Categories of text linguistics and their functions in studying foreign languages
Problems of text linguistics. Analysis of the laws of functioning of scientific and educational texts through the study of specific categories of text linguistics. Questions of categorical apparatus, methodology of studying the object of linguistic text.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 08.02.2022 |
Размер файла | 28,9 K |
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Categories of text linguistics and their functions in studying foreign languages
Nadiia O. Breslavets
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University,
Kyiv, Ukraine
The paper deals with the problems of text linguistics as soon as language relations with various aspects of human life, social existence, education, communication, and cultural activity are cognized through the text. The aim of this paper is to establish the regularities of the functioning of the scientific and educational texts with the focus on the study of specific categories of text linguistics.
The author considers the issues of text linguistics categorical apparatus united by shared characteristics, the most essential properties, and phenomena of the objective world. The notion `category of text linguistics ' as of a meaningful system with the certain structure of the defined category was justified. Insights into such characteristics and properties were provided. Further possibilities for expanding the scope of linguistic research were outlined. They include all linguistic ideas that integrate with interdisciplinary sciences - philosophy, psychology, lexicology, ethics, linguistics, and stylistics. Methods and techniques of research, investigation of the object of the linguistic text: its composition, inner and outer connections, properties and relations, as well as laws of its development were determined.
It is emphasized that the specificity of a particular type of activity corresponds to a particular style, which is known through the text and determines the text categories. Scientific and educational texts used in the process of studying a foreign language are characterized with a specific thematic orientation and typical for them logical-syntactic structure. It is this specificity that determines the interest of a certain contingent of students in mastering profession-related types of texts. Important properties of the text - cohesion and coherence - allow establishing connections between the text and its individual structural and semantic components facilitating its perception and understanding. Categories of texts form the students' communication skills and abilities, allowing to interact in the professional sphere and prepare them for realization of own communicative and practical attitudes.
Keywords: text linguistics, categories of text linguistics, scientific style, educational texts, cohesion, coherence.
Стаття присвячена проблемам лінгвістики тексту, оскільки саме через текст пізнається зв'язок мови з різними аспектами людського життя, соціального існування, освіти, комунікації, культурної діяльності. Метою статті є встановлення закономірностей функціонування наукових, освітніх текстів через вивчення конкретних категорій лінгвістики тексту.
Розглянуто питання категорійного апарату лінгвістики тексту, які об'єднані спільністю характерних ознак, найбільш важливих властивостей, явищ об'єктивного світу. Обґрунтовано поняття категорії лінгвістики тексту як смислової системи певної структури вказаної категорії, її характеристики і властивості. Намічено можливості розширення діапазону лінгвістичних досліджень: вони включають усі лінгвістичні ідеї, що інтегрують з суміжними науками - філософією, психологією, лексикологією, семасіологією, етикою, лінгвістикою і стилістикою. Визначено методи і методологію проведення досліджень, вивчення об'єкта лінгвістичного тексту: його складу, внутрішніх і зовнішніх зв'язків, властивостей і відносин, законів його розвитку. Надано визначення методів дослідження як сукупності прийомів і операцій знань, що безпосередньо пов'язані з методологією і спрямовані на вирішення певного класу дослідницьких завдань.
Акцентовано на тому, що специфіка певного роду діяльності відповідає конкретному стилю, що пізнається через текст і визначає його категорії. Продемонстровано, що наукові, науково-навчальні тексти, які застосовуються під час навчання іноземної мови, характеризуються тематичною спрямованістю і типовою для них логіко-синтаксичною структурою. Така особливість зумовлює інтерес певного контингенту учнів і сприяє засвоєнню ними професійно-спрямованих типів текстів. Важливі властивості тексту - зв'язність і цілісність - дозволяють встановлювати зв 'язки між цілим текстом і його окремими структурно-семантичними компонентами, полегшуючи його сприйняття і розуміння. Категорії текстів формують у студентів навички та вміння спілкування, які дозволяють успішно взаємодіяти у професійній сфері, готують їх до реалізації власних комунікативних і практичних установок.
Ключові слова: лінгвістика тексту, категорії лінгвістики тексту, науковий стиль, навчальні тексти, зв'язність, цілісність.
