300 languages. Unfortunately, today, there is no specific strategy that would unambiguously address the problem of bilingual schooling in the non-English speaking population of England and Wales. Despite this, the responsibility for the education of bilinguals rests with a number of local educational offices across the country. However, there is a national strategy that focuses our vision on the bilingual population, offers its support, and provides education for such students in their mother tongue. In schools of England from 2003 to 2007, the number of pupils speaking another language other than English increased from 653,800 to 789,790, which means from 9.6% to 12%, doubling the number of the bilingual school population (Aducation Act, 1996).

Comom European recommendations on language education claim that such essential aspects of language culture as social, psychological, methodological, pedagogical and linguistic should be clearly defined and professionally outlined (Lenvit, 2003).

Teaching the English language to non-English speaking citizens is laid on the shoulders of local education authorities. The programs for learning English as an “Additional” language have been distributed throughout England and Wales, although the move has not released local authorities of their responsibility. In October 2003, the government launched a strategy to support children involved in EAL programs as part of the Aiming High initiative. For example, Trinity St David's College at the University of Wales, among others, offers a Bachelor of Arts program in Applied Bilingualism (Welsh and English). Not only does this course focus on the linguistic aspects of Welsh and English, but it also examines the relationships between the linguistic majority and the minority, and also focuses on the future of individual languages at a time when many of them are disappearing. 2/3 of the program modules are offered in Welsh and 1/3 in English. Features of the program content are the development of bilingual skills and the ability to work in a bilingual environment.

The end of XX and the beginning of the XXI century are characterized by the processes of transformation of individual social groups into one multilingual society, or we'd rather say, multicultural society. Knowledge of two languages became a necessity for a multilingual informational space. Bilinguals are people who, by their originality, prevent the formation of any stereotypes, eradicate racism, and help preserve the language, culture and traditions of at least two peoples for the proper functioning of the individual in today's society. That's why so much attention is paid to bilinguals. Not only does this concept accumulate new knowledge, it also enables one to feel confident and worthy in the multilingual information space of today. In accordance with the national principles of bilingual school education, each state cares for the provision of certain conditions that would contribute to the development of the individual, creative implementation, effective contribution to the future of the state and its skilled workers.


Describing basic education at the beginning of the 21st century, it should be mentioned that its curriculum has been significant systematic changes, covering both approaches of its selection and means of trespassing. At the present stage (since 2013), the main questions regarding the design of the elementary education curriculum are the question of the place of the scientific component in the subject teaching block; integration of basic reading, writing and numeracy skills in teaching all subjects; introduction of a modern foreign language to the standard of primary education; ensuring an integrated approach to learning and promoting the student's personal, social and emotional development. Changes in the curriculum of primary education in the United Kingdom (England, Wales) are a response both to global, European socioeconomic transformations and to national peculiarities of educational development in the country. The key to the success of searching declared the balance into an account of the interests of each child and the need of the society (Borysenko, 2013: 62).

In summary, what educational reform in England and Wales has displayed, we can see, that some steps have been taken in the direction of modernization and the practical application of education into the lives of people which made a complete sense. On the one hand, the weakening of control of education took its place creating governing committees and Agencies, which are characterized by specific directions concerning centralized standardization of education. The system has proven itself to be a fairly effective alternative component of education.

The educational policy of England and Wales focuses its attention on creating a comfortable, supportive environment for the society where the future of the country gets an education. Parents' involvement in their children's educational programs was effective. Public resources have become increasingly used in the formal educational system. A gradual increase in the contribution of public resources to educational programs is planned for successful results. It should be remembered that any drastic change requires funding, not just some of the monetary costs that would be difficult to make at this stage of Ukrainian education, even if you wish to follow the example of the development of bilingual education in England or Wales. One way or another, regardless of the country, updating the educational curriculum remains an urgent and open question, and teacher training must be turned into a continuous process. Teachers need to be proactive in implementing new educational programs.

With the introduction of a series of curriculum reforms in England and Wales, the education system has become “one of the most centralized and undemocratic in the Western world” (Deibold, 1961). The Baker Act was intended to provide a “balanced and broad educational content” that would contribute to the spiritual, cultural, moral, mental and physical development of students in school and society at large, to prepare these students for future adulthood, open opportunities, responsibility, and would form an experience. Such a series of reforms was intended to provide the needs and capabilities of each student in particular by implementing such a vital national curriculum.

In the area of “Standards”, the first thing was foreseen was the introduction of the National Curriculum, which, accordingly, had to ensure a high level of educational standards. The content of education should become nationally oriented, certainly more “English”. Its purpose is to steer towards the “restoration of unique English cultural traditions”, in other words, it should underlie the foundations of school education. They planned to study more about religion, the cultural field of problems of international ties in people's lives. The school task was to turn to classical teaching methods (Pierson, 1989). If we talk about bilingualism in England, then it shows a great difference from the Bilingualism of Wales. Quite often, though not necessarily, it manifests itself where it is most concerned with preserving and restoring the languages of minorities and indigenous peoples. In England, a large number of minorities who speak their native language at home, at their temple or at their choice of place of interest express a strong interest in bilingualism. The minority languages of England include: Arabic, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Bengali, Cantonese, Gururat, Punjabi.

During the last two decades, the provision and practice of politics and philosophy began to form somewhat pluralistic position, regarding bilingual school education. In recent years, numerous reports and studies, as well as active measures and changes introduced by schools, offer to continue the movement towards the development of bilingual education.

The main ways to raise the educational standards of conservative education reforms were to: introduce a curriculum; implementation of the national system of assessment and assessment of students' knowledge; the introduction of state-independent inspection of schools; forming comparative tables of school success.

