On the peculiarities of the English penitentiary discourse rendering in Ukrainian translation

Defining the concept of discourse in linguistics. Study of the specificity of the structure of penitentiary discourse. Analysis of the peculiarities of the reproduction of terms in the Ukrainian translation and translation techniques, transformations.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 04.12.2022
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Ilona Derik, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor,

Associate Professor of the Department of Translation and Theoretical and Applied Linguistics,

State Institution «South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky», Odesa, Ukraine


The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the English penitentiary discourse rendering in Ukrainian translation. The urgency of the work is due to the urgent need for a comprehensive study of penitentiary texts. The objective of the research is to outline the peculiarities of penitentiary discourse, the study of different approaches to the interpretation of this phenomenon and the formulation of the key rules of translating English penitentiary discourse into Ukrainian. This resulted in the following tasks: to clear out the notion of discourse in linguistics and its specificity; to characterize the structural features of penitentiary discourse; to study the peculiarities of terms in penitentiary discourse and to analyze translation transformations employed in rendering English penitentiary discourse in Ukrainian. The comprehensive approach to the research allowed to enlarge and extend the scope of the terminological lexes, to reveal the linguistic means of penitentiary discourse realization as well as strategies, techniques and transformations employed in rendering English penitentiary texts in Ukrainian translation. As for the lexical transformations employed, their distribution may be characterized as follows. Loan translation was used in 25 cases or 12,5 %, transliteration in 22 cases or 11,0 %, lexico-semantic replacements in 69 cases or 34,5 %, concretization in 27 cases or 13,5 %, generalization in 16 cases or 7,0 %, modulation in 23 cases or 11,5 %. As for the grammatical transformations employed, their distribution may be characterized as follows. Grammatical replacements occur in 9 cases or 4,5 %, transpositions in 8 cases or 4,0 %, the null translation or omission in 3 units or 1,5 %. The practical value of the article and its efficiency may be grounded by a great demand for the qualified study of such issues as the speech of legislation and execution. The perspective may be seen in the compilation of a thesaurus or glossary of penitentiary terms.

Key words: discourse, penitentiary texts, concretization, generalization, modulation, grammatical transformation, legislation.


До питання про особливості перекладу англомовного пенітенціарного дискурсу українською мовою.

Ілона Дерік, кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри перекладу і теоретичної та прикладної лінгвістики Державного закладу «Південноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинського», Одеса, Україна.

Стаття присвячена дослідженню особливостей перекладу англомовного пенітенціарного дискурсу українською мовою. Актуальність роботи зумовлена нагальною потребою комплексного дослідження пенітенціарних текстів. Метою дослідження є визначення особливостей пенітенціарного дискурсу, вивчення різних підходів до тлумачення цього явища та формулювання основних правил перекладу пенітенціарного дискурсу українською мовою. Це обумовило постановку таких завдань: визначитись із трактуванням дискурсу в лінгвістиці, схарактеризувати структурні особливості пенітенціарного дискурсу, проаналізувати особливості відтворення термінів в українському перекладі та перекладацькі прийоми і трансформації.

Щодо застосування лексичних перекладацьких трансформацій було зроблено такий висновок. На калькування припадає 25 випадків або 12,5 %, на лексико-семантичні заміни -- 22 випадки або 11,0 %, конкретизацію -- 27 випадків або 13,5 %, генералізацію -- 16 випадків або 7,0 %, модуляцію --у 23 випадках або 11,5 %. Дистрибуція граматичних трансформацій була схарактеризована таким чином: граматичні заміни -- 9 випадків або 4,5 %, транспозиції -- 8 випадків або 4,0 % та нульовий переклад або вилучення у 3 випадках або 1,5 %. Практична цінність статті підтверджується підвищеною потребою у кваліфікованому дослідженні мовлення юриспруденції. Перспектива вбачається в укладанні тезаурусу або глосарію пенітенціарних термінів.

Ключові слова: дискурс, пенітенціарні тексти, конкретизація, генералізація, модуляція, граматична трансформація, юриспруденція.


Penitentiary institutions play a very important role in the life of the society. This presupposes the necessity of the complex study of penitentiary discourse with the further outline of its constituent features and the specificity of its rendering in translation. Penitentiary discourse is a type of institutional discourse.

