Variability of rendering gerund into ukrainian in literary text translations

Analyzes the use of the gerund and gerundial constructions in the literary text and ways of its rendering into the Ukrainian language. Acquaintance with the results of a comparative analysis of text of the original and its translations into Ukrainian.

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Дата добавления 19.08.2021
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Mykhailo Tuhan-Baranovskyi Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade

Variability of rendering gerund into ukrainian in literary text translations

Dmytruk L.A.

The article analyzes the use of the gerund and gerundial constructions in the literary text and ways of its rendering into the Ukrainian language. After studying the novel “The Great Gatsby” by S. Fitzgerald, the author identified and analyzed various forms of the gerund and defined their functions in the sentence. It is noted that the grammatical aspect of translation, which involves the reproduction of the formal side of the original, is currently a pressing problem in translation studies, as translation analysis of the text is impossible without taking into account the purely linguistic component. The author conducted a comparative analysis of the text of the original and its translations into Ukrainian. The research material was Ukrainian translations of the novel made by M. Pinchevskyi, O. Makrovolskyi, and A. Pekhnyk. It is emphasized that the method of translation of the gerund depends on its function in the sentence. In Ukrainian, gerunds can be rendered by a noun, verb, adverbial participle, subordinate clause, or can be omitted. In the novel, the gerund is mostly used in the function of an object, adverbial modifier and attribute and is translated by a noun and infinitive. In most cases, the authors of the translation were unanimous in choosing the way of rendering the gerund in the recipient language. Translation of the English gerund into Ukrainian sometimes causes difficulties. One of the techniques that helps a translator is transformations. Since the gerund is a grammatical category, in the process of its translation grammatical transformations of inner partitioning and replacement of word order are used first of all. The noun characteristics of the gerund is the basis for lexical-semantic transformations of contextual and synonymous substitution, compression and decompression, permutation, transposition, descriptive and antonymous translation. The translations made by M. Pinchevskyi, O. Makrovolskyi, and A. Pekhnyk are full of various transformations, the application of which brings the text closer to the norms of the Ukrainian language and makes its perception easier for the Ukrainian reader.

Key words: gerund, gerundial construction, function, incompatibility, translation, translation technique, transformation.

Дмитрук Л. А.

Варіативність відтворення герундія українською мовою в перекладах художнього тексту.

У статті здійснено аналіз вживання герундія і герундіальних конструкцій в художньому тексті та способів його відтворення українською мовою. Виявлено і проаналізовано різні форми герундія та визначено їх функції у реченні. Зазначено, що граматичний аспект перекладу, який передбачає відтворення формальної сторони оригіналу, на сьогодні є актуальною проблемою в перекладознавстві, оскільки перекладознавчий аналіз тексту не можливий без урахування суто лінгвістичної складової. Проведено порівняльний аналіз тексту оригіналу та його переклалів українською мовою. Матеріалом дослідження послугували українські переклади роману, виконані М. Пінчевським, О. Макровольським та А. Пехником. Закцентовано, що спосіб перекладу герундія залежить від його функції в реченні. Українською мовою герундій може відтворюватись іменником, дієсловом, дієприслівником, підрядним реченням або може зовсім бути вилученим. У романі герундій здебільшого вживається у функції додатка, обставини і означення та відтворюється іменником та інфінітивом. З'ясовано, що автори перекладу здебільшого одностайні щодо вибору способу передачі герундія мовою-реципієнтом. Переклад англійського герундія українською мовою викликає часом певні труднощі. Одним із прийомів, які допомагають перекладачеві, є трансформації. Оскільки герундій - граматична категорія, в процесі його перекладу передусім застосовують граматичні трансформації внутрішнього поділу та заміни порядку слів. Іменникова характеристика герундія є основою для лексико-семантичних трансформацій контекстуальної та синонімічної заміни, компресії та декомпресії, пермутації, транспозиції, описового та антонімічного перекладу. Підсумовано, що переклади, здійснені М. Пінчевським, О. Макровольським та А. Пехником, насичені різноманітними трансформаціями, застосування яких наближує текст до узусу української мови і робить його сприйняття легшим для українського читача.

Ключові слова: герундій, герундіальна конструкція, функція, невідповідність, переклад, перекладацький прийом, трансформація.


Defining the problem and argumentation of the topicality of its consideration. As it is known, translation is of great importance in the process of intercultural communication. One of the most interesting aspects of this process is the translation of works of fiction. Of course, when translating novels and stories, it is first of all very important to convey the style of the author of the work. But no less important is the translation of certain grammatical structures.

