Professional text as a basis for formation of competencies of students of economic specialties (based on materials of English language)
Identification of characteristics of professional texts on management, marketing, finance. Formation of competencies of students of economic specialties. Research of the crisis in modern professional Higher Education, specifics of professional competence.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
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Дата добавления | 18.05.2022 |
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Professional text as a basis for formation of competencies of students of economic specialties (based on materials of English language)
Prosianyk O. P.
Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Social Communications Management Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
Tarasenko S. Уе.
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Pedagogy, Foreign Philology and Translation Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
Key words: English, purposefulness, pragmatic setting, professional competences, career growth.
Professional higher education in recent years is going through an obvious crisis, which is presented by reduction of demand for economic specialties among high school graduates. The reasons of this situation are the fact that graduates of economic institutions of higher education and economic faculties either don't have professional competencies necessary for employers or don't have them in full measure and, as a consequence, that results in their expectations not fully matching the career growth prospects. Professional competencies include a linguistic component, the mastery of which should demonstrate adequacy for specific events in professional activities. One of the means of acquiring such competence is teaching foreign languages with the help of professional economic texts.
The purpose of the research is to identify the specific characteristics of professional texts in management, marketing and finance. The object of the research is the selected professional texts in English on marketing, management and finance. The subject of the research is the purposefulness and pragmatic setting of professional texts as the basis for the formation of competencies of students of economic specialties. The method of the research is the content analysis of professional texts on marketing, management and finance. The article presents the content analysis of professional texts in the field of management, marketing and finance, which provided a basis for identifying the specific characteristics of these texts, such as purposefulness and pragmatic setting. Both characteristics are embodied differently in various professional discourses. The combination of such characteristics provides the content of professional competencies for students majoring in these specialties, and also contributes to formation of professional competencies for such areas of professional activity as marketing, management and finance, which allows graduates to be in demand in the labor market.
Просяник О. П.
доктор філологічних наук, доцент, професор кафедри управління соціальними комунікаціями Харківський національний економічний університет імені Семена Кузнеця
Тарасенко С. Є.
старший викладач кафедри педагогіки, іноземної філології та перекладу Харківський національний економічний університет імені Семена Кузнеця
Ключові слова: англійська мова, цілеспрямованість, прагматична установка, професійні компетентності, кар'єрний ріст.
Професійна вища освіта в останні роки переживає кризу, яка полягає в зниженні затребуваності економічних спеціальностей у випускників шкіл. Причинами такої ситуації є відсутність або недолік необхідних для роботодавців професійних компетентностей у випускників економічних ЗВО та економічних факультетів і, як наслідок, невідповідність очікувань випускників економічних спеціальностей щодо перспектив кар'єрного зростання. Професійні компетентності включають лінгвістичний складник, опанування якого має демонструвати адекватність до конкретних подій у професійній діяльності. Одним із засобів набуття такої компетентності є навчання іноземним мовам за допомогою професійних економічних текстів.
Метою дослідження є виявлення специфічних характеристик професійних текстів із менеджменту, маркетингу та фінансів. Об'єктом дослідження обрані професійні тексти англійською мовою з маркетингу, менеджменту і фінансів. Предметом дослідження є цілеспрямованість і прагматичні установки професійних текстів як основа для формування компетентностей студентів економічних спеціальностей. Метод дослідження - контент-аналіз професійних текстів із маркетингу, менеджменту і фінансів.
У статті представлено контент-аналіз професійних текстів у сфері менеджменту, маркетингу, фінансів, що дало підставу для виявлення специфічних характеристик цих текстів, таких як цілеспрямованість і прагматична установка. Обидві характеристики по-різному втілені у різних професійних дискурсах. Сукупність таких характеристик сприяє формуванню професійних компетентностей. Контент-аналіз показав, що в текстах із менеджменту переважають модальні дієслова та їх еквіваленти як індикатори установок комунікативної поведінки. Прагматична установка у фінансах - це забезпечення об'єктивності фактів і аргументів. На відміну від текстів із менеджменту та маркетингу в текстах із фінансів наявний низький відсоток фразеологізмів, а також складних граматичних форм. Для професійних текстів цієї направленості характерні лаконічність, точність, переважання простих речень. professional competence english
Formulation of the problem
In recent years, vocational higher education has been experiencing an obvious crisis, which consists in a decrease in the demand for economic specialties among school graduates. The reasons for this phenomenon are the absence or lack of professional competencies demanded by employers among graduates of economic universities and economic faculties and, as a consequence, their insufficient demand in the labor market.
