Predicates with "subject - his psycho-emotional state" semantics as psycholinguistic tool of students’ youth inner state representation

Study of the peculiarities of the lexical-grammatical representation of predicates of the subject's internal (psycho-emotional) state/attitude based on the Ukrainian artistic discourse. Functional potential of morphological expressions of predicates.

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Дата добавления 09.02.2023
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Professor, Professor at the Department of Ukrainian Language Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University

Associated Professor at the Department of English and German Philology Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University

Predicates with “subject - his psycho-emotional state” semantics as psycholinguistic tool of students' youth inner state representation

Mykola Stepanenko, Habilitated Doctor of Sciences (Philology)

Ruslana Shramko, Candidate of Philological Sciences

Poltava, Ukraine


The article focuses on the results of research of subject inner (psycho-emotional) state / attitude predicates ' lexical- grammatical representation peculiarities on the basis of the Ukrainian artistic discourse. The logical-denotative, semantic-syntactic as well as formal grammatical levels ' formation of syntactic structures with predicates of the type was successfully ascertained. Their semantic spectrum, functions in the “subject - his psycho-emotional state” invariant semantics explicating, and functional activity were logically examined on the basis of Ukrainian writers 'famous works of XIX-XXI cc.

These predicates ' morphological representatives were found out to have different functional activity potential; the subject negative / positive state / attitude adverbs possess the highest activity potential in the Ukrainian artistic literature. Subject negative /positive state / attitude adjectives are on the second position. Functional passivity is the characteristic feature of subject negative / positive psycho-emotional state / attitude verbs.

The fact subject negative psycho-emotional state / attitude predicates reveal wider semantic spectrum and much higher functional activity compared to those predicates with subject positive psycho-emotional state / attitude meaning. It is motivated by the Ukrainian conceptual and national lingual world-image specificity. Thorough analysis of the subject psycho-emotional state / attitude predicates on the anthropocentric base disclosed the formation mechanism of isofunctional two-/three component syntactic paradigms with verbs, adjectives / verboids and adverbs of the type, likewise concretized their quantitative-content filling in Ukrainian artistic texts. The disquisition opened the perspective to the further systematic studies of isofunctional component syntactic subparadigms with predicates of the type, their structural submodels, the stative predicates' lexical-grammatical representatives 'peculiarities as well as their semantic nuances investigation.

Key words: Ukrainian linguistic world-image, Ukrainian mentality, communicator, Ukrainian native speaker, subject psycho-emotional state / attitude predicate, isofunctional syntactic paradigm.



доктор філологічних наук, професор, професор кафедри української мови Полтавського національного педагогічного університету імені В. Г. Короленка (Полтава, Україна)

Руслана ШРАМКО,

кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри англійської та німецької філології Полтавського національного педагогічного університету імені В. Г Короленка (Полтава, Україна)


У статті представлено результати дослідження особливостей лексико-граматичної репрезентації предикатів внутрішнього (психоемоційного) стану/ставлення суб'єкта на основі українського художнього дискурсу. Успішно встановлено специфіку формування логіко-денотативного, семантико-синтаксичного, а також формально-граматичного рівнів синтаксичних структур із предикатами цього взірця. Логічно обстежено діапазон їхніх значень, функції під час експлікування інваріантної семантики «суб'єкт - його психоемоційний стан» та функційну активність на базі найвідоміших робіт українських письменників ХІХ-ХХІ ст. З'ясовано, що морфологічні виразники предикатів такого різновиду мають різний функційний потенціал. Так, адвербативи негативного / позитивного стану / ставлення суб'єкта володіють найвищим потенціалом активності в українській художній літературі. Другу позицію обіймають ад'єктиви негативного / позитивного стану / ставлення носія. Функційна інертність є характерною рисою вербативів негативного / позитивного психоемоційного стану / ставлення суб'єкта. Уточнено, що предикати негативного психоемоційного стану/ставлення носія демонструють розлогіший семантичний спектр та значно вищу функційну активність порівняно з тими предикатами, що виражають значення позитивного психоемоційного стану/ставлення суб'єкта. Цей факт умотивований унікальністю української концептуальної та національної мовної картини світу. Системний аналіз предикатів психоемоційного стану й ставлення носія на засадах антропоцентризму вможливив виявлення механізму формування ізофункційної дво-/трикомпонентної синтаксичної парадигми з вербативами, ад'єктивами/вербоїдами й адвербативами вказаного вище зразка. Конкретизовано також їхнє кількісно-змістове наповнення на матеріалі українських художніх текстів. Проведене дослідження відкрило перспективу подальших ґрунтовних студій ізофункційних компонентних синтаксичних субпарадигм, утворених за участю предикатів цього зразка, їхніх структурних субмоделей, установлення прикметних рис лексико-граматичнихреалізаторів стативних предикатів і кваліфікування їхніх значеннєвих відтінків.

