Theoretical aspects of the development of English lexical competence of secondary school students in the context of ict application

The article is devoted to the problem of development of lexical competence school students. The concept of lexical competence features and processes in the study of foreign vocabulary are studied. Information and communication technologies and their role.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 16.05.2022
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Theoretical aspects of the development of English lexical competence of secondary school students in the context of ict application

Cheekbone Maria

Supervisor - Ph.D. ped. Sciences,

Associate Professor Klimenko AO


This article is devoted to the problem of secondary school students' lexical competence development. The concept of lexical competence, peculiarities and processes in learning foreign vocabulary have been studied in this paper. Information and communication technologies play an important role in the process of teaching and learning lexical material. Nowadays a lot of attention is paid to the principles of using information technologies, which should be followed in order to enable productive English lexical competence development. In this regard the use of the information technologies in the process of lexical competence development must be based on the main didactic principles, such as: scientific, visibility, accessibility, systematic and the one of consistency.

Keywords: lexical competence, communicative competence, information and computer technologies, lexical competence development, lexical skills.


Стаття присвячена проблемі розвитку лексичної компетентності учнів загальноосвітніх шкіл. У цій статті досліджено поняття лексичної компетентності, особливості та процеси у вивченні іноземної лексики. Інформаційно-комунікаційні технології відіграють важливу роль у процесі викладання та вивчення лексичного матеріалу. У наш час велика увага приділяється принципам використання інформаційних технологій, яких слід дотримуватися, щоб забезпечити продуктивний розвиток лексичної англійської компетентності. У зв'язку з цим використання інформаційних технологій у процесі розвитку лексичної компетентності повинно базуватися на основних дидактичних принципах, таких як: науковість, наочність, доступність, систематичність та послідовність.

Knowledge of a foreign language is an essential attribute of a person striving for international integration in modern world. As scientists have long established, learning a foreign language should begin at an early age, when new material is easily perceived. However, having the ability to learn foreign languages does not always guarantee progress and productivity. That is why the question of finding new methods and applying various information technologies in the process of learning a foreign language (FL) has been in trend as for scientific research.

In the world of technology, where new tools and devices appear every day it is almost impossible not to use them in our lives, as well as in the educational process. Traditional lessons, with little or no use of information technology, are considered a relic of the past. As for V. Osadchyy and, S. Symonenko's opinion that the number of hours devoted to learning a foreign language is insufficient for the development of foreign language communicative competence [7, p. 32]. There is also a need to improve methods, tools and technologies of foreign language teaching actively used in modern foreign language classes.

The objective of this paper is to study theoretical aspects of the development of secondary school students' lexical competence with the use of modem information and computer technologies.

The problem of the English lexical competence development in secondary school has attracted the attention of many researchers. This problem has been considered in its various aspects in the works of such scholars as L. V. Bankevich [1], O. B. Bihych [3], V. V. Osadchyy [7], A. V. Zubov [9] and others.

The objective of the paper is to study the peculiarities of the development of English lexical competence of secondary school students.

Learning a foreign language involves mastering various types of foreign language competencies and communicative one in particular, since the highest degree of language proficiency is the ability to communicate freely. The success of communication depends on the ability to realize communicative intentions, which, in turn, is the result of mastery of language material and the ability to use it in specific communication situations. These conditions constitute the content of foreign language communicative competence (FLCC).

Lexical competence (LC) exists, in its turn, within the FLCC and is one of its components. It plays a huge role in the process of language acquisition, because it is primarily a vocabulary through which information is exchanged between people. It should be noted that there is no particular definition of "lexical competence" set by scholars. Some researchers, including O. B. Bihych and N. F. Borysko, perceive LC as the presence of a certain stock of words within the professional development of a person and the ability to use them adequately [3, p. 203], while others pay attention to the ability to use the standard word for each specific speech task [7, p. 23].

In our opinion, the concept of "lexical competence" combines all the above- mentioned features and is a person's ability to use their own vocabulary based on lexical knowledge, as well as recall the word-standard for each specific speech task. lexical school students

According to S. U. Nikolayeva [4, p. 308] the most important element of the content of LC are lexical skills, because they ensure the successful functioning of vocabulary in communication. They allow to form, use and understand foreign language vocabulary correctly, taking into consideration the connections between word forms and their meanings. Based on H. E. Borets'ka's opinion lexical skills are the ability to recognize the lexical unity (LU), instantly recall a standard word from the long-term memory depending on a specific speech task and include it in the speech chain [3, p. 225].

Speaking a foreign language is defined by a mastery of lexical skills, and knowledge of a language - by knowledge of words. In S. U. Nikolayeva's views, the formation of lexical skills is the main purpose of learning vocabulary, because it is lexical skills that play the most important role in the process of learning a foreign language [4, p. 300].

According to A. A. Leontiev [8, p. 106], the process of teaching and learning lexical material is divided into stages in order to determine the most effective methods that would meet the needs of students:

1) the stage of familiarization of students with new lexical units;

2) the stage of automating the actions of students with new lexical units, where they distinguish:

a) automation at the level of word form, word combination and phrase, sentence;

b) automation at the sentence level - dialogical or monological unity.

According to L. V. Bankevich [1, p. 86], familiarization with new lexical units begins with semantization - discovering the meaning of new words. Methods of semantization are divided into translated and untranslatable. The untranslatable ones include: visual semantization (demonstration of drawings, objects, slides, paintings, gestures, movements, etc.), linguistic semantization, definition, interpretation.