Penitentiary organizations and institutions are aimed at the provision of safety. Penitentiary activity is characterized by a super complicated system which functions according to the regulations of the state's military and defense policy, the chief directions of the country's international politics, the structure of the United Military and Penitentiary Forces and the scope of the tasks.

The urgency of the research is determined by the developments of the last two months of the wartime and hostilities. Consequently, the necessity of the adequate penitentiary discourse translation is decisive for the efficient international cooperation both in peace and war issues.

The object of the research is penitentiary discourse. The subject of the research is the set of theoretical and practical issues, connected with English penitentiary discourse in the aspect of its adequate rendering in Ukrainian.

The objective of the research is the definition of «penitentiary discourse», the study of different approaches to the interpretation of this phenomenon and the formulation of the key rules of translating English penitentiary discourse into Ukrainian. This resulted in the following tasks:

— to clear out the notion of discourse in linguistics and its specificity;

— to characterize the structural features of penitentiary discourse;

— to study the peculiarities of terms in penitentiary discourse;

— to analyze translation transformations employed in rendering English penitentiary discourse in Ukrainian.

The research was conducted by means of the following methods: linguistic analysis, the analysis of dictionary entries and definitions, contextual analysis, descriptive method and some elements of the statistical data processing.

The comprehensive approach to the research allowed to enlarge and extend the scope of the terminological lexes, to reveal the linguistic means of penitentiary discourse realization as well as strategies, techniques and transformations employed in rendering English penitentiary texts in Ukrainian translation.

The practical value of the research and its efficiency may be grounded by a great demand for the qualified study of such issues as the speech of legislation and execution. The perspective may be seen in the compilation of a thesaurus or glossary of penitentiary terms.

The preliminary stage of the research consisted in the search of documents and articles of penitentiary discourse and their detailed review and classification. Thus, there have been singled out the following genres of penitentiary discourse: the jury verdicts, the prosecutor's verdicts, the jail regulations and instructions, the codices ofjudiciary statements and manuals for jailers.

The distinctive features of penitentiary discourse include:

- the occurrence of such words and word combinations, as «punishment», «justice», «court», «guilt», «verdict», «sentence», «capital punishment», «sermon», «appellation», «judge», «the jury», «prosecutor», «lawyer», «solicitor», «barrister», «the Bar», «convicted», «guilty», «innocent», «fraud», «felony», «crime», «criminal», «eyewitness», «testimony», «cross interrogation», «accusation», «convict», «suspicion», «suspect», «murder», «murderer», «manslaughter», «homicide», «suicide»;

- the usage of certain cliche and stereotype constructions;

- the employment of archaic words and bookish words;

- the similarity of topicality and content;

- the wide distribution of evaluative lexis, revealing either praise and approval or blame and disapproval like «guilty» or «innocent», «fair» or «unfair», «justice» or «injustice», «moral» or «amoral».

The issue of the language functioning in the field of the penitentiary system is in the focus of many researches now. Penitentiary discourse is interpreted as the coherent oral or written text, expressed via verbal and non-verbal means, conditioned by the communicative situation of the interaction of pragmatic, sociocultural, mental and other factors.

Penitentiary discourse is a cognitive and communicative system which represents a set of concepts reflecting the ideas of real and imaginary objects, phenomena and their interaction in the field of the legislative opposition, their rational and emotional assessment and the means of realization providing the communication of the members of the penitentiary institution's society both inside and outside in various situations of action and counteraction. The foundation for this system has been laid by penitentiary concepts, imprisoned in the shape of legislative terms and their unofficial jail replicas -- jail slang and jargon words, «relators», employed to indicate the semantic and formal relationship of terms in texts and language systems.

The specificity of the penitentiary field consists in the fact that this activity spreads out in the circumstances of constant instability and danger, in which the life of groups of convicts and jailers depends on the shrewdness, exactness and correctness of actions. The specificity of the activity presupposes such linguistic features as brevity, marginal clarity and preciseness aimed at excluding any ambiguity. penitentiary discourse linguistics term

This is embodied in the employment of certain speech cliches, especially in such types of penitentiary discourse as sentences, verdicts, instructions, orders, reports, statutes etc. All the words in penitentiary discourse are charged with voluntary and mandatory modality.

