Translation strategies for languages for special purposes
The concept of "translation strategy" from the point of view of various theories of translation. Skills that students must master to develop the ability to use translation strategies. Stages of translation, difficulties that arise in this process.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 29.08.2021 |
Размер файла | 14,0 K |
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Translation strategies for languages for special purposes
Kateryna Podufalova, Postgraduate Student of the Pedagogy, Vocational Education and Management of Educational Institutions Department, Vinnytsya Mykhaylo Kotsyubynskiy State Pedagogical University;
English Teacher, Balta Pedagogical Professional College
The importance of translating and interpreting in modem society has long been recognized. Practically not a single contact at the international level or even between any two foreign persons speaking different languages can be established or maintained without the help of translators or interpreters. Translating as a means of teaching foreign languages has no independent value of its own for it is impossible to teach all aspects of a language in their complexity by means of translation only. Neverthe-less translation in foreign language teaching (and learning) cannot and should not be ignored altogether since in many a case it remains not only the most effective but also the only possible teaching means in achieving the necessary aim. That is why translation is often resorted to in the process of teaching and presenting some important aspects of a foreign language. The main subject of this article is interpreting the concept of "translation strategy ". Currently, there is no clear definition of this notion. The main aim of this article is to analyze the concept of "translation strategy" as a part of strategic competence for future translators. These are the basic skills that students have to master during developing their ability to use translation strategies. The stages of translation were also highlighted. The classification of this concept was given as well. In conclusion, the definition of "translation strategy " was proposed and explained, and different theories of translation strategies were mentioned. It is stated that nowadays "translation strategy" is a procedure used by translators in solving translation difficulties. Therefore, the translation strategy starts from the realization of difficulties by the translator and solving the problem.
Keywords: translation strategy; strategic competence; translation; translation methods; stages of translation strategies; problems of translation.
Катерина Подуфалова, аспірант кафедри педагогіки, професійної освіти та управління освітніми закладами, Вінницького державного педагогічного університету імені Михайла Коцюбинського;
вчитель англійської мови КЗ "Балтський педагогічний фаховий коледж"
Стаття присвячена проблемі аналізу поняття "стратегія перекладу", розглянуто різні теорії стратегії перекладу. Визначено основні навички, якими мають оволодіти студенти, розвиваючи свою здатність використовувати стратегії перекладу. У статті розглянуто етапи перекладу, визначено труднощі, які виникають у процесі перекладацької діяльності. Останнім часом збільшилась кількість видань, газет, журналів, інформації на сторінках Internet, у новинах, що виходять англійською мовою, і, таким чином, перекладачі в процесі праці все частіше стикаються з різними труднощами, пов'язаними зі специфічними особливостями текстів різних стилів, тому проаналізовано підходи вчених і сформульовано зміст стратегічної компетенції при навчанні студентів педагогічного коледжу. Важливість вдосконалення перекладацьких навичок зумовлена також розширенням науково-технічних контактів з англомовним світом та збільшенням обсягів науково-технічних текстів. Виокремлено три компоненти у змісті стратегічної компетенції перекладача (навчально-стратегічний, комунікативний стратегічний, перекладацький стратегічний).
Ключові слова: стратегії перекладу; стратегічна компетентність; переклад; методи перекладу; етапи стратегій перекладу; труднощі перекладу.
translation strategy professional
The translation is a complicated process that can be explained as encoding the meaning and type in the target language using the source language's decoded meaning and form. Different scholars explain the translation differently. According to R. Bell, translation is the method of replacing a text in one language with a similar text in another [3]. Afterward, under P. Newmark, the ability to replace a written message or declaration with the same message or declaration in one language is a skill [8]. D. Kelly specifies translation as the ability to interpret the source text and render it in the target language using register, meaning, and other language resources to produce the desired result [5]. So far, the focus has been on translation studies, which identify difficulties and recommend the best translation approach to tackle them. As a consequence, translation can be defined as a problem-solving exercise and a decision-making mechanism. It's also a tough task because the interpreter will encounter certain difficulties or concerns that will necessitate observation, identification, and appropriate response. The choice process requires devising a suitable strategy for addressing any such problems [1; 9].
There are different concepts of “translation strategy”, however unambiguous interpretation of this concept is not found in the works of scientists: the opinions of scholars differ in what is called “translation strategy”, and dictionaries do not even provide a definition of this concept.
Research of translation strategies, their characteristics, methods and many linguists have devoted their works to translation methods, including I. Korunets, V Karaban, A. Cohen, A. Chesterman, W. Lцrscher, L. Venuti. However, although this area of research is constant develops, but there is no unanimity in the interpretation of the concept “Translation strategies”. It is important to specify its definition and certain aspects and it determines the relevance of our research.
Research methodology: analysis and generalization of the literature sources, observation and video analysis of the online lessons.