The formation of text linguistic as a science was predetermined by the entire course of the development of modern philological science. The substantive aspects of the theory of language were developed earlier in linguistics by S. D. Katsnelson (1983), B. A. Larin (1974), 1.1. Meshchaninov (1958), L. V. Shcherba (2004), V. V. Vinogradov (1960), and others, who considered language as the actual practical consciousness in connection with thinking, culture and psychological activity.
The “linguistic turn” of humanitarian knowledge that launched in the late twenties of the twentieth century and is reflected in the works of such thinkers-philosophers as M.M. Bakhtin (1997), B. Russell (2001), A. F. Losev (1983), G. G. Shept (1927), L. Wittgenstein (1966) who laid the foundation for expansion of the object of linguistics. Such turn was a natural consequence of the integrative tendencies in the development of the humanities. By the end of the 20th century it had acquired the discursive contours, and at the beginning of the 21st century advanced into the “discursive revolution”.
The text, as a special sign product, is an example of complex linguistic form; it induces the reader to understand, to interpret, to think through - a special kind of cognitive activity. The addressee must form his/her own perception of the text, often going beyond its meaning. This perception may be subjected to his/her own interpretation and comprehension based on individual, moral and socio-cultural experience.
In this regard the interests of linguists are integrated with the interests of representatives of related sciences that study human in his life activities - philosophy, logic, aesthetics, psychology, semiotics, literary studies, etc., as well as complex cross-disciplines such as pragmalinguistics, psycholinguistics, psychology of perception, etc.
In the 80s of the 20th century, general text linguistics emerged. I. R. Galperin noted that the text is a work with certain purposefulness and pragmatic attitude (Гальперин, 2014, p. 18), which not only reflects reality, but also informs about it.
The interaction of text linguistics and semiotics attracts attention of foreign scholars. This approach arose within semiotics that studies the functioning of various sign systems storing and transmitting information. In semiotics of the text, a typology of artistic texts is developed from the standpoint of the subject (the text from author, the narrator), as well as from viewpoint of the “image of the addressee”. The text is understood as a specific sign product, a system of visual/ sound signals that is being interpreted by a recipient, and transformed into a system of perceptions (meanings).
The multifaceted nature of the concept of `text' requires determination of its basic characteristics that reveal its ontological and functional features.
Among other significant properties of the text as a linguistic unit are found logical integrity, estralinguistic orientation, structural design, semantic autonomy or completeness. Distinctive structural principals of the text construction are coherence and cohesion.
Coherence - a characteristic conditioned by the logic of presentation, the use of various linguistic means (phonetic, lexical-semantic, grammatical, syntactic), “communicative orientation, compositional structure”. Coherence is manifested as a combination of individual linguistic units in the text and as the compatibility of individual structural blocks of the text (I. R. Galperin, 2014; A. A. Leontiev, 1987; Y. A. Sorokin, 1985, A. S. Stern, 1991). The quantitative characteristic of sentence coherence is perceived by the recipient of the text as a semantic whole.
The concept of “coherent text” belongs to the category of the text linguistics; “text integrity” is a psycholinguistic category.
Unlike coherence, wholeness is seen as a structured, purely textual category, which determines the unity of the informational and thematic fields. It is a characteristic of the text as a semantic unity, as a single structure of text origination and perception, and it is determined on the entire text (A. A. Leontiev, 1987; L. V. Sakharny, 1988; Y. A. Sorokin, 1985). Wholeness has the psycholinguistic nature and does not relate directly to linguistic categories and units. The external (linguistic and speech) signs of wholeness serve as guides for the recipient to determine the content structure of the text, which facilitates the adequacy of its perception as a semantic whole.
The cohesion and wholeness of the text facilitate its perception and understanding; establish connections between the whole text and its individual structural-semantic components; guide the interpretation of the text.
Discourse. Discourse as a science originated in the works of T. Van Dijk (1997). The scholar developed the social and cognitive model of the text which involves the analysis of the text as a communicative event from the perspective of its origin and perception, thematic representation, micro- and macrostructure, style and rhetorical properties. Thus, T. Van Dijk (2004) understands discourse as a sociocultural and speech realization of the linguistic essence - the text. Understanding the text presupposes not only knowledge of language, but also knowledge of the world. “To understand a text, vast amounts of social-cultural “world” knowledge needs to be presupposed”; these words belong to the famous researcher of the influence of sociocultural factors on the mechanism of language using (Dijk, T.A. van., 2004 URL: ourse%20analysis.html).