The gerund and gerundial constructions are an extremely important and widely used grammatical phenomenon in the English language. The gerund is a non-finite form of the verb that has the properties of both a verb and a noun [4]. The gerund helps to avoid the use of cumbersome subordinate clauses and facilitates the creation of short and concise phrases, so in English the gerund is quite often used.

The main difficulties in their translation are, firstly, the absence in the language of translation of a consistency which would name the referent expressed by a gerund, and, secondly, the need to preserve its stylistic colour alongside with the denotative meaning. Difficulties in rendering this grammatical phenomenon in the Ukrainian language arise from the probability of its double interpretation, it is also worth deciding whether we are dealing with a gerund or a participle.

The issue of the gerund and gerundial constructions translation due to its controversy is a great field for a variety of studies, as to give a complete and absolute list of methods of gerund translations is currently impossible.

Setting the goals and tasks of the article. The goal of the article is to study the translation, the functions performed in the sentence and the complex application of transformations in the translation of the gerund and gerundial constructions based on the novel “The Great Gatsby” by F S. Fitzgerald and its translations into Ukrainian made by M. Pinchevskyi, O. Makrovolskyi, and A. Pekhnyk.

Recent research and publications. Many English researchers were interested in the forms, functions in the sentence and translations of the gerund. Such scientists as M. Bloch, J. Golikova, K. Guzeeva, E. Izrailevich, T. Kazakova, K. Kachalova, T. Troshko, G. Verba, L. Verba and many others gave the definition of the gerund, named voices, tenses, in which the gerund can be used, its functions in the sentence. A number of scholars have studied all possible ways of the gerund and gerundial constructions translation and their functions in a sentence: V. Karaban, I. Korunets, V. Shpak, V Slepovich and others.

Linguists' interest in the problem of translation transformations and their comprehensive study are already traditional in the course of translation theory and practice. Well-known linguists such as L. Barkhudarov, E. Breus, A. Fedorov, А. Hordieieva, L. Naumenko, V. Komissarov, J. Retsker, and many others have devoted their numerous articles and monographs to the study of translation transformations.

The analysis of different researches connected with the gerund is made in the works of Ukrainian scientists. Thus, V. Hryhorenko [5], M. Nahorna [8], T. Besiedina [2] consider different aspects of gerund rendering into Ukrainian. V. Standret [11] conducts the analysis of peculiarities of gerund translations based on the novel “Harry Potter” by J. K. Rowling. S. Ostapenko [10] analyses practical principles of gerund inferencing from the examples of “The Great Gatsby” by F. S. Fitzgerald.

It should be noticed that the novel “The Great Gatsby” and aspects of its translation into Ukrainian are in the center of attention of many scholars. O. Babenko and Ye. Marchukov [1] point at stylistic devices of psychological state of the character perception, V. Smarovoz [12] researches ways of national and cultural identity of American people rendering, O. Borysova [3] studies metaphor reproduction, K. Matvieieva and O. Mikriukov [7] - lexical transformations, Yu. Frolova [13] analyses lexical and grammatical transformation application in the process of F. S. Fitzgerald's novel translation.

The novelty of this research consists in the comparative analysis of the gerund rendering into Ukrainian and its variability based on three different translations of the novel “The Great Gatsby” by F. S. Fitzgerald made by M. Pinchevskyi, O. Makrovolskyi and A. Pekhnyk.

The outline of the main research material

The problem of researching gerund translation methods still remains open. This is due not only to the different views of translators on this issue, but also to the presence of numerous factors and nuances that play a significant role here.

The translation of the gerund, according to I. Korunets [6], depends on its function in the sentence. A gerund in the function of a subject or an adverbial modifier is translated mainly by a verb noun, a gerund in various functions of adverbial modifier - by different forms of a verb (including a participle) or a subordinate clause.

However, it should be noted that the decisive factor in the translation of the gerund is often not its function in the sentence, but its lexical meaning and ease of use of a Ukrainian grammatical form.

Gerundial constructions are rendered into Ukrainian by subordinate clauses, infinitives, nouns and adverbial participles [6].

As it is known, the translation process is not a simple replacement of units of one language with units of another language. On the contrary, it is a complex process that involves many difficulties that the translator must overcome. One of the tools that helps a translator is transformations.

Since the gerund is a grammatical category, in the process of its translation, first of all, one can observe the use of grammatical translation transformations: inner partitioning and replacement [9].

