Translation Types Versus Translation Methods: Some Technical, Literary and Pragmatic Examples
Translation - an activity that requires a deep mastering of languages, a good knowledge of source and target cultures. Adaptation, modulation, loan, calque, foreignization, domestication - the main techniques which are using in the translation types.
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Translation Types Versus Translation Methods: Some Technical, Literary and Pragmatic Examples
Yasmine Kellou, Houria Boucherikha
Yasmine Kellou, PhD (First Author), Houria Boucherikha, PhD (Second Author)
Translation is an activity that requires a deep mastering of languages, a good knowledge of source and target cultures, it is linked as well to translation methods. Each translation type requires a different translation method. We try through our research paper to demonstrate that there are several translation types, each type is defined by various criteria that go from textual typology , the intent of the original message, to the contextual situation of communication. We present our argument through practical examples of published translations of three main translation types, namely : technical, literary and pragmatic types. For each type, a selection of examples will be proposed for analysis based on translation theories and techniques. We will show that some chunks of text require literal translation, while others require interpretive method, and others as well can only be translated freely or through a summary translation. Adaptation, modulation, literary translation, loan, calque (Vinay and Darbelnet, 1973), foreignization, domestication (Venuti, 1995) and many other techniques will be studied and exemplified within the general framework of translation types.
The results expected are of a descriptive nature first, then they aim at showing that there is no one solution for all when translating texts, and that among the wide competences that a translator is supposed to acquire, there is the strategical competence (PACTE 2018), and the ability of being flexible and adaptable to any type of context of communication.
Keywords : translation types, translation methods, translator's competence.
translation language domestication calque
Translation went through various definitions going from a mere linguisitic activity during the sixties, a cultural and communicative activity during the seventies, to a socially impacting activity engaging social agents in the latest foundings of the literature.
Translation is traditionally known as being the `replacement' of textual material in one language into equivalent textual material in another language.
House (2015) mentions that translation is considered as the replacement of a text in the source
language by a semantically and pragmatically equivalent text in the target language (p. 23).
It is strongly related to source language and target language cultures, it requires a high level of mastery of languages, an awareness of any contextual factors within which the discourse emerges. There is no need to mention how it affected civilizations through different areas of mankind history, a good example is: the arab-islamic civilization.
There has always been different directions on how one should or should not translate. In the arab tradition, two main methods existed and were in complete divergence, namely: the literal and the free method.
In the western tradition, various methods currently exist: the linguistic, the hermeneutic, the interpretative, the functionalist, the interventionist, the poly-systemic, and the text-typologist method.
In fact, the more translation studies developed and included new research techniques taken from other disciplines, the more translation methods and textual strategies changed.
The aim of our paper is to show how translation methods are related to text types because we believe that despite all the ideas shared in the field about the `best' practice of translation, when it comes to the applicability of the aforementioned methods, only a few remain possible and acceptable within the general framework of the translation professional market.
Methods of Translation
A method of translation encompasses various techniques and strategies applied at the textual level to transfer a text from a source language into a target language in the light of a translation assignment and a contextual situation of communication.
The method used is decided prior to the act of translating , it is dependent upon several factors. According to Schaffner(1998), primary norms, preliminary norms and procedural norms manage the act of translating before and during the process. Preliminary norms will determine the reason why a specific text is selected for translation, primary norms determine which general strategy will be used (foreignization or domestication), procedural norms are about the micro-techniques used at the word and sentence levels.
There has always been controversies on the best way to translate, as to “should translators only translate, as faithfully and close to the original (SL) as possible, or should they take some license with the original and conform their translations to all norms and nuances of the target language (TL)? Should they keep the flavor of the original by means of loans, transliterations, calques and other techniques, or should they convert the means of expressing meaning of the original source text into the usual, idiomatic ways of the target audience, language and text? (Gonzales, 2005: 95)
These can go from Vinay and Darbelnet procedural techniques (literal translation , calque, transposition, adaptation, equivalence), to Catford shifts, to Venuti's foreignization and domestication techniques, Malone's (1988) strategies: equation, substitution, divergence, convergence, amplification, reduction, diffusion, condensation and reordering.