In modern studies, discourse is seen as “immersed in life” movement of information flow between the participants of communication (Арутюнова, 2002); generation and comprehension of the text is impossible without reliance on the communicative situation.
When we define the essence of discourse, the broad extra-linguistic factors of linguistic interaction move to the fore, such as: factors of certain socio-cultural, political and ideological practices, factors of communicative situation and cultural and ideological environment corresponding to “a certain specific situation in this or that epoch of life of given social group” (Щерба, 2004). The extra-linguistic factor of the text is a reflection of the speaker's personality - his interests, attitudes, orientation, goals, etc. Such an extra- linguistic factor is considered as narrow.
Thus, only narrow extra-linguistic factors appear as its components, while the structure of the discourse includes broad extra-linguistic factors along with them.
In the 50s of the twentieth century a direction “discourse analyses” emerged. The first scientist who brought it forward was Z. Harris (1962). He considered the coherent text with the semantic-syntactic mechanism of its internal coherence to be its basis.
In modern research, it is impossible to study a text in isolation from discourse; the latter is often identified with the dialogue. Text linguistics and discourse analysis were treated as equivalent fields of linguistics until the late 1970s and early 1980s.
Nowadays there are several schools of discourse analysis that develop on the basis of classical rhetoric, formalist approach, Prague functionalism and philosophy of language. The main representatives of discourse analysis are B. Palek (1968) (hypersyntaxis), T. Van Dijk (1997) (macrosyntaxis), J.-R. R. Searle (1999) (speech action theory), W. Dressler (1981), L. Wittgenstein (1966), P. Grice (1985), M. Bakhtin (1997); American and English linguistic schools - E. Sepir (2002), B. Whorf (1942), M. Silverstein (2005), M. Halliday (2002), J. Sinlair (1975) and others.
At the present stage, discourse analysis is an interdisciplinary field of study, employing the achievements of anthropology, ethnography of speech, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, linguistic philosophy (theory of speech acts), sociology of language and conversion analysis, rhetoric, stylistics, and text linguistics.
Speech interaction is the dominant characteristic of discourse, it involves two aspects of understanding - individual-personal and social. In other words, discourse is the realization of social interaction in language form and human cognition of the world in the context of real communicants - author and reader; they are found in a situation of dialogic communication within the social context.
The development of text linguistics and formation of discourse linguistics can be represented as a transition from linear modeling of the text as a sequence of sentence, a set of thematically related texts united by a communicative task and connected by relations of linguistic order, i.e. from description in terms of coherence theory to its nonlinear description (Чернявская, 2010).
Currently, discourse linguistics is associated with the study of the human factor in language, forms of social existence and cultural activity of man in society, the world. All this initiated the formation of categories of text linguistics, reflecting the most essential properties and characteristics of their forms and functions.
Aim and Objectives
The significance of this study consists in deepening the understanding of the pragmatic and proper linguistic essence of the phenomenon of the categories of the text linguistics that is based on the need to study the specifics of the functioning of language phenomena in different spheres of communication. It is a growing need to teach students the norms of foreign scientific and professional communication that determines the relevance and timeliness of the study. Differentiation of genre varieties of scientific text, which are used by the authors, is based on a certain set of linguopragramatic features, allowing to increase the effectiveness of scientific communication with the identification of the prevailing characteristics of scientific text.
The aim of this paper is to establish the regularities of the functioning of scientific texts. Specificity, pragmatic approach, reliable scientific information, justified scientific concept allow students to comprehend the norms of foreign-language scientific and professional communication.
- to develop the requirements for the structure of the educational text, criteria for selecting texts for teaching a foreign language;
- to substantiate the regularity of interaction between the communicative intentions of the addressant and main pragmatic attitudes of the subject of communication, which are conditioned by communicative situations;
-to determine the ways of linguistic expression and the impact of scientific and educational texts of various forms on the recipient of information;
- to substantiate the appropriateness of interaction between the author's communicative intentions and the main pragmatic aspirations of the learner.
The strength of science depends largely on development of its research methods. It is very important to consider how quickly and effectively it is able to perceive and use all methodological innovations of other sciences.
Method - a combination of techniques, realization of knowledge and practical transformation of reality.
