Development medical students’ lexical competence

Analysis of the features of the formation of foreign language lexical competence of future doctors. The study of educational materials that contribute to the expansion of students' vocabulary and help to better understand the meaning of the term, its use.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 16.05.2022
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Криницька Катерина

Науковий керівник - доктор пед. наук, професор Задорожна І. П.


Krinitska Katerina

The article discusses the issue of the formation of future doctors' lexical competence. The main task of foreign language teacher is the formation of communicative competence, which depends on the quality and quantity of the lexical stock of students. The article defines the peculiarities of the formation of foreign language lexical competence of students in the field of medicine. Examine educational materials that contribute to the expansion of the vocabulary of students to help better understand the meaning of the term and its use. Systematization of terms can significantly improve the process of mastering medical lexical units. Therefore, dictionaries can be considered as educational materials for practical and independent work of students.

Keywords: lexical competence; authentic materials; distant courses; thesaurus.


New trends in the medical and technical development of Ukraine in the near future, as well as a new educational concept, create new requirements for the training of future doctors who speak a foreign language at a level that allows them to communicate confidently with foreign employers, partners and colleagues. A foreign language has become an integral component of a modern educational system that helps students achieve professional competence in their field. Today, knowledge of a foreign language provides many opportunities for future doctors. These are work with foreign language informative sources in order to familiarize with the latest technologies, international cooperation in educational and professional fields, communication at the household level, expansion of socio-cultural knowledge, participation in various international events and projects.

Analysis of recent researches and publications. Teaching of the discipline «Foreign language of professional orientation» can meet the needs of students to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills. Many authors paid considerable attention to the professional of studying a foreign language. Among them, L. V. Limar (2009), O. B. Tarnopolsky (1999, 2002), N. Brieger (2006), C. Kennedy (1984), R. Robinson (1980), T. Hutchinson (1987) and others.

The peculiarity of this discipline is that it focuses on learning the language in the context and for using it in real communication and professional activities. Thus, in order to achieve this goal, students must acquire foreign language communication competence. Important attention should be paid to the adaptation of training materials for students in a particular medical field. Materials should take into account the needs and interests of students, focus on relevant topics and contain tasks that are aimed at training and improving the necessary knowledge and skills [9, p.116]. foreign language lexical doctor

The relevance of research and problem statement. The priority task of teaching a foreign language in non-language higher education institutions is the formation of students communicative competence within the professional sphere and the topics identified by the program for each speciality, following the traditions and norms established in the country of study.

Considering the limited number of hours spent on studying foreign languages in institutions, it is undoubtedly necessary to use this time effectively, with the maximum intensification of the linguistic and speech activity of students. That is why more and more attention is paid to the consideration of speciality in the study of a foreign language, its focus on the realization of the tasks of professional activity. As a result, new requirements and tasks relate to teachers in the methodology of teaching foreign languages, the process of teaching students, as well as finding new ways to improve the education system, taking into account the specifics of universities, a separate faculty, corresponding speciality.

An integral part of communicative competence is lexical competence. The object of our research is the formation of lexical competence of medical students.

The aim of the article is the development medical students' lexical competence. It involves the following tasks:

- to reveal the role of authentic texts in teaching a foreign language for specifeic purpose;

- to highlight the stages of the formation of medical student' lexical competence of students of future doctors;

- to identify ways of vocabulary semantization;

- to indicate some types of exercises for the formation of professional lexical competence.


The peculiarity of teaching any language for specific purposes lies in the professional context of the chosen speciality, the main urgent task of which is to master the knowledge of the professional terminological system and acquire the ability to use highly specialized vocabulary to perform professional-oriented educational tasks aimed at further communication in work situations [7]. A foreign language, therefore, is a means of improving the professional competence, personal and professional development of students [5].

Without a doubt, a foreign language teacher in a professional field needs to know the properties of terminological vocabulary and know what exercises to use to enhance further use of vocabulary in speech and writing. In our opinion, the issue of search and selection of educational professional material, which is the basis of the content of foreign language teaching in a professional direction, is extremely important. After all, the better, more interesting and informative the material, both from the language and from the speech side, the more effective the study of terminology vocabulary will be. Teachers and students should work only with such textbooks that are informatively rich, reflect modern achievements in the development of certain industries, take an active role in the educational process, and a large number of tasks encourages students to communicate in other languages.

Lexical competence is the ability to use lexemes, figurative expressions, sayings, proverbs and phraseological units.

The selection criteria for the use of new words of foreign language origin should be the semantic and stylistic necessity of their use. A doctor's professional speech is a dialogue between a pharmacist and a customer in a pharmacy or a doctor with a patient in a clinic or hospital, writing various references, operation protocols etc. Mandatory for any professional speech is the use of specific terms in a high level of balance and accuracy of formulations [9].

However, the commonly used worlds can undergo certain changes in professional speech; individual words acquire new meanings or new shades. The productivity of the assimilation of terms and their active use in oral and written Ukrainian professional speech depends largely on the appropriate system of preparatory exercises, consistently aimed at translating and thoughtful mastering terminology. Effective learning is a combination of reproductive and creative exercises [9].

Among a large number of reproductive exercises, the most effective are the following:

- oral interpretation of professional terms in Ukrainian;

- translation of materials from the previous lecture, paying attention to the pronunciation and implications of terminology [5].