Newmark (1988) classified translation strategies too to: transference, naturalization, cultural equivalent, functional equivalent, descriptive equivalent, …
Delisle (1993) divided translation strategies to: communicative, semantic, literal, fraa and adaptation.
Lawrence Venuti addresses two issues, foreignization and domestication. Domestication looks like a fluent translation which makes the translation seem as an original work, while foreignization keeps the foreign features in the translated text by transferring the values, beliefs and culturally specific terms in the translated version.
HAN (2012, p: 306) says that "while translation methods relate to whole texts, translation procedures are used for sentences and the smaller units of language". (p: 306), he refers to different methods of translation: word-for-word translation, literal translation, equivalence, faithful translation, semantic translation, adaptation, free translation, idiomatic translation, communicative translation.
While, according to Zhou and Jiang (2012, p: 708), Riitta Jääskeläinen (1993) classified the translation strategies into global strategies (applying to the whole task, namely style, readership etc.) and local strategies (applying to specific items, namely lexical searches). She reported that global strategies are much more frequently used by professionals and semi-professionals (translator trainees) than by non-professionals.
According to Vermeer (1996) the referent to select the best translation method is the intended purpose of the translated text . This is known as the functional theory based on the Skopos.
We cited inhere only some of the techniques, strategies and methods used in translating texts, but these are the main ones, other scholars like mona Baker, for example, contributed to the explanation of translation strategies from a linguistic point of view first, then , lately from a social point of view. What matters most to us in our paper is to show how methods of translation are related to text types, and how the strategic and analytic competence of the translator leads him/her to make the best choices possible.
Text Typologies and Translation
We assume in our study that any type of text requires a specific method of translation. Going back to the basics of Translation Studies, the functional approach, starting from the 70's based its argument on the fact that there are different types of text.
According to Colina (2003) text types differ from each others by their distinctive language functions, broadly speaking there are two basic distinctions to be made: Non literary texts Vs. Literary texts.
Newmark thinks that there is a clear difference between literature and non-literature, the first being related to the world of imagination, while the send is related to reality. Literature is fiction, drama, poetry, comedy, tragedy, farce. Non-literature is encyclopedias, dictionaries…
Each representing different types of difficulties and challenges, it is said that non-literature requires specialized knowledge that is out of the field of literature like: technical, juridical, medical, scientific knowledge.
“Such texts usually contain terminology and concepts particular to the field and often follows conventional formats.” (Han, 2012: 304)
It is very much important to make a clear distinction among different text types, Hatim and Mason (1990: 149) conducted a translation exercise in which they found that
“ the majority of twelve translator trainees produced translations which could be faulted on the grounds that they misinterpreted text-type focus. Recognizing text act and texttype focus are important goals in translation” (Trosborg, 1997: 18).
While she considers that: “Lack of relevant knowledge of genre, communicative functions, text types and culture may result in distorted translations.” (Trosborg, 1997: 18)
And she adds:
Text types are identified as "a conceptual framework which enables us to classify texts in terms of communicative intentions serving an overall rhetorical purpose" (Hatim and Mason 1990:140). In (Trosborg, 1997: 15)
Trosborg (1997) considers that texts do not belong to the same type, a clear distinction is made between different types, literary texts, specialized texts, journalistic texts, pragmatic texts, expository texts, argumentative texts, scientific texts, legal texts, advertisements.
`Genres and text types are clearly to be distinguished, as linguistically distinct texts within a genre may represent different text types, while linguistically similar texts from different genres may represent a single text type' (Biber In Trasborg, 1997:12)
Reiss proposed a typology of texts based on language functions, she classifies texts into:
Content - focused texts (Informative like media texts, business correspondence, educational works, official documents), form-focused texts (expressive like literary texts, poetry, artistic writing), appeal focused texts (operative, advertising, publicity, preaching, propaganda, polemic, demagogy or satire).