The noun properties of the gerund are the basis for lexical-semantic transformations: contextual and synonymous substitution, descriptive and antonymous translation, compression and decompression, transposition and permutation [9]. Since there is no corresponding gerund form in the Ukrainian language, transformations are mostly of complex nature and are an inevitable process on the way to creating an adequate translation.

Let's consider the main ways of translating gerund and gerundial constructions and the application of various transformations on the example of the Ukrainian translations of the novel “The Great Gatsby” by F. S. Fitzgerald's, performed by M. Pinchevskyi, O. Makrovolskyi, and A. Pekhnyk.

The work on the text allowed to single out about 100 examples of the use of gerunds and gerundial constructions, most of which are gerunds in the function of an object. To render it in Ukrainian, the authors of translations applied the following translation methods: ukrainian language gerundial

1) by infinitive:

I am still a little afraid of missing (4) - Я й досі побоююсь випустити щось (1) - Я все ще боюся пропустити щось (2) - Я й досі побоююсь прогавити щось (3).

As we can see in all translations infinitive is used for gerund rendering into Ukrainian.

Well, if you're a poor driver you oughtn't to try driving at night (4) - Якщо ви недосвідчений водій, нащо було братися вночі за кермо? (1).

Imagine marrying anybody in this heat! (4) - Ні, ви уявляєте, - одружуватись у таку спекоту! (1)

What was the use of doing great things? (4) - Нащо чинити подвиги? (1)

Do you object to shaking hands with me? (4) - Ти не хочеш вітатися зі мною? (1).

In the last example according to S. Ostapenko [10] the author of translation applied the transformation of generalization of meaning.

2) by a finite form of the verb:

That's what I get for marrying a brute of a man (4) - Так мені й треба: нащо одружувалася з таким здоровезним бездушним вайлом (1)

... it was like skimming hastily through a dozen magazines (4) - Мою недовіру витіснив захват: перед моїми очима немовби горталися сторінки десятка ілюстрованих журналів (1).

In the process of gerund rendering into the Ukrainian language, the translator comprehensively applied the inner partitioning, replacement and contextual substitution [10].

I wouldn't think of changing the light! (4) - А я б нізащо не змінювала освітлення! (1).

3) by a subordinate clause:

I insisted on paying the check (4) - Я наполіг на тому, щоб оплатити рахунок (2).

In this example the translator applied the transformation of inner partitioning [10].

4) by a noun (applying at the same time the transformation of nominalization):

I was unjustly accused of being a politician (4) - Мені несправедливо закидали потяг до душевної популярності (1) - Мене часто звинувачували в інтриганстві (2) - Мене часто несправедливо звинувачували в політиканстві (3).

As one can see O. Mokrovolskyyi translated gerund with help of abstract noun, M. Pinchevskyi used descriptive translation and A. Pekhnyk applied contextual substitution.

Blinded by the glare of the headlights and confused by the incessant groaning of the horns (4) - Засліплений яскравим світлом фар, очманілий від безнастанного виття клаксонів, привид постояв, злегка заточуючись (1)

..we had a curious conversation about driving a car (4) - ..ми мали цікаву розмову щодо шоферської етики (1)

Her throat, full of aching, grieving beauty, told only of her unexpected joy (4) - Крізь тамований біль, тамовану тугу в милозвучному голосі її прохопився радісний подив (1)

About three o'clock the quality of Wilson's incoherent muttering changed (4) - Близько третьої години в поведінці Вільсона щось змінилося (1);

5) by an adverbial participle:

This absorbing information about my neighbor was interrupted by Mrs. McKee's pointing suddenly at Catherine (4) - Цю вельми цікаву інформацію про мого сусіда урвала місіс Маккі, яка, показавши пальцем на Кетрін, раптом вигукнула (1).

When translating this sentence, the transformations of inner partitioning and replacement were applied [10].

Gerunds in the function of an adverbial modifier was rendered by the following ways:

6) by a finite form of the verb:

I felt that Tom would drift on forever seeking (4) - Мені здавалося, що Том довіку блукатиме. (1) - Відчувалося мені, що Том вічно поневірятиметься світом (3)

...he completed the arc by turning to inspect the people directly behind (4) - ..на завершення цього кругового огляду він озирнувся й подивився на тих, хто сидів позад нього (1)

I went in - after making every possible noise in the kitchen, short of pushing over the stove (4) - Перше ніж увійти, я влаштував гармидер на кухні, хіба що не перекинув плиту (1)

.he provided for such contingencies by reposing more and more trust in Gatsby. (4) - ..щоб уникнути всіляких неприємностей, він дедалі більше покладався на Джея Гетсбі (1)

.he spent that time going from garage to garage thereabout. (4) - Вільсон цей час ходив від гаража до гаража (1);

7) by an adverbial participle:

.after boasting this way of my tolerance (4) - похвалившись своєю терпимістю

(1) - похвалившись своєю терпимістю (3) - нахвалившись моєю терпимістю (3).