Ключові слова: українська мовна картина світу, український менталітет, комунікант, мовець українською, предикат психоемоційного стану/ставлення суб'єкта, ізофункційна синтаксична парадигма.

Setting the problem point. Up-to-day Ukrainian communicative paradigm has a distinct anthropocentric focus due to its main purpose. Such a phenomenon marks the speaker as a language frame creator, providing them with the wide range of possibilities, and therefore, ensuring adequacy of some data, transmitted in the information flow. Syntactic structures, in fact, denote one of the most powerful means of communicator's inner, especially psycho-emotional, state / attitude representations. The above mentioned state tends to be the consequence of an influence of external factors (certain parameters of nature or environment in general and their impact on different receptors of the organism, all the effects of other events or facts of the reality) as well as mood, temper, emotions, moral and ethical, volitional features, tone of the speaker himself. This kind of a subject reveals their binary, demi-active / demi-passive, status of an experiensive by the very nature in case when communicator proves some state, feels different emotions under some circumstances, simultaneously to their insolvency to control the emergence of state / attitude or to regulate its duration and intensity disclosed. They are actually empowered to produce functionally equivalent syntactic structures with invariant “subject - his psycho-emotional state” semantics according to the communication situation in general and communicative needs in particular. Still close and urgent attention must be paid to the problem of structure of sentences with subjects (Ukrainian native speakers) psycho-emotional state / attitude on the intentional pragmatic level. The latter has a further deep perspective in exploration likewise the problem of communicator's choice of the predicate's certain lexical-grammatical representative as a productive toolkit of one's own inner world or collocutor's / other persons' perceptions' interpretation during the conversation. Accordingly, a relevance of the given research primarily stems from the need to identify peculiarities of usage of variant syntactic structures with subject psycho-emotional state / attitude predicates among those students, who speak Ukrainian as their primary language, on the basis of an all-embracing analysis of the structural, semantic and functional characteristic features of sentences with this meaning.

Research analysis. Subject psycho-emotional state / attitude predicates, it should be noted, represent the very specific type of units set up to reveal inner - subjective - feelings of an experiensive (a human being, first and foremost, or, secondly, an animal), and the whole range of his emotions, mode nuances, volitional movements, moral and ethical features, negative / positive qualities of the character, temper, etc. Partially predicates of the type were the matter of Ukrainian researchers' academic interest at the end of the 20th - the beginning of the 21st cc. Some aspects of their semantics accounted for the item of scientific disquisitions of N. Kavera (Kavera, 2008), O. Leuta (Leuta, 2007), O. Mezhov (Mezhov, 1998), M. Stepanenko (Stepanenko, 1988; Shramko, Stepanenko, 2017), V. Tymkova (Tymkova, 2005), M. Fenko (Fenko, 2009), etc. Integral theoretical basis of the structure of syntactic constructions with state predicates was designed by I. Vykhovanets' (Vykhovanets', Horodens'ka, & Rusanivs'kyy, 1983), K. Horodens'ka (Vykhovanets', Horodens'ka, 2004), A. Zahnitko (Zahnitko, 2007), V. Kalenych (Kalenych, 2009), I. Pasichnyk (Pasichnyk, 2006). Thorough comparative studies of sentences with subject general inner state verb predicates have been done by P. Drohomyrets'kyy (Drohomyrets'kyy, 1990). It is necessary to point out the selective character of the given material unequivocally points out to the particular weight and importance of the problem of sentences' with subject psycho-emotional state / attitude semantic and functional value under the new conditions of humanistic paradigm of scientific knowledge.

Aim of the research. The aim of the study is to make an in-depth analysis of semantic range, structural peculiarities, and functional filling of syntactic structures with subject psycho-emotional state / attitude predicates in modern Ukrainian; to establish the choice of a certain lexical-grammatical representative of the predicates' semantics by students' youth (on the base of Ukrainian as primary language). Proper fulfilment of the defined purpose depends, above all, on consequent solution of the set of targets, the most significant of them are: 1) to ascertain the index of lexical-grammatical implements of subject psycho-emotional state / attitude predicates; 2) to qualify the range of their meanings; 3) to substantiate the structure of sentences with predicates of the type;

to highlight the specificity of the choice of some syntactic construction by students' youth speaking Ukrainian as native language.

