Representation of the concept conflict in lexicographic discourse

Identification of qualification features of the concept of conflict based on the material of Ukrainian-language lexicographic discourse. Qualification features of the concept of conflict based on the material of Ukrainian-language lexicographic discourse.

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Representation of the concept conflict in lexicographic discourse

Harbera I.V.,

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of General and Applied Linguistics and Slavic Philology Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University

The article states that cognitive linguistics, lexicography and discourse play an important role in determining the qualification features of the concept conflict. The theoretical basis of the study are well-known definitions of conflict: it is a contradiction that a person perceives as a significant problem that requires solution and causes activity to overcome it; it is a state (or situation) of conflict between the parties (parties to the conflict) who have incompatible views, goals, etc., due to which each of them acts against the other, uses linguistic and / or non-verbal means. The aim of the research is to single out the qualification features of the concept conflict on the basis of Ukrainian-language, Russian-language and English-language lexicographic discourse. The main qualifying features of the concept conflict on the material of Ukrainian-language lexicographic discourse are: aggravation, clash, complication, contradiction, disagreement, dispute, fight, incompatibility; on the material of Russian-language lexicographic discourse: ambivalence, boarding, clash, collision, complication, confrontation, contradiction, debate, disagreement, discord, dispute, dump, fight, hitch, opposite, quarrel, skirmish, squabble, strife, struggle; on the material of English-language lexicographic discourse: argument, disagreement, fighting. Universal for the three analyzed lexicographic discourses qualification features of the concept conflict are the following: aggravation, ambivalence, argument, boarding, clash, collision, complication, confrontation, contradiction, debate, disagreement, discord, dispute, dump, fight, fighting, hitch, incompatibility, opposite, quarrel, skirmish, squabble, strife, struggle.

Key words: English-language, qualification features, conflict, concept, lexicographical discourse, Russian-language, Ukrainian-language.


У статті констатовано, що важливу роль у визначенні кваліфікаційних ознак концепту конфлікт відіграють когнітивна лінгвістика, лексикографія, дискурсологія. Теоретичною основою дослідження є загальновідомі визначення конфлікту: це суперечність, яку людина сприймає як значущу проблему, що вимагає розв'язання і викликає активність щодо її подолання; це стан (або ситуація) зіткнення сторін (учасників конфлікту), які мають несумісні погляди, мету тощо, через що кожна з них діє всупереч іншій, послуговується мовними та / або позамовними засобами. Метою дослідження є виокремлення кваліфікаційних ознак концепту конфлікт на матеріалі українськомовного, російськомовного та англійськомовного лексикографічного дискурсу. Основними кваліфікаційними ознаками концепту конфлікт на матеріалі українськомовного лексикографічного дискурсу є: загострення, зіткнення, ускладнення, суперечність, незгода, суперечка, бійка, несумісність; на матеріалі російськомовного лексикографічного дискурсу: амбівалентність, абордаж, зіткнення, сутичка, ускладнення, протистояння, суперечність, дебати, незгода, розлад, суперечка, звалище, бійка, затримка, протилежність, сварка, бій, чвари, розбрат, боротьба; на матеріалі англійськомовного лексикографічного дискурсу: суперечка, незгода, бійка. Універсальними для трьох проаналізованих лексикографічних дискурсів кваліфікаційними ознаками концепту конфлікт виступають такі: загострення, амбівалентність, дискусія, абордаж, зіткнення, колізія, ускладнення, конфронтація, протиріччя, дебати, незгода, розбрат, диспут, звалище, бій, бійка, зчіпка, протилежність, опозиція, сварка, сутичка, суперечка, чвари, боротьба.

Ключові слова: англійськомовний, кваліфікаційні ознаки, конфлікт, концепт, лексикографічний дискурс, російськомовний, українськомовний.

Formulation of the problem

The phenomenon of conflict is an interdisciplinary object of study, relevant to many scientific fields. An important place in the awareness and scientific description of conflict is occupied by linguistics, which is able to offer its effective methods of studying conflicts, to help native speakers, members of society to avoid their destructive consequences, the psychological state of internal and interpersonal conflict. conflict lexicographic discourse ukrainian

Analysis of recent research and publications

The study is based on descriptions of conflict from well-known linguistic and conflict studies, which, however, only partially convey the many qualifications of the conflict: it is the lack of agreement between two or more parties, which may be specific individuals or groups; it is a process in which two (or more) individuals or groups actively seek to prevent each other from achieving a certain goal, to prevent the interests of the opponent or to change his views and social positions; it is the relationship between the subjects of social interaction, which is characterized by their confrontation on the basis of opposing motives (needs, interests, goals, ideals, beliefs) or thoughts (views, assessments, etc.); it is a clash of oppositely directed goals, interests, positions, opinions of the subjects of interaction; it is the lack of agreement between two or more entities, the clash of opposing parties, which may be specific individuals or groups of workers [9, p. 33]; it is a contradiction that a person perceives as a significant life problem that requires its solution and causes activity to overcome it [6, p. 13]; it is a state (or situation) of conflict between the parties who have incompatible views, goals, etc., due to which each of them acts against the other, uses language and / or non-linguistic means [2, p. 6].