In this part all translators are unanimous in their decision.

8) by a subordinate clause:

.the only place in the garden where a single man could linger without looking purposeless and alone (4) - .єдиного місця в саду для самотнього гостя, який не хоче виглядати неприкаяним і зайвим (1).

In the process of this sentence translating M. Pinchevskyi applied the transformations of inner partitioning and negativation.

9) by a noun (alongside with the transformation of nominalization):

Aware of the loud beating of my own heart I pulled the door to against the increasing rain (4) - Чуючи калатання власного серця, я повернувся і щільніше причинив вхідні двері: дощ знову посилився (1);

10) by omitting gerund:

..instead of being the center of the world (4) - здавався мені не славним осереддям всесвіту (1) - не здавався мені гарячим центром всесвіту (3).

But Pekhtyk translate the gerund in this phrase with help of the infinitive applying at the same time inner partitioning: замість того, щоб бути центром невсипущої світобудови (2).

.his wife, after attempting to laugh at the situation in a dignified and indifferent way, broke down entirely and resorted to flank attacks (4) - ..його дружина спочатку статечно вдавала, ніби це її зовсім не обходить і навіть потішає, але врешті не втрималася й перейшла до флангових атак (1).

A significant part of the sample is gerund in the function of a predicative (nominal, aspect verbal) of the predicate. For its translation the author used:

1) a finite form of the verb:

he kept saying. (4) - .заявив він (1)

I'm absolutely in training (4) - Перед грою я не п'ю (1);

2) a noun:

When Jordan Baker had finished telling all this we had left the Plaza. (4) - На той час, коли Джордан Бейкер закінчувала свою розповідь, ми вже залишили «Пласу» (1)

One of my most vividmemories is ofcoming back West from prep school and later from college at Christmas time (4) - Один з найяскравіших спогадів у моєму житті - це поїздка додому на різдвяні канікули, спочатку зі школи, а потім - з університету (1);

3) the infinitive:

...feel like criticizing (4) - захочеться когось судити (1) - заманеться когось критикувати (2) - закортись когось огудити (3).

While translating gerund with infinitive M. Pinchevskyi and O. Mokrovolskyyi applied contextual substitution, and A. Pekhnyk - adaptive transcoding.

...her brother began throwing mean looks in my direction (4) - ..її брат почав дивитися на мене вовком (1)

A maid began opening the upper windows of his house (4) - На горішньому поверсі покоївка почала відчиняти вікна (1)

..when I came in she jumped up and began wiping at it with her handkerchief before a mirror (4) - .коли я ввійшов, вона зірвалася на ноги й почала витирати їх хусточкою перед дзеркалом (1) though there was more struggling upon them than a wisp of startled air (4) - ... наче з них от-от мало вихопитися щось важливіше за струминку повітря (1);

4) a subordinate clause:

Almost the last thing I remember was standing with Daisy and watching the moving-picture director and his Star (4) - Пам'ятаю, вже під кінець вечора ми з Дейзі стояли, спостерігаючи кінорежисера та його зірку (1).

In this sentence, the gerund watching was translated by an adverbial participle, and on the level of the whole sentence an inner partitioning was applied.

To translate the gerund in the function of an attribute the following ways and transformations were applied:

5) a noun:

Reserving judgments is a matter of infinite hope (4) - Стриманість у судженнях вселяє невичерпну надію (1)

Myrtle pulled her chair close to mine, and suddenly her warm breath poured over me the story of her first meeting with Tom (4) - Міртл присунула своє крісло до мого і, гаряче дихаючи, раптом вихлюпнула на мене історію свого знайомства з Томом (1);

6) the infinitive:

intention of reading (4) - намір прочитати (1) - намір прочитати (2) - намір перечитати (3).

It should be mentioned that the Ukrainian infinitive is also used in the function of attribute by all the translators.