Comprehensive accomplishment of the settled purpose and targets defined a systemic approach to chosen methods and techniques of the research embracing, in particular, theoretical (continuous sampling method, method of linguistic description, and method of systematization), empirical (questionnaire, testing), and statistical ones. An overall research unites 2 successive stages: the initial, theoretical and methodological, stage covers the usage of the continuous sampling method, engrained on divergent text arrays comprising the time line from the 19th to the beginning of the 21st cc. (total capacity outmatches the indicator of 1 600 conditional printed sheets), and results in detailed classification of 6 398 syntactic constructions with subject's psycho-emotional state / attitude predicates. Illustrative samples undergo the set of differentiating criteria aiming to determine the

predicate's morphological representation (verb, adjective / verboid, adverb); 2) availability of predicate's right-side distributor (state / attitude); 3) state / attitude in general (negative / positive); 4) meaning nuances of the state / attitude (semantic subgroup);

syntactic structure's competence to constitute the isofunctional paradigm (two-/three-component units); 6) degree of performance (statistical indices to fix the frequency of syntactic structures' usage rely on the total samples' number of 6 000 sentences). The following, experimental, stage has been held during October-December of 2018 at the Department of Philology and Journalism of Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University. Bachelor students (150 of them voluntarily took part in the anonymous research) of ІІ-IV years of the full-time and part-time study mode aged 17-30±2 responded to the questionnaire, making the only reference to the gender and lifetime. Whole psycholinguistic experiment integrates an outcome of 2 interrelated stages. Firstly, the former provides for the survey (questionnaire «My inner world» by Ruslana Shramko) to explicate such parameters as 1) circle of persons whom the speaker can easily expose his emotions, mood or feelings to; 2) frequency of an open-hearted communication; 3) presence / absence of a psychological barrier in the information flow. To disclose the truth, the volunteers were, in fact, to answer these questions:

How often do I show up my state / attitude freely? (almost never / seldom / from time to time / sometimes / often / at every turn / your own variant);

Whom can I express my inner feelings, emotions or disturbance? (parents / sister or brother / close friend / boyfriend or girlfriend / your own variant);

Do I feel a psychological barrier between me and my collocutor whilst speaking about the own emotional state or the state of others? (yes / no).

Secondly, the latter organized in the form of test («State in grammar» by Ruslana Shramko) opened a long-term to analyse and rank the students' choice of certain syntactic construction with verbs, adjectives / verboids, and adverbs of subject's psycho-emotional state / attitude in the information flow. Statistical method application guaranteed the objectivity of the results of given research.

Main body of the research. Every language, especially Ukrainian, tends to be sensitive about such socially significant concepts as human, feelings, emotions, relationships, etc. In the national lingual world-image predicates, denoting speaker's internal universe, remain virtually important, since they are disposed on the communicative potential of the experiensive, his specific aim and goals in the conversation. Similarly, these predicates maintain definite focus on the subject of a certain state, highlighting the peculiarities of his mental activity, the full range of feelings / emotions on acquiring emotional adulthood. Likewise, they reflect speaker's attitude to someone / something, based on different events or facts, experienced before, and communicators' relationships with a society, e. g. Щодня тобою журюся, щодня моя думка круг тебе в'ється... (Kotsyubyns'kyy, 2008: 239) / Всі були зажурені (Malyk, 1991b: 348) / Чогось їй було сумно, чогось було журно (Kotsyubyns'kyy, 1988a: 456-457); Я вже й так боюся. (Ukrayinka, 1989: 507) / І який же я боязкий. (Vasyl'chenko, 1988: 200) / В неї вистачило сили зирнути йому в очі, але і їй, такій холодній, стало боязко - волошковий вогонь обпік її (Shevchuk, 2011). It is worth mentioning that expressing their own mood, emotions and feelings is an essential lifelong part of modern Ukrainians. This pattern forms their general setup on the efficient information exchange, valuably revealing all the relationships with interlocutor, characterizes specific attitude to the reported, opens up the possibility to the speaker to make further assumptions about the state or attitude of others, f. i. Дякую тобі, Сергію, за ті дніпровські літа, разом пережиті, за незабутні степові дороги, за щирість і відкритість душі, - знай, що всім цим я дорожив і дорожу (Honchar, 2008: 312); Жаль тобі Ігната, мов рідна сестра по його долі серденьком тужиш... (Kulish, 1998a: 208); Йому вже було досадно на себе (Kotsyu- byns'kyy, 2008: 24). The affectivity of the kind can be treated as an integral part of each particular conversation and communication process in general. The given results of the poll assure the importance of expressing psycho-emotional state / attitude by the modern students' youth (see fig. 1).