Professional competencies are not only the result of active professional experience of those who form them, but also a linguistic form of formalization that corresponds to professional activity. Therefore, there is an obvious need to use professional verbal communication and create situations in which it is possible to demonstrate the adequacy of professional competence to specific events in professional activity. One of the real ways to ensure such conditions is to teach foreign languages on the basis of professional texts.
Link to previous research
The text and professional text have been the subject of research by philologists, social psychologists, and educators for many decades. Among the most famous scientists are I.R. Halperin, T.A. van Dijk, J. Hans, M. Dzher- elievskaya, E. Malyuga, Y. Kazarin, T Batiuta, N. Hordiienko and others. All researchers approached the study of the text differently. In this article, the text will be defined as “a kind of an island of organization” [8] (term by H. Parret) It should be noted that specific features of the text are singled out, which are interpreted as general features of the text: consistency (structure + functionality); self-organization (self-efficiency + self-generation); creativity (creative nature of the text + aesthetics and ethics); verbality (the result of text creation as a leading type of linguistic activity); codification (text is a system of codes: cultural, graphic, sound, grammatical, stylistic, discourse and linguistic ones); interpretability (the ability to decode; polyinterpretativeness of artistic, journalistic, game and other texts); anthropological character (anthropocentricity through anthropo-lin- guistic character; modality (as a relation to an object; connotation in a broad sense); vigor (the ability of a text to accumulate, preserve and release energy of a linguistic, cultural, psychological, social, etc. character); culture consistency (text is a sign, a unit of culture), spirituality (text as a holder and exponent of thought - experience - spirit) [3, pp. 16-17].
Among the categorical feature s of the text, Y. Kazarin offers a whole list of features that are important for professional texts. Within the framework of this study, such categorical features as “attraction” and stylistic character, which contribute to the performance of certain functions in professional texts on marketing, acquire special significance.
However, despite the sufficient number of works devoted to the professional text, there is still a number of aspects that deserve study, which justifies the urgency of the problem raised in the article.
Statement of research tasks
A professional text has a dual structure - it is a carrier of information necessary for successful professional activity and an identifier of the way to ensure the success of professional activity. In this regard, the author sees the main tasks of the research: 1) content analysis of English professional economic texts; 2) determination of the purposefulness of professional economic texts (in the field of management, marketing, finance); 3) identification of linguistic methods of transmitting a pragmatic attitude to regulate the communicative behavior of recipients; 4) finding the features of a professional economic text that make it possible to clearly differentiate the potential professional competencies of a manager, marketer, financier.
Presentation of the main material
In philological studies of the latest generation, it is noted that language is focused on overcoming the disorder of thoughts. This is the way to reduce entropy, as a category of linguistic knowledge, provides a certain organization, since it is, as a rule, a put in order form of communication that is devoid of spontaneity. In this article, we proceeded from the definition of the text by I. Galperin “a text is a work of a speech-making process, which has completeness, objectified in the form of a written document, literary processed in accordance with the type of this document, a work consisting of a name (title ) and a number of special units (superphase unities), united by various types of lexical, grammatical, logical, systematic communication, which has a certain purposefulness and pragmatic attitude ”[1, p. 18].
The texts connecting knowledge accumulated in several sciences have a specific structure and stylistics that make it possible to implement cohesion (intra-textual connections). The communication means are not always traditional. As a rule, "cohesion is a special type of communication that provides a continuum, that is, a logical sequence (temporal and / or spatial) interdependence of individual messages, facts, phenomena, actions" (part 1, p. 74) [1, p. 18].
The cohesion in economic texts quite often changes the pragmatic essence of the statement, becomes a mechanism that distinguishes the setting of communicative regulation of the behavior of recipients of information given in the text.