Setting objectives

The primary task in the process of conflict research is to build its conceptual vision, to develop a universal definition of conflict. To this end, we have analyzed numerous definitions of conflict in Ukrainian-language, Russian-language and English-language lexicographical discourse.

Presenting main material

Based on the material of Ukrainian-language lexicographical discourse, we have identified the following main definitions of the conflict:

- (from Lat. conflictus “collision, strike; fight, battle”) - 1) a clash of opposing and disagreeing parties, interests, thoughts, views, etc.; 2) complication in international relations, which can lead to an armed conflict [7, p. 193];

- is a clash of opposing interests, views, forces; serious disagreements; serious dispute. Complication in international relations, which can lead to an armed conflict. Contradictions, fights, underlying the plot of a work of art [17, p. 458];

- is a clash of opposing interests, thoughts, views; serious disagreements; serious dispute. Complication in international relations, which can lead to an armed conflict. A contradiction, a fight, underlying the plot of a work of art. Mental conflict - internal contradictions in the psyche of the individual, conflicting tendencies, attitudes and emotions. Situational conflict - contradictions between a person and external circumstances or people around him [3, p. 570];

- is a sharp clash of communicative strategies of participants in communication, caused by rejection of a number of its components, in particular, the used means of the linguistic code of cultural factors embodied in this code of ethnic, cultural, etc. stereotypes and prejudices, as well as other cultural and linguistic reasons [15];

- (Lat. collision) - incompatibility of actions and goals of interaction agents [5, p. 168];

- (from Lat. conflictus - collision) - in philosophy - an extreme aggravation of contradictions; in psychology - a clash of individuals, their ideas, interests, needs, assessments, the level of aspirations, claims, etc. There are the following types of conflicts: a) social - associated with the struggle of large groups of people (classes, peoples) for socially significant goals, interests, etc.; b) military - a clash of armed groups of people, and in its highest manifestation - a clash of armies of states; c) intellectual - associated with the struggle of ideas in science, the unity and collision of such opposites as true and false; d) moral - arise when good and evil, duty and conscience, just and unjust are really opposed to each other. They have their deep roots in the practical life of people, in their relationships with each other. For science and practice, it is important to reveal the psychological mechanisms of the emergence and solution of interpersonal conflicts, their external stimuli and internal motives, the development of optimal techniques for overcoming conflict situations [11];

- is an extreme aggravation of contradictions; a clash of individuals, their ideas, interests, needs, assessments, the level of aspirations, claims, etc. when trying to solve them against the background of emotional states [13, p. 146];

- (from Lat. conflictus - collision) - in social theory - a clash of interests, motives, tendencies, subjects of public life. Within the framework of the system as a certain integrity, the elements (constituent parts) are in conflict with other elements of the system, provided that the “open manifestation” of interests, motives, goals of some elements of the system necessarily activates the actions of opposite interests, motives of the system. The origin of a conflict is possible only when, within the framework of an integral system, elements that are not identical in their manifestations are at the same level; accordingly, the conflict is defined as a certain objectification of the interaction of non-identical elements. Simmel defined the problem of conflict as a universal phenomenon of social life. Conflict must be distinguished from antagonism. The situation of social and personal conflict does not acquire the forms of mutually exclusive opposition of the elements of the system, as it happens in a situation of antagonism; antagonism, in turn, is possible as a form of coexistence of internally contradictory tendencies. The dynamics of the development of the conflict occurs either in the direction of the infringement of one of its subjects, or the gradual self-destruction of the system. A slow “extinction” of the conflict is also possible, which creates a situation of complementarity of tendencies, interests, motives, etc. The theme of conflict in practical psychology was outlined by Freud through the struggle of forces and motives. On the basis of the psychoanalytic definition of the conflict (as the repression of desires, motives, etc.), the process of the emergence of neuroses is considered in psychology. Conflict as a communication problem leads to adaptation as a kind of “defense reaction”; thus, the problem of rational awareness and the possibility of overcoming personal forms of conflict arises [20, p. 299].

Thus, the leading qualifying features of the concept conflict on the material of Ukrainian-language lexicographical discourse are: aggravation, clash, complication, contradiction, disagreement, dispute, fight, incompatibility.