Most respondents witness the fact their colloquies often contain elements of discussions of internal state, they easily present their attitude to different phenomena and facts of the reality. Each of respondents has their own circle of the free communication (see fig. 2).

Fig. 1. The frequency of the free communication amongst students' youth

Traditionally, the highest priority of the free communication is set on the family whilst the lowest one has a strict connection to diverse acquaintances.

Fig. 2. Circles of the free communication

Fig. 3. Functional activity of morphological realizers of subject psycho-emotional state / attitude predicates

Fig. 4. Sentences with subject negative state / attitude predicates

Fig. 5. Subgroups of sentences with subject negative psycho-emotional state predicates

Fig. 6. Subgroups of sentences with subject positive psycho-emotional state predicates

Fig. 7. Sentences with subject negative psycho-emotional attitude predicates

Fig. 8. Sentences with subject positive psycho-emotional attitude predicates

It is a fact to be definitely ascertained in modern Ukrainian subject psycho-emotional state / attitude predicates represent the most productive group of state predicates due to the range of explicated meanings as well as total quantity of syntactic structures, been under all-embracing analysis. The invariant immanent meaning «subject - his psycho-emotional state» is constantly settled upon the logical-denotative structure S + Praedst (S + Praedst + Obj stands for sentences with speaker's attitude predicates), qualifying S as subject, Praedst as experiensive state / attitude predicates, and Obj as an object. On the semantic-syntactic level it shows up the correlation to the structure ES ^ Aexp + Praedstate (Aexp + Praedst + Exp correspondingly) with ES to be elementary simple sentence, Praedstate as a speaker state / attitude predicate, Aexp - experiensive, and Exp - object spreader (Vykhovanets`, Horodens'ka, & Rusanivs'kyy, 1983: 46). The typology of the formal-grammatical representatives of the given structure subordinates the specificity of the very morphological nature of the chosen predicate's realizer, being determined to its status, e. g. Здивувавсь тоді князь і розсердивсь... (Hrinchenko, 1990a: 129);Мені було дивно і солодкодико. (Sosyura, 1988: 103); Ми так турбувалися за вами, де ви блукали? (Vasyl'chenko, 1988: 531).

The predicates of the above-mentioned type are logically ascertained to be a specific semantic substance unlimited in its morphological representation. Amongst the whole set of words, denoting characteristic features, the prerogative to explicate communicator's certain state or attitude has been given to adjectives, verbs, verboids, and adverbs, actualized in the determined consecution verb ^ adjective / ver- boid ^ adverb. Each of them is logically imparted by its own function and hierarchized due to ability to constitute the model of Ukrainian sentence as well as to be its core element. The highest hierarchical position is typically retained by the verb in the syntactic structures N1 + Vf / N1 + Vf + Nx, e. g. ... Роман бадьорився (Hrinchenko, 1991b: 8); Я трохи боялася. (Franko, 1973: 448) / Не раз ніяковіла вона перед односельцями за своїх відлюдькуватих, неподільчивих опікунів. (Honchar, 1987a: 43); Спершу боялась я тих проникливих цікавих поглядів з-поза окуляр. (Kobylyans'ka, 1994: 231). In the Ukrainian grammar system this verbal status tends to be maintained according to a few essential criteria, the most significant of them are: the active valence potential, total number of peculiar grammar categories, and the capability to hold formal grammatical function of predicate (Vykhovanets`, Horodens'ka, & Rusanivs'kyy, 1983: 33-34). The adjective's / verboid's second hierarchical position in the syntactic structures N1 + Adj / Part / N1 + Adj / Part + Nx has been mainly caused by these processes: 1) the absolute power of psycho-emotional state / attitude in the sentences; 2) the loss of predicate rank by the verb, and 3) the further transformation of the latter into the secondary, been analytical, verb, f. i. Сама вона журна дуже. (Vovchok, 1983: 319); Галя була щиро здивована (Shevchuk, 2011) / Чи вдячен я за ласку королівську (Kostenko, 1999: 92); ...всі були страшенно здивовані, що надворі був ясний день (Bahryanyy, 2001: 422). The third, and therefore the lowest, hierarchical position is fixed by the adverb of the speaker psycho-emotional state / attitude in the syntactic structures N3 + Ad / N3 + Ad + Nx, e. g.: Так їй важко, досадно (Teslenko, 1988: 118); Так мені чогось журно нині. (Kotsyubyns'kyy, 1988a: 146) / Миколі стало ніяково, стало й жаль бідної дівчини, жаль її чорних брів і рум'янцю (Nechuy- Levyts'kyy, 1968: 117); ..мені боязно, щоб він чого не заподіяв собі (Vasyl'chenko, 1988: 450). In the frame of the Ukrainian sentence the adverb of the type duplicates the total set of proper-verbal active parameters, revealing its full potential of the predicate's representative solely in the syntactic level of sentence organization. The derivative morphological origin of this word, denoting characteristic features alike, defines its peripheral status in the set of the subject psycho-emotional state / attitude predicates in the modern Ukrainian. All the lexical-grammatical units, having been under thorough analysis, elicit morphological isofunctionality. Syntactic structures, formed on this basis, disclose their functional equivalence in the syntactic level. Previously accomplished statistical sample irrefutably testifies the fact sentences with different morphological realizers of subject psycho-emotional state / attitude predicates possess different functional activity (see fig. 3). lexical grammatical predicate morphological

