Structural and semantic features and specifics of the reduplicates` functioning in modern English

Analysis of the use, functions and differences in the use of reduplicates in different areas of speech. Exploring of the classifications of reduplicates. The relationship between the method of formation of reduplicates and their stylistic color.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 28.12.2022
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Udovichenko Bannah Mykhailivna, Ph.D. in Pedagogy Associate

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Holovata Viktoriia Volodymyrivna, English teacher

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reduplicate speech stylistic

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze the use, functions and differences in the use of reduplicates in different areas of speech. In accordance with the goal, the following tasks are set: to consider reduplication as a subject of study in linguistics; explore the classifications of reduplicates proposed by different linguists; identify the relationship between the method of formation of reduplicates and their stylistic color.

Methods. The main scientific results are obtained using a set of general and special research methods, namely: analysis, generalization and systematization of scientific and educational literature on literary studies, psychology and linguistics; theoretical generalization, analysis and synthesis, as well as comparison, descriptive and analytical, as well as the method of random sampling for the selection of language material.

Results. In linguistics there is no single approach to reduplication as a linguistic phenomenon. Terminology needs to be refined, a clearer approach to the criteria by which the scope of use of a term with its clear definition will be determined. Despite the differences in views on unambiguous definitions and the lack of a universal classification, reduplication is widely studied in the linguistic literature. All the studied sources note such functional features of reduplication as a means of artistic expression (aesthetic and expressive function), a means of communication that carries an emotional color (communicative and emotional function). The range of reduplication is very wide.

Conclusions. Reduplication as word formation is inherent in the speech of children and adults. It is inherent in many styles of speech: conversational, artistic, journalistic, epistolary. Less distribution of reduplicates is characteristic of the scientific style. In this area, they act as terms devoid of low stylistic color, typical of use in other areas of communication. In the scientific style, such words have a neutral emotional function. We could not find examples of reduplicates in official business and confessional styles. We can assume that this fact is evidence of a specific stylistic coloring of reduplicates (contempt, sometimes familiarity, humiliation, contempt, irony and ridicule), which may not be appropriate in such areas of communication. Most words formed by reduplication refer to colloquial speech and slang.

Key words: reduplication, reduplicate, word formation, speech styles, classification.



Удовіченко Ганна Михайлівна, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри іноземної філології, українознавства та соціально-правових дисциплін

Донецького національного університету економіки і торгівлі імені Михайла Туган-Барановського

Горобей Анжеліка Миколаївна, асистент кафедри економіки та бізнесу Донецького національного університету економіки і торгівлі імені Михайла Туган-Барановського

Головата Вікторія Володимирівна, вчитель англійської мови комунального закладу «Криворізька гімназія № 91 Криворізької міської ради» Дніпропетровської області

Мета. Мета статті - проаналізувати застосування, функції та різницю використання редуплікатів у різних сферах мовлення. Відповідно до мети поставлено такі завдання: розглянути редуплікацію як предмет вивчення в лінгвістиці; дослідити класифікації редуплікатів, запропоновані різними лінгвістами; виявити зв'язок між способом утворення редуплікатів та їх стилістичним забарвленням.

Методи. Основні наукові результати отриманні із використанням комплексу загальних та спеціальних методів дослідження, а саме: аналізу, узагальнення та систематизації наукової та навчальної літератури з літературознавства, психології та мовознавства; теоретичного узагальнення, аналізу та синтезу, а також порівняння, описового та аналітичного, а також методу довільної вибірки для відбору мовного матеріалу.

Результати. У мовознавстві не існує єдиного підходу до редуплікації як мовного явища. Термінологія потребує доопрацювання, більш чіткого підходу до критеріїв, за якими буде визначено сферу використання того чи іншого терміна з його чітким визначенням. Незважаючи на розрізненість поглядів щодо однозначного визначення та відсутність універсальної класифікації, редуплікація в лінгвістичній літературі широко досліджується. В усіх опрацьованих джерелах відзначаються такі функціональні особливості редуплікації, як засіб художньої виразності (естетична та експресивна функція), засіб спілкування, який несе емоційне забарвлення (комунікативна та емотивна функція). Діапазон використання редуплікації дуже широкий.

Висновки. Редуплікація як словотворення властива мовленню дітей та дорослих, притаманна багатьом стилям мовлення: розмовному, художньому, публіцистичному, епістолярному.

Менше поширення редуплікатів характерне для наукового стилю. У цій сфері вони виступають в ролі термінів, позбавлених низького стилістичного забарвлення, характерного для використання в інших сферах спілкування. У науковому стилі такі слова мають нейтральну емоційну функцію.