The content analysis of economic texts shows that modal verbs and their equivalents prevail in texts for managers as indicators of communicative behavior attitudes. This is justified, since “management is a process of planning, organization, motivation and control necessary in order to formulate and achieve the goals of the organization” [5, p. 38]. Distance cohesion, carried out both by lexical repetition, the use of phraseological units, idioms, and the rich use of certain grammatical forms, for example, modal verbs and their equivalents. Intra-textual links in economic texts vary depending on the narrow specialization. Describing the role of a leader-manager, G. Mintzberg proposes the implementation of ten managerial roles, which, in turn, he subdivides into interpersonal roles, informational roles, roles associated with decision-making [7, p. 31]. Naturally, all of the above roles dictate certain stereotypes of communication behavior, suggesting the use of modal verbs, focused on the manifestation of an attitude towards actions prescribed to the interlocutor. Such an abundance of modal verbs in texts devoted to management contributes to the ordering of actions that the manager recommends to perform to partners, colleagues, because his function is personnel management.
The cohesion of the text on management, based on the stereotyping of the actions prescribed in them. Functional orientation of texts on management, focus on consistency, opportunity, compulsory actions that ensure planning, organization, motivation and control. Only the semantic meaning of modal verbs emphasizes these features, for example, “must calculate”, “may calculate”, “can calculate”, “ought to calculate”. This series demonstrates the manager's intentions, implicitly embedded in the text, as if forming his connotation in each specific situation and in each specific potential environment of the recipients.
Each text, according to the classics, has linguistic parameters. We adhere to the point of view of N. Enquist. The scientist singled out the theme, focus and connection. The topic was interpreted as the main content of the text, the focus contributed to the designation of the marked elements of the text. The link provided the unification of various parts of the text [6]. In the case of economic texts, a certain purposefulness and pragmatic attitude are highlighted with the help of content analysis. If a certain goal-orientation in management is the management of people's relationships through the management of recommended actions, then the pragmatic attitude is variable: it can be recommended, categorical, obliging, evaluating.
Noteworthy is the opinion of T.A. van Dijk that “the communication participant should focus on the specific features of the speech situation, which may be useful for the correct understanding of not only the reference, but also pragmatic goals / intentions” [2, p. 20].
Pragmatic understanding is a sequence of processes, the content of which is the attribution of special communicative implications to the statements of communication participants [2, p. 14].
As a rule, the main purpose of marketing texts is to teach students creativity and product promotion.
Marketing is a type of human activity aimed at meeting needs and requirements through exchange [4, p. 47].
Pragmatic attitude in professional marketing texts is focused on obtaining benefits for manufacturers, promoters. The latter means to implement the AIDMA formula, that is, to attract attention. Always aim for technical perfection. Toshiba. Toshiba, to form an interest. Tiny dots. Astonishing detail. Canon - to insure the formation of a desire to buy. Challenge us - and get yourself a bigger slice of the cake. Siemens - bolstered with motivation (motive/ Euphoria. Live the dream. Calvin Klein fragrance. As a result, successful adherence to this formula will contribute to the guarantee of action, which means a focus on the purchase.
T.A. van Dejk rightly argued that the analysis of the pragmatic context is a pragmatic process, and the “final stage” is the initial stage of adequate perception [1, p. 30]. The indicators that stimulate attention due to the non-standard use of idioms are already designated in the semantic structure of sentences. Stable expressions such as “If it bleeds, it leads”; Wow-worthy related news; to go nuts , play ball; to jump ship - indicate the need to show interest in the statement. Consumers, being recipients of such messages of marketers, as a rule think that it deserves the analysis and gain experience of acquaintance with a product. The desire to buy, supported by motivation, is provided by the use of a whole set of epithets of a positive nature, forming the loyalty of consumers in the process of perception of information. For example: cheap, attractive, affordable. Such semantic, positively charged “clouds” are the final factor influencing the consumer's decision to buy.
Table 1
Examples of pragmatic attitudes in management texts
Modal verb |
Sentence |
can help |
Universal management practices can help increase a company's productivity, just as technology can do [9] |
can purchase |
Managers can now purchase off-the-shelf products that can mine Twitter or Yelp and develop a detailed analysis of how sentiment is changing in real time [10] |
should not run |
The Company should not run its business based on the short term whims of the POTUS who will be out of office at some point [11] |
have to do |
... We have to do what we have to do based on the facts and circumstances before us, and we're doing that [12] |
must |
Company Survival 101: You Must Continually Reinvent and Redefine [12] |
Unlike professional texts on management and marketing, professional texts on the problems of financing do not have phraseology, there is no obsession with grammatical forms. The professional texts on finance are characterized by conciseness, accuracy, the predominance of simple sentences.
We confirm that green municipal bonds are indeed priced at a premium.
Our framework also makes predictions for ownership concentration of green bonds.