Reiss assumes that each text type requires different techniques of translation. Translating different features of the text is a question of priority, the content focused text will tend to expect a transmission of the information it encompasses, a form focused text will expect a transfer of its stylistic and aesthetic features, appeal focused texts will give priority to their function. As it is the function that determines how a text should be translated.
`'Reis elaborates a text typology that is helpful to spot the main pragmatic functions to be preserved in the translation: informational texts with a dominating referential function; expressive texts where information is transmitted on the basis of intentional aesthetic criteria; operative texts that combine the transmission of information with a persuasive purpose and possibly with a capturing organisation of the enunciation. Complex text genres such as travel guides are generally endowed with mixed forms of text types.” (Baumann,2018: 187)
The method of translation is strongly related to the text type. Text type is related to decision making in the translation process and shows how to tackle problems at the textual level , its gives a method.
While expressive texts are typically more source text oriented, the translation of informative and expressive texts may need to take a more target text oriented approach so as to achieve the same communicative purpose (Reiss 1971/ 2000) In (Chen Qiujin, 2010: 210)
According to Sager (1997):, translation studies recognize the need to analyse text types. He cites Neubert and Wilss saying that:
Neubert (1985: 125) offers an interesting definition of text types by calling them "socially effective, efficient, and appropriate moulds into which the linguistic material available in the system of a language is recast".
Wilss (1977: 135-9) surveyed the role that text types have increasingly been playing in translation theory, but also concluded that text types were mainly studied in order to determine translation methods or degrees of translatability.
Analysis of Pragmatic, Specialized and Literary Samples:
Samples of Informative texts (Boukalkal, 2017):
Here are some extracts from various online newspapers translated from arabic to English and vice versa.
Sample 1:
"Èæßæ ÍÑÇã" ÊåÇÌã ÞÇÚÏÉ ÚÓßÑíÉ Ýí äíÌíÑíÇ
ÇáãÕÏÑ: ÇáÌãÚÉ 07 ÃÈÑíá 2017- ÇáÚÏÏ 14010- ÇáÞÇåÑÉ- ÇáÔÑÞ ÇáÃæÓØ ÃæäáÇíä
Boko Haram Torches Military Base in Northwest Nigeria
The translation of the title of this informative text has been translated by adaptation because some changes occurred in the target text, specially in the verb: torch that if kept as in its original version would have been translated as: attacks, while “book haram” has been kept as such without any change in the form. The word “Northwest” has been added so that the English reader knows exactly where the event happened.
Sample 2:
ÇáãÕÏÑ: ÇáÎãíÓ 06 ÃÝÑíá 2017- ÇáÚÏÏ 14009- æÇÔäØä- ÇáÔÑÞ ÇáÃæÓØ
Ivanka Trump : My Father Knows when i disagree with Him.
The translation of the journalistic title has been adapted by the use of dropping technique and addition technique, it turned from reported speech to direct speech, which means that the translator allowed himself to perform the necessary changes that he thinks will serve better the fluency of reading in the target text.
Sample 3:
ÇáÓæÏÇä æ ÇáÓÚæÏíÉ íäåíÇä ãäÇæÑÇÊ "ÇáÏÑÚ ÇáÃÒÑÞ" ÇáÌæíÉ
ÇáãÕÏÑ: ÇáÇËäíä 10 ÃÈÑíá 2017- ÇáÚÏÏ 14013- ÃÍãÏ íæäÓ- ÇáÎÑØæã- ÇáÔÑÞ ÇáÃæÓØ
Saudi-Sudanese ` Blue Shield' Military Drill Successfully Concluded
This sample has been adapted too by transposition changing the structure of the sentence, the time used has been changed too, while using the literal technique for: Blue Shield. We notice that functional equivalence has been used and the word `successfully' has been added to keep the reader's attention. literal translation means keeping the original form in translation when conditions allow it, particularly, as Baumann (2018) explains it to maintain the original metaphor, image and local contents.