Exercises of the creative direction should be complex and provide for greater student autonomy in their implementation. To achieve these goals it is better to use the following:

- use a dictionary, choose synonyms for the terms, make pairs of them, enter synonyms in sentences, take into account the shades of their meanings;

- use the dictionary, select antonyms to the terms, make sentences with them;

- make an oral statement of the professional direction, using professional terminology;

- make a production-related dialogue saturated with professional terminology;

- read the text, correct the terms, meaning unnatural for them, and the like.[5]

It is advisable to use exercises of a comparative type and help students to feel the specifics of the concepts, illustrating the features of the normative professional broadcasting in comparison with the everyday speaking.

Test control of language competence directly measures the level of knowledge of specific skills and indirectly the level of knowledge of the relevant language skills.

Undoubtedly, the most appropriate for the formation of professional speech competence based on scientific and professional terminology is the usage of specialized texts. According to G. Barabanova, in a non-linguistic university, the universal didactic unit of vocational-oriented education is an authentic text that provides factual material for organizing educational communication [1]. First, the specialized text includes the formation and development of professional skills [6]. The professional text helps students to disclose the definition of each term. After all, the usual memorization of the terms will never give such results in enriching a professional vocabulary, as studying them in a context. That helps to specify the meaning of words, explain and clarify the cases of their use. It is important that the texts, especially at the initial stage of learning a foreign language in a professional way, should be small, accessible in content, saturated with words, stable phrases and grammatical constructions of professional language. Only with the usage of text, professional terms appear as an integral communicative system, suitable to use in certain work situations, and not as a set of separate lexemes and syntagmas. With proper organization of the educational process, the teacher develops students' thinking, a critical approach to textual information, increases their motivation to learn and causes even greater interest in their chosen specialty.

The next step in the process of learning foreign professional vocabulary is the method of derivation of terms. With the help of word formation, you can build a number of new terms, enrich the terminological dictionary of students (conscious - conscious / ness - un / conscious - un / conscious / ness; mature - matur / ate - matur / ity - matur / ation; inherit - inherit / ed - inherit etc.). After studying the terms, students under the guidance of a teacher form a phrase (human senses, a sense organ, the sense of hearing, the sense of touch, our sensation; perception of colour, etc. )

At this stage, students are ready to:

- find the right word for the definition;

- find the right definition for the word;

- connect the beginning and end of the sentence;

- form sentences of the words presented;

- put the words in the correct order;

- pick up synonyms or antonyms of the words filed;

- combine words to form phrases;

- translate word or expression from Ukrainian to English and vice versa. [2] Below there are examples of some exercises.

Exercise 1. Choose the right word for each blank in the sentences below

1. What is located in the blood plasma?

a. antibodies b. antigens c. chemicals d. clots e. cells

2. What is located on the surface of red blood cells?

a. antibodies b. cells c. clots d. chemicals e. antigens

3. If Rh+ blood is put into the body of an Rh person, antibodies to the Th antigen will react with the antigen and agglutination will ...

a. supply b. occur c. form d. flow e. Clump [8,153]

Exercise 2. Match the words on the left with their definition

1. sternocleidomastoid

2. vastus medialis

3. extensor digitorum

4. deltoid

5. biceps brachii

6. trapezius

7. brachioradialis

8. pectoralis major

9. gluteus medius

10. rectus abdominis

a. is a muscle of the forearm that acts to flex the forearm at

the elbow

b. is a broad, thick, radiating muscle, situated on the outer

surface of the pelvis

c. any of various straight muscles, as of the abdomen, eye,

neck, and thigh

d. makes up the bulk of the chest muscles in the male and

lies under the breast in the female

e. retracts scapula

f. is the muscle forming the rounded contour of the shoulder

g. often called the «teardrop» muscle, is a medially

h. its most important functions are to flex the elbow and to rotate the forearm

i. extends the phalanges, then the wrist, and finally the elbow

j. either of two muscles of the neck that serve located muscle of the quadriceps to flex and rotate the head [8, 117]

Exercise 3. Translate word or expression from Ukrainian in English

базуватися на аналізі кров; підтверджуватися біопсією кісткового мозку; вбивати ракові кров'яні клітини; приймати антибіотики; ослаблена імунна система; сумісний донор; рівень токсичності; періодично отримувати; хіміотерапія та переливання крові; залізонедостатність; призводити до життєво небезпечних ускладнень; підтверджувати діагноз; харчова недостатність; підвищувати рівень. [8, 166]


The gradual formation of lexical competence as an important component of the foreign language communicative competence provides students with a conscious assimilation of English language vocabulary in educational communicative situations, which will further facilitate their effective professional activity. The following examples of exercises can be used in classes on the first year of study at medical universities for the formation and automation of lexical skills. Further research may be related to the study of the effectiveness of methods of memorizing and learning lexical information and the development of a system of exercises improving the process of forming the lexical competence of medical students.


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2. Берман И. М. Методика обучения английскому языку в неязыковых вузах. - М.: Высшая школа, 2000. - 238 с.

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4. Золотухін Г. О. Фахова мова медика: підручник / Золотухін Г. О., Литвиненко Н. П., Місник Н. В. - К.: Здоров'я, 2001. - 392 с.

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