After familiarization, students improve their knowledge of lexical units, which results in their active use by students in speaking and writing, as well as recognizing and understanding them when reading and listening. In the end, students can freely use and reproduce their knowledge in a variety of situations.

The subsystem of exercises for mastering the lexical competence of students in the process of learning a foreign language provides:

1) groups of exercises for familiarization with new lexical units: presentation and semantization of lexical material, creation of sound, graphic and semantic images of lexical units, organization of self-control and reflection, checking and repetition of new lexical units;

2) automation of students' actions with new lexical units at the level of word form, free phrase, phrase / sentence, over-phrase unity (dialogical and monologic);

3) activation of students' actions with new lexical units in communicative situations.

We should not neglect the educational and developmental value of teaching lexical competence when studying the content of its development. Special studies [1, p. 90; 4, p. 312; 8, p. 126] have shown that due to the cumulative function, language at the level of all its units and, above all, at the level of words, not only reflects the modem culture, but also accumulates and preserves the achievements of human cognitive activity, consolidates and reflects in its forms and units current state of culture, knowledge of which is video mediated by language [2, p. 26].

All types of language learning activities should be payed the sufficient amount of attention to. Taking into account the characteristics of each of them, it is not always possible to draw students' attention to certain nuances in the process of learning vocabulary and the development of lexical skills.

That is why specialists in the field of computer technologies, linguists, methodologists and teachers of foreign languages have the need to improve teaching methods using modern information technologies. This is usually done to give the teacher time for creative development and to improve pedagogical skills, paying tribute to the computer.

Modern information technologies are an attribute of every modern student because they give them the opportunity to develop their creative and professional abilities, give access to a variety of sources of information, and most importantly increase the effectiveness of learning. However, according to N. F. Borysko [3, p. 123-124], the implementation of all of the above points is possible only if these technologies meet the criteria for the ability to learn a foreign language:

1) promotion of productivity and efficiency of the educational process;

2) ensuring control of each student's learning activities;

3) increasing interest in learning the language;

4) providing prompt feedback and post-operative control of all students' actions;

5) the ability to quickly enter answers without long coding or encryption.

We would also like to point out that the basis for the use of modern information technologies in foreign language lessons must be the didactic principles of teaching, the main of which according to O. I. Rudenko-Morhun and I. I. Kostikova [2, p. 36; 6, p. 10] are:

1) the scientific principle that the content of the teaching should include scientific knowledge in a form consistent with the scientific model;

2) the principle of visibility, which involves the realization of such didactic preconditions for learning success as emotional inclusion, the presentation of material at a pace that is appropriate to the individual characteristics of students and gnosticism, which together facilitate participation in learning situations instead of simply contemplating them;

3) the principle of active involvement of all students in the educational process, with the students' awareness of the purpose of their activities and the choice of methods of work that are appropriate to their abilities;

4) the principle of accessibility according to which the goal of the lesson can be achieved only if all the preconditions are available before it begins;

5) the principle of systematically and consistency, the name of which contains its key aspects, which are the basis for the creation of a model of knowledge in students that will be relevant to the purpose of learning.


Studies of the content and features of the lexical competence development show that the latter is the ability of a person to use his or her own vocabulary based on lexical knowledge, as well as to recall a reference word for each specific speech task and to successfully use particular expressions, professional terminology in the corresponding situations. One of the main lexical competence components are lexical skills. The introduction of information technologies in the process of foreign language teaching and learning is a difficult task. However, it has a number of advantages, the effective implementation of which is possible only if they are used in the educational process in accordance with guidelines and requirements.


1. Bankevich L. V. Testirovaniye leksiki inostrannogo yazyka. Moskva: Vysshaya. shkola, 1991. 111 p.

2. Kostikova I. I. Formuvannya kul'tury vykorystannya informatsiyno -komunikatsiynykh tekhnologii studentam. Visnyk Zhytomyrs'koho derzhavnoho universytetu. № 53. 2010. 41 p.

3. Bihych O. B., Borysko N. F., Borets'ka H. E. Metodyka formuvannya mizhkul'turnoyi inshomovnoyi komunikatyvnoyi kompetentsiyi: kurs lektsiy: navch. -metod. posibnyk dlya stud. movnykh spets. osv.kvalif. rivnya "mahistr": Lenvit, 2011. 344 p.

4. Kol. avtoriv pid kerivn. S.U. Nikolayevoyi. Metodyka vykladannya inozemnykh mov u serednikh navchal'nykh zakladakh: pidruchnyk. 2-e vyd., vypr. i pererob : Lenvit, 2002. 328 p.

5. Podoprigorova L. A. Ispol'zovaniye Interneta v obuchenii inostrannym yazikam. Inostrannyye yazyki v shkole. 2003. № 5. P. 25-31.

6. Rudenko-Morhun O. I. Komp'yuterni tekhnolohiyi yak nova forma navchannya. Inozemni movy v shkoli. 2001. № 2. 12 p.

7. Osadchyy V. V., Symonenko S. V. Inozemna mova yak zasib formuvannya komunikatyvnoyi kompetentnosti maybutnikh inzheneriv-prohramistiv. Informatsiyni tekhnolohiyi i zasoby navchannya. 2017. Vyp. 2. P. 38-48.

8. Leont'yev A. A. Obshchaya metodika obucheniya inostrannym yazykam: khrestomatiya : Rus. yaz. 1991. 360 p.

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