A methods (strategy) is a particular version of a method aimed at solving a certain class of research problems (Уланович, 2010).
There are general methods (analysis, synthesis, comparison), general scientific methods (observation, self-observation, experiment), private methods (comparative-historical method in linguistics).
In the scientific text, the methodological basis for the study of the argumentative component of lingvoprogmatic dominance is pragmalinguistic analysis. This analysis takes into account the addressee's factor and linguistic features of the argument.
The main units and objects of study of the text linguistics are superphrasal unity (microtext). It consists of several independent sentences which are connected by meaning and content, united by different types of lexical, grammatical, logical, stylistic connection and also the whole work of speech (macrotext).
A superphrase unity as a term has a number of synonyms such as: the term “complex syntactic whole”, “text component”, “discourse”, is proposed in the works of Praugue linguists, “register”, “utterance” and etc.
Micro- and macrotexts have common and the most essential characteristics that distinguish them from such communicative unit as a sentence.
The connection of text linguistics with various linguistic disciplines - lexicology and semasiology, linguistics (description of text types) and stylistics - is quite obvious. Text linguistics is related to syntax. Text division, separation of the units which compose the text determines the connection of text linguistics with the syntactic theory, because the actual division, the separation of the subject, theme and comment are not possible within a sentence, but only within the text (units large than the sentence).
No science, no educational process can develop effectively without returning to the question of its object constantly. The object of scientific research is not something static, unchangeable. The object in its particular specific qualitative definition is a subject to study and research, which requires knowledge of its composition, internal and external relations, properties and relations, the laws of its development. From the point of view of the methodology of scientific cognition, the measure of essential correctness of reflection of the object's being as a whole, corresponds to each period of development of knowledge about it.
Nowadays, the concept of “object” is used with linguodidactic goals as an object of consideration and study. It has a wider range of application than the concept of “theme”, and it is considered in a certain, socially significant aspect (Мотина, 1988).
The modern approach to the phenomena of text linguistics led to the application of the methodological instruments of the aforementioned natural sciences and humanities, as well as general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, generalization and extrapolation.
Along with linguistic facts (combination of language signs, their distribution in speech chain), methods of research of text linguistics include extralinguistic factors: situations of origination and perception of the text, author's communicative and pragmatic attitudes, correlation of the creator of the text model of the world with this world itself.
Within the framework of text linguistics, entire special directions have emerged, for example, text pragmalinguistics (works by L. Y. Kisileva (1971), G. V. Kolshansky (2007), which considers how texts function in society, studies texts' influence on speakers, describes speech tactics and types of speech behavior are described, the speaker's and the listener's attitudes.
text linguistics scientific educational
When an author creates a text, he/she expects its understanding, gaining information from it, making sense of human experience, cognition of the world and reality.
Categories of text linguistics are semantic systems available to individual understanding (scientific, educational, literary, artistic, journalistic texts, messages, predictions, etc.) according to the degree of complexity, informativeness, bearing the potential meaning of the structure, belonging to one or another category of text linguistics. The classification of texts proceeds from three points: functional and stylistic, speech genre, composition and speech forms. Functional style allows to make a selection of teaching material, and use it according to the specific learning objectives and different types of speech activity.
Categories of text include:
a) cohesion - special types of intra-text communication, which provide coherence, interdependence of individual messages, facts, and actions;
b) continuum - a definite sequence of facts, events unfolding in time and space;
c) autosemantics, synsemantics, i.e. the relative independence (dependence) of certain segments of the text (and above of all sentences) in relation to the content of the entire text or its part;
d) integration (combining all parts of the text) thereby the wholeness and completeness of the text is achieved.
Scientific Style
The notion “categories of text linguistics” is primarily oriented to the identification of the specificity of a certain kind of activity, formed out of the variety of activities. The text, as a selection of some signs, as a process of generation of signs by communicator and the process of their perception-evaluation by recipient determines both the formal and substantive parameters of the existence of some particular style. They are learned through the text that determines the category of the text.
The feature “scientific” - the presentation of the material in accordance with the latest findings of science in a form accessible to readers having particular background in different spheres of knowledge. The text contains concepts and terms that can be understood by specialists; only reliable facts are presented; it introduces the discussion of hypothesis formulated at a high abstract level. “Scientific” is equivalent to “provable”, “logical”, “proven by experiment”, and “universally accepted” (Ахманова, 1961).
