Principles of formation of lexical-semantic groups

The lexical meaning of a word is a complex structure determined by its semantics, pragmatics and syntax. In the semantic sense, the symbolic and denotative aspects are distinguished in the structure of the lexical meaning. Study systematic organization.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 22.01.2023
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Principles of formation of lexical-semantic groups

Efendiyeva Aytan

Ganja State University


The purpose of the article. In a comparative study of the lexicon of various languages, the study of its systematic organization comes to the fore. The lexical meaning ofthe word is a complex structure, determined by its semantics, pragmatics and syntax. In the semantic sense, sign and denotative aspects are distinguished in the lexical meaning structure. Before discussing the principles of formation of lexical-semantic groups, the lexical meaning of the word, considering the principles contained in the study of verb semantics are examined. The purpose of the study is to analyze the principles of the formation of lexical-semantic groups.

Methodology and methods that were used. In linguistics, there are three main principles applied by scientists in the study of verb semantics: thematic (denotative), paradigmatic and syntagmatic principles. Speaking about the thematic principle of the analysis of the semantics of the verb, we should note that it is based on the separation of semantic groups of words by derogatory criteria. It reflects "the phenomena of reality and the cuts of reality in which words are connected with each other in a natural way". The next principle of the study of the semantics of the verb is paradigmatic, it in many aspects intersects with thematically, but does not exactly coincide with it. The given principle is formed on the basis of the separation ofpredicate classes with the general meaning ofaction, feature, situation, relationships. To determine the principles ofthe formation of lexical-semantic groups, it is attempted to clarify the lexical- semantic system and the terms of the lexical-semantic group using the descriptive method.

The main scientific novelty which were put forward. The significance of lexical systems in the study of lexicology was analyzed, it was determined on the basis of examples in which the lexicons from other languages over time turned into meaningful words under the influence of various linguistic and non-linguistic factors.

Conclusion of the study. Consequently, we can say that the lexical system plays an important role in the study of lexicology. Over time, newly formed or newly learned lexemes from other languages can become meaningful words with the influence of various linguistic and non-linguistic factors. At this time, we can put forward the importance of the calculation of the syntagmatic relations of linguistic units, so that without their description, the analysis of the content side of the language can be incomplete.

Key words: lexical meaning, group, category, language unit, system.


Ціль статті. При порівняльному вивченні лексики різних мов на першому плані виходить вивчення її систематичної організації. Лексичне значення слова є складною структурою, що визначається його семантикою, прагматикою і синтаксисом. У семантичному сенсі у структурі лексичного значення виділяються знаковий та денотативний аспекти. Перш ніж обговорювати принципи формування лексико-семантичних груп, розглядається лексичне значення слова з урахуванням принципів, які містяться у дослідженні семантики дієслова. Метою дослідження є аналіз принципів формування лек- сико-семантичних груп.

Методологія та методи, які були використані. У лінгвістиці існує три основних принципи, що застосовуються вченими щодо семантики дієслів: тематичний (денотативний), парадигматичний і синтагматичний принципи. Говорячи про тематичний принцип аналізу семантики дієслова, слід зазначити, що він заснований на розподілі семантичних груп слів за применшуючими критеріями. Вона відбиває "явлення дійсності і розрізи дійсності, у яких слова природним чином пов'язані друг з одним". Наступний принцип вивчення семантики дієслова - парадигматичний, він у багатьох аспектах перетинається з тематичним, але не зовсім збігається з ним. Цей принцип формується з урахуванням поділу класів предикатів із загальним значенням дії, ознаки, ситуації, відносин. Щоб визначити принципи формування лексико-семантичних груп, зроблено спробу прояснити лексико-семантичну систему та терміни лексико-семантичної групи з використанням описового методу. lexical semantics syntax

Основні наукові новації, які були висунуті. Було проаналізовано значущість лексичних систем у вивченні лексикології, її було визначено з урахуванням прикладів, у яких лексикони з інших мов згодом перетворювалися на осмислені слова під впливом різних лінгвістичних і нелінгвістичних чинників.

Висновок дослідження. Отже, ми можемо сказати, що лексична система відіграє важливу роль у вивченні лексикології. Згодом новостворені чи нещодавно вивчені лексеми з інших мов можуть стати значущими словами під впливом різних лінгвістичних та нелінгвістичних факторів. В даний час ми можемо висунути важливість обчислення синтагматичних відносин мовних одиниць, тому без їх опису аналіз змістової сторони мови може бути неповним.

Ключові слова: лексичне значення, група, категорія, мовна одиниця, система.