Нам не вдалося знайти приклади редуплікатів в офіційно-діловому та конфесійному стилях. Можемо припустити, що цей факт є свідченням специфічного стилістичного забарвлення редуплікатів (зневажливого ставлення, подекуди фамільярності, приниження, призирства, іронії та висміювання), що не може бути доречним у таких сферах спілкування.

Більшість слів, утворених шляхом редуплікації, відносяться до розмовного мовлення і сленгу.

Ключові слова: редуплікація, редуплікат, словотвір, стилі мовлення, класифікація.


The concept to which we will refer, as well as its constituent components is a relatively new phenomenon in linguistics, nevertheless its research is still ongoing, is reduplication. Both domestic and foreign linguists have made an important contribution to the study of the reduplication phenomenon. Despite the large number of works, there is still no clear and comprehensive definition of this concept. As a result, there is no unanimity in the approach to the classification of reduplicates. At the same time, it is undeniable that reduplicates are a greater or a lesser extent traceable in the speech and languages of many countries.

The relevance of the research topic is that the spheres of human communication in the process of globalization are constantly expanding. Thus, there is a need to use stylistically colored or neutral vocabulary, depending on the speech situation. In turn, understanding the ways of word formation can help to choose the right word with the appropriate stylistic color in accordance with the scope of its use. The study of word formation methods is one of the ways of cognition and better understanding of vocabulary as a set of words of a certain language, which is a complex organized system. Its components are closely related by the opposite or commonality of values.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the use, functions and differences in the use of reduplicates in different areas of speech. The main tasks of research work are consider reduplication as a subject of study in linguistics; to investigate the classifications of reduplicates proposed by different linguists; identify the relationship between the method of formation of reduplicates and stylistic nuance.

Recent Researches Analysis

The study of reduplication is not new in philology but is still of interest. One of the first studies of reduplication in the linguistic literature is the work of A. Pott, which was published in 1862, there was examined the vocabulary of different languages. The author classifies this phenomenon by form and “intellectual significance” (A. F. Pott, 1862). The phenomenon of reduplication was also studied by I. Arnold, T Beliaieva, L. Blumfild, D. Bolinher, E. Ekkhardt, O. Espersen, H. Marchand, E. Moravchyk, L. Petrova, E. Sepir, they were considered it from different aspects. It is noted, in the scientific literature, that reduplication is inherent in many languages, including German. Despite the fact that this issue has been repeatedly addressed in linguistics, there is still no single approach, common criteria for classification and terminology. In turn, this arouses even greater interest in the study and search for a universal view of this linguistic phenomenon. Common in the views of linguists is the idea that reduplication is used to convey a wide range of information.

Nevertheless, depending on the aspect of the study, reduplication as one or another repetition exists both in syntax and in semantics, vocabulary, phonetics and morphology. Such repetitions contribute to the expression of one or another measure of intensity, convey the quality inherent in the object to some extent. There is no single definition and classification of types of reduplication in linguistics.

Research Methods and Techniques

The main scientific results are obtained using a set of general and special research methods, namely: analysis, generalization and systematization of scientific and educational literature on literary studies, psychology, and linguistics; theoretical generalization, analysis and synthesis, as well as comparative, descriptive and analytical and random sampling method for selection of language material.

Results and Discussion

1. Reduplication as a concept of linguistics

“Dictionary of stylistic terms” defines reduplication as a morphological repetition (from the Latin reduplicatio - double) (Словник стилістичних термінів, 1991).

In the “Dictionary of foreign words” we find the following interpretation: REDUPLICATION (from the Latin reduplicatio - double) - 1) linguistics. Repetition, doubling of a root or a whole word (e.g. ледве-ледве) (Словник іншомовних слів, 1977).

In the “Great Explanatory Dictionary of the Modern Ukrainian Language” the following definition is given: “REDUPLICATION. A means of word formation, which consists in doubling the base of a word or a whole word. In word formation, reduplication is one of the means of word formation, in which a new word is formed by doubling, repeating the base” (Великий тлумачний словник сучасної української мови, 2005).

In Ukrainian linguistics, reduplication is not considered a separate way of word formation. In foreign literature, it is considered a separate independent and productive way of creating words. Since there is no single view, the phenomenon of reduplication as a way of word formation was covered with different terminology. So to denote this process, the following terminology is used: duplication, repetition, doubling, and gemination. Dictionaries and articles on this topic in English include such terms as ablaut words, germination, reduplication, rhyme (rime) words, reiteration, and repetition.