Penitentiary discourse is corelated with one of the seven types of the inner national language cultures -- professionally restricted both in its structure and in the structures of all other types in the selection of the main language genres.

The division of the genres of penitentiary institutional discourse into primary and secondary genres was researched by many scholars including S. Zinchenko [1], Yagunov D. [5] and others. Genre was interpreted as a verbal environment of a typical situation of social interaction of people, combination of texts, united by the common objective with similar compositional forms realized in a typical communicative situation.

The personal component of penitentiary discourse is a combination of genres with the distinctive feature of responsivity. This is the corresponding linguistic reaction of the society at this system.

Discussion, commenting, interpretation as secondary to other genres

Peripheric genres of penitentiary discourse naturally co-exist with the genres forming the core of the professional penitentiary communication, where the speaker is a representative of the penitentiary system and communication takes place in the frame of status and role relations.

This classification singles out social and institutional communication, communication between the penitentiary institution and citizens.

Communication is realized via mass media genres, in particular press, radio, TV, Internet genres as by these channels the communication between the institutions and citizens is realized. The most recurrent genres are applications, addresses, appellations, appeals and manifestations.

When rendering penitentiary texts in translation the following distinctive features should be taken into account:

— genre;

— communicative;

— monostylistic;

— ethnically specific.

These features constitute the complex model of the source text. The genre constituent outlines the key requirements of this text type apart from the communicative situation involved. The communicative model forms the idea of presuppositions and illocutions, which might be employed by translators even prior to translation, it also focuses attention and singles out the semantic invariant in the source text. Respectively, these dominants are rendered via various linguistic means. Consequently, any communication has its own chronological specificity, namely -- the location, the time and the addressee.

Penitentiary discourse is distinguished not only by lexical peculiarities, but also by the specific structure and realization (syntactic constructions, written form). The preservation of the interaction of the source and target texts is essential as penitentiary discourse is most often presented by instructions and directives. There are strict limitations on all levels, from the macrolevel of text to paragraphs, sentences and clauses, in accordance with the requirements for the standardized forms, cliche and acknowledged ways of coherence realization. The complexity of informational loading of each sentence and the relevance of the absence of ambiguity in interpretation, result in the necessity to use extended sentences with complex syntax, high level of hypotaxis and repetition of syntactic abruptness. When translating instructions and manuals logical clauses of condition and reason are extensively employed.

It is expected from translators that target penitentiary texts should be parallel to the source ones and almost identical in their pragmatics. Thus, translation texts should be as clear and transparent as source ones and at the same time should arouse identical associations to those of the penitentiary discourse authors.

Therefore, the most relevant features of translation are the following: penitentiary texts as linguistic categories are distinguished by certain genreand stylistic peculiarities, in particular: imperative and expressive and emotional content; the strictly limited structure of the majority of penitentiary texts; the parcellation of texts into sections, points and items; visual form of presentation and the segmentation of paragraphs.

According to their content and functional peculiarities all penitentiary texts may be subdivided into informative texts and reglementary texts. The former are represented by penitentiary scientific, penitentiary technical, penitentiary informational and penitentiary publicist texts. The latter are mainly statutes, decrees, penitentiary official papers and penitentiary legislative documents.

Penitentiary scientific texts are characterized by official character. Their most relevant stylistic feature is logical grounding which is preconditioned by the necessity of the further exploitation and distribution of research findings in the various fields of penitentiary discourse application. Another distinctive feature is the high expressivity of utterances, achieved not due to high emotivity but via the employment of such visual aids as tactic schemes, schemes of the organizational structure of formations. The high percentage of terms is another distinctive feature of penitentiary texts.

Penitentiary technical texts are represented by instructions and manuals of different kinds of ammunition, weapon, means of defense in journals and periodicals. Unlike penitentiary scientific texts, penitentiary technical texts include scientific popular periodicals with the more limited use of professional terms but the more extensive employment of drawings and pictures.