Those syntactic structures based on adverbs of subject's psycho-emotional state / attitude contain the highest level of the functional potential, while sentences with adjectives / verboids of this type occupy the second functional position. Functional inactivity is an intrinsic feature of sentences, formed by verbs of the type.

As a result, syntactic structures under the scientific disquisition are successfully integrated in obedience to the valence potential of the predicate. The first subgroup incorporates syntactic units with subject state predicates. They constitute the semantic core of the predicates, generally qualifying speaker's inner world in modern Ukrainian. The second subgroup embraces syntactic structures with predicates, denoting subject attitude to the reality. It is worth mentioning that key attention during the statistical sample was paid only to the sentences able to make isofunctional syntactic paradigms N1 + Vf ^ N1 + Adj / Part ^ N3 + Ad with subject state predicates, and N1 + Vf + Nx ^ N1 + Adj / Part + Nx ^ N3 + Ad + Nx taking subject attitude predicates correspondingly. The investigated material opens the further perspective to define the paradigms as transformational constructs with broad spectrum of structural two-/three-component variants and diverse semantic contents depending on the meaning of a specific explicator.

Primarily, the ascertained range of semantics of those predicates, which qualify subject psycho-emotional state / attitude in modern Ukrainian, is the most extensive, taking into account the whole spectrum of nuances as well as total number of lexical units. According to the specificity of speaker state or attitude march all the analysed above lexemes were differentiated into 1) units with negative meaning and 2) units with positive meaning.

The results of the statistic sample attest the predicates of subject negative state / attitude dominate in the Ukrainian world-image. Their existence unquestionably depends on different aspects of Ukrainian native speakers' lingual concepts according to the fact these lexical units universally realize Ukrainian peculiar mentality. All the syntactic structures based on the latter constitute the most productive subgroup of sentences with subject psycho-emotional state / attitude predicates in modern Ukrainian (see fig. 4).

Total range of sentences, containing subject positive state / attitude predicates endue much lower level of functional capability. They also disclose much narrower spectrum of semantic nuances compared to the above-mentioned constructs.

In the three-component isofunctional paradigms N1 + Vf ^ N1 + Adj / Part ^ N3 + Ad the general meaning of subject negative psycho-emotional state predicates has been detected by 2 218 sentences with lexemes of agitation, embarrassment, ridicule, emotional touch, despair, shame, anger, envy, apathy, insult, disgust. We can also admit their further complementation by the units, signifying those peculiarities of speaker's behaviour, that cause profound aversion of the society (laziness, nonfeasance, sympathizing with whims, etc.). Each of the investigated subgroups (in a total of 10, videlicet shame, anger, fear, anxiety, envy, sadness, boredom, disgust, insult, and behaviour) has specific semantic microspectrum, e. g. Їй хотілось припасти до Іванових грудей, але вона соромилась, бо ж кругом були люди (Dovzhenko, 1986) ^ Вона трохи засоромлена й схвильована (Vynnychenko, 1989: 372) ^-Не говори так, Горпино, бо мені аж соромно (Chaykovs'kyy, 1993: 225); Дівчина боялася (Le, 1983: 299) ^ І який же я боязкий, - соромлю себе, осміхаючись (Vasyl'chenko, 1988: 200) ^ Тягне так, як ото буває, коли попадеш у прудку течію: тобі боязко, ти б уже й вернувся... (Vasyl'chenko, 1988: 411). It should also be clarified that all lexical units with subject negative psycho-emotional state predicates' semantics undergo inner hierarchy due to the speaker's characteristic feature intensity of the march. Likewise, they obtain precisely fixed syntactic position of a predicate. The level of the productivity of a certain subgroup varies in modern Ukrainian (see fig. 5).