Using institutional bond ownership data, we find supportive evidence for these predictions.
Green bonds provide a novel setting to examine how capital markets treat environmental benefits.
There is a commensurate need for additional research on green bonds and other areas of climate finance [13].
A pragmatic attitude in finance is to ensure the objectivity of facts and arguments as evidence of statements carried by texts. Purposefulness is the accuracy and inadmissibility of ambiguity. The pragmatic attitude in professional texts on finance - confidence in statements, professionalism, objectivity, argumentation. All this is confirmed by figures, formulas, diagrams, research results.
We also estimate regressions of the form: y30 - y10 = a + b*NETDEMAND/GDP + d*z + uit, (2) where NETDEMAND is P&I Assets/GDP minus GovtDebt/GDP.
To understand the impact of the regulatory discount rate, consider the funding position of a pension fund at time t: Ft = At - LTt / (1+Rt) T, (3) where At is the current value of the assets, LTt is the face value of time-T liabilities known as of
The article further developed the content analysis of professional texts in the field of management, marketing, finance, which provided the basis for identifying the specific characteristics of these texts, such as purposefulness and pragmatic attitude. Both characteristics differ in different professional texts. The combination of such characteristics provides the content of professional competencies for students who are trained in these specialties, contributes to the formation of professional competencies for such areas of professional activity as marketing, management and finance, which allows graduates to be in demand in the labor market.
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12. Rappeport, Alan. Trump's War With Harley-Davidson Has Divided America's Bikers / Alan Rap- peport // New-York Times. Aug. 11, 2018. URL: us-bikers-harley-davidson.html
13. Burrus Daniel. Survival 101: You Must Continually Reinvent and Redefine / Burrus Daniel. Part II. URL: reinvent-and-redefine-part-ii.
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1. Gal'peryn, Y. R. (1981) Text as the Object of Linguistic Study [Tekst kak obuekt lyngvystychesk- ogoyssledovanyja]. Moscow. 138 p.
2. T. A. van Dejk. (1989), Language, Cognition, Communication [Jazyk. Poznanie. Kommunik- acija]. Moscow. 312 p.
3. Kazarin, Ju. V. (2012), Signs and Qualities of the Text [Priznaki i kachestva teksta]. Izvestija Ural'skogo federal'nogo universiteta. Serija 1: Problemy obrazovanija, nauki i kul'tury. Ekaterinburg. P. 15-23.
4. Kotler, F. (1990). Marketing Essentials [Osnovy marketinga]. Moscow : Progress, 736 p.
5. Meskon, M., Al'bert, M. Hedouri, F. (1992). Management [Osnovy menedzhmenta]. Moscow : Delo, 7o2 p.
6. Jenkvist, N. Je. (1998). English Stylistics [Stilis- tika anglijskogo jazyka]. Moscow, 193 p.
7. Mintzberg, Henry (1973). The Nature of Managerial Work. New York : Harper and Row, 298 p.
8. Parret, H. (1974). Discussing Language. Paris : The Hague, 428 p.
9. Blanding, M. These Management Practices, Like Certain Technologies, Boost Company Performance. URL: tain-management-practices-like-certain-technol- ogies-boost-company-performance.
10. Blanding, M. Will Machine Learning Make You a Better Manager? URL: artificial-intelligence-machine-learning/will-ma- chine-learning-make-better-manager/
11. Heskett, James. What Should Harley-Davidson's Management Do? URL: item/what-should-harley-davidson-s- management-do?cid=sm-tw-sf92035587& sf92035587=1.
12. Rappeport, Alan. Trump's War With Harley-Davidson Has Divided America's Bikers. New- York Times. Aug. 11, 2018. URL: https://www. ley-davidson.html
13. Burrus, Daniel. Survival 101: You Must Continually Reinvent and Redefine. Part II. URL: and-redefine-part-ii.
14. Malcolm, Baker. Financing the Response to Climate Change: the Pricing and Ownership of U.S. Green Bonds / Malcolm Baker, Daniel Berg- stresser, George Serafeim, Jeffrey Wurgler. Cambridge : National Bureau Of Economic Research. URL:
15. Greenwood, Robin. Vissing-Jorgensen, Annette. The Impact of Pensions and Insurance on Global Yield Curves. URL: faculty/Publication%20Files/18-109_442db865- b212-493e-8187-2b2f51a67ddc.pdf.
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