In general, the introduction of reforms of the national education system in England and Wales was a pressing issue not only for education but also for politics, economics, and was a pressing social issue that required immediate resolution.

Thus, features of bilingual education in England and Wales are:

- modernization and practical application of education in people's lives;

- weakening the control of education;

- setting up steering committees for specific areas of centralized standardization of education;

- striving to create comfortable learning conditions;

- involving parents in their children's educational programs and more.

Accordingly, standards provide for the implementation of the National Training Plan, under which the content of education must be a national - oriented and reinforced centralized educational school system. Features of new forms of knowledge testing include such as the distribution of goals of each subject, the lack of a common scientific concept of curricula, unjustified reduction of thematic educational material at the expense of the subject; standardized educational practice; the current assessment of student achievement, etc., is not sufficiently taken into account.

Bilingualism in England by a large extent differs from Bilingualism in Wales: a framework for Wales, look at bilingualism, is an indifferent character, as well as England, dominated distrust and prejudice towards bilingualism and bilingual education, because bilingual education in England is considered to be quite limited, in comparison with other countries of the world and, particularly from Wales, where is it on a high level.


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6. Diebold A. Richard. Incipient bilingualism Language. Language. 1961. Vol. 37, № 1 (Jan. - Mar.). Р. 97-112.

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11. Halsbury's laws of England 15. Lord Mac Kay of Clashfern ed., 4th ed. Reissue, 2006.

12. Multicultural Education: Toward Good Practice. Ed. by Arora R.K. and Duncan C.G. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1986. 486 p.

13. Philippou S. The Problem of the European Dimension in Education: a Principled Reconstruction of the Greek Cypriot Curriculum. European Educational Research Journal. 2005. Vol. 4, No. 4. P. 343-367.

14. Pierson Ch. The new governance of education: The Conservatives and Education 1988-1997. Oxford Review of Education. 1998. Vol.24. Issue 1. Pp. 131-143

15. Savvides N. The European Dimension in the National Curriculum for England. Implementing European Union Education and Training Policy. A Comparative Study of Issues in the Four Member States. Edited by David Phillips and Hubert Ertl. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. P. 143-160.

16. Teaching English as an Additional Language: A Framework for Policy. London: SCAA, 1996.


1. Borysenko I. Etapy rozvytku kurykulumu pochatkovoi osvity v spoluchenomu korolivstvi Velykoi Brytanii Ta Pivnichnoi Irlandii (Anhliia, Uels). Pedahohichna komparatyvistyka, 2013: transformatsii v osviti zarubizhzhia ta ukrainskyi kontekst: materialy nauk.-prakt seminaru (Kyiv, 10 chervnia 2013 r.). [Stages of development of the primary education curriculum in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (England, Wales). Pedagogical comparative studies, 2013: transformations in foreign education and the Ukrainian context: materials of scientific practice. seminar.] Instytut pedahohiky NAPN Ukrainy / Za zah. Red O.I. Lokshynoi. K.: Pedahohichna dumka, 2013. S. 61-63 [in Ukrainian].

2. Lokshyna O.I. Zmist shkilnoi osvity v krainakh YevropeiskohoSoiuzu: teoriia i praktyka (druha polovyna XX - pochatok XXI st.): monohrafiia [The content of school education in the European Union: theory and practice (second half of XX - early XXI century.): Monograph]. K.: Bohdanova A. M., 2009. 404 s. [in Ukrainian].

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4. Zahalnoievropeiski rekomendatsii z movnoi osvity: vyvchennia, vykladannia, otsiniuvannia. [Paneuropean Recommendations from Language Education: learning, teaching, essesment]. K.: Lenvit, 2003. 273 s, s.13. [in Ukrainian].

5. Banks, J.A.: Multicultural Education. In: The International Encyclopedia of Education: Research and Studies / ed.-in-chief: Torsten Husen. led. v. 6. M-O. Oxford [u.a.]: Pergamon Pr., 1985. Pp. 3340-3442. [In English].

6. Diebold A. Richard. Incipient bilingualism Language. Language. 1961. Vol. 37, № 1 (Jan. - Mar.). Р 97-112. [In English].

7. Education Act 1996. [In English].

8. Ekstrand, L.H. Multicultural Education. The International Encyclopedia of Education: Research and Studies/ed.-in- chief: TorstenHusen. 2 ed., V. 7. Mau-Par. Oxford [u.a.]: Pergamon Pr., 1994. Pp. 3960-3970. [In English].

9. EURYDICE. Eurybase. The Information Database on Education Systems in Europe. The Education System in United Kingdom. England, Wales and Northern Ireland. 2008/09. Brussels: EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency), 2009. 670 p. [In English].

10. Great Britain: Department for Education and Skills. London: TSO, 2007. [In English].

11. Halsbury's laws of England 15 (Lord Mac Kay of Clashfern ed., 4th ed. Reissue, 2006. [In English].

12. Multicultural Education: Toward Good Practice. Ed. by Arora R.K. and Duncan C.G. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1986. 486 p. [In English].

13. Philippou S. The Problem of the European Dimension in Education: a Principled Reconstruction of the Greek Cypriot Curriculum. European Educational Research Journal, 2005. Vol. 4, No. 4. P 343-367. [In English].

14. Pierson Ch. The new governance of education: The Conservatives and Education 1988-1997. Oxford Review of Education. 1998. Vol. 24. Issue 1. Pp. 131-143. [In English].

15. Savvides N. The European Dimension in the National Curriculum for England. Implementing European Union Education and Training Policy. A Comparative Study of Issues in the Four Member States. Edited by David Phillips and Hubert Ertl. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. P 143-160. [In English].

16. Teaching English as an Additional Language: A Framework for Policy. London: SCAA, 1996. [In English].

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