According to E. I. Vargina (2004), the ways of justification of knowledge and opinion in scientific texts are based on argumentative frames of the following types: “argumentationexplanation”, “argumentation-affirmation”, “argumentation-causal”, and “argumentationrefutation”.
A. Sorokin (1985) in his monograph “Psycholinguistic Aspects of the Text” gives a definition of the feature “scientific”. “Scientificity is the discovery of the objective content of things or phenomena in their unity and interrelations, independent of the personality of the cognizing person; participation in the development of the scientist's thought of some constants had been already identified before; scientific is dispassionate; the authors sticks only to the logic of scientific facts, reveals the essence of the phenomenon, the true content and interrelation of things, strives for objective and absolute truth; “scientific” is abstract; scientificity is a theoretical relation to reality, a representation of the actually existing common; “zero” concretization, generalization; complex abstraction; the attribute of scientificity is found when the data of experiments, research, formulation of laws and complex scientific concepts are presented; scientific presentation of the material is its presentation in a timeless plan, full accurate, without ambiguities in the generalization and abstractness of the presentation; “scientific” is logical, objective, abstract, precise, strictly standardized in language; scientificity is associated with the simplified use of terms, words in their subject-logical, concrete meaning (sic!); “scientific” is impersonal; the scientificity is present at the monological nature of the statement; “scientific” is unambiguous; scientific is what is said in the language of a particular science, impassioned in presentation, and intellectual” (Сорокин, 1985). Scientific style should be accorded with the functional and communicative task, maximally focused on the communication of certain scientific facts and clearly defined ideas in a rigorous, logically organized as if in abstractly-generalized form.
In scientific text the semantic structure is limited, but it is characterized by semantic structure, syntactic and semantic cohesion, thematic unity, information completeness, logical conditionality of the components. All elements are unambiguously presented as they can and should be understood by the trained reader.
Within the framework of functional stylistics, communication in the field of science is carried out in the traditional scientific style that is characterized by features of interpretation and is treated as a relatively closed subsystem of the language represented by specific linguistic means.
The cognitive approach to the theory of scientific style was introduced by the concept of cognitive theory (epistemic situation), which included three main aspects of the author's cognitive activity: ontological, related to the subject content of scientific knowledge, methodological, related to the procedure of obtaining knowledge, and axiological, related to the value orientation of the subject of knowledge (Котюрова, 1988).
In scientific literature, the type of speech situation is always represented by appropriate headings, the most characteristic of which are scientific papers, abstracts, reports of contemporary research data, review papers of a theoretical nature, book reviews, descriptions of inventions, etc.
In texts with scientific content, rational influence aimed at the intellectual sphere of the addressee is considered a priority (Варгина, 2004)
The main characteristic of any scientific and educational text is scientificity (Гальперин, 2014). The manifestation of scientificity can be considered the objectivity of provided information, the logical sequence of its presentation focused on the logical perception which must be combined with accessibility associated with the characteristics of communicators and the situation of communication.
In scientific literature the type of speech situation is always represented by appropriate forms. The most characteristic of them are scientific papers, abstracts, reports of data of modern research, review papers of theoretical nature, scientific discussion, thesis report, academic lecture, scientific report at a conference, seminar, a short speech at a sectional meeting, scientific conference, book reviews, descriptions of inventions etc. The interaction of the subjects of communication (addressant-addressee) takes place on this basis; therefore the field of interpretation of scientific discourse includes a variety of genres.
Skillful employment of linguistic means is aimed at producing particular effect. It is extremely necessary for such genres as a scientific report, scientific discussion, educational and scientific lecture. Thus, the author has an impact on the addressee's psychological condition. This contributes to the correlation of the addressee's evaluation with the author's position.
Knowledge of various genre and stylistic features of scientific discourse, main directions of the study of scientific communication as well as the specifics of the functioning of language means within a scientific text from functional stylistics and the theory of discourse perspective constitute a cognitive component related to the pragmatic impact on the recipient.
The cognitive component forms the addressee's understanding of the regularities of linguistic means employment within the genre varieties of scientific texts. It contributes to the generalization of general textual characteristics: coherence, completeness, informative, modality, as well as certain pragmatic setting: authorization, addressability, dialogueness and evaluativity.