Penitentiary informational texts are aimed at data distribution about certain notions, terms and fundamentals of penitentiary discourse. Penitentiary publicist texts are expected to facilitate the comprehension of social processes in the world. Their function is to inform and at the same time to influence the target audience and in a certain way to manipulate it.

Statutes and decrees introduce limitations in the life and activity of penitentiary institution officers and convicts. They are distinguished by calm official businesslike manner of communication, direct indication at the orders and their sequence. Thus, ambiguity and misunderstanding are avoided. The recipient is limited in the perception and interpretation of the message and should be guided by the regulations of the statute or manual or instruction.

Penitentiary official papers include directives, reports, applications, judgements, verdicts and sentences. Their main distinctive features are imperative manner of appeal and high expressivity.

Scholars divide all texts into term generative texts of theoretical explanatory nature and term registered reference books.

The main objective of the penitentiary texts pragmatics is to inform and to persuade. The appeal to the modern penitentiary system realia is efficient in manipulating the public opinion and in advertising. The most recurrent there prove to be professional terms aimed at verbalizing general notions about jails, cells, judgement, law and order. Among the two prevailing communicative tactics used there are the tactic of guilt conviction and the tactic of innocence acknowledgement.

As it has been mentioned before, penitentiary texts have originated on the merge of official and scientific functional styles thus preserving to a certain extent the essential features of both. The similarity with official style is proved by the wide distribution of impersonal sentences, imperatives, cliche, stereotype structures of secondary predication, namely infinitive, participial, gerundial and absolute nominative clauses, the limited variability of verb tense forms and the minimal employment of tropes.

Official style, in its turn, is characterized by certain peculiarities of rendering in translation. The main objective consists in preserving the semantic invariant and in conveying the original author's message of the source texts. It's also worth noting that there are some features characteristic of the publicist style.

The high level of structural presentation which accounts for such features as brevity, clarity, precision and coherence.

Among the stylistic peculiarities of the penitentiary texts there are:

1) terms (general scientific terms and professional terms);

2) the prevalence of abstract lexis over the concrete one;

3) abbreviations and shortenings.

On the lexical level penitentiary texts bear more features of scientific texts than official papers. This should also be taken into account when translating penitentiary texts.

Penitentiary periodicals also possess certain features which cannot but influence the translation process. Consequently, certain distinctive publicist style features co-exist with some particular official style peculiarities which results in the specific coloring of penitentiary periodicals.

The titles of penitentiary texts are coined in accordance with the following rules: the prevalence of verbs over nominative parts of speech, the omission of the verb «to be», the use of elliptical structures.

Moreover, intertextuality is also considered typical of penitentiary texts. Intertextuality is interpreted as the property of texts, relying on their interaction and explicit or implicit allusion. Still another prominent feature is the employment of euphemisms which are understood as neutral words or expressions employed instead of synonymic words to disguise the essence of the phenomenon described. The three main functions of euphemisms in penitentiary texts are:

- etiquette requirements in describing human appearance, temperament and mental abilities;

- omission of obscene and vulgar words, in particular taboo words due to the limitations introduced by religion, domestic and foreign police nd etiquette;

- the disguise of the negative sides of life in different field of social activity.

The translation of euphemisms is challenging. Still explication or descriptive translation is considered to be the most suitable way of translating euphemisms in penitentiary texts. Two other recurrent translation operations at work are addition and loan translation. However, calques are less widely used than descriptive translation.

However, the linguistic analysis of the penitentiary texts has also revealed the means of dysphemisation realization. Dysphemisms like euphemisms have the manipulative potential but their role is contrary to that one of euphemisms -- they are to form negative attitude of the target audience to the notions, objects and phenomena described.

Thus, rendering both euphemisms and dysphemisms in translation is rather challenging. The most relevant strategy in translating such lexis is rather functional than formal conformity in the stylistic aspect. Penitentiary publicist texts are distinguished by a relatively small amount of emotionally colored elements of terminological vocabulary.


The results of the analysis of the translation devices employed in rendering English penitentiary texts in Ukrainian may be summarized as follows. The most recurrent translation operations are the transformations of lexico-semantic replacement, represented in particular by concretization, generalization and modulation.