“Merriam-Webster Dictionary” provides the following definitions: “rhyme (rime) words“ - a composition in verse that rhymes; correspondence in terminal sounds of units of composition or utterance (such as two or more words or lines of verse); b: one of two or more words thus corresponding in sound c: correspondence of other than terminal word sounds: such as (1): ALLITERATION; (2): INTERNAL RHYME; 3: RHYTHM (Merriam-Webster Dictionary).

In general, the term “repetition” has a very broad meaning in interpretation. “Repetition is a literary device that involves intentionally using a word or phrase for effect, two or more times in a speech or written work. For repetition to be noticeable, the words or phrases should be repeated within close proximity of each other. Repeating the same words or phrases in a literary work of poetry or prose can bring clarity to an idea and / or make it memorable for the reader” (Literary Devices. Definition and Examples of Literary Terms).

When comparing the terms used to denote reduplication, we noticed a discrepancy in what is emphasized when talking about recurrence. Thus, the Dictionary of the Ukrainian language presents the term “replication” as identical to “reduplication” ( Gemination or doubling (Latin gemino - "Doubling") is a longer proclamation of a consonant sound in phonetics. Gemination occurs for different reasons and can perform different functions (Гармаш О., 2005). Webster's dictionary presents gemination as duplication, repetition (Wordnik). The Collaborative International Dictionary of English provides the following definition of the term “Ablaut - noun”. In philology, a substitution of one vowel for another in the body of the root of a word, accompanying a modification of use or meaning: as, bind, band, bound, bond, German bund; more especially, the change of a vowel to indicate tense-change in strong verbs, instead of the addition of a syllable (-ed), as in weak verbs: as, get, gat, got; sink, sank, sunk”' (Wordnik).

Reiteration (-sh, -n), n. [Cf. F. reiteration.] The act of reiterating; that which is reiterated. (Wordnik).

In our opinion, for all the variety of terms, they cannot be taken as absolute synonyms. Depending on the field of linguistics, it is necessary to clearly distinguish and specify the term for each case of repetition both in lexicology and in morphology, word formation, semantics, etc. At the same time, it should be noted that the terms considered above with their definitions do not contradict as much as they complement each other. This more fully and comprehensively helps to reveal the essence of the phenomenon of reduplication as a whole as the recurrence of individual units. Concretizing the meaning of the term in relation to the subject of our study and researching and based on the points of view that exist in modern linguistics, in our work we consider reduplication as a phenomenon that is a way of word formation, grammatical forms and phraseological units by partial or complete repetition of the whole word., root or word base. The result of such repetition is a reduplicate. It is also worth noting that when writing reduplicates there are different ways of writing: together, separately and through a hyphen.

The problem of reduplicates' classification

Depending on the purpose and aspect of the study of word formation methods, different types of classification are distinguished, for example, by morphological and lexical features, morphological, syntactic and semantic, by the principle of fragmentation, derivation and word formation and others. Most often, linguists distinguish three types of reduplication in English: complete reduplication, partial reduplication, and fixed phrases. In the article “Functional aspect of inactive types of word formation: Ukrainian-English and English-Ukrainian parallels” the authors A. Levytskyi, A. Sheludko distinguish complete (when the repetition of the original element occurs without changes) and variable reduplication (the original element undergoes phonetic, grammatical or semantic changes). They include reduplication with rhyming components to a separate species (Левицький А., Шелудько А., 2009). Z. Paholok, considering the units of repetition, divides words into simple, which are formed by reduplication, complex, which are formed on the basis of a coherent connection between the components and stable tautological complexes (Пахолок З., 2015). E. Arsentieva, R. Valiullina, considering the problems of determining the phenomenon of reduplication in modern English, distinguish between complete and incomplete (partial) groups of reduplicates. They emphasize that complete reduplication aims to enhance the effect of information on the recipient, to increase the significance of the phenomenon being described. In the case of sound imitation, the purpose of repetition is to reproduce a sound. The authors consider the classification of partial reduplication complicated, referring it to a phonomorphological phenomenon, which consists in doubling the derivative basis with phonetic or morpheme changes. According to this classification, incomplete reduplication is divided into the following categories and subcategories: 1. divergent (with a change in sound composition): a) change of vowel sound in the second component of the reduplicate; b) change of consonant sound in the second component of the reduplicate; complicated: a) with the additional use of the affix in one of the components of the reduplicate; b) with truncation of the base of the reduplicate component. In addition, E. Arsentieva, R. Valiullina proposed the division of reduplicates on the principle of belonging to one of the parts of speech: noun, adjective, verb, adverb and exclamation (Арсентьева Е., Валиуллина Р., 2013).