The aim of the research is to formulate the concept of “translation strategies”. The task of the study is to analyze the approaches of scientists to interpretation of this concept and to propose its definition.
Strategic competence, when forming it by future translators, should be considered as an integral part of translation competence. In turn, translation competence combines both the receptive competence of comprehension and the productive competence of formulation; life experience of a translator; idiomatic knowledge of the language of translation: comprehension of the translated text; selection and implementation of translation strategy; determination of the functional perspective of the statement, which is aimed at adequate transmission of communicative intention and a sufficient degree of communicative efficiency.
Research results
Translation competence involves a special “translation” knowledge of two languages; ability to “translate” interpretation of the source text; possession of translation technology; knowledge of the norms of a certain style and genre of the text; knowledge of translation norms that determines the strategies of the language of translation; a certain minimum of background knowledge. Exactly these factors influence the formation and content of the concept of translation strategy.
Translation strategy is considered as a program of translation actions, methods performing a translation task, which consist of in adequate transfer from foreign language into the language of translation of the communicative intention of the speaker, with taking into account his culturological and personal characteristics, basic level, language super category and subcategory [3]. Translation strategy is defined as a program of translation activities, which forms the general approach of the translator to the translation in the conditions of a certain communicative situation of bilingual communication, which determines specific features of this situation and the purpose of translation, as well as establishes the nature of the professional behavior of the translator within a certain communicative situation [4].
R. Bell understands the translation strategy as a “joint action plan of the translator”, due to a set of its basic settings aimed at achieving goals that he consciously or unconsciously sets for himself translator [3, 116]. A. Cohen considers the translation strategy from the standpoint communicative- pragmatic approach: “strategy is a method of execution translation task, which is an adequate transfer from abroad languages into the language of translation of the communicative intention of the sender, taking into account culturological and personal characteristics of the speaker, basic level, language super category and sub category” [4, 169].
R. Kern considers strategic competence closely with discursive and rhetorical aspects. All three competencies are available at a set of knowledge, speech skills and communication skills that provide compositional and semantic organization of the translated text (discursive competence); which form the ability of variable using of language tools to provide structural and semantic organization of the translation text (strategic competence); using linguistic tools for building communicative strategies for achieving the desired effect of expression (rhetorical competence) [6]. The text of the translation should represent the content as much as possible original, the author's way of expressing his opinion, his communicative strategy achieved by maintaining the maximum possible structural and semantic similarity of the source and translation texts [2].
The translation strategy does not involve a fixed sequence translation actions, and flexible variation of translation methods and techniques within selected guidelines and the “general line” of translation, which in turn determined by numerous factors: communication attitudes and intentions of the author of the original and the purposes of translation, and the specifics of the subject situation behind the text, etc. [7, 231].
The choice of translation strategy is influenced by the following factors: the purpose of translation, type of text being translated (there are two main functional types of translation: artistic (literary) translation and informative (non-literary) translation)) and the nature of the putative receptor translation (in some cases the translation does not have an exact addressee, and the translator focuses on the so-called “averaged receptor”).
The dependence of the translator's strategy on the type of text is obvious.
W. Lorscher identifies three groups of translation strategies: 1) conative strategies that express a focus on the recipient of interaction with taking into account the content and functions of communication and aimed at definition semantic content of the source text and the impact on readers the text of the translation conceived by the author of the original; 2) personal translation strategies - patterns of cognitive information processing (perception, interpretation and generation), which are determined by traits the nature of the translator; 3) cognitive-linguistic strategies are based on linguistic and textual knowledge of the translator: knowledge of cognitive, emotional, aesthetic information and features of its verbalization [7, 126-132]. The difficulty, complexity and even the frequency and desirability of each technique is more or less implicitly measured against the ideal literal translation, following the Newmark's motto “translate as literally as possible and as freely as strictly necessary”.
P. Newmark mentioned three stages of translation strategy:
1. Pre-translation analysis of the text (collection of external data about the text; identification of the source and recipient; composition of information and its saturation: cognitive, operational, emotional, aesthetic information; communicative tasks, genre of speech).
2. Analytical variable search (creation translation text).
3. Analysis of translation results [8, 132].
L. Venuti points out four stages of strategy when working with translation:
1. Orientation-analytical stage: acquaintance with original, its reading and understanding, its meaningful and linguistic analysis, collection of external data about the text.
2. Translation planning stage activities and probabilistic forecasting of translation results.
3. Operational stage: direct translation.
4. Stage of control and evaluations: editing the translation and its pragmatic adaptation to the condition's existence in a host culture [10, 58].
Orientation-analytical stage involves:
1. Collection of external data about the text: time of text creation, author (individual / group / anonymous, native speaker / non - native speaker, type of activity, status, independence and independence of the author / belonging to any school, continuity); recipient of the original (quantitative coverage, age group, educational, professional, social status).