..he says he's read a Chicago paper for years just on the chance of catching a glimpse of Daisy's name (4) - Він майже нічого не знає про Тома, хоч каже, що всі ті роки переглядав чиказькі газети, сподіваючись натрапити на якусь згадку про Дейзі (1)

..with the double purpose of overtaking Daisy and leaving Wilson behind (4) - ...охоплений подвійним бажанням - наздогнати Дейзі й утекти від Вільсона (1)

She must have broken her rule against drinking that night (4) - Певно, того вечора вона зрадила своє правило не питии (1);

7) a subordinate clause:

But I can still read the gray names, and they will give you a better impression than my generalities ofthose who accepted Gatsby's hospitality and paid him the subtle tribute of knowing nothing whatever about him (4) - Він давно застарів і вже розсипається. Але вицвілі записи все ще можна розібрати, і вони краще, ніж мої поверхові спостереження, покажуть вам, які люди користувалися гостинністю Гетсбі, люб'язно віддячуючи господареві тим, що нічогісінько про нього не знали (1);

8) a participle:

But I knew I had discovered a man of fine breeding after I talked with him an hour (4) - Вірите, якусь годину з ним побалакав - і зрозумів, що переді мною прекрасно вихована людина (1).

The author of the translation applied in the given example transformations of inner partitioning, permutation and contextual substitution.

9) a finite form of the verb:

He announced that he had a way of finding out (4) - Він заявив, що знає. (1)

And we all took the less explicable step of engaging the parlor of a suite in the Plaza Hotel (4) - Позад нас уже обурено сигналив ваговоз, - їдьте за нами - повз Центральний парк, з південного боку, до готелю «Плаза» (1);

10) adjective:

a dozen volumes on banking (4) - кільканадцять посібників з банківської справи (1) - гора підручників з банківської справи (2) - добрячий десяток томів з банківської справи (3).

All translators applied descriptive translation while rendering gerund into Ukrainian in this example.

11) omitting gerund:

He smiled - and suddenly there seemed to be a pleasant signifi cance in having been among the last to go (4) - Він усміхнувся, і мені раптом здалося, що він радіє з того, що я йду від нього одним з останніх, що він хотів цього (1).

While working with the texts of the original and translation only a few examples of gerund in the function of a subject were spotted. To render them into Ukrainian M. Pinchevskyi applied a noun (alongside with nominalization), infinitive and a finite form of the verb: rushing anxiously up the front steps was the first thing that alarmed any one (4) - .нервова квапливість моєї ходи стала для слуг першим сигналом тривоги (1).

Conclusions and perspectives of further research in this field

Having analyzed various forms of the gerund and gerundial constructions in the novel “The Great Gatsby” by F. S. Fitzgerald and its translations performed by M. Pinchevskyi, O. Makrovolskyi and A. Pekhnyk. we concluded that:

The Ukrainian language lacks the form of the gerund, which is rater often used in English. The gerund can be translated into Ukrainian: by an infinitive, a noun, an adverb, a predicative form of a verb (predicate) of a subordinate sentence. After the verbs need, deserve, require, want and the adjective worth (while), the active form of the gerund can be used with a passive meaning.

The largest part of the sample consists of sentences with gerunds, which are translated into Ukrainian by infinitives, nouns and adverbial participles. Sentences that are translated by the predicative form of the verb also have a prominent place among the analyzed sentences.

The gerund, which is used with the prepositions on, before, in, into, about, at, as well as after the verbs mind, start, finish, etc., is translated by the infinitive.

The gerund with the prepositions for, before, of, etc., as well as gerund, which is used in the sentence in the function of direct object, is translated by Ukrainian noun.

The gerund used with the prepositions in, by, without, after, as well as sentences in which the gerund performs the function of adverbial modifier (of manner, time, etc.) is translated by the adverbial participle.

Quite often we can observe that the gerund is translated into Ukrainian by the predicative form of the verb (predicate) of the subordinate sentence.

One of the techniques that helps a translator to make an accurate and concise translation is transformations.

Thus, literary translation is freer than the translation of texts of other genres. Often the translator departs from the direct transmission of the original in order to enhance the artistic and aesthetic effect. Of course, when choosing a method of translation not only the idea of the author of the text does play a big role, but the views of the translator as well. Translator chooses one or another method, relying on his translation instinct, based on knowledge and experience, so the last word in most cases is after a translator-practitioner. Based on the analysis by systematizing the material studied by many scholars, we have identified the most common translation options of gerund and gerundial constructions translation, as well as its features and difficulties.


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