Sample 4 :
ÊØåíÑ ÝæÖì ÃæÈÇãÇ Ýí ÓæÑíÇ
ÇáãÕÏÑ: ÇáÃÍÏ 0ç ÃÈÑíá 2017- ÇáÚÏÏ 14012- ÑæÈÑÊ ßÇÛÇä- ÇáÔÑÞ ÇáÃæÓØ
It'll Take More Than a Missile Strike to Clean Up Obama's Mess in Syria
Again this sample has been adapted by addition of a whole sentence and some parts that are not at all mentioned in the original message, making what was implicit in the original version explicit in the target version.
Sample 5:
ÇáãÕÏÑ: ÇáÇËäíä 03 ÃÈÑíá 2017- ÇáÚÏÏ 14006- ÇáÚÇáã ÇáÚÑÈí- ÇáÌÒÇÆÑ/ ÊæäÓ- ÇáÔÑÞ ÇáÃæÓØ
Tunisia, Algeria Deny Comments Praising Iran.
Media texts have certain requirements in English that the translator abided by in the aforementioned example. Instead of writing a whole sentence, the translator was very precise and concise.
Sample 6:
Juventus 3-0 Barcelona
The translation came in the form of an expansion, which means that more than a word was added to the translated title in respect of the style sheet of Arabic articles that often contain details as contrary to original articles.
The previous samples of translations of journalistic texts lead us to conclude that when it comes to the media type of texts, adaptation is the main method used, as the priority is to attract then keep the reader's attention, in other words, the end justifies the means, this is in line with the functionalist views of translation discussed in the theoretical part of the article.
Samples of Specialized Texts (Ramdani, 2017)
Here are some extracts from the translation of the book: “Software Engineering with ADA” into Arabic.
Sample 1:
An album includes information about the title (Booch and Brayan1994:141 In Ramdani 2017)
íÊÖãä ÇáÃáÈæã ãÚáæãÇÊ Íæá ÇáÚäæÇä (ÇáÊÑÌãÉ: Õ. 172)
This is an extract from a specialized text in the field of computer sciences that has been translated to Arabic language, the main issues that confront the translator in such texts are of a terminological nature. We notice that the term (album) has been kept as such in the Arabic version because it has a very specific meaning that is not yet available in Arabic language because it belongs to a very specialized field of study, and terminology in Arabic language cannot be updated only by means of translation of foreign modern concepts into it.
Sample 2:
The abstraction of organs is actually implemented at a lower level as atoms. (Booch and Brayan1994: 90 In Ramdani 2017)
ÝÅä ÊÌÑíÏ Çá organ íßæä ãÒÑæÚÇ Ýí ãÓÊæì ÃÏäì È atoms (ÇáÊÑÌãÉ: Õ. 132)
This is a very rare kind of translation technique, the word is kept in its original language in the target language text, the translator did not even try to used Arab letters. This is in our sense an unacceptable translation, the least the translator should do is to add some footnotes explaining why he kept the word as such, by explaining them fully. By such a translation, the translator is confessing that he is abdicating, it is as if the source language has the ability to encompass some polysemous words that can be very specialized, while the target language is impotent.
Sample 3:
Using generic units to control visibility (Booch and Brayan1994: 256 In Ramdani 2017)
According to Ramdani (2017) there is a linguistic definition of `generic' that says generic means : being shared by a whole group ; not a specific ; as well as there is a conceptual meaning that is : a software unit. This distinction in meaning is not at all clear in the Arabic version, it leads us to say that the translator registered a major failure.
Through the examples cited below, the main observation that can be made is that translating specialized texts is not an easy issue, it required a high capacity and mastery of translation techniques. Mainly such texts require the capability to generate new terminology in the Arabic language by using : derivation, equivalents, calque, or other techniques that are applicable in such cases.