In the contemporary Ukrainian humanitarian paradigm sentences with subject positive psycho-emotional state predicates' morphological representatives (720 units) explicate high-spirited mood of the speaker, their joy, feeling of emotional comfort, merriment, ebullience as constituents of the isofunctional three-component paradigms N1 + Vf ^ N1 + Adj / Part ^ N3 + Ad. These realizers allow semantic descriptions of a joy, positive attitude, f. i. Іде Антосьо, радіє. (Svydnyts'kyy, 1985: 84) ^ Мати радісінька, мов родині якій. (Vasyl'chenko, 1988: 331) ^ ..Арсенові стало на душі легко і радісно (Malyk, 1991a: 339); Козак на те, щоб світ увесь трудився, А він дивився, серцем веселився (Kulish, 1998b: 399) ^ ..уже він веселий і добрий (Honchar, 1973: 58) ^ Весело хлопчикові! (Kotsyu- byns'kyy, 1988a: 37). Predicates of all the analysed above subgroups reveal diverse levels of productivity. Thus, the highest functional activity is a characteristic feature of sentences with predicates, denoting state of joy. Syntactic units with subject positive attitude predicates are the lowest functional activity in the Ukrainian of the beginning of the XXI c. (see fig. 6).

One should note that peculiarities of functioning of sentences with speaker attitude predicates (2 125 units) in the isofunctional three-component paradigms N1 + Vf + Nx ^ N1 + Adj / Part + Nx ^ N3 + Ad + Nx mutually depend on specific extralin- guistic environment, correlative with appropriate predicate of interlocutors' negative or positive attitude. The situation represents a fragment of reality, accumulating the whole set of axiological, behavioral, intellectual interrelations between experiensive and society, making simultaneously a deep reason to successive communication. Attitude is an essence of a personally-oriented process, marching according to diverse external facts, events or phenomena as well as to deeds of certain people or society itself. So, the speaker makes his attitude a result of such a process, especially to living beings (to people above all, rarely to animals), and then later to events and life phenomena, f. i. Комендант дивується Дзельмановій доброті. (Cheremshyna, 1987: 124). Sometimes it can be a result of self-esteem or self-awareness of a speaker themselves, e. g. Соромно небозі стало себе самої (Svydnyts'kyy, 1985: 35); Сам на себе дивуюся, молодий (Honchar, 1987b: 315); Їй стало кривдно й досадно через нерозторопу-мужика й кортіло виправити своє власне замішання (Antonenko-Davydovych, 1999: 101).

Given statistical sample justifies the fact that those lexemes that denote negative speaker's interrelations in society, pointing out their negative agitation, anxiety, insult on someone / something, sorrow, envy, apathy, fury, mockery, tend to have the highest level of productivity among the subject psycho-emotional attitude predicates (1595 sentences). In the isofunctional three-component paradigms the set of syntactical structures with these lexical units is subdivided into 10 semantic subgroups (insult, shame, anger, anxiety, sadness, boredom, disgust, envy, fear, mockery) with a subsequent specification of each paradigm, f. i. Кози здивувалися на цей несподіваний учинок свого володаря... (Shevchuk, 2011) ^ Ти, мабуть, здивований, козаче, що зразу після хрестин отаманом став? (Malyk, 1991b: 55) ^ Дивно було Сивоокові з незбагненного християнського бога (Zahrebel'nyy, 1971: 461); Жалую лиш, що не пізнаєш ніколи, якого роду може бути мужеська тонкість у почуванні! (Kobylyans'ka, 2003: 251) ^- ...слов'яни ...обдаровані добрими природними властивостями, бо вельми жалісливі до тих, хто терпить нужду (Zahrebel'nyy, 2004) ^ Їй чогось зразу стало жалко на людей, на свою родину. (Kotsyubyns'kyy, 1988a: 74). Units of the type are characterized as highly productive in modern Ukrainian (see fig. 7).

Positive speaker's interrelations with society, their benevolent mood to build communication expose in the mentioned-above isofunctional three-component paradigms syntactic units with predicates of joy and positive attitude subgroups (530 sentences), f. i. .Матільда страшенно радувалася своїй значливості. (Zahrebel'nyy, 2004: 108) ^ Ми раді, що дві українські церкві нарешті об'єдналися. (Honchar, 2008: 354) ^ Страшно і радісно стало йому за себе, за неї (Honchar, 1987a: 370); Він любив дочку дужче, ніж мати, і тепер і сердивсь, і жалів її за одним заходом (Hrinchenko, 1990a: 409) ^ Батько мій дуже жалісливий на людське горе (Shyyan, 1957) ^ Жаль їй було тілько дитини молодої, у чужій чужині не бувалої (Kulish, 1998a: 203). The level of productivity of predicates of the type is much lower (see fig. 8).