Among the most important Russian-language lexicographical definitions of the conflict, we have identified the following:

- clash, serious disagreement, dispute [10, p. 717];

- (from Lat. conflictus) - a clash between disputing dissenting parties. Complication in international relations [19, p. 242];

- [Lat. conflictus] 1. Clash of opposing sides, opinions, forces; serious disagreement, heated debate. 2. Complication in international relations.

3. The contradiction, the confrontation between the characters and circumstances depicted in a work of art, which serves as the basis for development, action [16];

- serious disagreement, clash of opposing sides, opinions, forces [18];

- 1) collision, fight; 2) disagreement, discord, strife; peace, squabble, quarrel; squabbles [1, p. 481, 485];

- clash, quarrel, disagreement, discord, strife, squabble, skirmish, dump, hitch, collision, boarding [4, p. 143, 359];

- uncompromising, sterile, senseless, absurd, long-term, dramatic, protracted, eternal, bloody, large, petty, ridiculous, unreasonable, incessant, frivolous, endless, bitter, sharp, open, principled, empty, trivial, serious, complex, hidden, stubborn, nonsense, military, armed, domestic, ideological, international, parliamentary, political, family, social, etc. [14];

- quarrel 11, war 4, in the family 3, with bosses 3, with parents 3, dispute 3, armed 2, fight 2, at work 2, resolved 2, with a friend 2, family 2, situation 2, scandal 2, severe 2, running 1, in house 1, in class 1, in a team 1, vector 1, hostility 1, stupid 1, rude 1, diplomacy 1, spiritual 1, turmoil at a very high level 1, Queen 1, compromise 1, conflict situation 1, screams 1, eliminated 1, local 1, people 1, international 1, worlds 1, unbearable 1, nuisance 1, no 1, escalates 1, normal 1, basic 1, acute 1, fathers and children 1, truce 1, generation 1, generations 1, political 1, superiority 1, job 1, disassembly 1, showdown 1, discord 1, disagreement 1, broke out 1, resolve 1, sharp 1, resolved 1, swear 1, scold 1, with director 1, with by someone 1, with family 1, with teacher 1, with person 1, agreement 1, dead end 1, I have 1, loss 1, settled 1, characters 1, emergency 1 [12];

- 1) clash, struggle between social classes or groups (industrial conflict); 2) the struggle of opinions, ideas;

3) in social psychoanalysis - the ambivalence of feelings, the opposite of motives, impulses [8, p. 177].

Among the main qualifying features of the concept conflict on the material of Russian-language lexicographic discourse, we have identified: ambivalence, boarding, clash, collision, complication, confrontation, contradiction, debate, disagreement, discord, dispute, dump, fight, hitch, opposite, quarrel, skirmish, squabble, strife, struggle.

In the lexicographic discourse of the English language we have identified the following most popular definitions of conflict:

- 1) angry disagreement between people or groups, fighting between countries or groups; 2) a situation in which it is difficult for two things to exist together or be true at the same time, a feeling of being nervous or unhappy because you want two different things at the same time [24];

- 1) an active disagreement between people with opposing opinions or principles, needs; 2) fighting between two or more groups of people or countries; 3) the forces that oppose each other to create the plot in a story, book, or film; 4) a serious disagreement between people, organizations, or countries with opposing opinions; 5) a situation in which there are opposing demands or ideas and a choice has to be made between them [21];

- 1) conflict is serious disagreement and argument about something important. If two people or groups are in conflict, they have had a serious disagreement or argument and have not yet reached agreement;

2) conflict is a state of mind in which you find it impossible to make a decision; 3) conflict is fighting between countries or groups of people; 4) a conflict is a serious difference between two or more beliefs, ideas, or interests. If two beliefs, ideas, or interests are in conflict, they are very different [22];

- 1) a state of disagreement or argument between people, groups, countries etc.; 2) fighting or a war;

3) a situation in which you have to choose between two or more opposite needs, influences etc.; 4) a situation in which you have two opposite feelings about something; 5) something that you have to do at the same time that someone wants you to do something else [23].

The main qualifiers of the concept conflict, based on the study of English lexicographic discourse, we have identified the following: argument, disagreement, fighting.


The analysis of numerous definitions of the concept conflict on the material of Ukrainian-language, Russian-language and English- language lexicographical discourse showed that the main qualifying features of the conflict are: aggravation, ambivalence, argument, boarding, clash, collision, complication, confrontation, contradiction, debate, disagreement, discord, dispute, dump, fight, fighting, hitch, incompatibility, opposite, quarrel, skirmish, squabble, strife, struggle.

The perspective of the study is an attempt to formulate a universal definition of conflict that is suitable for all languages studied.


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