In a scientific text, evaluative tools are of particular importance. They are connected with the author's scientific point of view, aimed at getting a response from the addressee and influencing him, thereby contributing to the synergistic interaction of communicants. Such evaluative qualities as relevance, novelty, credibility are positive, while those that do not correspond to these characteristics are negatively evaluated.
Cognitive activity of the author in the process of creating a scientific text has specific criteria for evaluation: used research methods; hypotheses are evaluated by their validity; concept which are put forward - by the degree of accessibility in the process of their description; the author's reasoning - by consistency, completeness; research results - by novelty and significance.
Various functional syntactic constructions correspond to the scientific functional type - assigning the combination to the scientific style establishes its belonging to a certain stratum of society. So, the scientific style determines the sociolinguistic affiliation. In scientific texts, the category of clichds, stability and regular reproducibility is brought to the forefront. Despite this, a simple text, especially a scientific and technical text, cannot be modeled on the principle of global clichd, for example: long periods (...can exist for very long periods), it is not 'long time', 'proper choice' (proper choice of experimental condition), it is not 'careful choice' in the sense of 'long time', 'careful choice' in contrast to the aforenamed is fixed in lexicographical reference books (Тер-Минасова, 1986).
The science of modern linguistics has created and developed a theory of “language for special purposes” (LSP). Based on this theory, the style of scientific communication is modeled. The style of scientific presentation becomes a source of identifying norms in the process of modeling LSP because of its linguistic specificity, designed to adequately convey to the reader or listener the scientific information. The scientific style allows to master the active form of language, which the language learner must use for special purposes. The accuracy of scientific language, its ability to convey scientific information in the best possible way, increases the productivity of communication between scientists, contributes to the active development of science and technology.
Educational text in the study of a foreign language
The orientation of the university professional education in the is aimed at the formation of a number of competencies- professional, communicative, informational, intellectual, linguistic, etc. The combination of a foreign language speech component with the structure of professional training of future specialists leads to the formation of professional foreign language communicative competence, which is the main goal of the foreign language course.
The text, as the basic unit of speech activity, has acquired the status of a communicative unit. Developing the problem of the text in connection with teaching a foreign language is an important theoretical and methodological task.
During the study of a foreign language, it is necessary to remember that texts are the main bearers of information, a component of communication of different types of communication: educational and professional, socio-cultural and everyday life. Educational texts are not only bearers of subject information, but also contribute to the mastery of monologic speech, especially if the speaker relies on the plan of educational text material that serves as a program.
To analyze the text, we distinguish a speech segment, which has a functional and speech orientation, semantic integrity and present it as a signal statement. The definition of a statement for methodological purposes indicates its functional orientation and its semantic aspects. I. G. Torsueva (2009) uses the contingently named “textual approach”, when in a particular part of the text simple statements (sentences) and complex statements, i.e. superphrasal unities, paragraphs (in a scientific text a superphrasal unity is often formed as a paragraph) are distinguished.
The concept of the text can be interpreted from different points of view, such as linguistics, psycholinguistics, psychology that allows you to develop and apply rational, effective methods and techniques for dealing with educational texts in the study of a foreign language. The main means are the sound and printed texts materializing speech in sounds and graphics, recorded in manuscripts, printed editions, in a form of mechanical recordings. The text is also audio perceptible.
Learning a foreign language with the help of educational texts provided by the teacher allows students to validate themselves in the professional and socio-cultural space. The study of the text leads to understanding the style thereby the text captures a particular version of the objective reality reflection. A certain type of the text is characterized by the presence or absence of various compositional and semantic features.
D. I. Izarenkov (1995) in his paper “Linguomethodical interpretation of the educational text” considers the text as the highest unit of coherent speech which has received the status of communicative unit, a special unit of training activities of communication. Very often, according to the author, the educational text is a fragment of a voluminous piece of fiction without coherence, logical consistency, integrity and completeness. That is what accounts for artificiality of the educational text; the absence of the most essential characteristics of a natural text prevents it from “functioning as a unit of communication at the level of coherent speech” (Изаренков, 1995, p. 90).
In the process of teaching speech activities in a non-native language, teachers often use educational texts as a teaching instrument to present new grammatical material, overloading, “gramaticalizing” texts, making them artificial, poorly suited to teach monologic or dialogic speech and to use it in natural communication. So, they fail to achieve the higher goal of learning - the formation of communicative competence.