It is also worth mentioning part of sentences with subject psycho-emotional state predicates is partially unable to constitute full-value isofunctional three-component paradigm due to peculiarities of its semantics (937 units). Syntactic structures of the latter form isofunctional two-component paradigms N1 + Vf ^ N1 + Adj / Part, N1 + Vf ^ N3 + Ad, and N1 + Adj ^ N3 + Ad. As for the meaning of an attitude of experiensive, it could be realized by certain sentences in the N1 + Vf + Nx ^ N1 + Adj / Part + Nx and N1 + Vf + Nx ^ N3 + Ad + Nx paradigms' structural models. The range of subject negative state / attitude predicates has limits in representation, ascertained by semantic subgroups anger, emotional disturbance, agitation, fear, mockery, boredom, negative attitude, insult, chagrin. General meaning of speaker positive state / attitude is explicated by units of emotional agitation, f. i. Страшно лютився наш лицар... (Franko, 1976: 205) ^ Він лютий... (Kot- syubyns'kyy, 1988b: 73). Syntactical structures based on subject negative psycho-emotional state / attitude predicates obtain much higher functional activity in various two-component isofunctional paradigms. Those sentences which contain subject positive state / attitude predicates get minimal functional activity in the two-component isofunctional paradigms in modern Ukrainian (see fig. 9).

Fig. 9. Sentences with subject state / attitude predicates in the isofunctional two-component paradigms

Still the further discussion is possible over the grammar status of a certain syntactic structures, constituted by adverbs with subject psycho-emotional state semantics. The problem admits further thorough scientific investigation according to their inability to make isofunctional component paradigms. Some researchers explain this functional limitation results by the presence of additional axiological, intellectual or some other custom-household parameter (Grad- inarova, 2004; Martynov, 1982: 21). In our opinion, these constructs are analogical to those sentences with adverbs of subject psycho-emotional state / attitude that form isofunctional two/three-component paradigms in modern Ukrainian.

The represented empirical disquisition revealed the spectrum of students' preferences as for usage of sentences with different morphological realizers of subject state / attitude semantics. It was, in particular, ascertained the respondents mainly use syntactic structures with adjective predicates to speak about their inner world or some attitude towards someone / something (58%). Sentences with verbal predicates possess the second functional position (28%). The choice of adjective syntactic units could be accounted for “it is the most convenient for me” - 22%; “it is easy to say” - 18%; “actually, I didn't think about it, but it is first to come to mind” - 18%. The hardest in everyday usage opened up to be a syntactic structure that has an adverb of subject psycho-emotional state / attitude as a structural core (14%). The latter was explained like “it is unusual for ear to hear it” - 5%; “it is not a Ukrainian way” - 5%, “I don't reason using this structure in my mind” - 4%.

Conclusions. To sum up, the subject psycho-emotional state / attitude predicates appear to be the vital component of the Ukrainian world-image. They represent all the peculiarities of national mentality, summarizing up self-esteems and self-identification of native speakers. Lexical units of the type could also function as highly efficient tools for representing the inner world or the range of interrelations of communicants during conversation. The usage of these predicates depends on a certain circle of trust of the speaker. To expose their own mood, emotions, feelings is essential for contemporary students' youth; as for their circles of trust, one can also note they are parents, closest relatives (brother, sister), and friends, determined by national customs. The high-level frequency of such open-hearted conversations unquestionably designates sincerity as a basis of the foundation and prolonging of relations between interlocutors and respondents' emotional need to speak about their inner world freely.

Those lexical units that denote subject psycho-emotional state or attitude form a wide spectrum of tools to use in communication and therefore reveal the tiniest nuances of feelings, mood and connections with other members of a society and environment. The highest level of productivity is observed in syntactic constructs as constituents of isofunctional component paradigms with modifying morphological realizers of the predicates. The latter are verbs, adjec- tives/verboids, and adverbs. The choice of a sentence with a specific representative is grounded upon their inner unrevealed, and thus, subjective, motifs. Syntactical units with adjectives obtain the highest functional position, whilst sentences with adverbs are on the functional fringe, being passive. The further all-embracing analysis of sentences with subject psycho-emotional state / attitude predicates on the theme-rheme level is highly perspective.


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6. Franko, I. (1973). Opovidannya. Dramatychni Tvory [Short Stories. Drama Works]. Vol. 2. Kyiv: Dnipro. 623 p. [in Ukrainian].