In our opinion, the classification proposed L. Chumak noteworthy. The author identifies the following methods of word formation in the process of forming complex words, especially juxtaposed compound (several basic complex words formed by composing words or word forms), and analytical morphological forms of different types: 1. sound imitation repetitions; 2. emotionally expressive repetitions; 3. repetition, which in one way or another emphasize the lexical meaning of the repeated word, emphasize it; 4. repetition with the value of the intensity of the manifestation of the sign, action, feeling, etc.; 5. analytical plural forms; 6. repetition with the value of the repetition of an action, sign, object in space or time; 7. partial rhyming expressive repetitions, usually of artificial asemantic words (Чумак Л., 2011).

Division of reduplicates into groups by stylistic nuance

The research analyzed examples of reduplications displayed by random selection from Internet forums as well as electronic dictionaries,,, and others. An analysis of 250 reduplicates revealed that reduplication most often occurs in colloquial speech. Therefore, a significant number of processed reduplicates belong to the sphere of informal communication: children's speech, jargon, slang. This vocabulary then appears in fiction and epistolary style. Thus, as a rule, reduplicates are found in everyday communication in everyday life and are intended to increase the emotional impact on the interlocutor, to make communication more relaxed, specifically conveying the opinion and attitude of the speaker to what we are talking. The largest group includes those that occur in a conversational style. Here you can select the following subcategories:

Commonly used reduplicates.

In conversational and artistic styles, we find examples of almost all ways of creating reduplicates. Consider some of them.

1. Reduplicates, in which the base of the word rhymes and there is an alternation of vowels and consonants. The expression Humpty Dumpty in modern English has acquired the following meanings: “fat man” and “thing that cannot be restored”, but in the dictionaries of the XVII century. It meant “heated ale and brandy”, alternatively “a candidate who has no chance of re-election”.

Since the XVII century in English, we can often hear “hoity-toity"” in informal speech, which means behaving as if you are better or more important than other people. Interesting is the origin of this reduplicate from the obsolete hoit, of unknown origin, “indulge in wild merriment”. In those days, hoity-toity was used as a noun meaning “impetuous” or “stupid behavior”, then as an adjective meaning “lively and playful”. In modern speech, it is known as an adjective and means arrogant or snobbish. This reduplicate has a large number of synonyms: snobbish, haughty, condescending, disdainful, patronizing, snobby, conceited, proud, arrogant, supercilious, superior, imperious, above oneself, selfimportant, overweening, lordly, lofty, high and mighty, snooty, uppity, uppish, la-di-da, toffee-nosed, posh (MerriamWebster Dictionary). For example, The only reason he enlisted in the first place was because his hoity-toity family... wouldn t pay for his college! (ReversoContext).

2. Sound-inherited reduplicates, which acquire color depending on the context, are more characteristic of the conversational style of speech. Such reduplications can be full splish-splash - splashing water, choo-choo - train, squek-squek - krya-krya); incomplete (bow-wow - bark-bark).

3. Reduplicates used in the names of trademarks, consumer goods, names of companies, music groups, various institutions, social networks, etc.: Coca-Cola, Tick-Tack, Fiddle-Faddle, Fuzzy-Muzzy, Nitty-Gritty, Chin-Chin, Tik-Tok and many others. Typically, these names are also formed by alternating at the base of the word vowel or consonant sound.

4. Shm-reduplicates, in which the prefix shmis added to the base. Their peculiarity is that a new word can be formed from any other, in order to give a negative nuance, humiliation, contempt, irony, ridicule, and so on. Such reduplication is used mainly in colloquial speech. She broke up with me because she only needed money-schmoney which I couldn t give to her. / Oh, money-schmoney! Of course, Iforgive your debt!” (Andrew Nevins, Bert Vaux, 2003). We also find examples of reduplication in Wikipedia: He's just a baby! - Baby-shmaby. He's already 5years old!. What a sale! `Sale, schmale'. I'm waiting for a larger discount (Википедия).

5. Reduplicates have a narrower scope, which is not as popular as commonly used, but is also quite common. For example, consider the style of speech associated with a sphere of life that is integral to modern global society. Journalistic style does not bypass such an expressive means as reduplication to express the functions of influence, communication, aesthetics.