2. Semantic analysis of the text: a description of the subject messages (background analysis), novelty, relevance, demand, degree of specialization.
3. Linguistic (structural-semantic) analysis original: lexical composition (common / special vocabulary; homogeneous / borrowed vocabulary, imagery / specificity / abstractness, stylistic register: book- written, conversational, reduced); grammatical composition: temporality, modality, state, subjectivity / impersonality, method (activity / passivity) ; syntactic structure (simplicity / complexity, type connectivity: explicit means of communication / semantic progression, type of semantic progressions: chain, “bush”, associative; communicative type statements: description, story, reasoning, proof; full composition / ellipticity of sentences; information and communication structure: theme-rhematic distribution: direct / inverted.
4. Communicative analysis text: text functions: explicit / implicit; hierarchy of communicative tasks (dominant, optional, equivalent); types of information in the text; type text and / or functional style and genre; specific characteristics text [10].
Translation and probabilistic planning stage forecasting translation results. At this stage, the role of translator varies from the recipient of the message to the sender of the message in the language of translation. The translator must determine how complete and accurate it is possible to convey the semantic side of the text by means of language translation, its communicative attitudes and pragmatics; find out if they will the purposes of the translation coincide with the purposes of the original. At this stage it happens predicting the degree of completeness and accuracy of the translation invariant, the degree of equivalence of the text of the translation of the original text. Predicted the image of the translation result will serve as a guide for the translator, which will set the trajectory of translation actions, the degree of reasonableness deviation from the formal proximity to the original. At the planning stage translation activities must be determined: tasks of translation, translation goals; communicative tasks of the text; identification of difficulties of translation and definition of ways to overcome them: semantic difficulties (additional sources of information, the need for consultation with experts, filling gaps in the knowledge base; lexical difficulties (lexical gaps in translated text, mismatch of volumes of meaning, stylistic incompatibility, contradiction to the language norms of the language of translation); grammatical and syntactic difficulties (no grammatical equivalents in the language of translation, different lexical and grammatical valence, differences in word formation, the complexity of the transfer of grammatical relations between the words of the sentence; differences in thematic-rhetorical division; differences in grammatical tradition; functional and stylistic difficulties: differences in stylistic tradition [3, 96-110].
Thus, the analysis of scientific sources on the concept translation strategy, made it possible to determine that translation strategy is interpreted as a way to achieve certain translations goals, which are set by the translator. Translation strategy considered as a procedural phenomenon: stages and methods of activity translator in solving specific translation tasks achieving the main goal is to create an original text that preserves the functionality dominants of the original text, which are considered by the criterion of equivalence of the translation. The definition of the text translation strategy is carried out in the aspect communicative- pragmatic approach: keeping the maximum possible structural and semantic similarity of the source and translation texts, and also the achievement of the text of the translation of the same communicative impact on the recipient, as well as the original text. It can be proposed to name the stages and methods of the translation strategy activities of the translator, algorithms of translation actions aimed at solving local and global problems of text translation for the sake of achieving certain translation goals, as following - the creation of the text translation, equivalent in communicative-pragmatic terms of the original text. It can be established that the translation strategy starts with the identification of problems and ends with the solution or with the belief that it can be solved.
1. Araghian, R. &Ghonsooly, B. (2018). Investigating problem-solving strategies of translation trainees with high and low levels of self-efficacy. Translation, Cognition & Behavior, Volume 1, Issue 1, Jan 2018, pp. 74 - 97. [in English].
2. Asher, J. J. (2009). Learning another language through actions: the complete teacher's guidebook. Los Gatos CA, Sky Oaks Productions. [in English].
3. Bell, R. T. (2016). Translation and translating: Theory and practice. London and New York: Longman. 298 p. [in English].
4. Cohen, A. D., &Wang, I. K (2018). Fluctuation in the functions of language learner strategies. System, 74, pp. 169-182. [in English].
5. Kelly, D. (2005). A handbook for translator trainers: A guide to reflective practice. Manchester, UK: St. Jerome. [in English].
6. Kern, R. G. (1994). The role of mental translation in second language reading. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 16-4, pp. 441-461. [in English].
7. Lцrscher, W. (1996). A psycho linguistic analysis of translation processes. Tьbingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 307 p. [in English].
8. Newmark, P. (1988). Approaches to translation. Tehran: Rahnama. 292 p. [in English].
9. Olkhovska, A. &Khomenko, A. (2020). Vplyvvykorystannianeironnoisystemymashynnohoperekladunayakistperekladutekstiv u haluziekonomiky [The impact of using a neural machine translation engine on the quality of translation of texts in the field of economy]. No. 5 (184). Youth & market: monthly scientific-pedagogical journal. Drohobych, pp. 30-35. [in Ukrainian].
10. Venuti, L. (2000). The translation studies reader. London and New York: Routledge [in English].
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