In educational process it is necessary to select a series of such texts the study of which would expand the scope of students' communication in various fields - from popular science texts, not oriented to any particular profile of training, to texts of highly specialized and then to the samples representing the material of specialized disciplines.
To form communicative competence in the volume of one or more topics (objects), it is necessary to select text material at the level of thematic associations which can be called “metathemes”.
Metatheme - the designation of systems that serve to research, study or describe other systems. “Metatheme is a complex, a variety of themes united on the basis of unity, identity of aspects of marked objects (classes of objects)” (Изаренков, 1995, p. 91).
The positive thing about using this approach is a definite list of metathemes. It can be exhaustively presented for the study of subject material, as opposed to an infinite variety of objects. Selecting material at the metatheme level provides more comprehensive learning material.
Descriptive and reasoning texts allow to consider standard text of learning (Стеркин, 1973). Their characteristics are “structural design, syntactic and semantic cohesion, thematic unity, informational completeness, logical conditionality of the components. Text perception is provided by: 1) a large number of mental operations which are associated with the allocation, recognition of linguistic elements and formation in working memory of the reconstructed sentence; 2) storing in the long-term memory a set of clear images of morphemes, words, word combinations, sufficient for the functioning of this form of communication; 3) storing in long-term memory a set of combinative schemes - phrasal stereotypes, which are filled during listening or reading with the perceived vocabulary from the text.
Textual competence should be based on the ability to understand the text as a whole, and the mastery of particular techniques of understanding the text; mastering the rules of text formation, taking into consideration the author's intention, the conditions of communication and the addressee's characteristics (Богданова, 2014).
Scientists have long proved that the author's and the recipient's meanings do not coincide. It is connected with the author's investment in the text of his/her own knowledge, worldview, point of view, which due to incompetence and a certain level of understanding does not allow the recipient to creatively interpret the text, its images and symbols, to decode and adapt it, bringing it to the level of his/her own understanding.
The quality of the educational text, used to teach a foreign language, depends on the learning objectives and the level of foreign language proficiency of the students. The ultimate goal of teaching is to form the skills and abilities of speech communication and the skills of non-speech communication.
Consideration of the subject of methodology teaching a foreign language in the concept of activity theory (Леонтьев, 1987) is based on the need to form the skills and abilities of speech and non-speech communication, as the interaction of partners occurs not only in the professional sphere, but also in the structure of social interaction.
Categories of text thereby the students' communicative-social competence is formed also include the process of building communication based on a common social platform, common social experience, the ability to interact with a communication partner.
In the XXIst century, the age of cross-disciplinarity, text linguistics borders such sciences as linguistics, synergetics, economics, politics, psychology, language theory, theory and history of journalism, sociology and communication studies.
This paper presents scientific and historical data on theoretical issues concerning such themes as text, text linguistics, categories of text linguistics and their functional orientation, discourse, discourse linguistics, etc. The paper covers the principles of practical application in the formation of scientific, educational texts, texts that embody the basic approaches of creating texts, specific characteristics, recommendations for the development of these constants giving them a dynamic sound and filling.
The paper substantiates the concept of the category of text linguistics as a semantic system of a certain structure of this category, its characteristics and properties. The definition of research methods as a combination of techniques and realization of knowledge with methodology is given.
Modernization of educational processes leads to the didactic conclusion which proceeds from the communicative purpose and situation of communication. Students should not have to memorize the proposed text, but should be able to create and perceive discourse, understand the logical and semantic structure of the text, be able to compose the text, determine and understand the method of presentation, create a text, use lexical, grammatical and stylistic means.
Formation and improvement of students' textual activity competence motivates their speech and thinking practice. It is the basis of the general intercultural competence.
The identification of complexes of linguopragmatic means in scientific and educational texts of different categorical affiliation contributes to a number of didactic tasks in the process of professionally-oriented communication. It prepares students to implementation of their own communicative and practical skills that are formed in the process of professionally- oriented education.
The dynamic processes taking place in the world have influenced not only all aspects of life and activities of modern people, but also language as a means of human communication.
The approach to scientific, educational texts, the aspects of which (cognitive, pragmatic, linguistic) are interrelated and interdependent, is expected to reconsider the linguistic component of the content of teaching a foreign language to students.
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