Before translating, the nature of readership should be determined, and for what purpose the translated text will be used, and if it is designed for a specialized or non-specialized readership. Of course, specific knowledge of subject matter of the field he is translating in is of foremost importance for the translator. Relying on parallel texts is very informative for the translator too, because it helps determine the overall format and the appropriate terminology that is to be respected.
Samples of Literary Texts (Loutis: 2015):
Here are some extracts from the translation into Arabic of “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” by Washington Irving.
Sample 1:
Spare the road and spoil the child (p: 6)
ÊÈÞì ÇáÚÕÇ æ íÝÓÏ ÇáØÞá (Õ : 3)
This is a literal translation that respects the form and meaning, it means that it is a formal equivalent that brings the meaning. It delivers the original message in respect of the form and content. The translator kept the original idiomatic expression, did not explain it in the target text.
Sample 2:
By hook and by crook (p: 7)
ÚÙãÉ æ ßÈÑíÇÁ ÇáÃÛäíÇÁ (Õ: 3)
This idiomatic expression has been translated by a correspondent colloquial expression available in the Arabic language in respect of the original contextual meaning.
Sample 3 :
Half time topsy-turvy ! (p : 9)
ããÇ íÚÑÖåã ááÊæËÑ æ ÇáÞáÞ (Õ: 3)
These is a compound word translated by adaptation and explanation. Explanation could take the form of a paraphrase that is defined as: explanatory translation, in other words, that is translation and explanation (Wang, 2015: 123)
Sample 4:
The conquest of his heart was complete (p: 12)
ßÇä ÞáÈå ãäÕÇÚ ÊãÇãÇ áåæÇå (Õ: 4)
We notice a free translation, in which the meaning is conveyed. The role of the translator, when it comes to literary texts is to respect both the form and the content, but it seems that when the translator needs to make a choice, he gives priority to the meaning.
Sample 5:
Like a troop of Don Cossacks (p: 14)
This chunk of the text is not translated at all, if it got translated as such, it would have conveyed a non-sense, because `Don Cossacks' do not refer to anything in the mind of the arab reader.
After presenting some samples of the translated literary text, we notice that assuring the balance between content and form is not an easy task, often the translator is obliged to make a choice, and find the best compromise between the semantic content and the esthetic elements. Generally speaking, when stucking to the original, the translation is associated to a foreignized text, which means that cultural features of the source text are kept within the translated version. While when a translator chooses to domesticate a text, he cancels all cultural features or reference elements, making the reader think that the translation is itself an original piece of work, and could even be described as a re-writing requiring a specific creative competence by the translator.
The main strategy used was adaptation which ic known as the strategy used “in those cases where the type of situation being referred to by the SL message is unknown in the TL culture. In such cases translators have to create a new situation that can be considered as being equivalent. Adaptation can, therefore, be described as a special kind of equivalence, a situational equivalence”. Vinay and Darbelnet (1995: 39).
From all the different samples we exposed, be them of journalistic (pragmatic), specialized or literary types, we notice first that there is not only one way or method to translated, second, we confirm the theory of Reiss that proposes a different method for each type of text, and finally we understand that each text, whatever is its nature or type, requires the usage of different techniques, there is no one for all recipe, and text typologies definitely determine the strategies used to translate any type of text.
Let us not forget that text typologies do not always meet among languages, the same is asserted for tenses or linguistic structures, but for typologies or genres, it is not always a taken for granted assumption that text types are the same. Compromises are necessary to find the best solutions, starting from the word level to the overall text level.
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Concept, essence, aspects, methods and forms of oral translation. Current machine translation software, his significance, types and examples. The nature of translation and human language. The visibility of audiovisual translation - subtitling and dubbing.
ðåôåðàò [68,3 K], äîáàâëåí 15.11.2009Translation as communication of meaning of the original language of the text by the text equivalent of the target language. The essence main types of translation. Specialized general, medical, technical, literary, scientific translation/interpretation.
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