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8. Honchar, O. (1973). Bryhantyna [Brigantine]. Kyiv: Rad. Pys'mennyk. 294 p. [in Ukrainian].

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10. Honchar, O. (1987a). Tavriya : Roman ; Perekop: Roman [Tavria: a Novel; Perekop: a Novel]. Vol. 2. Kyiv: Dnipro. 717 p. [in Ukrainian].

11. Honchar, O. (1987b). Zemlya Hude: Povist' ; Partyzans'ka Iskra: Kinopovist' ; Mykyta Bratus': povist' ; Shchob Svityvsya Vohnyk: Povist' ; Opovidannya z Tsyklu «Pivden'» [The Earth Hums: a Story ; Guerilla Spark: a Screenplay ; Mykyta Bratus': a Story ; Let the Small Fire Shine: a Story ; Short Stories from the South Cycle]. Vol. 3. Kyiv: Dnipro. 559 p. [in Ukrainian].

12. Hrinchenko, B. (1990a). Poetychni Tvory. Opovidannya. Povisti [Poetry. Short Stories. Stories]. Vol. 1. Kyiv: Naukova Dumka. 640 p. [in Ukrainian].

13. Hrinchenko, B. (1991b). Povisti. Dramatychni Tvory [Stories. Dramatic Works]. Vol. 2. Kyiv: Naukova Dumka. 608 p. [in Ukrainian].

14. Kobylyans'ka, O. (1994). Lyudyna. Tsarivna: povisti [The Person. Princess: Stories]. Kyiv: Kotyhoroshko. 360 p. [in Ukrainian].

15. Kobylyans'ka, O. (2003). Zvorushene Sertse : Tvory Ol'hy Kobylyans'koyi: Navch. Posibnyk. Cherez kladku: Povist '; Vovchykha: Novela z Narodnoho Zhyttya ; Lyst Zasudzhenoho na Smert ' Voyaka Do Svoyeyi Zhinky: Opovidannya ; Snyt'sya: Voyennyy Narys ; Narysy [Moved Heart: Works by Ol'ha Kobylyans'ka: A Textbook. Across the Bridge: a Story ; She-Wolf: a Novelette from Folk Life ; A Letter from a Soldier Sentenced to Death to His Wife: Short Story; Seeing a Dream: Military Sketch; Sketches]. Vol. 2. Kyiv: Hramota. 384 p. [in Ukrainian].

16. Kostenko, L. (1999). Berestechko: Istorychnyy Roman [Berestechko: Historical Novel]. Kyiv: Ukr. Pys'mennyk. 157 p. [in Ukrainian].

17. Kotsyubyns'kyy, M. (1988a). Tvory: u 2 T. T. 1 (1884-1906) : Povisti i Opovidannya [Works: in Two Volumes. Volume 1 (1884-1906) : Stories and Short Stories]. Vol. 1. Kyiv: Naukova Dumka. 584 p. [in Ukrainian].

18. Kotsyubyns'kyy, M. (1988b). Tvory: u 2 T. T. 2 (1907-1912) : Povisti i Opovidannya ; Statti i Narysy [Works: in Two Volumes. Volume 2 (1907-1912): Stories and Short Stories ; Articles and Sketches]. Vol. 2. Kyiv: Naukova Dumka. 496 p. [in Ukrainian].

19. Kotsyubyns'kyy, M. (2008). Zbirka Tvoriv [Collection of Works]. Kharkiv: Prapor. 336 p. [in Ukrainian].

20. Kulish, P. (1998a). Tvory : u 2 t. T. 1: Prozovi Tvory. Poetychni Tvory. Perespivy i Perekazy [Works : in Two Volumes. Volume 1 : Prose Works. Poetry. Imitations and Retellings]. Vol. 1. Kyiv: Naukova Dumka. 752 p. [in Ukrainian].

21. Kulish, P (1998b). Tvory : u 2 t. T. 2: Poemy. Dramatychni Tvory [Works: in Two Volumes. Volume 2: Poems. Dramatic Works]. Vol. 2. Kyiv: Naukova Dumka. 768 p. [in Ukrainian].

22. Le, I. (1983). Nalyvayko: Istorychnyy Roman [Nalyvayko : Historical Novel]. Vol. 3. Kyiv: Dnipro. 448 p. [in Ukrainian].

23. Malyk, V. (1991a). Tayemnyy posol: roman-tetralohiya : u 2 t. Tom 1 : Posol Urus-shaytana. Firman Sultana [Secret Ambassador: Tetralogy: in 2 volumes. Volume 1. Ambassador of Urus-Satan. Sultan's Firman]. Kyiv: Dnipro. 461 p. [in Ukrainian].

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