Lovey-dovey - tender, romantic feelings between people. There is a rhyming reduplication "l" ^ "d". As Alexander the Great hunky Colin Farrel conquered the world. And judging by the hands-on treatment she's getting in this photo, he certainly seems to have conquered Angeline Jolie who played his mom Olympias in the epic film. The two sex symbols were lovey-dovey to the max at a recent appearance together in German (Globe, December 6, 2004). Wham-bam - scandalous (rhyming reduplication: "wh" ^ "b") Again, I know that people will read this and say "Shut up and drive the car". But I am not out there to end up a statistic in a Grand Prix history book. Just because this is the modern era of wham-bam headlines and knife-in-the-back attitudes, I don t have to go along with that (The Mail, July 12, 1998).

Reduplicates used in narrow circles.

1. We have included informal reduplications to a separate subgroup that exist in the language as nonce word (occasionalism), jargons, dialectisms and slang, which do not always have the appropriate notes in the dictionary. This complicates the choice of appropriate vocabulary for non-native speakers. In our opinion, this needs more detailed research and refinement in dictionary articles. The formation of such reduplicates occurs by adding a consonant to the base of the second word or by alternating the first consonant of the word base. Itsy bitsy - wee. The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout./Down came the rain, and washed the spider out./Out came the sun, and dried up all the rain /And the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again (Contextual Dictionary) or minor "how itsy-bitsy!" (how tiny!). Itsy-bitsy artefacts...” (tiny artifacts...) An itsy-bitsy bit. (Only quite a bit.); But you know what you need... is just an itsybitsy pinch of cayenne pepper. (But you know you only need a pinch of cayenne pepper). Hanky-panky is unacceptable or dishonest behavior, especially with sexual acts or money: There was a bit of hanky-panky going on at the Christmas party. Chick flick - (jargon), a film about romantic relationships or other topics of interest to women, has a derogatory connotation (Cambridge Dictionary).

2. Less common vocabulary also includes reduplicates that have a professional scope, such as those belonging to military vocabulary: Land-to-land - ground-to-ground missile, boom-boom - soldier; gun, ack-ack - anti-aircraft weapons, anti-aircraft fire, zero-zero - zero visibility, knock-knock - acoustic mine, dum-dum - bullet. In medicine, we can also find reduplicates: beri-beri - disease due to lack of vitamin B1, craw-craw - malignant form of scabies. As we can see, most of the considered examples are formed by complete reduplication.


The phenomenon of reduplication requires further in-depth and comprehensive research in linguistics, as no single criteria for its definition have been found and no universal classification of reduplicates has been proposed. However, reduplication is one of the most productive ways of word formation in modern English. There is a clear system of formation of reduplicates. The way these lexical units are formed can often predict the style of speech in which they are used. Most often, this method of word formation occurs by alternating vowel or consonant sound at the base of the nightingale, as well as by complete reduplication. The inexhaustible source for the formation of new words is the method of shmreduplication. Such neoplasms do not require further explanation, as the basic meaning of the word is preserved by the semantics of the main component. However, it should be remembered that the product of this method of word formation is vocabulary of a derogatory, ironic nature, which is characteristic of reduced vocabulary. Reduplication in most cases is inherent in colloquial speech. It is an interesting and productive way to create your own names. Reduplication in phonetic words is usually inherent in children's speech. Among the duplicates there are many jargons and occasionalisms. In these areas of communication, such lexical units become particularly pronounced. But at the same time, due to the specificity of the circle in which such reduplicates occur, their significance is not always well known and understood. For epistolary, artistic styles it is quite permissible to use colloquial vocabulary. Therefore, we also often find reduplicates in them. In our opinion, this is due to the fact that reduplicates carry a bright emotional load here and perform a communicative function as clearly as possible. Because of their importance, the speaker's attitude to the expressed opinion becomes clear. Journalistic style is also not devoid of emotional load and performs a communicative function. Thus reduplication, albeit to a lesser extent, is inherent in this style of speech. Reduplication is inherent in the scientific style to a lesser extent, because such reduplicates belong to a specific vocabulary, terms that are devoid of the emotional load that the vast majority of reduplicates have. This also applies to professional vocabulary, when it comes to stable lexical units that convey a specific concept, term and are emotionally neutral. For these speech styles, the most characteristic are partial reduplication, where there is an alternation of vowel or consonant sound at the base of the word. Complete reduplication is also common. Vocabulary articles do not always explain the stylistic labeling of reduplicates. Therefore, in our opinion, there is a need to create separate short dictionaries of reduplicates, which would not only provide an interpretation of the word, but also indicate its stylistic color. Such dictionaries and reference books would be useful for translators and language learners. We also need phrasebooks with as many examples of common reduplicates as possible for those who have the desire and need for live communication.


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19. Cambridge Dictionary. URL:словарь/англо-русский/chick-flick (Last accessed: 11.07.2021).

20. The Mail, July 12, 1998.

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