Introduction (problem statement)

Each word of the language enters a certain lexico-semantic group. Lexical-semantic groups themselves are systematic combinations that have connections and relationships that are characteristic of any system, and at the same time, they have their own specific features. The lexical meaning of the word is determined by its semantics, pragmatics and syntax. In a comparative study of the lexicon of various languages, the study of its systematic organization comes to the fore. Before discussing the principles of formation of lexical- semantic groups, the lexical meaning of the word, considering the principles contained in the study of verb semantics are examined. The purpose of the study is to analyze the principles of the formation of lexical-semantic groups.

If we look at the publications published on the topic in recent years, we can see that the meaning of language is recognized as the main unit of semantics, but in modern linguistics there are different views of linguists on the concept of "the lexical meaning of the word". "The lexical meaning of the word is an object, a trait, a process, an event, etc." it is the same thing that is in the mind". [11, p. 261]. L.A. Novikov considers the lexical meaning "the known reflection of an object, event or attitude in consciousness", which is included in the structure of the word as the inner side of the word and "acts as a material shell of the sound of the word in relation to it" [15, p. 101]. V.V. Vinogradov proposed a more general definition of lexical meaning: "the main content, which is an element of the general semantic system of the dictionary of this language, formed according to the laws of the grammar of the given language" [6, p. 168]. L.M. Vasilyev wrote that the whole variety of definitions of the meaning of the language can be reduced to two grounds: as a reflective category (as a mental being) and as a contact category (as a relationship) [5, p. 15].

The lexical meaning of the word is a complex structure, determined by its semantics, pragmatics and syntax. In the semantic sense, sign and denotative aspects are distinguished in the lexical meaning structure. According to the pragmatic aspect, the lexical meaning of the word includes expressive- emotional assessment and connotations. The syntactic side of meaning is syntagmatically determined by the connection of the word combination and other meanings of linguistic units in the sentence, and paradigmatically-by the position within the synonymic range [11, p. 262]. Different aspects of meaning are "closely related and interrelated within the lexical meaning of a single whole - a unit", thus characterizing the same essence in different ways and from different sides [15, p. 97]. In linguistics, the following aspects of lexical meaning are distinguished: pointed, denotative, structural (syntagmatic and paradigmatic) and emotive.

In linguistics, there are three main principles applied by scientists in the study of verb semantics: thematic (denotative), paradigmatic and syntagmatic principles [5, p. 39]. However, they are not independent, complement each other, so that "the semantics of words is determined by the totality of its paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations" [12, p. 43]. Over the past two centuries, the associative method of studying meaning has increasingly entered the interests of researchers [13, p. 52-64].

Speaking about the thematic principle of the analysis of the semantics of the verb, we should note that it is based on the separation of semantic groups of words by derogatory criteria. It reflects the phenomena of reality and the cuts of reality in which words are connected with each other in a natural way [23, p. 13].

The next principle of the study of the semantics of the verb is paradigmatic, it in many aspects intersects with thematically, but does not exactly coincide with it. The given principle is formed on the basis of the separation of predicate classes by the general meaning of action, feature, condition, relationship [1, p. 51]. U.L. Quarter [22, p. 116-120] took action, process, and action-process principles as the basis for correcting the classification of meaningful verbs. The important difference of the paradigmatic principle from the thematic one is that it is not the subject correlation of verbs predicates, but rather the signaling aspect of their meaning.

The third principle of the semantics of the verb is syntagmatic. The group of words formed on the basis of the generality of intra-linguistic subject-logical relations, as a rule, other units on the syntagmatic line, is characterized by the generality of lexical and semantic relations. The obviousness and study of the characteristic generality for a certain group of verbs is considered an important stage of describing their semantics. The feature of verb units-predicates is their appeal to the described situation, which makes it possible to identify more specific syntactic signs than nouns and adjectives. The syntagmatic value of the verb manifests itself as the ability to match words that determine the substance and signs [10; 16; 17; 14, p. 106-110; 7; 2].

This feature of verb predicates that have the ability to commit syntagm occupy the main position in it. In the syntagm, which depends on the predicate, positions are occupied by its arguments (aktant, participles, semantic valence, deep circumstance). Their number increases from 5 to 50 and depends on the degree of fraction of the presentation of SEMEs [1; 16].

Syntagmatic features of the word. Syntagmatic features of the word are determined in the consideration of such words as elements of the syntagmatic chain. Thus, the given principle of studying the semantics of the verb presupposes the manifest and description of lexical and syntactic valent units with one or another characteristic group. It is the valence properties that form the sentence as a syntagmatic chain. The syntactic valence of the word is determined by its lexical characteristic, the lexical valence of the word is determined by its individual meaning, in which extralinguistic phenomena of reality are reflected. Thus, the lexical compatibility of words finds its expression in the relationships and relationships that exist between the phenomena of reality. However, it should be noted that the syntactic and lexical connections of various lexical-semantic groups of verbs with other units of the language can have a brighter character.