The main distinctive feature of this translation technique is the absence of identity in semantics which results in the substitution of the source language lexical elements by lexical units of the target language with either broader (generalization) or narrower (concretization) scope of lexical content. Sometimes logical transformations based upon the semantic development on a word level also take place. Approximately 30 % of all the cases of adequate translation of terms fall upon lexico-semantic replacement.

Modulation is much more productive in this sense than concretization and generalization respectively. Modulation is interpreted here as the replacement of a word or a word combination of the source language by a target language unit the meaning of which has been logically developed from the content of the source language unit. This may be illustrated by the following examples: target reference point -- орієнтир; calling the shot -- оцінка пострілу; pickup zone -- зона евакуації.

The bulk of penitentiary terms is represented by the multicomponent terms-composites, thus the process of translation is complicated. Multicomponent terms are difficult to find in terminological dictionaries and reference books. To translate multicomponent penitentiary terms, the components of a composite term should be disintegrated and only after that all the constituents may be separately rendered.

More than 70 % of English penitentiary terms are multicomponent and are represented by word combinations.

When translating English terms attributive group components are often transformed or their sequence may be changed. To adequately render such multicomponent terms the key words acting as the semantic core must be singled out as well as dependent words and logical and semantic links.

Terms-abbreviations are also rather challenging for translators. The most recurrent translation devices employed in translating shortenings and abbreviations are loan translation and modulation.

For example, the term «Military Police» is the name of the organization while the abbreviation «MP» may be interpreted as «a military police- officer» and at the same time as «a member of Parliament».

The terminological abbreviations in English penitentiary texts may be rendered into Ukrainian in the following ways:

a) by the technique of transliteration;

b) by the technique of transcription;

c) by the technique of the full form;

d) by the technique of the full form translation and creation of a new abbreviation in the target language;

e) by the technique of loan translation.

Diagram 1

Diagram 2


As for the lexical transformations employed, their distribution may be characterized as follows. Loan translation was used in 25 cases or 12,5 %, transliteration in 22 cases or 11,0 %, lexico-semantic replacements in 69 cases or 34,5 %, concretization in 27 cases or 13,5 %, generalization in 16 cases or 7,0 %, modulation in 23 cases or 11,5 %.

As for the grammatical transformations employed, their distribution may be characterized as follows. Grammatical replacements occur in 9 cases or 4,5 %, transpositions in 8 cases or 4,0 %, the null translation or omission in 3 units or 1,5 %.


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4. Пташинський, О. (2002). Правові проблеми реформування пенітенціарної системи в Україні: автореф. дис. ... канд. юрид. наук: 12.00.08. Київ. 18 с.

5. Ягунов, Д. (2011). Державна пенітенціарна служба України: деякі питання концептуального та термінологічного обґрунтування. Актуальні проблеми державного управління. Вип. 3 (47). С. 252.

6. World Prison Brief Data. Електронний ресурс. Режим доступу: http://prisonstudies. org/ world-prison-brief-data


1. Zinchenko, S. (2017). Formuvannia povnotsinnoi systemy pidhotovky penitentsiarnoho personalu - holovna umova praktychnykh zmin u Derzhavnii penetentsiarnii sluzhbi Ukrainy [Elektronnyi resurs]. Elektron. tekst. dani. Rezhym dostupu: http:// wwwminjust.gov.ua

2. Inshyn, M., Shopina, I., Yakymov, H. (2008) Slovnyk zakonodavchykh i normatyvnykh terminiv Куіу 487.

3. Pro zatverdzhennia Kontseptsii derzhavnoi systemy profesiinoi oriientatsii naselennia: zatv postanovoiu Kabinetu ministriv Ukrainy vid 17 veres. 2008 r., № 842. Elektronnyi resurs. Rezhym dostupu: http:// zakon.rada.gov.ua / laws /show

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5. Yagunov, D. (2011). Derzhavna penitentsiarna sluzhba Ukrainy: deiaki pytannia kontseptualnoho ta terminologichnoho obhruntuvannia, Aktualni problemy derzhanoho upravlinnia. Odesa. Volume 3 (47). 252.

6. World Prison Brief Data. Elektronnyi resurs. Rezhym dostupu: http://prisonstudies.org/ world-prison-brief-data

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