The emergence of lexical semantic groups. The main provisions of the lexical-grammatical groups were developed in the work of Russian scientists in the 50-60-70s of the XX century [8, p. 78-86; 20, p. 30-63]. But there are different opinions about its nature. First of all, differences are observed in the difference between the lexical-semantic field (LSF) and the concepts of the lexical-semantic group (LSG): according to some scientists [4, p. 105-113], LSG is a kind of diversity of semantic field; in the opinion of others [20, p. 30-63], LSG and LSF are equal unions of words; according to other scientists, [24, p. 185-189], they consider LSF and LSG as "parts of general and special units", recognizes LSF as a higher level of association involving more lexical units.

In some works "LSF", "LSG" and "thematic groups" are processed as synonyms [3]. Most of the practical studies of the LSG are believed to be parts of the LSG of synonyms, antonyms and other word groups characterized by a general semantic connection and it is based on the theory of F.P. Philin. This scientist defines LSG as "homogeneous, comparable meaningful lexical associations", which are "a peculiar phenomenon according to the course of historical development of the language" [21, p. 524-525]. Adhering to the opinions of the above-mentioned authors, we also proceed from the fact that the separation of the LSG is based on the generality of the category-grammatical SEMA, and According to O.B. Simakova, we pay attention to the definition of LSG. According to the author, LSG "is a unity that includes words of one part of speech that have a general category-lexical SEMA and are connected with each other by common-kind, paradigmatic, syntagmatic and word-forming connections" [18, p. 3].

Subgroups within the lexical semantic group. Under the lexical-grammatical group is understood the class of words that has a common lexical-grammatical meaning, a general paradigm, the same substitute elements and a possible characteristic multiplicity of suffixes denoting lexical-grammatical expression.

These groups are subsets of parts of speech, several lexical-grammatical groups form part of speech. The lexical-semantic group is recognized as the main type of word classes for the lexical system. Assignment of the word to this or that LSG, first of all, are carried out on the basis of a component analysis of the lexical meaning of words processed in detail according to the methodology of O. S. Akhmanova, L. M. Vasilyeva,

I. A. Sternina, E. V. Kuznetsova and others. LSG combines words of one part of speech, where "in addition to common grammatical SEMEs, there is at least one more general sem-category-lexical archisem, class; "this seme forms the semantic core of the group and is concretized in each separate word with the help of differential SEMEs" [8, p. 73, 75].

The choice of thematic groups depends on the goals of the study: groups can be wider and narrower, the same words can fall into different groups depending on the criterion that forms the basis of the choice of the thematic group. The choice of criteria largely depends on the subjective will of the researcher.

In the comparative study of the lexicon of different languages, the study of its systematic organization comes to the fore, since, even with a similar set of SEMEs, each language has different opportunities for expressing them, for example, the presence of language lacunas, the presence of single-word and multi-word correlations within comparative rows, fields, groupings of words. Thus, the combination of words in thematic (lexical-semantic) groups is aimed at revealing features located on the basis of the extralinguistic relationships of the phenomena that designate them. At this time, movement, speech, physical activity, feeling, understanding, intellectual activity, semantic groups etc. in the language can be distinguished.

When classifying verbs according to lexical-semantic groups, the structural-semantic principle was used, since the lexical semantics of verbs has a clear hierarchical structure: super classifiers ("case", "attitude", "activity", etc. caterogial-lexical SEMAS ("speech", "thinking", "action", etc.) are defined by categories; in turn, it is concretized with differential SEMAS.

Such structuring of the semantics of the verb is also manifested in the hierarchy of the systematic organization of the verb. In addition, the basis for the selection of lexical-semantic groups is both a category- lexical sema and an important semantic feature that improves it. For example, in the "speech activity" subspecies, the following LSG-s are distinguished: verbs characterizing speech activity, verbs of speech information, verbs of speech communication, verbs of appeal, verbs of speech influence. Within the LSG, there may be differentiated subgroups, taking into account the important differential feature that determines the categorical-lexical seme in a certain aspect. The next important principle is the principle of variability found in the nature of representation within a group: for each group, the main classifiers expressing the main semantic idea of the class of words are distinguished and the members of the class, which, in comparison with them, are distinguished by a set of additional semantic features that are more specific and meaningful and various.

Taking into account this principle, the description of each individual lexical grouping of words begins with the separation of the main classifiers, with a description of the principle of typical semantics and intersection of the lexical-semantic word group due to the presence of separate semantic complex lexical meanings and polysemantic words that do not allow unambiguous interpretation in the lexical system, as well as such semantically complex words are selected according to the composition of lexical semantics. These include, first of all, complex polypropositive semantic verbs, which create certain difficulties for their consistent unambiguous qualification, simultaneously allowing them to be attributed to different semantic groupings of words, which leads to their corresponding cross-section. At the same time, a combination of different rank meanings is observed in lexical semantics.


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